Phoenix Configuration File, Format 0.03A [Title] Origin's SYSTEM SHOCK [Notes] This configuration makes use of secondary mode which is activated by pressing the pipper-button on the stick. For the most part, the secondary mode controls only toggling between the control of the left or right MFD's and left or right Hardware Icons. The using the rudder on the T/R unit allows you to lean left and right. In Cyberspace, the rudder controls left and right rolls. The throttle is disabled as it has no practical function with this game. I've reversed the LOOK UP/DOWN on the T/R intentionally as I feel the reversed order 'feels' more natural, particularily in combat. If you don't like it, change it . If you want all of the MFD controls grouped, move them all to the top of joystick. I prefer having weapon cycling and jumping on the stick, but then again, you may differ. Tim Kilgore - REMEMBER, PLEASE SHARE YOUR PHOENIX CONFIGURATIONS [Base] Button1, Primary {1} ~Bioscan Button1, Secondary {6} ~Night Sight Button2, Primary {2} ~Full Screen View Button2, Secondary {7} ~Navigation Module Button3, Primary {3} ~Sense-around (360 view) Button3, Secondary {8} ~Multimedia Reader Button4, Primary {4} ~Lantern Button4, Secondary {9} ~Motion Boost (skates) Button5, Primary {5} ~Energy Shield Button5, Secondary {0} ~Jump Jet (flight boots) Button6, Primary {T} ~Stand Button6, Secondary {CTRL A} ~Full Screen Map Button7, Primary {G} ~Crouch Button7, Secondary {ALT O} ~Display interface description Button8, Primary {B} ~Prone Button8, Secondary {ESC} ~Open Option Screen / Pause [Throttle/Rudder] Button1, Primary {F1} ~LMFD Weapon Button1, Secondary {F6} ~RMFD Weapon Button2, Primary {F2} ~LMFD Item Button2, Secondary {F7} ~RMFD Item Button3, Primary {F} ~Center View Button3, Secondary {F} ~Center View Button4, Primary {PGUP} ~Inventory page up Button4, Secondary {PGDN} ~Inventory page down Button5, Primary {Z} ~Sidestep Left Button5, Secondary {Z} ~Sidestep Left Button6, Primary {V} ~Look Down Button6, Secondary {V} ~Look Down Button7, Primary {R} ~Look Up Button7, Secondary {R} ~Look Up Button8, Primary {C} ~Sidestep Right Button8, Secondary {C} ~Sidestep Right Throttle OFF Throttle, Absolute {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} Throttle, Incremental {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} {NONE} 1 Rudder KEYSTROKE_MODE ~Lean/Roll Left or Right Rudder, Keystrokes {Q} {W} {E} 67 [Stick] Button1, Primary {NONE} JB1 Button1, Secondary {NONE} JB1 Button2, Primary {NONE} JB2 Button2, Secondary {NONE} JB2 Button3 SECDY_SELECTOR Button3, Primary {NONE} Button3, Secondary {NONE} Button4, Primary {SPACE} ~Jump Button4, Secondary {SPACE} ~Jump Button5, Primary {F3} ~LMFD Automap Button5, Secondary {F8} ~RMFD Automap Button6, Primary {F4} ~LMFD Target Button6, Secondary {F9} ~RMFD Target Button7, Primary {F5} ~LMFD Data Button7, Secondary {F10} ~RMFD Data Button8, Primary {TAB} ~Weapon Cycle Forward Button8, Secondary {L.SHIFT TAB} ~Weapon Cycle Backwards