\ApAssist \: - This is the Quick Help for the ARexx in IM R/t - \: ---------------------------------------------------------- \: Written by David E. Patterson \: ---------------------------------------------------------- \font topaz.font 8 \tc 1 \wr \lj \dd "imh_descriptor" \index "hlp_arexx2/channel-current" \toc "hlp_toc/toc" \help "aa_help/help \node "colkeymax" \title "Color Keyed Max Merge" \next "colkeymaxrub" \prev "" \{ \tc 15 Colkeymax\} - Merges the secondary into the primary where colors in primary are not within the specified variance. Merges the secondary buffer into primary buffer where the color in the primary buffer is not within the specified variance. The secondary buffer is scaled to the size of the selected merge area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colkeymax\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 colkeymax\} '; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link "colkeymin" "colkeymin" \} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Compose Panel Color Keyed Compositions Color Keyed Max Merge\} \endnode \node "colkeymaxrub" \title "Color Keyed Max Rub" \next "colkeymin" \prev "colkeymax" \{ \tc 15 Colkeymaxrub\} - Rubs through where primary buffer is not within variance. The Secondary Buffer is rubbed through into the Primary Buffer where the color in the Primary is not within the variance limit. The Secondary Buffer is scaled to the size of the selected merge area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colkeymaxrub\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 colkeymaxrub\} '; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link "colkeyminrub" "colkeyminrub"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Compose Panel Color Keyed Compositions Color Keyed Max Rub Thru\} \endnode \node "colkeymin" \title "Color Keyed Min" \next "colkeyminrub" \prev "colkeymaxrub" \{ \tc 15 Colkeymin\} - Merges where color in primary is within the variance. Merges the secondary buffer into primary buffer where the color in the primary buffer is within the specified variance. The secondary buffer is scaled to the size of the selected merge area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colkeymin\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 colkeymin\} '; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link " colkeymax " "colkeymax"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Compose Panel Color Keyed Compositions Color Keyed Min Merge\} \endnode \node "colkeyminrub" \title "Color Keyed Min Rub" \next "colkeysmax" \prev "colkeymin" \{ \tc 15 Colkeyminrub\} - Rubs through where color in the primary is within the specified variance. The secondary buffer is rubbed through into the primary buffer where the color in the primary buffer is within the variance limit. The secondary buffer is scaled to the size of the selected merge area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colkeyminrub\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 colkeyminrub\} '; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link "colkeymaxrub" "colkeymaxrub" \} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Compose Panel Color Keyed Compositions Color Keyed Min Rub Thru\} \endnode \node "colkeysmax" \title "Color Keyed Secondary Max Rub" \next "colkeysmaxrub" \prev "colkeyminrub" \{ \tc 15 Colkeysmax\} - Merges where color in the secondary buffer is not within the variance. Merges the secondary buffer into the primary buffer where the color in the secondary buffer is not within variance. The secondary buffer is scaled to the size of the selected merge area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colkeysmax\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 colkeysmax\} '; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link "colkeysmin" "colkeysmin"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Compose Panel Color Keyed Compositions Keyed Sec Max Merge\} \endnode \node "colkeysmaxrub" \title "Color Keyed Secondary Max Rub" \next "colkeysmin" \prev "colkeysmax" \{ \tc 15 Colkeysmaxrub\} - Merges where color in the secondary buffer is within the speciifed variance. The secondary buffer is rubbed through into the primary buffer where the color in the secondary buffer is not within the variance limit. The secondary buffer is scaled to the size of the selected merge area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colkeysmaxrub\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 colkeysmaxrub\} '; See Also: \{ \ts b \tc 15 \link "colkeysminrub" "colkeysminrub"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Compose Panel Color Keyed Compositions Keyed Sec Max Rub Thru\} \endnode \node "colkeysmin" \title "Color Keyed Secondary Min Rub" \next "colkeysminrub" \prev "colkeysmaxrub" \{ \tc 15 Colkeysmin\} - Rubs through where color in secondary buffer is not within the specified variance. Merges the secondary buffer into primary buffer where the color in the secondary buffer is within variance. The secondary buffer is scaled to the size of the selected merge area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colkeysmin\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 colkeysmin\} '; See Also: \{ \ts b \tc 15 \link "colkeysmax" "colkeysmax"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Compose Panel Color Keyed Compositions Keyed Sec Min Merge\} \endnode \node "colkeysminrub" \title "Color Key Secondary Min Rub" \next "colorize" \prev "colkeysmin" \{ \tc 15 Colkeysminrub\} - Rubs through where color in the secondary buffer is within the specified variance. The secondary buffer is rubbed through into the primary buffer where the color in the secondary buffer is within the variance limit. The secondary buffer is scaled to the size of the selected merge area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colkeysminrub\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 colkeysminrub\} '; See Also: \{ \ts b \tc 15 \link "colkeysmaxrub " "colkeysmaxrub"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Compose Panel Color Keyed Compositions Keyed Sec Min Rub Thru\} \endnode \node "colorize" \title "Colorize" \next "connect" \prev "colkeysminrub" \{ \tc 15 Colorize\} - Colorize selected area. Colorizes a selected region to the hue specified in it's parameter. The hue can be specified from 0 to 360. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 colorize \} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; options results; 'askprop HUE: 180 0 360'; hue = result; options; '\{ \tc 15 colorize\} ' hue; * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Standard Adjustments Colorize\} \endnode \node "connect" \title "Connect" \next "contline" \prev "colorize" \{ \tc 15 Connect\} - Connects pixels that are simalar in color. Connects pixels that are physically close and nearly the same color. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 connect\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 connect\} '; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link "disconnect" "disconnect"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Filters Connect\} \endnode \node "contline" \title "Contour Line" \next "contour" \prev "connect" \{ \tc 15 Contline\} - Generates contour intervals. Generates contour intervals that can be overlaid on the original image. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 \} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; options results; 'askprop interval: 127 0 255'; interval = result; 'askprop effect: 50 0 100'; effect = result; 'askyn "White Line" "Black Line"'; blackline = result; 'askyn "No Overlay" "Overlay"'; overlay = result; options; '\{ \tc 15 contline\} ' interval effect blackline overlay ; * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Special Effects Contour Line\} \endnode \node "contour" \title "Contour" \next "contrast" \prev "contline" \{ \tc 15 Contour\} - Contours a selected area. Contours a selected region. Color definitions are effectively removed by reducing the number of bits in the selected region. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 contour \} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; options results; 'askprop Interval: 127 0 255'; interval = result; options; '\{ \tc 15 contour\} ' interval; See Also: \{ \ts b \tc 15 \link "decont" "decont"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Filters Contour\} \endnode \node "contrast" \title "Contrast" \next "coords" \prev "contour" \{ \tc 15 Contrast\} - Changes the contrast of the selected area. Increases or decreases the contrast of a selected area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 contrast <%>\} ' \{ \tc 15 Percent of change: -100 to 100\} \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; options results; 'askprop Contrast 0 -100 100'; cont = result; options; '\{ \tc 15 contrast\} ' cont; * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Standard Adjustments Contrast\} \endnode \node "coords" \title Coordinates \next "current" \prev "contrast" \{ \tc 15 Coords\} - Displays the current image's X and Y coordinates. Displays X and Y Coordinates relative to the image during operations such as selecting rectangular area or selecting an area to be flood filled. Coordinates can be displayed at the top or bottom of the image area. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 coords \} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : options results; 'askyn "Hide Co-ordinates" "Show Coordinates"'; show = result; 'askyn "Top" "Bottom"'; position = result; options; '\{ \tc 15 coords\} ' show position; 'area'; 'contrast 100'; * User Interface:\tc 11 Display Panel Show Coords/ Coords at Bottom \endnode \node "current" \title "Current" \next "decont" \prev "coords" \{ \tc 15 Current\} - Returns information about the current buffer. Returns a string with the following information about the primary Buffer: Buffer Name, Buffer Number, X Dim, Y Dim, X Dim * Y Dim, Memory Used, Parent name, and the Parent Number. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 current\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : options results; '\{ \tc 15 current\} '; info = result; options; parse var info bname','bnumber','xdim','ydim','xdimydim','memused',' parentname','parentnumber; 'newbuff' xdim ydim; \endnode \node "decont" \title "De-Contour" \next "deriv" \prev "current" \{ \tc 15 Decont\} - De-Contours a selected region. De-contours a selected region by adding colors between previously existing colors. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 decont \} ' \{ \tc 15 horizontal: 0 = No, 1 = Yes\} \{ \tc 15 vertical: 0 = No, 1 = Yes\} \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 decont 1 1\} '; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link "contour" "contour"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Filters De-Contour\} \endnode \node "deriv" \title "Derivative" \next "describe" \prev "decont" \{ \tc 15 Deriv\} - Changes region to a derivative of the change of colors. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 deriv \} ' \{ \tc 15 effect: 0 to 100\} \{ \tc 15 monochrome 0 = No, 1 = Yes\} \{ \tc 15 direction 1 = horizontal, 2 = vertical, 3 = both\} \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 deriv 98 0 3\} '; /* 98% effect, no monochrome, both directions */ \endnode \node "describe" \title "Describe" \next "dgun" \prev "deriv" \{ \tc 15 Describe\} - Returns details on a specified buffer. Returns a string with the following information about the specified buffer: Buffer Name, Buffer Number, X Dim, Y Dim, X Dim * Y Dim, Memory Used, Parentname, and the Parent Number. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 describe \} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : options results; '\{ \tc 15 describe 4\} '; info = result; options; parse var info bname','bnumber','xdim','ydim','xdimydim','memused',' parentname','parentnumber; 'newbuff' xdim ydim; \endnode \node "dgun" \title "Dgun" \next "digicorr" \prev "describe" \{ \tc 15 Dgun\} - Physically displaces pixels to be realigned. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 dgun \} ' \{ \tc 15 Horizontal (Displacement): -100 to 100 (in tenths of pixels)\} \{ \tc 15 Vertical (Displacement): -100 to 100 (in tenths of pixels)\} \{ \tc 15 Red: 0 = No, 1 = Yes\} \{ \tc 15 Green: 0 = No, 1 = Yes\} \{ \tc 15 Blue: 0 = No, 1 = Yes\} \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 dgun 50 50 0 0 1\} '; *User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Geometric Transformation Realign Color Guns\} \endnode \node "digicorr" \title "Digital Correction" \next "disconnect" \prev "dgun" \{ \tc 15 Digicorr\} - Preforms a precise correction on any image. Similar to a three channel eletronic amplifier, \{ \tc 15 Digicorr \} makes it possible to correct any RGB image source for linear contrast and brightness problems. If parameters are omitted an estimated best correction is applied. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 digicorr [rc] [rs] [gc] [gs] [bc] [bs]\} ' \{ \tc 15 rc = Red center from 0 to 255\} \{ \tc 15 rs = Red slope from 0 to 200\} \{ \tc 15 gc = Green center from 0 to 255\} \{ \tc 15 gs = Green slope from 0 to 200\} \{ \tc 15 bc = Blue center from 0 to 255\} \{ \tc 15 bs = Blue slope from 0 to 200\} \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'entire'; '\{ \tc 15 digicorr 20 23 34 38 23 20\} '; \endnode \node "disconnect" \title "Disconnect" \next "displaymode" \prev "digicorr" \{ \tc 15 Disconnect\} - Disconnects brighter lines in image Connects regions that are darker than the surrounding area and connects them when they are close together physically and nearly the same colors. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 disconnect\} ' \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; '\{ \tc 15 disconnect\} '; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link "connect" "connect"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Filters Disconnect\} \endnode \node "displaymode" \title "Displaymode" \next "dome" \prev "disconnect" \{ \tc 15 Displaymode\} - Changes display mode. This command changes the display mode within the image processing software. It has no effect upon the image itself, nor upon output render results. In the following table, \{ \ts b Q \} is used to specify the [quality] switch. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 displaymode [quality]\} ' for HAM-E use '\{ \tc 15 displaymode \} ' for Imagemaster R/t '\{ \tc 15 displaymode \} ' for FireCracker \{ \ts bu Imagemaster R/t - HAM-E mode\} \{ \ts b Mode\} : \{ \tc 11 0 = luma, 1 = avg, 2 = reg Ord Dither 3 = HAM-E 24 bit (depends on Q flag) 4 = HAM-E 18 bit (depends on Q flag) 5 = EDD 256 colors\} \{ \ts b Lace\} : \{ \tc 11 0 = non-lace, 1 = lace display\} \{ \ts b Quality\} : \{ \tc 11 0 = normal, 1 = high quality\} \{ \ts bu Imagemaster R/t - regular mode\} \{ \ts b Mode\} : \{ \tc 11 0 = luma (in 16 shades) 1 = avg 2 = 16 color hi-res 3 = 32 color lo-res 4 = half-brite 5 = HAM (fast) 6 = HAM (quality)\} \{ \ts b Lace\} : \{ \tc 11 0 = non-lace, 1 = lace display\} \{ \ts bu Imagemaster R/t - FireCracker use\} \{ \ts b Mode\} : \{ \tc 11 0 = luma (256 shades) 1 = avg 2 = color (24 bit)\} \{ \ts b Resolution\} : \{ \tc 11 0 = low res 1 = med-res 2 = med-res 3 = hi-res\} Note that the \{ \tc 15 DisplayMode \} ARexx command will automatically select HAM8 if told to change to "HAM" in an AGA machine. \{ \ts bu Sample Script:\} options results; 'askyn "Luma" "Average"'; mode = result; 'askyn "Non-Lace" "Lace Display"'; lace = result; options; '\{ \tc 15 displaymode\} ' mode lace; * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Display Panel\} \endnode \node "dome" \title "Dome" \next "droop" \prev "displaymode" \{ \tc 15 Dome \} - Pushes the center of selected region to the edge. Creates an optical distortion similar to that of a concave lens. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 dome [effect]\} ' \{ \tc 15 effect: 0% to 100% (default 100%)\} \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; options results; 'asknumber Xwide: 50 0 100'; radius = result; 'askprop Effect: 50 0 100'; effect = result; options; '\{ \tc 15 dome\} ' radius effect; See Also: \{ \tc 15 \ts b \link "caric" "hlp_arexx5/caric"\} * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Geometric Transformations Dome\} \endnode \node "droop" \title "Droop" \next "" \prev "dome" \{ \tc 15 Droop \} - Randomly droops image horizontally and vertically. \nw Usage - '\{ \tc 15 droop \} ' \{ \tc 15 Hor_len: Horizontal Length in Pixels\} \{ \tc 15 Vert_len: Vertical Length in Pixels\} \{ \ts bu Sample Script\} : 'area'; options results; 'askprop Horizontal_length: 50 0 100'; Hor = result; 'askprop Vertical_length: 50 0 100'; vert = result; options; '\{ \tc 15 droop\} ' hor vert; * User Interface: \{ \tc 11 Process Panel Geometric Transformations Droop\} \endnode