\ApAssist \: - This is the Quick Help for the e index - \: ---------------------------------------------------------- \: Written by David E. Patterson \: ---------------------------------------------------------- \font topaz.font 8 \tc 12 \wr \lj \dd "imh_descriptor" \index "hlp_index/index" \toc "hlp_toc/toc" \help "aa_help/help \node "hlp_indexe" \title "Index E" \next "" \prev "" \nw \link "Edge Blend " "mps_hlp/mps_edgeblend" \link "Edge is Percent " "mpso_hlp/mpso_edgeper" \link "Edge Line " "mrx_hlp/mrx_edgeline" \link "Edit Editor Invocation " "mm_hlp/mm_editinvocation" \link "Edit Macro " "mm_hlp/mm_editmacro" \link "Effect " "mrfh_hlp/mrfh_effect" \link "Ellipse " "mx_hlp/mx_oval" \link "Eject Filmstrip " "mxf_hlp/mxf_eject" \link "Emboss " "mcs_hlp/mcs_emboss" \link "End Frame " "mxf_hlp/mxf_gf" \link "End Image Brightness " "mcma_hlp/mcma_ebri" \link "End Image Contrast " "mcma_hlp/mcma_econ" \link "Enhanced Anti-Alias " "mcmc_hlp/mcmc_enhancedantialias" \link "Enter Pixel Scale (Horizontal & Vertical) " "mras_hlp/mras_entpixscalhv" \link "Entropy Enhance " "mfd_hlp/mfd_entropy" \link "Error Message Reference " "hlp_err1/err_000" \link "Establish Palette Map " "mpm_hlp/mpm_estpalmap" \link "Exchange " "mpp_hlp/mpp_xch" \link "Exclude a Region " "mx_hlp/mx_exclude" \link "Exclude Black " "mrae_hlp/mrae_excblack" \link "Exclusive OR " "mco_hlp/mco_xor" \link "Execute Macro " "mm_hlp/mm_executemacro" \link "Execute Using Primary " "mfmr_hlp/mfmr_execuseprim" \link "Execute Using Secondary " "mfmr_hlp/mfmr_execsec" \link "Execute " "mfmr_hlp/mfmr_exec" \link "Exit \{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} " "m_hlp/m_exit" \link "Explode " "mrgi_hlp/mrgi_explode" \link ".Extension " "mcms_hlp/mcms_ext" \link "Extra Half Brite " "mfa_hlp/mfa_xtrahalfbrite" \endnode