\ApAssist \: - This is the Quick Help for the paint mapping panel - \: --------------------------------------------------------------------- \: Written by David E. Patterson \: --------------------------------------------------------------------- \font topaz.font 8 \tc 1 \wr \lj \dd "imh_descriptor" \index "hlp_index/index" \toc "hlp_toc/toc" \help "aa_help/help \node "mpm_estpalmap" \title "Establish Palette Map" \next "mpm_apppalchanges" \prev "" This will establish a palette map ffor a slected area. See Also: \{ \nw \ts i \tc 15 \link "Palette Mapping" "mp_hlp/mp_mapping"\} \endnode \node "mpm_apppalchanges" \title "Apply Palette Changes" \next "mpm_tosspalmap" \prev "mpm_estpalmap" This will adjust the original image's palette to the newly selected palette. \endnode \node "mpm_tosspalmap" \title "Toss Palette Map" \next "" \prev "mpm_apppalchanges" This will eliminate the last palette map that was created. \endnode