\ApAssist \: - This is the Quick Help for the special effects warp morph panel - \: --------------------------------------------------------------------- \: Written by David E. Patterson \: --------------------------------------------------------------------- \font topaz.font 8 \tc 1 \wr \lj \dd "imh_descriptor" \index "hlp_arexx13/index" \toc "hlp_toc/toc" \help "aa_help/help \node "RXERR_0" \title "No problems encountered - Error 0" \next "RXERR_1" \prev "" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : No problems encountered. \{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} did not encounter any errors in the \{ \ts i Arexx \} script. \endnode \node "RXERR_1" \title "Unknown error number for EHLP command - Error 1" \next "RXERR_2" \prev "RXERR_0" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Unknown error number for \{ \tc 15 EHLP \} command. An unknown error number has been returned for the \{ \tc 15 EHLP \} command. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Check the script to make sure that it is returning a legal value for the \{ \tc 15 EHLP \} command.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_2" \title "Return value requested w/o 'options results' - Error 2" \next "RXERR_3" \prev "RXERR_1" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Return value requested w/o '\{ \tc 15 options results\} '. You have requested a return value with out using the \{ \ts i Arexx \} command '\{ \tc 15 options results\} '. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Make sure that you have specified an '\{ \tc 15 options results\} ' in your script.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_3" \title "Didn't recognize that command - Error 3" \next "RXERR_4" \prev "RXERR_2" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Didn't recognize that command. \{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} did not recognize the command that you specified in the \{ \ts i Arexx \} script. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Check the script for errors in typing and spelling.\} \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Make sure that you have specified a valid \{ \ts i Arexx \} command.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_4" \title "REXX msg recursion stack overflow - Error 4" \next "RXERR_5" \prev "RXERR_3" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : REXX msg recursion stack overflow. You have specified too many levels of recursion in the \{ \ts i Arexx \} Script. \endnode \node "RXERR_5" \title "Operation would disturb a locked buffer - Error 5" \next "RXERR_6" \prev "RXERR_4" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Operation would disturb a locked buffer. The operation you have specified would effect a locked buffer. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Unlock the selected buffer, or select another buffer for the operation.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_6" \title "Requested buffer is empty - Error 6" \next "RXERR_7" \prev "RXERR_5" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Requested buffer is empty. The buffer you have specified has no image information. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Check the path and name of the buffer you specified for errors.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_7" \title "Cannot select the undo buffer - Error 7" \next "RXERR_8" \prev "RXERR_6" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Cannot select the undo buffer. The \{ \ts b UNDO \} buffer can not be used. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Specify an \{ \ts b UNDO \} buffer in the \{ \ts i \tc 10 Buffers \} panel.\} \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Make sure that you have enough memory to allocate an \{ \ts b UNDO \} buffer.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_8" \title "Frame values not set - Error 8" \next "RXERR_9" \prev "RXERR_7" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Frame values not set. You did not specify the number of frames to be used. \endnode \node "RXERR_9" \title "File Not Found - Error 9" \next "RXERR_10" \prev "RXERR_8" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : File Not Found. The file you specified was not found. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Check the file and path name you have specified for errors.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_10" \title "Not a valid buffer number - Error 10" \next "RXERR_11" \prev "RXERR_9" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Not a valid buffer number. The buffer number you have specified is not within the valid set for the sequence. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Check the buffer numbers in the script for errors.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_11" \title "Write Error - Error 11" \next "RXERR_12" \prev "RXERR_10" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Write Error. \{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} is unable to write the file specified in the \{ \ts i Arexx \} script. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Check the drive for \{ \ts i bad sectors\} .\} \endnode \node "RXERR_12" \title "Read Error - Error 12" \next "RXERR_13" \prev "RXERR_11" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Read Error. \{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} was unable to read the file specified by the \{ \ts i Arexx \} script. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Make sure that the file has not been corrupted.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_13" \title "Illegal Name - Error 13" \next "RXERR_14" \prev "RXERR_12" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Illegal Name. You have specified a file name that is too long or no name at all. \endnode \node "RXERR_14" \title "No Secondary Buffer - Error 14" \next "RXERR_15" \prev "RXERR_13" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : No Secondary Buffer. You have selected an operation that requires a secondary buffer without selecting the secondary buffer. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Select a secondary buffer in the script.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_15" \title "Could not obtain buffer - Error 15" \next "RXERR_16" \prev "RXERR_14" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Could not obtain buffer. The buffer could not be obtained due to a lack of memory. \endnode \node "RXERR_16" \title "Digiview not found - Error 16" \next "RXERR_17" \prev "RXERR_15" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Digiview not found. \{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} was unable to complete the script because the Digiview was not found. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Make sure that your Digiview is properly connected.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_17" \title "Operation Failed - Error 17" \next "RXERR_18" \prev "RXERR_16" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : Operation Failed. You have selected a gadget panel of zero size, or too many gadgets to be displayed. \endnode \node "RXERR_18" \title "No Primary Buffer - Error 18" \next "RXERR_19" \prev "RXERR_17" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : No Primary Buffer. You have selected an operation with out selecting a primary buffer. \{ \ra \image "Clips/Bullet2.pic" l 10 \cap Specify the primary buffer.\} \endnode \node "RXERR_19" \title "User Cancelled Operation - Error 19" \next "RXERR_20" \prev "RXERR_18" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : User Cancelled Operation. The operation has been cancelled by the user. \endnode \node "RXERR_20" \title "llegal Parameters - Error 20" \next "" \prev "RXERR_19" \{ \ts bu Error Message\} : llegal Parameters. You have specified a non-valid paramater for the \{ \ts i Arexx \} command. \endnode