Class MMmt Manufacturer Sony Model DSR-250-NSTC Control AVC VideoStandard NTSC MediaFormat DVCAM MediaFormat DV VideoInput IEEE1394 VideoInput S-VIDEO VideoOutput IEEE1394 VideoOutput S-VIDEO VideoInput COMPOSITE VideoInput COMPONENT VideoOutput COMPOSITE VideoOutput COMPONENT AudioTracks 2 ANALOG AudioTracks 4 DIGITAL AudioInput ANALOG AudioInput AES/EBU AudioOutput ANALOG AudioOutput AES/EBU Capability Edit InternalLTCReader No VITCReader No TCGenerator No TCArm No Timer 0 TBC No Preroll 6 Fastcue No DigPrerollDeckDelay 1000 UseCueForPreroll No DVManualSeekToTC Yes DVSeekWithTC No DVSMPTETCRequest 0 DVStartFramesOffset 0 DVCrashRecordDelay 1 DVDigitalCutOffset 0 DVLockedAudio 1 DeckNote 'If using a non-Drop frame DVCAM tape open the record tool & play video until the timecode is correct." END // // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | The contents of this document are the sole property of Avid Technology,| // | Inc., and contain its proprietary and confidential information. | // | Copyright ©1989-2001 Avid Technology Inc. | // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+