Dynamic Publisher Text_ Dynamic Publisher is a fast Fand complete DTP package designed @Ffor IBM compatible personal fFcomputer. The program was Foptimized to operate with a Fstandard configuration comprising a Fcentral memory of 512 K, one disk Fdrive and a matrix printer. FCertainly it is always possible to 2Finstal Dynamic Publisher on a hard YFdisk and to drive a laser printer!WordprocessingThe wordprocessing integrated Fin Dynamic Publisher is Factually WYSIWYG and one of Fits unique characteristics lies )Fin the possibility of typing MFtext directly into your nFdocument, amidst pictures and Fdrawings.You can modify any font or Fcreate new ones using the Feditor which is also part of Fthe package..If you insert text into a page 3Fwhich is already filled, the VFcommand ALT-I will put your wFinto the insert mode, a mode which Fauthorizes fast typing without the Fdead time brought about by Fredisplaying a page.Up to 80 texts may be put in the "Fmemory reserved for a document, GFprovided that the necessary space kFdoes not exceed the capacity of Fyour hardware.A text may be divided into several Fcolumns covering a series of pages. FIn the columns, the text Fautomatically fits around the 9Fpictures put there using the [FLayout editor. |F 3 8  PainterDynamic Publisher also contains a Fblack and white graphic creation Fprogram. Compose your own 8Fillustrations using a set of VFshapes, seals, or by creating wFgraphs and tables.Pictures may be laid out as Foften as wished and on any Fpage. Painter is also used to Fcreate page templates, used Fduring laying out. Up to 8 6Fdifferent pages templates are UFallowed for a single document.w FLayout editorLayout editor is a module making it Fpossible to position columns and Fpictures, columns where text will 0Fsubsequently be inserted. The VFselected layout may be changed at xFany time, even if the columns Falready contain text. Once the Flayout has been established, this Fmodel will be saved: therefore it is Fnot necessary to design a layout 2 Feach time that you create a new W Fdocument. You will find a set of { Fmodels on your diskette.  A =   Font editor  Font editor leaves you free to Fcreate or adapt an entire font For a single symbol. If you need , Fto have a new character, P Factivate the font editor, draw m Fyour symbol, then return to Fwordprocessingand use the new Fsign without any dead time and Fwithout accessing the diskette!   Technical information# ? In order to avoid the phenomenon D Fof memory fragmentation which i Foccurs when using the DOS memory Fallocation and memory de- allocation Ffunctions, Dynamic Publisher uses its Fown memory management system.  FWhen Dynamic Publisher is loaded it % Fallocates all available space in M Fmemory under DOS. Dynamic r FPublisher will only produce the Fmessage "OUT OF MEMORY" if each Ffragment of the memory of the PC Fhas actually been used.   Display of the work sheet ? Dynamic Publisher operates D Fconstantly in graphic mode: zoom, c Fallowing a large scale or reduced Fscale view of the work sheet is Favailable at all times and in all Fmodules! This zoom has 6 levels. Graphics cards supported#BThe following cards: CGA (640x200), GFEGA (640x400), Hercules (720x348), oFPlantronics (640x200), VGA, Artis Fand Neftis are recognized by FDynamic Publisher.Handling Dynamic Publisher is handled using Fthe keyboard or using a mouse; 9Fthe latter is indispensable for \Fintensive use.What language was Dynamic FPublisher written in?Dynamic Publisher is entirely Fwritten in MOCASSIN, a high level Flanguage developed in Radarsoft Fbetween 1984 and 1987. The AFcompiler is a CROSS COMPILER `Fequipped with an integrated macro Fassembler. The code generated is Fvery fast and compact.MOCASSIN creates its code Fincrementally, and for this reason Fonly small modules must be compiled 1Fduring the design and debugging of YFthe program.MOCASSIN does not use any link Feditor. The source code of Dynamic FPublisher consists of around 16,000 Flines.Working in text mode8Besides printing =Fdocuments in graphics RFmode, Dynamic Publisher lFhandles printing in text Fmode, authorizing the Fuse of page headers Fand footers and page Fnumbering. :  ! Printer Files&@All types of printer may be used EFthanks to the printer files. You jFcan load and modify any of these Ffiles to adapt it to your Frequirements. Various options allow Fa birthday card to be printed just Fas well as a 2 metre long poster!!GLSpeedQ]One of the main attributes of bFDynamic Publisher is its working Fspeed. So, activate the Zoom Ffunction using F9 and F10 and Fcompare it with other competitive Fproducts. %Simple to use*>While being powerful, Dynamic CFPublisher is simple to eFuse. And what is more, Fyou can always see Fwhat is actually going Fto be printed! ed!  to be pr