Dynamic Publisher Text~All about Dynamic Publisher%Dynamic Publisher is such a complete *Fand varied product that almost SFanything is possible: letters, memos, vFreports, scripts, posters, brochures, Fmenu cards, invoices, etc., too much Fto mention! But how to put all that Finto practice and what are the Factual capabilities of the >Fsoftware package.]sInside Dynamic Publisher xFexplains in 250 pages everything Fthere is to know about Dynamic FPublisher. Well illustrated with Fexamples and written in simple Flanguage, it is aimed both at first %Ftime users and experienced users.MsIn particular the work contains a xFchapter giving a step by step Fdescription of how to create a Fcomplete document, including pictures, Fusing the software package to the Ffull. Other chapters describe DeskTop 4FPublishing in general and give the ^Ftricks and gimmicks necessary for Fgetting completely to grips with the Fproduct.Finally, each module of the program Fis explained in depth. Particular Fattention is given to the design of 4Fillustration, wordprocessing, the \Fpreparation of new fonts, installation Fof the printer and the exchange Fpossible with other software Fpackages. The problems encountered by the user Fare reviewed and advise is given 2Fconcerning how to avoid them. The YFtricks and gimmicks explained cannot Ffail to result in complete mastery of FDynamic Publisher.At the end of the book, the reader Ffinds an index and glossary of the Fterms used: Inside Dynamic Publisher CFmay therefore easily be used as a lFreference work.The work was written in close Fcollaboration with the programmer in Forder to be able to answer the Fquestions frequently asked by users.BInside Dynamic Publisher, an GFindispensable book for every user of hFthis fantastic product.Radarsoft - Roosendaal ooseRead "Insi