Dynamic Publisher TextZIntegrated software package for &XT/AT and compatible micro- ,&computersN]The Dynamic Desk system bFsimultaneously offers on screen a ~Fwhole range of applications: Fcorrespondence, administration, data Fstorage, graphics, printer control, Fetc., and it is so easy to handle Fusing a mouse or the keyboard!<_Unlike non-integrated programs, dFDynamic Desk offers a wise Fcombination of flexible Fwordprocessing and a revolutionary Fdata base which includes functions Fusually found in spreadsheet Fpackages. Data, eg. a bank of 2Faddresses, creditor or debtor TFaccounts may be used without any vFproblem by the wordprocessing Fmodule, or be presented in the form Fof a graph. Producing reports on Fthe basis of this data does not Fcause any difficulties either, and .Fpreparing a mailing list using UFDynamic Desk boils down to pressing xFa few keys!Dynamic Desk accepts data Fexchanges with Word Perfect and FDynamic Publisher, but ASCII files Fcan also be read, making the system Feven more 'dynamic'.F_Dynamic Desk runs on all IBM XT/AT dFand compatible hardware with a Fminimum of 512 K of memory. Dynamic FDesk supports the following graphics Fcards: CGA, Hercules, Artis and FNeftis monochrome, EGA and VGA 16 #Fcolour.IUApple and IBM newsZsSAN FRANCISCO - This month Applie xFwants to put the first Macintosh on Fthe market based on the 6830 chip. FThe Macintosh IIX will be multi-Ffunctional with a 4 MB memory and Fwill run on A/UX, the Apple version 7Fof Unix. For its part, IBM is going to _Foffer a PS Portable, the portable Fversion of the 70 model.Texas Instruments manufactures &SPARC chips u 4 MOUNTAIN VIEW - After Matsushita, FTexas Instruments also has a licence AFto apply the SPARC microprocessor jFtechnology of Sun Microsystems. This Fis good business for Sun who would Flike this technology to be based on FRISD to become the standard for a Fnew generation of computers. This .Ftechnology has already been adopted TFby AT&T, Unisys, Fuji, Xerox and Sun. |FProduction is guaranteed by LSI FLogic, Fujitsu, Texas Instruments and FCypress. New CD-ROM generation in view * REDMOND - Microsoft will collaborate / Fwith Philips Holland and Sony in X Forder to extend the CD-ROM line and } Ftext format to sound and more Frefined graphics. The new format (CD- FROM Extended Architecture) allows FCD-ROM software to use data as  Fcharacters, drawings and sound on 9 FCD Interactive Media and on personal _ Fcomputers.  DOS card for Macintosh  MILPITAS - PerfecTek Corporation is Fabout to put its first Mac/DOS II Fcards on the market. This peripheral Fmay be connected to one of the 5 Fslots of the Mac II which can thus X Fuse MS-DOS software. The card also  Fhas a 1 MB memory which may be Fused when MS-DOS programs are not Fbeiing used. A parallel printer prot Ffor standard IBM printers is also  Fprovided as well as a RS232 > Fcommunication port and a cable for ^ Fconnecting MS-DOS machines to the FMacintosh. The price: US$1,495. F  NeXT:suspense   SAN FRANCISCO - Steve Jobs, ' Fformerly of Apple and now working G Ffor NeXT does not have much to say m Fabout the long-awaited NeXT Fnetwork which will make its Fappearance on 12th October. This Fsilence gives rise to all sorts of Fspeculation; specialists claim that Fthe machine will constitute a new HFera in computer history. The NeXT nFnetwork would use Unix, Display FPostScript, digital sound and Fpictures, a super-fast integrated fax Fmodem, an erasable CD and FMathematica, the package for "Fcomplex mathematical problems.CfdBase IV readykLOS ANGELES - The final quality Fcontrol has been carried out and Fthe product will be put onto the Fmarket on 30th September, reports FAshton-Tate as regards dBase IV. FThere will also be dBase Professional >FCompiler (first quarter 1989) and hFStep IVward (this autumn), which Ftranslates codes using Clipper, FFoxbase and Quicksolver.Inside Dynamic PublisherY 5 "*Dynamic Publisher is a DTP software /Fpackage which is so fantastic and WFhas so many facets that nearly all }Fapplications are possible: letters, Fmemos, reports, scripts, posters, Fadvertising leaflets, menus, invoices, Ftheses, accounts, inventories, etc. FToo many to mention! But how to EFput these applications to work? iFWhat are the "hidden" functions of Fthis software?Many users wish to have a learning Fmanual to guide them step by step Ftowards optimal use of the product, Fwith losts of examples, exercises and AFtricks and dodges. Inside Dynamic kFPublisher will be the answer to their Fneeds. Well illustrated with examples Fand written in clear language, it is Faimed at both the first time user Fand the experienced user.4RThe enthusiastic reactions of WFreaders go from "I finally yFunderstand Dynamic Publisher!" to "I Fdid not know that that was also Fpossible with Dynamic Publisher!". In short, an indispensable book for Fthose wishing to obtain an in-depth 9Fknowledge of Dynamic Publisher.a