rem ************************************************ rem Edit file drivers2.txt, not this file. rem drivers2.txt is read unless it does not exist. rem ************************************************ VERSN 1 NUMDR 32 rem Do not add any chassis or tires. It will not work. NUMCH 3 CHASS Lola Penske Reynard NUMEN 4 ENGIN Cosworth Mercedes-Benz Honda Toyota NUMT 2 TIRES Goodyear Firestone rem The DINFO lines should follow the limits below. rem Cars 00 through 09 should be 100 through 109. rem The pairs of numbers from 1 to 999 are as follows: rem power, traction, drag, and aggression rem Make sure to use underlines in place of spaces in names. rem DINFO 0 0 0 001 999 001 999 001 999 001 999 1234567890123456789012345 1234567890 123456789012345678901234567890 1234567890 123 123456789012345678901234567890 rem DINFO num chassis tires driver_nums name nickname hometown country country_abbr team DINFO 0 2 0 0 375 562 375 562 387 562 375 562 Pace_Car Pacer New_York,_NY USA USA INDYCAR DINFO 95 1 0 0 500 562 500 562 100 150 500 562 John_Smith John Somerville,_MA USA USA Papyrus_Racing DINFO 100 0 0 0 001 250 200 350 800 900 125 250 Fred_Jones Fred Newton,_MA USA USA Papyrus_Racing DINFO 16 1 1 0 350 500 325 500 500 501 500 700 Stefan_Johansson Stefan Vaxjo,_Sweden Sweden SWE Bettenhausen_Motorsports DINFO 18 2 0 0 350 525 325 550 500 501 500 600 Mauricio_Gugelmin Big Mo Sau_Paulo,_Brazil Brazil BRA PacWest_Racing DINFO 17 2 0 0 325 500 300 475 500 501 300 500 Danny_Sullivan Danny Aspen,_CO USA USA PacWest_Racing DINFO 8 2 1 0 375 550 350 550 500 501 500 600 Gil_deFerran Gil Sao_Paulo,_Brazil Brazil BRA Hall_Racing_Inc DINFO 20 0 0 1 375 550 375 550 500 501 500 700 Scott_Pruett Scott Sacramento,_CA USA USA Patrick_Racing DINFO 1 1 1 0 375 562 400 562 500 501 800 900 Al_Unser_Jr. Al Albuquerque,_NM USA USA Penske DINFO 2 1 1 0 350 550 350 500 500 501 600 700 Emerson_Fittipaldi Emmo Sao_Paulo,_Brazil USA USA Penske DINFO 9 0 1 0 375 562 385 550 500 501 700 800 Bobby_Rahal Bobby Medina,_OH USA USA Rahal_Hogan_Racing DINFO 4 2 0 0 350 550 325 525 500 501 500 650 Bryan_Herta Bryan Warren,_MI MI USA Target_Chip_Ganassi_Racing DINFO 12 2 0 0 375 550 350 550 500 501 750 850 Jimmy_Vasser Jimmy Canoga_Park,_CA USA USA Target_Chip_Ganassi_Racing DINFO 5 2 0 0 375 562 325 562 500 501 998 999 Robby_Gordon Robby Cerritos,_CA USA USA Walker_Racing DINFO 15 2 0 0 375 500 350 500 500 501 700 800 Christian_Fittipaldi Christian Sao_Paulo,_Brazil Brazil BRA Walker_Racing DINFO 11 0 1 0 350 500 325 500 500 501 650 750 Raul_Boesel Raul Curitiba,_Brazil Brazil BRA Rahal_Hogan_Racing DINFO 96 2 1 1 001 250 200 450 800 900 125 250 Andrew_Craig Andrew Troy,_MI USA USA Team_IndyCar DINFO 25 0 0 1 350 500 225 425 800 501 600 800 Hiro_Matsushita Hiro Kobe,_Japan Japan JAP Arciero_Wells_Racing DINFO 31 2 2 1 325 525 300 500 500 501 650 800 Andre_Ribeiro Andre Sao_Paulo,_Brazil Brazil BRA Tasman_Motorsport DINFO 86 0 0 0 300 450 300 425 800 900 125 250 Frank_Anderson Frank Palo_Alto,_CA USA USA Peters_Racing DINFO 55 1 2 1 150 350 225 450 800 900 125 250 Chris_Gibson Chris New_York,_NY USA USA City_Lights_Racing DINFO 42 0 1 0 150 350 200 375 800 900 125 250 Michael_Lake Michael Las_Vegas,_NV USA USA Trax_Motorsports DINFO 35 0 0 0 150 250 225 325 800 900 250 475 Riccardo_Pantano Riccardo Venice,_Italy Italy ITA Southern_Racing DINFO 40 0 0 0 300 475 300 500 800 900 250 475 Pete_Balboni Pete Hartford,_CT USA USA Steel_Motorsports DINFO 72 0 0 1 001 350 225 450 800 900 125 250 Brendan_Edwards Brendan Skagway,_AK USA USA Smithfield_Racing DINFO 98 1 0 1 150 375 200 475 800 900 250 475 John_Mason John Raleigh,_NC USA USA Fellows_Inc. DINFO 71 1 0 0 325 525 300 525 800 900 125 250 Bill_McGowan Bill Cheraw,_SC USA USA Cheraw_Associates DINFO 21 2 1 0 150 375 225 425 800 900 250 475 Jack_Salerno Jack Stone_Mountain,_GA USA USA Mullins_Sports DINFO 66 2 0 0 150 425 200 375 800 900 250 475 Robert_Ham Robert Chelsea,_England England ENG Morel_Racing DINFO 82 1 0 0 300 500 325 475 800 900 125 250 Wayne_Kimball Wayne Marblehead,_MA USA USA Back_Bay_Motorsports DINFO 74 2 0 1 125 425 225 400 800 900 250 475 Dan_Shoreman Dan Portland,_ME USA USA Pit_Lane_Racing DINFO 69 0 0 0 300 500 275 475 800 900 250 475 John_Reblando John Manila,_Philippines Philippines PHI Lyman_Racing DINFO 33 0 0 1 125 250 225 375 800 900 125 250 Sean_Clancy Sean Tralee,_Ireland Ireland IRL Sean_Clancy_Motorsports