PC-CALC 3.0 5 3 T User Response Form 5 4 T Page 1 of 3 1 7 T 1. Have you sent a User Response Form before? 8 7 T ______________ 1 8 T If yes, please skip questions 2 through 5 below. 1 10 T 2. Where did you hear about PC-CALC? 7 10 T _________________________ 1 12 T 3. System being used to run PC-CALC: 1 13 T a) Computer brand/model? 7 13 T _________________________ 1 14 T b) Amount of computer memory? 7 14 T _________________________ 1 15 T c) Type of disk? 7 15 T _________________________ 1 16 T d) Monochrome or color display? 7 16 T _________________________ 1 17 T e) 40 or 80 column display? 7 17 T _________________________ 1 18 T f) Printer brand/model? 7 18 T _________________________ 1 20 T 4. For what types of applications do you use PC-CALC? 1 21 T ____________________________________________________________ 1 22 T ____________________________________________________________ 1 24 T 5. Are you a registered or non-registered user? 8 24 T ______________ 1 25 T (If you are a non-registered user, we are interested in 1 26 T knowing why. Is the price too high? Do you already own a 1 27 T spreadsheet package? Is PC-CALC missing some features you 1 28 T need? Tell us on page 3.) 1 30 T 6. Version of PC-CALC you use: 7 30 T _________________________ 1 32 T 7. Which database manager do you use? 7 32 T _________________________ 1 34 T 8. Name and address (optional): 7 34 T _________________________ 7 35 T _________________________ 7 36 T _________________________ 4 38 F -.000000000000001 PAGE 5 40 T User Response Form 5 41 T Page 2 of 3 1 44 T 7. Here are some of the enhancements to PC-CALC that are 1 45 T planned. Help us prioritize these enhancements. Put a "1" on 1 46 T each feature you would find useful. Put a "2" on any you feel 1 47 T are important, and a "3" on those you feel are absolutely 1 48 T essential. (Note: Most of the new features in version 3.0 1 49 T were added because our users asked for them with this 1 50 T questionaire.) Enter the numbers in column B between the [ ]. 1 52 T [ 3 52 T ] 4 52 T Help screens. 1 53 T [ 3 53 T ] 4 53 T Split screen or "window" command. 1 54 T [ 3 54 T ] 4 54 T Faster calculation. 1 55 T [ 3 55 T ] 4 55 T Faster screen display. 1 56 T [ 3 56 T ] 4 56 T Faster load/save. 1 57 T [ 3 57 T ] 4 57 T Faster Xternal access. 1 58 T [ 3 58 T ] 4 58 T Larger spreadsheet matrix. 1 59 T [ 3 59 T ] 4 59 T Spreadsheet on disk if memory fills (virtual memory). 1 60 T [ 3 60 T ] 4 60 T Formulas larger than 74 characters. 1 61 T [ 3 61 T ] 4 61 T Command files or macros. 1 62 T [ 3 62 T ] 4 62 T Internal rate of return function. 1 63 T [ 3 63 T ] 4 63 T Calendar/time functions and arithmetic. 1 64 T [ 3 64 T ] 4 64 T Password security/encryption. 1 65 T [ 3 65 T ] 4 65 T Natural or topological recalculation. 1 66 T [ 3 66 T ] 4 66 T Graphics. 1 67 T [ 3 67 T ] 4 67 T 8087 support. 1 68 T [ 3 68 T ] 4 68 T Global search; search and replace. 1 69 T [ 3 69 T ] 4 69 T Cell-finding with arrows when entering formulas. 1 70 T [ 3 70 T ] 4 70 T Future value function. 1 71 T [ 3 71 T ] 4 71 T Depreciation functions. 1 72 T [ 3 72 T ] 4 72 T /Move command. 1 73 T [ 3 73 T ] 4 73 T Underline, boldface formatting options 1 74 T [ 3 74 T ] 4 74 T Cell naming, range naming. 1 75 T [ 3 75 T ] 4 75 T Median and modal average. 1 76 T [ 3 76 T ] 4 76 T Pathnames in file references. 1 77 T [ 3 77 T ] 4 77 T Word wrap. 1 78 T [ 3 78 T ] 4 78 T Percentile ranking. 1 79 T [ 3 79 T ] 4 79 T Undo command. 1 80 T [ 3 80 T ] 4 80 T Calculator mode. 1 81 T [ 3 81 T ] 4 81 T Sideways printing. 1 82 T [ 3 82 T ] 4 82 T ____________________________________________________________ 1 83 T [ 3 83 T ] 4 83 T ____________________________________________________________ 1 84 T [ 3 84 T ] 4 84 T ____________________________________________________________ 4 86 T Count: 5 86 F 0 COUNT(B52:B84) 4 87 T Total: 5 87 F 0 SUM(B52:B84) 4 88 T Average: 5 88 F 3 -.000000000000001 AVERAGE(B52:B84) 4 90 F -.000000000000001 PAGE 5 92 T User Response Form 5 93 T Page 3 of 3 1 96 T 8. If you find a bug in PC-CALC, an error in the documentation, 1 97 T or you just have a suggestion for doing it a better way, we 1 98 T would like to hear from you. Please write your comments below 9 98 T elow. END 1 2 2 11 11 11 11 11 11 END 1 1 1 1 0 Y Y 80 60 7 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1