#pmieconf-rules 1 # --- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE --- see pmieconf(4) # $Id: bad_network,v 1.10 1999/06/10 23:07:11 kenmcd Exp $ # # Based on a performance analysis rule originally developed # by Adrian Cockroft (Adrian.Cockroft@sun.com) # rule rpc.bad_network default = "$rule$" predicate = "some_host ( 100 * rpc.client.timeout $hosts$ / rpc.client.calls $hosts$ > $threshold$ && rpc.client.badxid $hosts$ < rpc.client.timeout $hosts$ * 0.9 && rpc.client.calls $hosts$ > $min_calls$ )" enabled = yes version = 1 help = "More than threshold percent of sent client remote procedure call (RPC) packets are timing out before the server responds and the number of timeouts is significantly more than the number of duplicate packets being received (indicating lost packets). The networked file system (NFS) utilizes the RPC protocol for its client-server communication needs. This high failure rate when sending RPC packets may be due to faulty network hardware or inappropriately sized NFS packets (packets possibly too large)."; string rule default = "RPC network transmission failure" modify = no display = no; percent threshold default = 5 help = "Threshold percent of total remote procedure calls which are timing out, in the range 0 (none) to 100 (all)."; double min_calls default = 10 help = "Minimum count of RPC calls per second before the rule can become true."; string action_expand default = "%v%timeout@%h" display = no modify = no; string email_expand default = "host: %h RPC transmission failure: %v%timeouts" display = no modify = no; # Configuration info specific to non-PCP tools follows... # # for SGI Embedded Support Partner integration: string esp_type default = "0x200054" display = no modify = no; # for HP OpenView integration: string ov_severity display = no default = "Major"; # for CA/Unicenter TNG integration: string tngfw_color display = no default = "Orange"; # # --- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE --- see pmieconf(4)