#pmieconf-rules 1 # --- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE --- see pmieconf(4) # $Id: buffer_cache,v 1.12 1999/06/10 23:04:36 kenmcd Exp $ # rule filesys.buffer_cache summary = "$rule$" predicate = "some_host ( 100 * ( kernel.all.io.lread $hosts$ - kernel.all.io.bread $hosts$ / kernel.all.io.lread $hosts$ ) < $threshold$ && kernel.all.io.lread $hosts$ > $min_lread$ Kbytes/sec )" enabled = yes version = 1 help = "Some filesystem read activity (at least min_lread Kbytes per second of logical reads), and the read hit ratio in the buffer cache is below threshold percent. Note: It is possible for the read hit ratio to be negative (more phsical reads than logical reads) - this can be as a result of: o XLV striped volumes, where blocks span stripe boundaries; o very large files, where the disk controller has to read blocks indirectly (multiple block reads to find a single data block result); o file system read-ahead pre-fetching blocks which are not subsequently read."; string rule default = "Low buffer cache read hit ratio" modify = no display = no; percent threshold default = 50 help = "The minimum acceptable buffer cache read hit ratio, expressed as a percentage. Values may be in the range 0 (nothing is read from the cache and poor performance is expected) to 100 (all reads come from the cache, no disk I/O required and good performance expected)."; double min_lread default = 512 help = "Unless at least min_lread Kbytes per second are passing across the logical filesystem read interface the rule will not be true."; string action_expand default = %v%rcach@%h display = no modify = no; string email_expand default = "host: %h buffer cache read hit ratio: %v%" display = no modify = no; # Configuration info specific to non-PCP tools follows... # # for SGI Embedded Support Partner integration: string esp_type default = "0x200049" display = no modify = no; # # --- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE --- see pmieconf(4)