#!/usr/bin/pdmenu #Note that the above bang-path isn't required, but it lets you run this #file directly as a sort of pdmenu script. #Set a pleasing color scheme. color:desktop:white:blue color:title:yellow:red color:base:yellow:red #Define the main menu: menu:main:Main Menu # This ties in with debian's autogenerated Apps menu. show:_Debian Menus..::Debian exec:_Change your password:p:passwd exec:_Directory listing:d:ls -l exec:_Change directory:se:echo PWD=~set to?:~ exec:_Who's online?:t:echo "These users are online:";w nop exit:E_xit # If you edit this file, you will probably not want to remove the following # section, which makes menus of Debian apps available. # # The idea here is to pass cpp `-Dx11' if X is available, and `-Dvt' if we're # at the linux console. The autogenerated menu file is then preprocessed by # cpp, and the correct sections are passed on to pdmenu. preproc: \ if tty|egrep -q "tty[0-9]|tty[0-9][0-9]|console"; then \ args="$args -Dvc=vc"; \ fi; \ if [ $DISPLAY ]; then \ args="$args -Dx11=x11"; \ fi; \ cpp /var/lib/pdmenu/pdmenurc_auto -Dtext=text $args