#EDIR DATA# LANG="C"ID="29804"IRIX® AdminSoftware Installation and LicensingDocument Number 007-1364-100CONTRIBUTORSWritten by Pam Sogard, with contributions by Susan Ellis and John RaithelUpdated by Bob BernardIllustrated by Dany GalganiEdited by Christina Cary Production by Linda Rae SandeEngineering contributions by Ken Chin, Mark Minnihan, David Olson, John Relph, Will Rusch, and Beth Styles© Copyright 1996 - 1998, Silicon Graphics, Inc.name='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]' All Rights ReservedThe contents of this document may not be copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGENDUse, duplication, or disclosure of the technical data contained in this document by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR, or in the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94043-1389.Indy, IRIX, and Silicon Graphics are registered trademarks and IRIS InSight, O2, RoboInst, the Silicon Graphics logo, and XFS are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. Alias/Wavefront is a trademark of Alias/Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. FLEXlm is a trademark of GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc. Network License System and NetLS are trademarks of Apollo Computer, Inc., a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Company. POSIX is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. NFS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd.IRIX Admin Manual SetFILE="FigPreface-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"This guide is part of the ID="preface1"IRIX Admin manual set, which is intended for administrators: those who are responsible for servers, multiple systems, and file structures outside the user's home directory and immediate working directories. If you maintain systems for others or if you require more information about IRIX than is in the end-user manuals, these guides are for you. The IRIX Admin guides are available through the IRIS InSight online viewing system. The set comprises these volumes:IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensingname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Explains how to install and license software that runs under IRIX, the Silicon Graphics implementation of the UNIX operating system. Contains instructions for performing miniroot and live installations using Inst, the command-line interface to the IRIX installation utility. Identifies the licensing products that control access to restricted applications running under IRIX and refers readers to licensing product documentation.IDREF="97829" BOOK="IA_ConfigOps" FILE="" HDG="97829" INFO=""IRIX Admin: System Configuration and Operationname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Lists good general system administration practices and describes system administration tasks, including configuring the operating system; managing user accounts, user processes, and disk resources; interacting with the system while in the PROM monitor; and tuning system performance.IDREF="88526" BOOK="IA_DiskFiles" FILE="" HDG="88526" INFO=""IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystemsname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Explains disk, filesystem, and logical volume concepts. Provides system administration procedures for SCSI disks, XFS and EFS filesystems, XLV logical volumes, and guaranteed-rate I/O.IDREF="97829" BOOK="IA_NetwkMail" FILE="" HDG="97829" INFO=""IRIX Admin: Networking and Mailname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Describes how to plan, set up, use, and maintain the networking and mail systems, including discussions of sendmail, UUCP, SLIP, and PPP.IDREF="70848" BOOK="IA_BakSecAcc" FILE="" HDG="70848" INFO=""IRIX Admin: Backup, Security, and Accountingname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Describes how to back up and restore files, how to protect your system's and network's security, and how to track system usage on a per-user basis.IDREF="80575" BOOK="IA_Periphrls" FILE="" HDG="80575" INFO=""IRIX Admin: Peripheral Devicesname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Describes how to set up and maintain the software for peripheral devices such as terminals, modems, printers, and CD-ROM and tape drives. IRIX Admin: Selected Reference Pages (not available in InSight)name='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Provides concise reference page (manual page) information on the use of commands that may be needed while the system is down. Generally, each reference page covers one command, although some reference pages cover several closely related commands. Reference pages are available online through the man(1) command. About This GuideIRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing explains how to install and license software that runs under IRIX, the Silicon Graphics implementation of the UNIX operating system. The IRIX installation utility, inst, supports two user interfaces: Inst, a command line interface; and Software Manager, a graphical user interface. IRIX installation tools also include RoboInst, optional software that performs multiple installations on remote systems simultaneously.This guide contains three parts: Part I and Appendix A cover installing with Inst, the command line interface; Part II covers installing with RoboInst; and Part III covers licensing. NoteSoftware Manager is documented in the IDREF="96534" BOOK="PerSysAdmin" FILE="" HDG="96534" INFO=""Personal System Administration Guide.LBL="" HELPID=""Using This GuideIRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing explains how to install Silicon Graphics software products using Inst, the command-line interface to the IRIX installation utility, inst (see the inst(1M) reference page). It introduces readers to Silicon Graphics software release conventions and explains how to plan, execute, and maintain a software installation on Silicon Graphics workstations and servers.Two installation methods are described in this guide:live installations, in which software is transferred while the target system remains in operation specialized installations, called miniroot installations, that rely on system firmware for the software transfer (this method requires a system shutdown).This guide also contains information that is specific to setting up FLEXlm licensing software on Silicon Graphics workstations and servers. Please refer to the following documents, which are available online from IRIS InSight, for complete information on administering a licensing scheme:FLEXlm End User ManualNetwork License System Administration GuideLBL="" HELPID=""Inst or Software Manager?If you have IRIX 6.3 (or later) installed on the target system, you can use either Inst or Software Manager to perform live or miniroot installations. The tool that you choose depends on whether you prefer using a command-line or graphical interface. If unusual errors occur during a miniroot installation, the Inst interface is automatically invoked for error recovery (even if you used Software Manager to start the installation), since Inst is the only interface available from the miniroot (IDREF="30961" TYPE="TITLE""About Miniroot Installations" in Chapter 3 provides more information). NoteIf the target system is running IRIX 6.2 or earlier, you must use Inst to perform any miniroot installation, including an upgrade to IRIX 6.5.The operation of inst and the Inst and Software Manager interfaces can be customized with a set of preferences. Use IDREF="11222" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 8 of this guide as a comprehensive reference for specifying preferences and for managing the configuration files that store preference settings for both interfaces.LBL="" HELPID=""Installing Diskless SystemsIRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing does not explain how to install software for diskless operation. Please refer to the Diskless Workstation Administration Guide for instructions on installing diskless systems.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="87874"What This Guide ContainsThe IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing is organized into two parts and two appendixes:LBL="" HELPID=""Part IPart I of this guide consists of eight chapters covering these installation topics:IDREF="33576" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 1, "Understanding Software Installations"Describes how software distributions are organized and the effects of this organization on the installation process. Introduces the fundamental concepts and vocabulary of software installation and presents an overview of the installation process using Inst. IDREF="22950" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 2, "Preparing for Installation"Identifies the factors that must be considered in planning for installations and describes the preliminary work on a server and target system that ensures smooth installations. IDREF="13471" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 3, "Starting an Installation"Contains procedures for starting a miniroot and a live installation. Also explains how miniroot installations work. Use this chapter in conjunction with the procedures in IDREF="21005" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 4 to install software.IDREF="21005" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 4, "Using the Main Menu"Contains procedures for installing software using commands on the Inst Main menu. Use this chapter after starting an installation with the procedures in IDREF="13471" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 3.IDREF="45242" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 5, "Using Supplementary Menus"Describes how to use the View Commands menu to change the way information is displayed in software listings. Also explains how to use the Administrative Commands menu to execute specialized installation commands and change conditions on the target host during an installation session. Procedures in this chapter require mastery of the material in IDREF="21005" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 4.IDREF="56965" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 6, "Inst for Experts"Describes methods of using Inst that supplement the basic method presented in IDREF="21005" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 4. Use this chapter after you become comfortable with the procedures in IDREF="21005" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 4.IDREF="38418" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 7, "Maintenance Tips"Contains procedures for updating installed software and keeping software current with site requirements.IDREF="11222" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 8, "Tailoring Installations"Explains how to customize Inst to suit both personal preferences and the requirements of other system users. Includes information for tailoring Software Manager.IDREF="86143" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 9, "Automating Installations With RoboInst"Explains how automatic miniroot installations work, how to prepare the files that they need, and how to launch automatic miniroot installations on multiple target systems.LBL="" HELPID=""Part IIPart II of this guide contains one chapter:IDREF="27018" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 10, "Licensing"Refers readers to the FLEXlm End User Manual and the Network License System Administration Guide for instructions on setting up and maintain licensing schemes. Contains supplemental information that is specific to managing FLEXlm on Silicon Graphics systems. LBL="" HELPID=""AppendixesTwo appendixes are provided:IDREF="82698" TYPE="TITLE"Appendix A, "Inst Quick Reference"Contains a condensed version of the installation instructions presented in IDREF="21005" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 4. Also contains a glossary of all commands that are available from Inst menus, including hidden commands. Commands are ordered alphabetically by menu.IDREF="38944" TYPE="TITLE"Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations"Explains the types of errors that can occur during an installation, how to control error reporting, and how to interpret and resolve errors during various phases of the installation process.LBL="" HELPID=""Audience for This GuideThe audience for the IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing is experienced UNIX system and site administrators who are responsible for putting software into service on various models of Silicon Graphics workstations and servers. It may also be used by individual workstation owners as a comprehensive guide to software installation. Procedures in this guide require these proficiencies:for routine installations, experience with a command-line interface and familiarity with UNIX documentation conventionsfor site preparation procedures, competence with managing servers and communications between network nodesfor advanced troubleshooting and installing on systems with nonstandard filesystem configurations or multiple system disks, proficiency with UNIX filesystem and disk managementLBL="" HELPID=""Notation ConventionsThis document uses standard UNIX conventions when referring to IRIX reference pages. A command name is followed by a section number in parentheses. For example, mkfs(1M) refers to the mkfs command entry in Section 1M of the IRIX reference pages.In text, descriptions appear in italics. Screen text, command syntax descriptions, and user entries follow these conventions:typewriter fontMenus, prompts, error messages, and other screen displaystypewriter bold Commands and literal arguments, keywords and their abbreviations, and any text that is entered exactly as shown italicsFilenames, directories, commands and command arguments, variables, and any other portion of an entry for which the user must supply a value.<>(angle brackets) Optional components in an entryLBL="" HELPID=""Related DocumentationRefer to the documents listed below for supplementary information.CRAY Origin2000: Installing an IRIX Operating System to a /target_root, 007-3801-001, for information on creating different versions of system disks.IDREF="88526" BOOK="IA_DiskFiles" FILE="" HDG="88526" INFO=""IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystems for information on IRIX filesystem management IDREF="97829" BOOK="IA_NetwkMail" FILE="" HDG="97829" INFO=""IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail for information on network administrationThe owner's guide to target systems for specific information on using the services of the programmable read-only memory (PROM)IDREF="96534" BOOK="PerSysAdmin" FILE="" HDG="96534" INFO=""Personal System Administration Guide for instructions on using the Software ManagerDiskless Workstation Administration Guide for information on installing software for diskless clientsFLEXlm End User Manual and Network License System Administration Guide for information on administering software licensesLBL="1"ID="33576"Understanding Software InstallationsSilicon Graphics software is distributed on compact discs (CDs). A CD contains one or more software products and any special tools that the products require for installation. The purpose of the installation utility, ID="ch11"ID="ch12"inst, is to transfer software in the distribution, which has an encoded format, to a hard disk in a usable format. The installation utility offers two user interfaces: a graphical interface called Software Manager, documented in the ID="ch13"ID="ch14"IDREF="96534" BOOK="PerSysAdmin" FILE="" HDG="96534" INFO=""Personal System Administration Guide and a command-line interface, called Inst the subject of this guide. ID="ch15"A distribution CD always includes installable release notes that provide installation instructions, including any prerequisites and incompatibilities information about the software that the CD contains. You can read product release notes from the distribution CD using the ID="ch16"CDgrelnotes or CDrelnotes command. Instructions for reading release notes are included in the CD jewel case insert. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="34077"Software Release TypesAny software distribution is one of several release types; the type is determined by the purpose of the software in the release. A ID="ch17"base release of the IRIX operating system upgrades the fundamental services that support all hardware and software functions. When a base release is installed, all components of the operating system are replaced by a new version. The new base software operates on all workstation and server models, unless the release specifically designates an older model for obsolescence.Intermediate releases are distributed subsequent to a base release. They correct flaws in the base release or introduce additional hardware and software features to it. Because the new files in an intermediate release overwrite the existing files that they are replacing, they are also referred to as ID="ch18"overlays.A base release and the intermediate releases that apply to it constitute a ID="ch19"release family. The following intermediate releases may be members of the family:Maintenance ID="ch110" releasecontains device drivers for new hardware, replacement software to correct flaws in a base release, or both. Feature releaseID="ch111"contains the software in any maintenance release that precedes it, as well as new software options and features that enhance the base release but are not required for its proper functioning. PatchesID="ch112"contain a collection of one or more files that correct a serious and urgent problem in a software release, such as a threat to system security or data integrity. Patches are issued when a remedy is required before the next scheduled maintenance release. Patches are also issued to correct a problem that occurs only on a particular hardware platform.A patch can apply to a base release, a maintenance release, or a feature release. When you install a patch, the existing files are moved to a holding directory and the new files are installed in their place.Only maintenance releases or feature releases are installed onto a particular base release. For example, if you choose to install a maintenance release on the IRIX 6.5 base release, all subsequent installations will be maintenance releases (or patches to a maintenance release) until you install the next base release. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="59416"Anatomy of a Software Product A ID="ch113"software product is a collection of files that support either an operating system function or a specific application. A small number of products support critical functions and must be installed if the system is to operate; other products are not critical but optimize system operation and are recommended for installation by the manufacturer. A subset of required and recommended products is installed in servers and workstations before they leave the factory.ID="ch114"Products are known to Inst by a ID="ch115"ID="ch116"shortname, which is an abbreviation of the formal product name. For example, the shortname of the Fortran 77 Compiler product is ftn77_dev. When you install a product, files from the previous version are automatically removed before the new files are installed (see IDREF="72830" TYPE="TITLE""Managing Configuration Files" for exceptions). If a release includes hardware-specific files, the installation utility automatically determines the correct version for a particular model and installs it. ID="ch117"A software product contains three elements: a ID="ch118"product description, an installation database, and one or more images, which are composed of subsystems. IDREF="16175" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-1 illustrates a distribution containing four software product releases.LBL="" HELPID=""Product DescriptionsThe ID="ch119"product description is a file that contains information about product requirements and the installation environment for the product. The name of the product description file is the shortname for the product. For example, the name of the product description file for the Fortran 77 Compiler product is ftn_dev. Because it contains product specifications, the product description is also referred to as the ID="ch120"spec file.LBL="" HELPID=""The Installation DatabaseThe ID="ch121"installation database is a file that contains installation information for every file in the product. The name of the installation database is the shortname with an .ID="ch122"idb extension. For example, the name of the installation database for the Fortran 77 Compiler product is ftn_dev.idb. The installation database for a product is also referred to as the ID="ch123"idb file.LBL="" HELPID=""ImagesAn ID="ch124"image is a collection of installable files that perform a similar or complementary function. Typically, each software product contains at least two images. This modularity allows for tailoring installations. For example, it is possible to install the images that contain the executable programs of a product without installing the release notes image. The name of an image is the product shortname followed by an extension that describes the image's function. For example, ID="ch125"ftn_dev.sw is the image in the Fortran 77 Compiler product that contains files for program execution, and ftn_dev.man is the image that contains documentation files. FILE="Fig1-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="1-1"Figure 1-1 ID="16175"Components of a Software ReleaseLBL="" HELPID=""SubsystemsImages are composed of one or more subsystemsID="ch126". In a software product release, a subsystem is the smallest installable unit of software; the files that make up a subsystem cannot be installed individually (see IDREF="34653" TYPE="TITLE""Sources of Installable Software" for exceptions). Subsystems are assigned three-part names in this form:ID="ch127"product.image_type.subsystem_descriptorFor example, ftn.sw.ftn and ftn.sw.utils are subsystems in the Fortran 77 Compiler product.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="96877"Required and Default SubsystemsSome subsystems in a software product are classified as ID="ch128"default subsystems. Default subsystems support the basic functions of a product and are suggested for installation by the manufacturer. When disk space is limited, the default subsystems serve as a guideline for determining what to install. ID="ch129"ID="ch130"Some default subsystems are also classified as ID="ch131"required subsystems. Required subsystems are critical to system operation; without them, IRIX will not operate. Inst prevents users from exiting an installation session if a required subsystem is available for installation but not installed (unless you choose to remove this safeguard).ID="ch132"LBL="" HELPID=""Preliminary SelectionsWhen Inst is initialized, it makes preliminary selections of the subsystems to be installed during the session. If a target system contains no software, the preliminary selections always include all required and default subsystems in the distribution. On targets with software installed, the preliminary selections are all upgrades to the installed software and all default subsystems of any new products that the distribution contains. When subsystems are displayed during an installation session, upgrade subsystems are tagged with the letter ID="ch133"ID="ch134"ID="ch135"U to the left of the subsystem name; default subsystems are tagged with the letter d, and required subsystems are tagged with the letter r to the right of the subsystem name.LBL="" HELPID=""Factory-Installed SubsystemsSome subsystems from the eoe, motif_eoe, and other standard (no-cost) products are factory installed. The ID="ch136"eoe product contains basic operating system software, utilities, and window system software. Extra-cost software options, such as NFS® (the Network File System) and compilers, are not factory installed. To display the inventory of software that is installed on a system when you receive it, use the program ID="ch137"ID="ch138"showprods (see the showprods(1M) reference page):% showprods The output of showprods is one line for every product, image, and subsystem installed on the target. You can remove any factory-installed software that you do not need, except required subsystems. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="34653"Sources of Installable SoftwareThe location of a software distribution is known as the ID="ch139"ID="ch140"distribution source; the system receiving software during an installation is known as the ID="ch141"target. A distribution source may be a CD that is mounted on the target, a CD that is mounted on a remote system, or a centralized directory on the network to which the distribution has been copied (see IDREF="15816" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-2). When a distribution CD contains operating system software, the software is stored in a directory called /dist.A server or personal workstation that supplies a distribution source to remote targets is known as an ID="ch142"installation server. An installation server can provide the distribution source from a local CD-ROM drive or from a disk directory that contains the installable images. A directory of installable software is known as a ID="ch143"distribution directory. A distribution directory may contain software from several distributions.IDREF="15816" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-2 illustrates local and remote distribution sources.FILE="Fig1-2.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="1-2"Figure 1-2 ID="15816"Software Distribution Sources ID="ch144"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="38519"Software Installation MethodsAs of IRIX 5.3, most software installations can be performed without interrupting system operations on the target. Installations that are performed without shutting down the system are referred to as ID="ch145"ID="ch146"live installations. Live installations are preferred because they are usually less time consuming and because other system operations can be sustained during the installation session.Whenever software installation affects fundamental IRIX functions (such as device management), software must be installed by a ID="ch147"miniroot installation, which requires a system shutdown. During a miniroot installation, a special set of installation tools is copied to the swap partition of the system disk on the target. The software environment that these tools create for the installation is referred to as the ID="ch148"miniroot. Only a portion of the IRIX operating system is available in the miniroot (see IDREF="30961" TYPE="TITLE""About Miniroot Installations" in Chapter 3 for more information).Note(Applies to IRIX 6.3 or later) In Software Manager sessions, a miniroot installation is automatically performed if required by any subsystem specified for installation. The system shutdown and restart are transparent to the user except for informational messages, and in most cases, no user interactions are required in the miniroot. LBL="" HELPID=""Introduction to InstInst is invoked automatically in a miniroot installation; it is invoked from the command line in a live installation. After Inst is invoked, its Main menu is displayed. ID="ch149"ID="ch150"NoteIt might be useful to look at IDREF="73929" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-1 on IDREF="73929" TYPE="TEXT"page 39 for an illustration of the installation process.IDREF="71839" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-3 illustrates the Main menu.ID="ch151"FILE="Fig1-3.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="1-3"Figure 1-3 ID="71839"The Main Menu for InstLBL="" HELPID=""Automatic InitializationDuring initialization, Inst reads the product descriptions and the installation database, makes preliminary selections of subsystems to install (see ID="ch152"ID="ch153"ID="ch154"ID="ch155"IDREF="96877" TYPE="TITLE""Required and Default Subsystems"), and calculates estimated space requirements. Initialization is triggered when you issue the first command of the session that requires Inst to collect information about either the distribution or the target software.LBL="" HELPID=""The Main MenuThe Main menu contains all commands that are needed to install and remove software. When the Main menu is displayed, Inst posts this prompt to accept command entries:ID="ch156"ID="ch157"Inst>LBL="" HELPID=""Changing the Distribution SourceInst always assumes that the installation target is the system on which it is running. Inst selects a default distribution source, which, for live installations, is the distribution source of the previous installation; for miniroot installations, the default source is the location from which the miniroot was invoked (usually the local CD-ROM). You can change a distribution source using the ID="ch158"ID="ch159"from command and specify additional distributions with the open command during an installation session.LBL="" HELPID=""Viewing the Software InventoryThe list command displays an inventory of the software on either the distribution or the target system. Displaying software inventories early in a session is helpful in deciding what software to install or remove. By default, the output of ID="ch160"ID="ch161"list displays the shortnames of subsystems in the distribution inventory, their size and description, and selection and installation information. Using the ID="ch162"ID="ch163"view command, you can toggle the list command so that it displays either the distribution or the target inventory. The ID="ch164"ID="ch165"view command also focuses list output on different levels of the product hierarchy so that you can display information about subsystems, images, or entire products (see IDREF="16175" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-1 on IDREF="16175" TYPE="TEXT"page 6). You can also use view to filter certain information from list displays.LBL="" HELPID=""Selecting and Installing SoftwareYou can install the preliminary installation selections that Inst makes during initialization or change these selections before launching an installation. The ID="ch166"install command selects items in the distribution inventory for installation; the remove command selects items on the target inventory for removal. The keep command selects items on either list for which no action should be taken. A special selection command, step, allows you to list software components individually and select them as each component is listed.You can change selections as many times as necessary as long as you do not issue the ID="ch167"go command, which launches the installation. The go command initiates the installation and removal of software that you specified in your selections.LBL="" HELPID=""Handling ConflictsSometimes the selections that you make for installation or removal cause conflicts. For example, a conflict occurs if you select two incompatible subsystems for installation, if you select a subsystem for installation and do not select its prerequisites, or if you close a distribution before installing the products that you selected from it. When conflicts occur, the go command does not execute, and Inst posts a conflict advisory that suggests a resolution to the conflict. When you see a conflicts advisory, you can either use the ID="ch168"conflicts command to accept one of the suggested resolutions or use the install and remove commands to change your selections. You also see an advisory if your selections require more disk space than is safely available. This condition requires that you change your selections or remove software from the target system.LBL="" HELPID=""Ending a SessionTo end an Inst session, enter the ID="ch169"quit command. When you quit an installation session, Inst performs cleanup operations on target filesystems and on the newly installed software. LBL="" HELPID=""Supplementary MenusInst offers three supplementary menus that you can use to augment Main menu functions:the View Commands menuthe Administrative Commands menu the Interrupt menu The View Commands menu (shown in IDREF="18358" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 5-1 on IDREF="18358" TYPE="TEXT"page 64) contains selections that let you control information displays during the session. For example, a listing of distribution software normally includes all products that the distribution contains. Using the View Commands menu, you can request a list of the new software products only.The Administrative Commands menu (shown in IDREF="74446" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 5-2 on IDREF="74446" TYPE="TEXT"page 71) contains two types of selections: commands that let you display or adjust conditions on the target system, such as the mount and umount commands, and commands that let you control Inst operations, such as the recalculate command. The Interrupt menu (shown in IDREF="42001" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 5-3 on IDREF="42001" TYPE="TEXT"page 80) is used to suspend command processing. It is rarely necessary to display this menu during a session, and Inst displays it only under unusual error conditions. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="75912"Getting Help During InstallationsDuring an installation session, you can use the ID="ch170"ID="ch171"help command from any menu to get information about almost every Inst command and command argument. Enter the help command alone to get general instructions on using online help. Enter the help command followed by an argument to get help on the topic specified in the argument. IDREF="33373" TYPE="TABLE"Table A-1 on IDREF="33373" TYPE="TEXT"page 176 gives a complete list of topics for which help is available.This sample illustrates a help entry and the information that it provides:Inst> help upgrade upgrade U "upgrade" is a keyword argument for the "install", "keep", "list", and "step" commands. For example, "install U" requests that all subsystems that are currently installed and have newer counterparts in the software distribution be installed...Understanding installation terminology and the Inst installation model is important to using Inst successfully. To get this information, issue this command during an installation session:ID="ch172"Inst> help overview LBL="2"ID="22950"Preparing for InstallationThis chapter contains procedures and information for preparing yourself and your site for software installation. You should review all the information in this chapter, but you do not need to perform all the procedures described. The procedures that you do will depend on the type of installation that you plan and specific conditions at your site.The chapter contains these sections:IDREF="21296" TYPE="TITLE""Selecting a Distribution Source"IDREF="81158" TYPE="TITLE""Setting Up an Installation Server"IDREF="78328" TYPE="TITLE""Backing Up the Target Systems"IDREF="87390" TYPE="TITLE""Opening Multiple Distributions"IDREF="32971" TYPE="TITLE""Collecting the Information That You Need"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="21296"Selecting a Distribution SourceWhen selecting a distribution source, consider the speed and reliability of your network, the frequency with which installations are performed, and the amount of software that will be installed. If disk space is available and the network is fast and reliable, consider creating a centralized distribution directory on an installation server. A centralized directory is particularly useful if users perform their own installations or if the availability of the server's CD-ROM drive is subject to interruption.ID="ch21"When you are installing software on one or two target systems and the targets contain local CD-ROM drives, using a locally mounted distribution CD is often the most efficient distribution source, particularly if your network is slow and you plan to install a considerable amount of software. For any target that is not equipped with a CD-ROM drive, the distribution source must be a remote CD-ROM drive or distribution directory (see IDREF="15816" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-2 on IDREF="15816" TYPE="TEXT"page 9). LBL="" HELPID=""ID="81158"Setting Up an Installation ServerYou can create an installation server on almost any system in your network that is reliable and has adequate disk resources. The distribution source may be a local CD-ROM drive or a distribution directory.ID="ch22"ID="ch23"NoteDo not create an installation server on "multihomed" system (routers with more than one IP address). Packets sent to multihomed systems are not necessarily returned to the sender by the same route. This can cause problems during miniroot installations.ID="ch24" Any system that you plan to use as an installation server must be accessible from the remote targets. This means that communications between the server and targets must support forwarding of boot files (for miniroot installations) and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) file transfers. In addition, the installation server must contain a user account that is available to target systems. ID="ch25"The procedures in this section assume that you plan to set up a distribution directory on an installation server. If you plan to use a remote CD-ROM drive as the distribution source, complete all procedures in this section except IDREF="41892" TYPE="TITLE""Creating a Distribution Directory". LBL="" HELPID=""ID="31826"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on RoutersInst uses the Internet Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) to obtain IP addresses during miniroot installations. For this reason, all routers between an installation server and a remote target must allow ID="ch26"ID="ch27"ID="ch28"ID="ch29"bootp (see the bootp(1M) reference page) forwarding. On factory-shipped Silicon Graphics systems, however, ID="ch210"bootp forwarding is disabled in the file /etc/inetd.conf. ID="ch211"NoteThe inetd.conf file is stored in /usr/etc on systems running versions of IRIX that are earlier than 5.2.The procedure below describes how to identify routers and change the /etc/inetd.conf file to enable bootp forwarding on them. (This procedure may not be appropriate for routers that are not Silicon Graphics systems.) ID="89776"Determine the names of routers.ID="ch212"Enter this command from the target system:ID="ch213"ping -R -c 1 installation_server Look for an entry that begins with RR: in ping output. It shows the route of packets from the target to the installation server and back.ID="78056" Each node listed, except the installation server and target, is a router.Become the superuser on the router listed in the ping output.% su Password: #Change the bootp line in /etc/inetd.conf on each router, as needed. The default bootp line in /etc/inetd.conf looks like this:bootp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/bootp bootp Add the ­f flag to enable bootp forwarding. The modified line should look like this:bootp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/bootp bootp -f ID="44453"Put your changes into effect.# killall -v -HUP inetd Repeat steps 2 through 4 for additional routers.When the server is no longer needed for software installation, you can return the /etc/inetd.conf file on the router to its original state, then enter the killall command to put the change into effect (see the killall(1M) reference page).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="45067"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation ServerDuring miniroot installations, Inst uses TFTP to transfer files from remote systems. For this reason, any system acting as the server for miniroot installations must allow ID="ch214"ID="ch215"tftp access. On factory-shipped Silicon Graphics systems, ID="ch216"tftpd(1M) access is restricted in the /etc/inetd.conf file to /usr/local/boot and /usr/etc/boot. You can place the distribution under one of these directories, for example, /usr/local/boot/dist, or make another directory accessible by editing the tftpd entry in /etc/inetd.conf.The procedure below explains how to change the /etc/inetd.conf to allow tftp access. NoteIf your site has strict security requirements, step 2 of this procedure offers an option that limits ID="ch217"ID="ch218"tftp access to the distribution directory. Become the superuser on the installation server.% su Password: #Modify the tftp line in /etc/inetd.conf on the server. You can modify /etc/inetd.conf to allow tftp access that suits the needs of your site. The default tftp entry in /etc/inetd.conf looks similar to this (your entry may contain additional arguments to the -s option): tftp dgram udp wait guest /usr/etc/tftpd tftpd -s /usr/local/boot Take any one of these actions to modify the tftp entry:Remove the -s /usr/local/boot, and any additional directories that are specified by the -s option, from the entry to allow tftp access to all publicly readable directories. (This is not recommended for sites on the Internet.) The modified line should look like this:tftp dgram udp wait guest /usr/etc/tftpd tftpd Specify access to the distribution directory only (suggested for secure sites). The modified line should look like this:ID="ch219"ID="ch220"tftp dgram udp wait guest /usr/etc/tftpd tftpd -s /usr/local/boot Specify access to the CD-ROM drive. The modified line should look like this:tftp dgram udp wait guest /usr/etc/tftpd tftpd -s /usr/local/boot /dist NoteIf an account other than ID="ch221"guest is used for installation, replace the ID="ch222"guest entry on the tftp line with the alternate user ID.Put your changes into effect.# killall -v -HUP inetd When the remote system is no longer needed for software installation, you can return the /etc/inetd.conf file to its original state, then enter the killall command to put your changes into effect. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="67681"Configuring an Installation AccountDuring an installation, Inst defaults to using the ID="ch223"ID="ch224"guest account on the server to accept a connection from the target systems; guest must not be password protected. If the guest account on the server is either unavailable or password protected (to limit access to the target by rsh, for example), you must provide an alternate means for accessing the server. You can allow access to the server in any of these ways:Remove the password from guest while installations are taking place.Use an account other than ID="ch225"guest on the server (the alternate account must not be password protected) and specify the alternate account when you start Inst (see IDREF="72460" TYPE="TITLE""Specifying the Source on the Command Line" for details on invoking Inst with the -f flag):inst ­f alternate_user@installation_server:distdir Use a password-protected account on the server for installations and create an ID="ch226"ID="ch227"ID="ch228".rhosts file for the installation account. The installation account must have read permissions on the distribution source. The .rhosts file that you create must contain an entry for each target system that will access the server (see the hosts.equiv(4) reference page for information on .rhosts). For example, assume that the installation account on the server is instuser. The file /usr/people/guest/.rhosts on the installation server contains these lines to permit installations on targets called joesbox and lab1:joesbox.engr.xxx.com instuser lab1.engr.xxx.com instuserEither of the following commands can be used to install software on joesbox or lab1 (see IDREF="24071" TYPE="TITLE""Step 2: Specifying the Source" and IDREF="72460" TYPE="TITLE""Specifying the Source on the Command Line" for details on these commands):Inst> from instuser@installation_server:path # inst -f instuser@installation_server:path LBL="" HELPID=""ID="41892"Creating a Distribution DirectoryFollow the procedure below to create a distribution directory on the installation server. The CD-ROM drive from which you copy the distribution software may be either a local or a remote drive. You can copy several CDs to the distribution directory if you wish; however, do not include more than one release of a given product in the directoryname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'different distribution directories must be created for different releases of a product.ID="ch229"ID="ch230"Become the superuser on the server with the CD-ROM drive.% su - Password: # NoteIf the distribution directory is on a different system, become the superuser on that system also.Get the controller and unit numbers for the CD-ROM drive.ID="ch231"# ID="ch232"hinv Look for a line like this in the output of hinv and note numbers that appear in parentheses beside the scsi and cdrom entries:SCSI CDROM: scsi (0) cdrom (4)Eject the CD that is currently in the drive, if any.You can omit the argument from this command if there is only one CD-ROM drive on the workstation:ID="ch233"ID="ch234"# eject /dev/scsi/sccntlrdunitl0 NoteThis command has a lowercase l (or el) and a zero at the end of it.Create the directory for the distribution.# mkdir distdir Stop the CD-ROM daemon, if it is running.Enter this command on the system with the CD-ROM drive to stop the mediad daemon (see the ID="ch235"ID="ch236"mediad(1M) reference page):# mediad -k Create a mount-point directory for the CD-ROM if none exists.ID="ch237"ID="ch238"# mkdir /CDROM Insert the CD containing the distribution and mount it. ID="ch239"#ID="ch240" mount -o ro /dev/dsk/dkscntlrdunits7 /CDROM Copy the distribution to the new directory.ID="ch241"On the system containing the distribution directory, enter the cp command to copy the installable software from the CD to the distribution directory. The following sample commands illustrate how to copy distribution software to the directory, creating the necessary subdirectories simultaneously. Use the first command if the CD-ROM is local and the second command if the CD-ROM is remote:# cp -r /CDROM/dist/. distdir # rcp -r guest@server:/CDROM/dist/. distdir You can create a software distribution directory that contains fewer products than are in the CD-ROM distribution by copying the files for just the products that you want. Remember that distribution directories and CD-ROM distributions have an identical structure. For example, to copy just one product from a local CD-ROM drive, use this command:ID="ch242"ID="ch243"% cp /CDROM/product* product_dir Copy the release notes to the server (optional). Enter this command to create a directory for the release notes and copy them to the installation server:# cp -r /CDROM/relnotes/* relnotes_dir Eject the distribution CD.ID="ch244"ID="ch245"Enter this command on the system with the CD-ROM drive. You can omit the argument if there is just one CD-ROM drive on the system:# eject /dev/scsi/sccntlrdunitl0 Repeat steps 7 through 9 for additional CDs.Restart the CD-ROM daemon, if you stopped it.If you stopped ID="ch246"mediad in step 5, restart it by entering this command on the system with the CD-ROM drive:# mediad NoteIf you have more than one CD-ROM drive, you might get an error from this command, but you can safely ignore it. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="78328"Backing Up the Target SystemsAlthough backing up the target is not a requirement for installation, it is strongly recommended. You can use several utilities to make backups: System Manager, ID="ch247"backup, bru, cpio, and tar. See IDREF="70848" BOOK="IA_BakSecAcc" FILE="" HDG="70848" INFO=""IRIX Admin: Backup, Security, and Accounting for detailed information on system backups.Consider backing up these files:User files that are created or copied to the target. Any file on the target that was not put there during the software installation process is considered a user file.Configuration files that contain information unique to the target system or the site. These files are created during installation but are likely to be modified after they are installed. The unique information in these files is not destroyed during an installation. However, the preinstallation copy of these configuration files is helpful if you decide to go back to the earlier software release after installation. You can identify modified configuration files with this command:ID="ch248"ID="ch249"# showfiles -c -m -s Use this command to back up the configuration files onto tape:# showfiles -c -m -s | tar cv - Use this command to retrieve specified configuration files from tape and overwrite existing files:ID="ch250"# tar xv files NoteIf you follow these instructions, you will overwrite the installed configuration file. Refer to IDREF="72830" TYPE="TITLE""Managing Configuration Files" for more information on how configuration files are handled during installations. Use this command to retrieve all configuration files from tape and overwrite existing files:# tar xv LBL="" HELPID=""ID="87390"Opening Multiple DistributionsID="ch251"Inst automatically manages the installation order of the products on CDs or in distribution directories. If you expect to install software from more than one CD or distribution directory, you can open each of them with the ID="ch252"ID="ch253"open command. If you attempt to install software that has a pre-requisite of software on an unopened distribution, Inst will prompt you to either open that distribution or not install the software.Note that if you use the from command instead of open, any open distributions are closed and any selections lost before the new distribution is opened.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="32971"Collecting the Information That You NeedBefore starting a miniroot installation, spend a few minutes collecting information that might be required during the installation procedure. Jot down the information that you get as you follow the instructions in this section and have it available when you begin the installation. Remember, it might be impossible to access this information after the installation is under wayname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'the miniroot severely restricts access to files on the target and to network systems that are ordinarily accessible.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="59588"Getting CD-ROM Device NumbersIf you are planning a miniroot installation from the local CD-ROM drive on the target, you must be prepared to specify the controller and unit number of the drive during the installation. Use this command to determine the controller and unit number:ID="ch254"ID="ch255"# hinv Look for a line like the one below in the output of hinv. The numbers that you need appear in parentheses beside the scsi and cdrom fields:SCSI CDROM: scsi (0) cdrom (4)In the previous example, the controller number is 0 and the unit number is 4.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="16398"Getting the Target's Name and AddressThe name and address of the target system might be required for error recovery during miniroot installations when the distribution source is on a remote installation server. Enter the ID="ch256"hostname command from the target system to get its name:ID="ch257"% hostname Enter the ping command from the target to get its Internet Protocol (IP) address. Use the output of the ID="ch258"ID="ch259"hostname command as an argument to ping: % /usr/etc/ping -c 1 targetname PING targetname (IPaddress): 56 data bytes ----targetname PING Statistics---- 1 packet transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 1/1/1 msLBL="" HELPID=""ID="77477"Getting the Server's Name and AddressThe name of the remote installation server is specified to identify the distribution source in miniroot and live installations. If you are working at the installation server, enter the ID="ch260"hostname command to get its name:% hostname If you are on the target system, enter this ping command to get the IP address of the installation server: % /usr/etc/ping -c 1 installation_server PING installation_server (IPaddress): 56 data bytes ----installation_server PING Statistics---- 1 packet transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 2/2/4 msNote the numbers in the IPaddress field of the output. If ping output is not similar to this example, the network connection might be faulty. You should resolve the problem before continuing with your installation (see IDREF="38944" TYPE="TITLE"Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations," for help).LBL="" HELPID=""Getting the Installation Account NameBy default, Inst uses the guest account on the installation server for installations. If you plan to use an account other than guest, be prepared to specify the name of the alternate account (see IDREF="67681" TYPE="TITLE""Configuring an Installation Account").LBL="3"ID="13471"Starting an InstallationOne of two procedures is used to invoke Inst for an installation session, depending on whether you plan a miniroot installation or a live installation. This chapter explains how to determine what type of installation is required and provides instructions for invoking Inst for each installation method. It also explains what you must do to prepare for the session before invoking Inst.This chapter contains these sections:IDREF="69858" TYPE="TITLE""Determining the Installation Method"IDREF="68291" TYPE="TITLE""Preparations Checklist"IDREF="30961" TYPE="TITLE""About Miniroot Installations"IDREF="47365" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Miniroot Installation"IDREF="72525" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Live Installation"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="69858"Determining the Installation MethodIf the software product that you plan to install contains subsystems that require a miniroot installation, you must shut down the target system and install them from the miniroot; you cannot install these products by a live installation (see ID="ch31"IDREF="38519" TYPE="TITLE""Software Installation Methods"). To determine whether the software that you plan to install requires a miniroot installation, read the product release notes. Release notes list all subsystems in the product that require miniroot installation. A miniroot installation is also whenthe target is being upgraded from a pre-6.3 version of IRIX to IRIX 6.3 or later the target has software problems that prevent successful live installationsthe target's system disk is new or emptyrecovering from severe system crashes (system recovery)LBL="" HELPID=""ID="68291"Preparations ChecklistComplete the following preparations before installation:Determine the appropriate installation method for your product.See IDREF="69858" TYPE="TITLE""Determining the Installation Method," above.Back up the target system.Backing up essential files on the target system is not normally required but is strongly recommended as protection against unforeseen problems. See IDREF="78328" TYPE="TITLE""Backing Up the Target Systems" for details. If the software distribution is located on a remote server, make these preparations:Verify that the guest account or an alternate account is available to Inst on the remote distribution server. See IDREF="67681" TYPE="TITLE""Configuring an Installation Account" for details.Jot down the host name and pathname of the distribution directory on the remote server. If you plan to do a miniroot installation, also jot down the network address of the remote server. See IDREF="77477" TYPE="TITLE""Getting the Server's Name and Address" for instructions.If you plan a miniroot installation, make these additional preparations: Enable BOOTP forwarding on any routers that operate between the installation server and the target system. See IDREF="31826" TYPE="TITLE""Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers" for instructions.Enable TFTP access to the remote distribution server. See IDREF="45067" TYPE="TITLE""Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server" for instructions.If your distribution source is a locally mounted CD, be prepared to specify the controller and unit number of the CD-ROM drive. See IDREF="59588" TYPE="TITLE""Getting CD-ROM Device Numbers" for instructions.Be prepared to supply the hostname and IP address of the target. See IDREF="16398" TYPE="TITLE""Getting the Target's Name and Address" for instructions.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="30961"About Miniroot InstallationsFor installations where fundamental IRIX services, such as filesystem management, are either unavailable or unreliable, a special installation method is required. This method, known as a miniroot installation, relies on services in the target's programmable read-only memory (PROM) to transfer special installation tools (see IDREF="16175" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-1 on IDREF="16175" TYPE="TEXT"page 6) from the distribution source to the target. This transfer is referred to as loading the miniroot. Loading the miniroot is a two-phase process: first the ID="ch32"sash, or standalone shell, is transferred from the source to the target system for execution; then, the sash fetches the miniroot from the source and copies it to the swap partition of the disk. The sash and miniroot are frequently loaded from a locally-mounted CD, but they can also be loaded from a network location using the Internet Bootstrap Protocol (bootp). A network host containing the sash and miniroot for various workstation and server architectures is referred to as a ID="ch33"boot server.CautionThe miniroot is copied from the distribution source to partition 1 of your system disk, which is normally the swap partition. If you have customized your system in such a way that partition 1 contains valid data, be sure to back up the data in partition 1 before the miniroot installation to avoid losing it.ID="ch34"ID="ch35"By default, the miniroot restricts the target to installation operations and the target operates like an ASCII terminal, even on graphics systems. These restrictions preserve the integrity of the operating system while it is being updated.Two methods are available for performing miniroot installations. The first method is used when only one target system is involved and the installer uses the target system directly. Instructions for using this method are given in IDREF="47365" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Miniroot Installation". The second method installs any number of target systems from any network location.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="47365"Starting a Miniroot InstallationTo start a miniroot installation, invoke the System Maintenance menu on the target system and load the miniroot from the distribution source. The procedure that you use to load the miniroot differs for local and remote distribution sources. Use one of the following procedures, depending on the location of your distribution source, to start a miniroot installation:IDREF="40576" TYPE="TITLE""Loading From a Local CD," belowIDREF="20885" TYPE="TITLE""Loading From a Remote Distribution Source"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="40576"Loading From a Local CDThe procedure below explains how to load the miniroot from a distribution CD that is mounted locally on the target. This procedure also explains the informational messages that you should check when Inst is invoked from the miniroot load.ID="ch36"ID="ch37"NoteIf you are using an ASCII console to perform this procedure, prompts and menus appear as text on your screen.Shut down the target system. You can shut down the target system by selecting System Shutdown from the System tool, or you can shut it down from an IRIX shell. Perform the shutdown as superuser:ID="ch38"% su ­ Password: # ID="ch39"shutdown After your entry, you see a message similar to this:Shutdown started. day time year Broadcast message from root (ttq1) on hostname day time year This message is followed by a directive to all users to log off the system. Then this confirmation prompt is posted:Do you want to continue with the shutdown (yes/no) [no]?Confirm the shutdown.Type yes to confirm the shutdown. After your entry, you see messages similar to IDREF="45785" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 3-1.FILE="Fig3-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="3-1"Figure 3-1 ID="45785"System Shutdown MessagesBegin the restart sequence.Select Restart or press any key to begin the system startup process. After your entry, you will see a message similar to the one IDREF="75784" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 3-2. FILE="Fig3-2.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="3-2"Figure 3-2 ID="75784"System Restart MessageStop the system for maintenance.ID="ch310"When you see the message shown in IDREF="75784" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 3-2, select Stop for Maintenance or press Esc to go to the System Maintenance menu. The System Maintenance menu is shown in ID="ch311"IDREF="78975" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 3-3. FILE="Fig3-3.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="3-3"Figure 3-3 ID="78975"The System Maintenance MenuChoose Install System Software from the System Maintenance menu.Click the Install System Software icon to display a selection of distribution sources. If you are using an ASCII console, type the number of the Install System Software selection to display a list of distribution choices. After your selection, a menu of distribution selections is displayed.Specify the location of the installable software.Select the local CD-ROM icon to specify the location of the software distribution. If you are using an ASCII console, enter the number of the local CD-ROM selection.Insert the first CD.Be sure to insert the CD containing the installation tools into the caddy with the label side up. Then insert the caddy into the CD-ROM drive.Load the miniroot and run Inst.Click the Continue button or press Enter to start the miniroot load and run Inst. These messages appear after your entry:Obtaining installation tools Copying installation tools to diskWait for the miniroot to be copied.Copying the miniroot to the swap partition of the target takes several minutes. During that time, a status bar appears to report the progress of the copy (rows of dots appear on ASCII console screens). When the copy is completed, some informational messages are posted and the Inst Main menu is displayed. The informational messages are similar to these: IRIX Release ID="ch312"versioncpu Version longversion System V Copyright 1987-1998 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ipg0: missing enp0: missing fxp0: missingThese messages are normal and do not indicate a problem; one line is posted for each type of device that is supported by the kernel and not detected on the target. After the device messages, startup messages are displayed:ID="ch313"Creating miniroot devices, please wait... Current system date is date Mounting ID="ch314"file systems: /dev/miniroot on / /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 on /root /root/dev/usr on /root/usr Invoking software installation.Reset the system date, if needed.ID="ch315"Notice that the startup messages include a posting of the system date. If the date is off by more than a few minutes, reset it with this command (see IDREF="20448" TYPE="TITLE""Changing the Network Time-out Value" if you need more information):Inst> admin date mmddhhmmyy To recheck the date, display it again with this command:Inst> admin date Check the distribution source that is specified for the installation.The local CD distribution directory, /CDROM/dist, should be posted as the distribution specification in a message above the Inst Main menu (see IDREF="39297" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-2 for an illustration of the Main menu):Default distribution to install from: source For help on inst commands, type "help overview".The miniroot is successfully loaded on the target system and Inst is invoked. Go to ID="ch316"IDREF="21005" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 4, "Using the Main Menu," to install the software. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="20885"Loading From a Remote Distribution SourceThe procedure below explains how to load the miniroot from a CD or directory located on a remote server (if you plan to install from a local CD, see ID="ch317"ID="ch318"IDREF="40576" TYPE="TITLE""Loading From a Local CD"). This procedure also explains the informational messages that you should check when Inst is invoked from the miniroot load.NoteIf you are using an ASCII console to perform this procedure, prompts and menus appear as text on your screen.Follow steps 1 through 5 of IDREF="40576" TYPE="TITLE""Loading From a Local CD".Specify the location of the installable software.Select the Remote Directory icon to specify the location of the remote distribution. If you are using an ASCII console, enter the number of the remote directory selection. Specify the hostname of the installation server.After you select Remote Directory, you are prompted to enter the name of the remote host that contains the distribution. Specify the hostname of the installation server, as shown in this example:Enter the name of the remote host:installation_server Specify the pathname of the distribution source.After you enter the name of the installation server, you are prompted to enter the name of the remote distribution directory. If your distribution source is a CD on the remote server, your entry resembles the example shown below. In your entry, substitute the mount directory of the CD-ROM drive for CDdir: ID="ch319"Enter the remote directory:CDdir/dist If your distribution source is a directory on the remote server, your entry will resemble the example shown below. Substitute the pathname of the distribution directory for distdir:Enter the remote directory:distdir After your entry, you will see a message like the examples below:Remote directory CDdir/dist from server installation_server. Remote directory distdir from server installation_server.Click the Install button or press Enter to start the miniroot load. After your entry, the installation tools and miniroot are copied to the target. These messages appear while the copy is in progress:Obtaining installation tools from server:distdir Copying installation tools to diskWait for the miniroot to be copied.Copying the miniroot to the swap partition of the target takes several minutes. During that time, a status bar appears to report the progress of the copy (rows of dots appear on ASCII console screens). When the copy is completed, some informational messages are posted and the Inst Main menu is displayed. The informational messages are similar to these: ID="ch320"IRIX ReleaseID="ch321"versioncpu Version longversion System V Copyright 1987-1994 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ipg0: missing enp0: missing fxp0: missing These messages are normal and do not indicate a problem; one line is posted for each type of device that is supported by the kernel and not detected on the target. ID="ch322"After the device messages, startup messages are displayed:Creating miniroot devices, please wait... Current system date is date Mounting file systems: /dev/miniroot on / /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 on /root /root/dev/usr on /root/usr Invoking software installation. ID="ch323"Reset the system date, if needed.ID="ch324"Notice that the startup messages include a posting of the system date. If the date is off by more than a few minutes, reset it with this command (see IDREF="20448" TYPE="TITLE""Changing the Network Time-out Value" if you need more information):Inst> admin date mmddhhmmyy You can display the date again with this command:Inst> admin date Check the distribution source that will be used for the installation.The location of the distribution source that you specified in the miniroot load procedure is posted in a message above the Inst Main menu (see IDREF="39297" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-2 on IDREF="39297" TYPE="TEXT"page 40 for an illustration of the Main menu):Default distribution to install from: source For help on inst commands, type "help overview".The miniroot is successfully loaded on the target system and Inst is started. Go to ID="ch325"IDREF="21005" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 4, "Using the Main Menu," to install software.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="72525"Starting a Live InstallationIt is not necessary to shut down the target system to perform a live installation. However, it is always advisable to warn other users to shut down applications that will be affected by the installation. During a live installation, Inst creates copies of some files that are held open by the operating system or by applications. For this reason, live installations usually require extra disk space temporarily.ID="ch326"To install software, you must start Inst as the superuser on the target system. If you start Inst as a regular user, you are assigned read-only permissions, preventing you from making any changes to the installed software.ID="ch327"Use this command to start Inst from the command line of an IRIX shell on the target:ID="ch328"ID="ch329"% su Password: # ID="ch330"inst After your entry, the default location of the distribution is posted and the Inst Main menu is displayed (see IDREF="39297" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-2 on IDREF="39297" TYPE="TEXT"page 40).NoteWhen starting a live installation, you can use arguments to the inst command to modify the way that Inst operates. Some of these arguments are described in IDREF="56965" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 6, "Inst for Experts." A complete list of inst arguments is given in the inst(1M) reference page.LBL="4"ID="21005"Using the Main MenuThis chapter describes how to install software using the Inst Main menu. It explains how to use Main menu commands in a typical installation session and what to do after the installation is done to put the target back into service. Use the instructions in this chapter to complete the installation after you have performed the procedures in IDREF="13471" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 3, "Starting an Installation."This chapter contains these sections:IDREF="69865" TYPE="TITLE""The Software Installation Procedure"IDREF="57466" TYPE="TITLE""If Inst Is Interrupted"IDREF="72830" TYPE="TITLE""Managing Configuration Files"If you prefer to use a graphical user interface and Software Manager is installed on the target system, you can access Software Manager from the System toolchest and use it instead of Inst. See the software installation instructions in the ID="ch41"IDREF="96534" BOOK="PerSysAdmin" FILE="" HDG="96534" INFO=""Personal System Administration Guide for how to use Software Manager.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="69865"The Software Installation ProcedureThe procedure in this section shows you how to perform a software installation using a particular sequence of commands from the Inst Main menu. The order in which the commands are described illustrates one of many command sequences that might be used to do an installation. As you become familiar with Inst, you can vary the command order, repeat commands, use additional keyword arguments, and enter commands from other menus during installation sessions (ID="ch42"IDREF="45242" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 5, "Using Supplementary Menus," and IDREF="56965" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 6, "Inst for Experts," contain information about additional Inst features). NoteIf you are an experienced Inst user, you might prefer to use the IDREF="66475" TYPE="TITLE""Condensed Installation Instructions" instead of this procedure.This procedure partitions the installation into seven steps. Each step is explained in the subsections that follow.ID="ch43"Start Inst.Specify the distribution source(s) using the from, open, and close commands.Display software information using the list commands.Make your software selections with install, remove, and keep commands. Launch the installation using the go command.Resolve any conflicts (conflicts command) or errors.Quit the installation session.IDREF="73929" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-1 illustrates the steps in the installation process. In this figure, the automatic initialization function is shown at step 2. However, initialization can occur at other steps in the session (see IDREF="49349" TYPE="TITLE""Automatic Initialization Functions" for details). FILE="Fig4-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="4-1"Figure 4-1 ID="73929"Summary of the Installation ProcedureLBL="" HELPID=""Step 1: Invoking InstFor miniroot installations, which are required whenever you install software that is fundamental to the IRIX operating system, Inst is automatically started when the miniroot is loaded (see IDREF="47365" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Miniroot Installation"). For live installations, Inst is started from the command line of an IRIX shell (see IDREF="72525" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Live Installation"). After Inst is started, it displays the default distribution source and the Main menu, as shown in ID="ch44"IDREF="39297" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-2.FILE="Fig4-2.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="4-2"Figure 4-2 ID="39297"The Inst Main MenuLBL="" HELPID=""ID="24071"Step 2: Specifying the SourceSpecifying a distribution source is not always necessary during an installation procedure, for frequently the default distribution is appropriate. By default, Inst uses the distribution that was previously specified as the source of installable software for a live installation. For miniroot installations, Inst expects to use the distribution from which you loaded the miniroot. The default source is posted in a message above the Main menu when Inst is started (see the final step in ID="ch45"IDREF="40576" TYPE="TITLE""Loading From a Local CD" or IDREF="20885" TYPE="TITLE""Loading From a Remote Distribution Source" in Chapter 3).If the default source is not appropriate, however, use the from command to replace the current distribution source; use the open command to specify additional sources of installable software. The close command closes any distribution that you specified with either the from or the open command. You can use the from, open, and close commands as many times as necessary during an installation session.NoteWhen Inst posts multiple distributions in from, open, and close listings, it numbers each item in the list. You can use this number as a command argument instead of typing the entire distribution pathname. For example, close247 closes the three distribution sources numbered 2, 4, and 7 in the distribution list.LBL="" HELPID=""Using the from CommandUse the from command to replace the current distribution source with one or more different sources. Your entry can take one of the forms of ID="ch46"from listed below (also see IDREF="44781" TYPE="TITLE""Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution"):ID="ch47"from Enter the ID="ch48"from command with no arguments to display a selection of former distributions from which to choose; type the number of a selection to specify it as the distribution. If the distribution that you want does not appear in the list, enter an alternate form of the from command (below) to specify the distribution.from pathname ... from server:pathname ...Add a pathname argument to from to specify a distribution that is local to the target system (usually a CD-ROM drive) or NFS mounted on the target system. If the distribution is on a remote system, the pathname is preceded by the remote hostname and a colon. You can specify more than one distribution source in your entry; use a space to separate each distribution.These examples illustrate from command entries for a local distribution, a remote distribution, and multiple distributions:from /CDROM/dist from easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.5/dist from easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.5/dist sparkplug:/dist/cfrom none Specify ID="ch49"ID="ch410"none to display the list of software installed on the target; no distribution is selected in this case. This form of the from command is useful for browsing and removing software from the target system.LBL="" HELPID=""Using the open CommandUse the open command to add a distribution source to the sources that are currently available to Inst. The ID="ch411"ID="ch412"open command requires the location of the additional distribution as an argument. For example, if easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/dist is the current distribution source, the command in example IDREF="36895" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-1 opens the distribution at easyboy:/CDROM/dist and makes it available for installation.LBL="4-1"Example 4-1 ID="36895"The open CommandInst> open easyboy:/CDROM/distWhen you use the list command (see IDREF="75474" TYPE="TITLE""Step 3: Displaying Software Information," which follows), the installable components from the newly opened source are added to the listing following the components from the original source. In the IDREF="36895" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-1 case, the listing from easyboy:/CDROM/dist would follow the listing from easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/dist. Also see IDREF="89352" TYPE="TITLE""When Multiple Distributions Are Open" for more information.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="49349"Automatic Initialization FunctionsNotice in ID="ch413"IDREF="73929" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-1 that Inst performs an automatic initialization sequence during the installation procedure. Initialization is triggered by the first command of a session that requires Inst to collect information about the distribution or target software. In IDREF="73929" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-1, the trigger is the from command. During initialization, Inst obtains historical data about previous installations and reads the product descriptions on the distribution. It also checks for software dependencies among subsystems, makes preliminary installation selections, calculates their sizes, and checks disk availability on the target. ID="ch414"ID="ch415"ID="ch416"ID="ch417"As this initialization occurs, you see this message:Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done.When initialization is complete, the Inst> prompt is posted and you can continue with the installation session. NoteIf you do not enter the from command in this step, Inst performs initialization before executing the next command that requires data collection.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="75474"Step 3: Displaying Software InformationDisplaying software information is an optional step in the installation procedure. You can omit this step if you are already familiar with the products that you want to install or if you plan to accept the selections made during initialization (see ID="ch418"ID="ch419"IDREF="12064" TYPE="TITLE""Accepting Automatic Selections"). For most operating system installations, however, this step is necessary to evaluate distribution and target software and do progress checks during the selection process.By default, the ID="ch420"list command displays a list of all subsystems in the distribution inventory, but you can also display a complete list of software on the target using the view command (see IDREF="26852" TYPE="TITLE""Using the View Commands Menu" for additional ways of using view to control list displays). As you select software for installation or removal (step 4 of this procedure), list displays are automatically updated to reflect your selections. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="99098"Using the list CommandUse the ID="ch421"list command with no arguments to display the distribution list (if you did not enter the ID="ch422"from command in step 2, Inst performs initialization before executing the list command). You can use the names of products and their components, metacharacters, and other keywords as arguments to list commands to save time (see IDREF="17357" TYPE="TITLE""Using Command Shortcuts" for details).IDREF="82753" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-2 illustrates a list entry and the legend that precedes ID="ch423"list displays. LBL="4-2"Example 4-2 ID="82753"The list LegendInst> list View: distribution Status: N=New, U=Upgrade, S=Same, D=downgrade Selection: i=install, r=remove, k=keep Subsystem Type(s) [bdrpc]: b=reBoot needed, d=Default, r=Required, p=Patch, c=client onlyAs IDREF="82753" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-2 shows, the ID="ch424"ID="ch425"list legend provides information about software components and about actions taken during the installation session:ID="ch426"View identifies the location of software in Inst displays: target or distribution.Status mnemonics convey comparison information between software on the target and software on the distribution software. Selection mnemonics convey information about installation actions that have been specified either during automatic initialization or by the user. Subsystem Types mnemonics are the only mnemonics to appear to the right of the software name in a list display; they provide information about distribution software requirements and designations.NoteIf the distribution contains patches, patch mnemonics are also shown. See IDREF="90074" TYPE="TITLE""Interpreting Patch Information in list Displays" for details.IDREF="88220" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-3 illustrates sample list output of a distribution inventory.LBL="4-3"Example 4-3 ID="88220"Distribution Software Posted by the list Command S bvo.sw.bvo 0 VGX Broadcast Video Option Software S bvo.sw.diag 0 VGX Broadcast Video Option Diags i U compiler_eoe.sw.cpp [bdr] 0 Source Code Preprocessor i U compiler_eoe.sw.lboot 43+ Kernel lboot Software D desktop_tools.sw.tools [d] 0 Desktop Tools N onc3_eoe.sw.cachefs 0 ONC3 6.3 Cache File SystemFrequently, list displays contain several screens of information. To display more information, press Enter at the more prompt to see a new line and press the space bar to see a new screen. You can also quit the display before reaching the end by typing q at the more prompt.LBL="" HELPID=""Displaying Software Installed on the TargetUse these commands to change the view and display target software: ID="ch427"Inst> view targ Inst> list IDREF="34744" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-4 shows sample ID="ch428"list output of target software (the legend is omitted from this display). LBL="4-4"Example 4-4 ID="34744"Target Software Posted by the list Command I bvo.sw.bvo 0 VGX Broadcast Video Option Software I bvo.sw.diag 0 VGX Broadcast Vidio Option Diags u I compiler_eoe.sw.cpp [bdr] 0 Source Code Preprocessor u I compiler_eoe.sw.lboot 43- Kernel lboot Software I desktop_tools.sw.tools [d] 0 Desktop Tools R showcase.sw.data [d] 0 Necessary Data Files R showcase.sw.showcase [d] 0 IRIS Showcase 3.3 SoftwareUse this command to return the view to the distribution:Inst> view dist LBL="" HELPID=""ID="50793"Interpreting list OutputA ID="ch429"list display contains several columns of information about each software component in the display. Some columns convey information by means of mnemonic tags, which are defined in the list legend (see IDREF="82753" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-2). Columns appear empty when a tag is unassigned or when the tag is masked by the current view setting (see IDREF="49919" TYPE="TITLE""The target and distribution Commands" for more information). The columns in list displays contain this information:Column 1A pending selection on the software component, if a selection was made. This column may contain any item listed in theID="ch430" Selection line of the list legend.Column 2The status of the software component relative to its corresponding component on the target or distribution. This column contains an item listed in the Status line of the list legend (see IDREF="82753" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-2).Column 3The name of the software component. When software subsystems are displayed, the name may be followed by one or more special designations from the Subsystem Type line of the list legend (see IDREF="82753" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-2).Column 4For software items being installed (i) or removed (r), a comparison between the disk space requirements of the distribution and target versions of the software. The amount, which is displayed in kilobytes by default, is followed by a plus sign if additional space is required or a minus sign if there is space free. If items are not selected for installation or removal or if there is no net change, the size shown is zero. ID="ch431"ID="ch432"ID="ch433"Column 5A brief description of the software component. The content of this description varies slightly with each product.These items from ID="ch434"IDREF="88220" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-3 further illustrate the information provided about distribution software by the ID="ch435"list command: S bvo.sw.bvo The distribution version of the bvo.sw.bvo subsystem is the same (S) as the version on the target; no action is to be taken on this subsystem (the first column is blank). i U compiler_eoe.sw.cpp [bdr]The distribution version of compiler_eoe.sw.cpp is an upgrade (U) to the version that is currently on the target. This subsystem is selected for installation (i). Installing compiler_eoe.sw.cpp requires a reboot (b) of the target, the manufacturer has selected this subsystem as a default (d) for installation; compiler_eoe.sw.cpp is required (r) for system operation.i U compiler_eoe.sw.unix...26-The distribution version of compiler_eoe.sw.unix is an upgrade (U) to the version that is currently on the target. This subsystem is selected for installation (i); the distribution version is 26 kilobytes smaller than the corresponding version on the target.D desktop_tools.sw.tools [d]The desktop_tools.sw.tools subsystem in the distribution is a downgrade (D) of the corresponding subsystem on the target. Because the target version of this subsystem is newer, no action is to be taken on this subsystem, even though the manufacturer recommends it as a default (d) installation selection.The information in IDREF="34744" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-4 indicates that most products from the distribution are currently installed (I) on the target but that the showcase subsystems have been removed (R). One distribution product from IDREF="88220" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-3, onc3_eoe, does not appear in the target list in IDREF="34744" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-4. Also notice that items marked for installation (i) in the distribution list (IDREF="88220" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-3) are marked for upgrading (u) in the target list (IDREF="34744" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-4).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="89352"When Multiple Distributions Are OpenWhen multiple distributions are open, list posts the name of the distribution at the top of the distribution contents. For example, this listing indicates that two distributions are open, one on server pearl and one on server cameo:LBL="4-5"Example 4-5 List Output for Multiple Open Distributions pearl:/6.5/options/SoftWindows95: i U SoftWindows95.man.eoe [d] 0 SoftWindows 95 Man Pages i U SoftWindows95.man.relnotes [d] 0 Release Notes i U SoftWindows95.sw.eoe [d] 14+ SoftWindows95 core i N SoftWindows95.sw.help [d] 5+ SoftWindows95 Help files cameo:/apps/acrobat_3.0: i U acrobat.man.man [d] 0 Acrobat reader Manual Pages, 3.0 i U acrobat.man.relnotes [d] 1- Acrobat reader Release Notes, 3.0 i U acrobat.sw.reader [d] 2245+ Acrobat reader, 3.0LBL="" HELPID=""Interpreting the Disk Space SummaryAt the end of each listing, the list command posts a disk space summary similar to those shown in IDREF="87792" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-6. The summary identifies the target filesystems to receive the selected software, estimates the additional space (or space savings) that will result if the selected software is installed, calculates the space overhead required by installation processing, and reports the amount of space that will be available on the target filesystems after the installation. Estimates in disk space summaries are based on the current installation selections.LBL="4-6"Example 4-6 ID="87792"Disk Space SummaryDisk Space summary (Kbytes) / Current free space 564432 - Selections net change 1276+ - Temporary inst overhead 53+ = Minimum free during install 563103 Final projected free space 563156LBL="" HELPID=""ID="65715"Step 4: Making Software SelectionsThree types of actions can occur on a target during an installation: Distribution software is installed, target software is removed, and some target software is kept in its present condition. In this step, you specify which of these actions should be taken against selected software when the installation is performed (step 5 of this procedure). The ID="ch436"install, remove, and keep commands select software for the designated action.In most cases, the selection step is needed to adjust software for the disk capacity of the target and the needs of its users. However, in some cases it is possible to accept the automatic selections that Inst makes during initialization. These selections are described in IDREF="12064" TYPE="TITLE""Accepting Automatic Selections".NoteIf the automatic selections described on IDREF="12064" TYPE="TEXT"page 50 are suitable for your circumstances, you can accept these selections and go directly to step 5 of this procedure.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="86538"Using the install, remove, and keep CommandsThe ID="ch437"install, remove, and keep commands select software products and their components for a particular action. No action is taken until you enter the go command, so you can change your selections as many times as necessary before entering go (described in IDREF="21621" TYPE="TITLE""Step 5: Launching the Installation").NoteYou can use the step command to display items on the distribution individually and make your selections as each item is displayed. See IDREF="81061" TYPE="TITLE""Using step to Make Selections" for details.When you make your selections, keep these points in mind:Usually, Inst has already made some installation selections automatically (see IDREF="12064" TYPE="TITLE""Accepting Automatic Selections"). Use the ID="ch438"install command to select software that has not already been selected.In some cases, you might not want a selected software component installed or you might want to retain the currently installed version rather than upgrade it. When this is the case, use the ID="ch439"keep command to preserve the current condition on the target.During the installation, Inst automatically removes target software that will be upgraded with software from the distribution (illustrated by IDREF="34744" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-4). It is not necessary to use the ID="ch440"remove command on these productsname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'use the remove command only on currently installed software that you no longer want on the target. Use the list command periodically to check the selection status of products and product components during the selection step (see IDREF="75474" TYPE="TITLE""Step 3: Displaying Software Information").It is sometimes useful to alternate the selection process with the launch process (see IDREF="21621" TYPE="TITLE""Step 5: Launching the Installation"), selecting and installing a subset of software in each cycle. In this case, alternate the selection commands with the go command. LBL="" HELPID=""Simple Selection Command EntriesIn their simplest form, the ID="ch441"install, ID="ch442"remove, and ID="ch443"keep commands contain one argument that identifies the product, image, or subsystem on which the action will be taken. If you specify a product or image as the argument to the install, remove, or keep commands, the action is taken on all subsystems of the product or image. These sample entries explain the effects of selection command entries:Inst> install sysmon Install all parts of the product sysmon, which is either a new product for the target or an upgrade to the installed version.Inst> install prereqs Automatically resolve conflicts by installing any prerequisites for selected software.Inst> remove InPerson.books Remove the currently installed InPerson.books image from the target.Inst> keep DeltaCC.sw.backend Retain the current version of DeltaCC.sw.backend that is installed on the target; if DeltaCC.sw.backend is not installed, prevent installation of the distribution version.Inst> keep conflicting De-select all subsytems causing conflicts.You can use multiple arguments in install, remove, or keep commands, as shown in IDREF="20452" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-7.LBL="4-7"Example 4-7 Multiple ID="20452"Arguments to the install, remove, and keep CommandsInst> install sysmon cadmin mmail desktop_eoe dmedia_eoe quickt ime_dev imgtools.sw showcase Inst> keep InPerson.books InPerson.sw Inst> remove DeltaCC.sw.backend DeltaCC.man.relnotes LBL="" HELPID=""Using Arguments in Selection CommandsYou can use the name of a distribution, products and their components, metacharacters, and keywords as arguments to the ID="ch444"install, ID="ch445"remove, and ID="ch446"keep commands to save time (see IDREF="17357" TYPE="TITLE""Using Command Shortcuts" for more information). These sample entries illustrate the use of shortcuts in selection commands (see IDREF="17357" TYPE="TITLE""Using Command Shortcuts" for more information):Inst> install required Install all subsystems that are required for optimum system operation.Inst> remove distribution_name: *.man Remove all images with a .man extension from the specified distribution. The distribution name must end with a colon (:).Inst> keep I eoe* Keep all eoe1 subsystems that are currently installed on the target (do not install upgrade versions from the distribution).LBL="" HELPID=""Checking Your Selections With listYou can enter a list command during the selection process whenever the Inst> prompt is displayed. The first column of the listing and the disk space summary information reflect your selections and their effects on disk space.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="12064"Accepting Automatic SelectionsRecall from step 3 that Inst automatically makes preliminary selections during initialization (see also ID="ch447"ID="ch448"IDREF="49349" TYPE="TITLE""Automatic Initialization Functions"). If you accept the automatic selections, you can omit step 4 and go on to IDREF="21621" TYPE="TITLE""Step 5: Launching the Installation".Use this command to display the list of software that is selected for installation:Inst> list i IDREF="53759" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-8 illustrates a portion of the display that was generated by the previous list command. Notice that the display concludes with an estimate of space requirements, which may help you decide whether to accept the automatic selections.LBL="4-8"Example 4-8 ID="53759"List of Subsystems Selected for Installationi U eoe.sw.gfx_lib bdr 19+ Graphics Execution Libraries i U eoe.sw.irix_lib bdr 991+ IRIX Execution Libraries i U eoe.sw.unix bdr 6674+ IRIX Execution Environment i U eoe.sw.cdrom d 241+ CD-ROM Support i U eoe.sw.crypt d 25+ Security Administration Utilities i U eoe.sw.gltools d 80+ Graphics Library Tools Disk Space summary (Kbytes): / Current free space 564432 - Selections net change 64793+ - Temporary inst overhead 53+ = Minimum free during install 499586 Final projected free space 499639LBL="" HELPID=""ID="21621"Step 5: Launching the InstallationThe selections that you made in step 4 are processed when you launch the installation with the ID="ch449"ID="ch450"ID="ch451"go command. You can process any number of selections; it is not necessary to complete all your selections before you enter go. The order in which you made selections (step 4) has no effect on the order in which they are processed.NoteInst reports a conflict during go processing if you failed to include any prerequisite software in a selected subset (see IDREF="78222" TYPE="TITLE""Step 6: Resolving Conflicts"). As the go command executes, Inst determines whether your selections contain incompatibilities, missing prerequisites, space shortages, or other errors that might make the new software configuration unsuitable for the target. To keep you informed of events, Inst posts status messages during go processing (see ID="ch452"IDREF="21405" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-9).LBL="4-9"Example 4-9 ID="21405"Successful Installation MessagesInst> go Reading fileset information.. Pre-installation check .. 100% Done. Checking space requirements ... Installing/removing files .. 44% Upgrading selected pv.sw subsystems Installing/removing files.. 100% Done. Running exit commands .. 100% Done. Checking dependencies .. 100% Done. Installations and removals were successful. You may continue with installations or quit now. Inst>Notice that IDREF="21405" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-9 contains a success message:Installations and removals were successfulWhen you see this message, you can either continue the installation session or go directly to IDREF="34930" TYPE="TITLE""Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session". If you receive an error message instead of a success message, complete IDREF="78222" TYPE="TITLE""Step 6: Resolving Conflicts" before going on to step 7. LBL="" HELPID=""Step 6: ID="78222"Resolving ConflictsThe installations and removals that you specified in step 4 are not performed if conflicts or error conditions are detected during ID="ch453"ID="ch454"go processing. Conflicts occur if you select software that depends on prerequisites that you did not select or if a selection is incompatible with other selections or with installed software. Errors other than conflicts that occur during go command processing are resolved with routine corrective actions (see IDREF="38944" TYPE="TITLE"Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations," for additional error-handling information).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="38802"Using the conflicts CommandIf Inst detects a conflict in the software that you selected, it posts a conflicts message after you enter the ID="ch455"go command. Conflict error messages are followed by a description of the conflicts and recommended actions that you can safely perform to resolve the conflicts. You use the conflicts command to select a suggested resolution. You can also enter the conflicts command periodically during the selection process to display any conflicts that might be accumulating as a result of your selections.IDREF="99155" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-10 illustrates a message describing two conflicts.LBL="4-10"Example 4-10 ID="99155"Conflicts MessageERROR: Conflicts must be resolved. Movie Playback, Recording, Conversion cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites: 1a. Do not install Movie Playback, Recording, Conversion 1b. Also install Compression Execution Environment DLPI Execution Environment cannot be removed because other products depend on it: 2a. Do not remove DLPI Execution Environment 2b. Also remove 4DDN Software To resolve a conflict, enter the ID="ch456"conflicts command and your choice of resolutions as command arguments, as shown in IDREF="23231" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-11.LBL="4-11"Example 4-11 ID="23231"Entry to Resolve ConflictsInst> conflicts 1b 2a When you have successfully resolved all conflicts, Inst posts a success message. Enter the go command after the message to process any new selections.No conflicts Inst> go If the go command returns a success message (see IDREF="21405" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-9), you can continue with the session or go on to IDREF="34930" TYPE="TITLE""Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session".LBL="" HELPID=""Resolving Other ErrorsIf Inst is unable to execute ID="ch457"go for reasons other than conflicts, it posts error messages that suggest the cause of the error and presents choices for your next action. Errors can occur during preinstallation checking, while software is being installed and removed, or during exit operations. If you need additional information to correct an error, see IDREF="38944" TYPE="TITLE"Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations," which describes the errors that occur in each phase of the installation process and suggests how to handle them.LBL="" HELPID=""Errors Caused by Read-Only Directories A common error in preinstallation checking occurs if software is to be installed into or removed from a directory with read-only permission, which makes the directory inaccessible to the inst utility. IDREF="19610" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-12 illustrates the message that is displayed during preinstallation checking when this error occurs.ID="ch458"LBL="4-12"Example 4-12 ID="19610"Error With Directory PermissionsInst> go ERROR: Cannot begin processing the following subsystems because they must install/remove files in read-only directories that are on your system or on a remote NFS server. Okay to continue without these subsystems?If you continue, Inst deselects the subsystems that require access to the read-only directories listed in the message, then it continues with go processing. However, if deselecting these subsystems will generate conflicts with other subsystems that are being installed or removed, Inst posts one of the directory-permissions errors shown on IDREF="73773" TYPE="TEXT"page 206 of IDREF="38944" TYPE="TITLE"Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Installations."LBL="" HELPID=""ID="89632"Errors that Display the Interrupt MenuDuring go processing, you see status messages like those shown in IDREF="32622" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-13. If an error occurs that requires you to take further action, Inst displays the Interrupt Menu, also shown in ID="ch459"IDREF="32622" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-13.LBL="4-13"Example 4-13 ID="32622"Error in Installation ProcessingInst> go Pre-installation check Installing/removing software Upgrading selected prod1.man subsystems Installing new versions of selected prod1.sw subsystems ERROR : An error occurred while Installing new versions of selected prod1.sw subsystems Archive /swmgr/products/prod1/images/prod1.sw is corrupt Error/Interrupt Menu 1. retry Retry the failed operation 2. stop Terminate current command 3. continue Continue current command 4. set[preferences] List all preferences or set/clear a preference 5. help [topic] Get help in general or on a specific word 6. sh [cmd] Escape to a shell or run a command 7. shroot [cmd] Escape to a chrooted shell or run a command Interrupt> The version of the Interrupt menu in IDREF="32622" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-13 includes a "retry" choice, which causes Inst to attempt the failed operation again (commonly, these failures are due to a network timeout). Whenever the Interrupt Menu is displayed, check the ERROR line above the menu for a suggested reason for the failure, take the appropriate corrective action (if any is required), then retry the operation. See IDREF="55678" TYPE="TITLE""Using the Interrupt Menu" for information on other Interrupt Menu selelctions (notice that the Interrupt Menu in IDREF="42001" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 5-3 does not contain the "retry" choice).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="34930"Step 7: Quitting the Installation SessionYou can leave an installation session at any time by issuing the ID="ch460"ID="ch461"quit command at the Inst prompt. Inst> quit Requickstarting ELF files (see rqsall(1))...100% Done. Automatically reconfiguring the operating system.LBL="" HELPID=""If Selections Are PendingIf any installation or removal selections are pending when you enter the quit command, Inst notifies you:There are products marked for installation or removal. Do you really want to quit?(y/n)If you enter y, the session ends and your pending selections are not processed. Enter n if you want to continue the session.LBL="" HELPID=""If Conflicts Are UnresolvedIn some cases, there may be unresolved conflicts when you enter the quit command. For example, unresolved conflicts occur when you try to end a session without installing all software that is required for an operating system upgrade. If there are unresolved conflicts when you enter the quit command, Inst posts the message shown in IDREF="12752" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-14.LBL="4-14"Example 4-14 ID="12752"Conflicts Message When Quitting InstERROR: INCOMPATIBLE SUBSYSTEMS INSTALLED Some software that was already installed on your system prior to this session is incompatible with the new software. The conflict messages above (or below) list the incompatible software. You can either: - Insert another CD or specify another distribution directory that contains compatible versions of software (for example, if you are in the middle of an operating system upgrade, insert the next CD that you received with the upgrade), then start the installation. - Remove the incompatible software by making conflict resolution choices as shown above (or below).This message is followed by a list of conflicts that must be resolved before you can end the session successfully. See IDREF="78222" TYPE="TITLE""Step 6: Resolving Conflicts" for information on conflict resolution.NoteIf you set the rulesoverride preference on (not recommended), the conflicts message varies from the one shown in IDREF="12752" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-14. With rulesoverride on, the message identifies the unresolved conflicts and warns you that the installation will be performed despite remaining conflicts. LBL="" HELPID=""If Rebooting Is NeededIf you performed a live installation and installed products that require a system reboot, you see the message in IDREF="87729" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-15.LBL="4-15"Example 4-15 ID="87729"Quit Prompt With Reboot MessageInstallations and removals were successful You must reboot your system to complete the installation. Inst> LBL="" HELPID=""ID="57466"If Inst Is InterruptedIf an installation session is interrupted by an abnormal event (such as a power failure), Inst saves a record of pending requests for product installations and removals in a ID="ch462"ID="ch463"ID="ch464"ID="ch465"checkpoint restart file. At the start of the next session, Inst posts a checkpoint restart notice that identifies the software distribution and lists the products on which actions are pending. LBL="" HELPID=""Completing a Checkpoint RestartThis checkpoint restart menu (see ID="ch466"ID="ch467"IDREF="28304" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 4-3) is displayed if an installation session is interrupted abnormally:FILE="Fig4-3.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="4-3"Figure 4-3 ID="28304"The Checkpoint Restart MenuTo proceed, choose one of the restart selections from this prompt. Checkpoint restart selections have these effects:If you select Retry the previous installation (the default), Inst attempts to restore the previous session and continue the installation.If you select Restore the previous installation session and let me look at it, Inst displays the Inst> prompt. Use the listi command to see what remains to be installed, and then enter the go command.If you select Ignore the previous installation session, the previous session is aborted (pending selections are disregarded) and Inst is started in a new session.LBL="" HELPID=""If a Checkpoint Restart FailsFailures during a checkpoint restarts are frequently caused by four conditions, which are usually easily corrected:ID="ch468"A missing software distributionID="ch469"ERROR : The distribution server:pathname does not existThis failure occurs if the distribution source that was saved in the checkpoint restart file no longer is exists or is unavailable. For example, the distribution source may be unaccessible because of a network failure or because the distribution was moved. If the distribution is missing and you select item 1, the error message is posted as soon as you make your selection. If the distribution is missing and you select item 2, the error message is posted when you try to list the distribution.Different software distributionERROR : Invalid product sc.sw.sc in selections fileThis failure occurs if the location of the distribution source in the checkpoint restart file is the same but the products in the distribution are different. For example, you see this error if a CD other than the correct distribution CD is loaded in the CD-ROM drive or if the contents of the distribution directory were changed since the previous session. If the software distribution is different from the previous installation and you select item 1, the error message is posted as soon as you make your selection. If the software distribution is different from the previous installation and you select item 2, the message is posted when you try to list the distribution.Bad selectionsID="ch470"ERROR : Could not retry previous installation because of errors in the selections. Conflicts must be resolved.This failure occurs when the installed software on the target or the product dependencies on the distribution has changed since the previous installation. The changes result in conflicts that prevent installation. If there are bad selections and you select item 1 to restart the installation, the installation is stopped and you see the error message.After the message, you see the standard conflicts screen. If there are bad selections and you choose item 2 to restart the installation, you see only the conflicts screen. See IDREF="38802" TYPE="TITLE""Using the conflicts Command" if you need instructions on how to proceed.Not enough disk spaceThis failure occurs when the software that was selected for the previous installation requires more disk space than is available on the target. If there is not enough disk space and you select item 1 to restart the installation, you see this message:ERROR : Could not retry previous installation because of errors in the selections. Installation requires too much space.If you select item 2 to restart the installation, you see this message:ERROR: Installation requires too much space.To complete the installation, remove files from the target system or change your installation selections; then enter the go command.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="72830"Managing Configuration FilesSometimes a distribution contains configuration files, which are either required or recommended for operation, that exist on the target in a modified form (an ID="ch471"/etc/rpc file, for example). When the target system contains modified configuration files, Inst preserves the modified files during the installation in one of two ways: If the new configuration file is required for operation, Inst copies the existing target version to a file of the same name, appending a ID="ch472".O (obsolete) extension to it (/etc/rpc.O, for example). Then it installs the new, required version of the file by its standard name (/etc/rpc). If the new configuration file is recommended (but not required), Inst leaves the existing file on the target untouched; it writes the recommended version to a file of the same name, appending a ID="ch473".N (new) extension to it. You can use .N files at your discretion.For example, assume that the target contains a modified /etc/fstab file before an installation and the distribution contains a new, recommended /etc/fstab. After the installation, the original target version is still in /etc/fstab; the new version is contained in /etc/fstab.N. LBL="" HELPID=""Configuration File AnomaliesIn most cases, Inst handles modified configuration files with predictable results: after installation, the target contains an installed version and an alternate version of the file. Normally, relevant portions of the alternate versions are subsequently merged into the installed version and the alternate version is removed. However, if you repeat an installation of the same software, the results may be different.For example, it is possible to create both a .O and a .N version of the same configuration file. This happens when Inst creates a .O version of the file and you modify the newly installed version instead of merging and removing the .O version. During the repeat installation, Inst compares the installed file with the version on the distribution; when it finds that the two are different, it creates a copy of the distribution version, assigning it a .N extension.As another example, assume that the .N version of a configuration file is merged with the installed version and erased. During the repeat installation, Inst detects differences between the installed file and the distribution version, so it creates a copy of the distribution version, assigning it a .N extension.LBL="" HELPID=""The Configuration File NoticeWhen a new version of a configuration file is created during an installation, Inst posts a message about the changed files after ID="ch474"go processing is completed. The message, shown in IDREF="98277" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-16, is repeated the next several times that the target system is rebooted. LBL="4-16"Example 4-16 ID="98277"Notice of Configuration File ChangesSoftware installation has installed new configuration files and saved the previous version in some cases. You may need to update or merge old configuration files with the newer version. Please see "Updating Configuration Files" in the versions(1M) manual page for details.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="71555"Merging Configuration FilesTo avoid compatibility problems, plan to merge configuration files if new versions were created. Use the procedure below to merge configuration files.ID="ch475"Identify changed configuration files with this command:ID="ch476"# ID="ch477"versions changed IDREF="64029" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-17 illustrates output of the previous versions command. (You can use an equivalent command from the Inst application: admin config changed.) LBL="4-17"Example 4-17 ID="64029"Listing of Changed Configuration FilesConfiguration Files m = modified since initial installation ? = modification unknown blank = file is as originally installed /etc/halt ? /etc/halt.O m /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.N /etc/reboot ? /etc/reboot.O m /etc/services /etc/services.NThe .O versions of the configuration files are the earlier versions. In this case, the no-suffix version contains changes that are required for compatibility with the rest of the newly installed software, that increase functioning, or that fix bugs. The .N versions of the configuration files are the versions created during the installation. They contain changes or new features that can be added to the no-suffix version of the configuration file at your option.NoteThe release notes might have information about the changes that were made to configuration files in the new release.Merge information from both versions of the configuration files.Use diff or xdiff to compare .O and .N files with their no-suffix counterparts. Transfer information that is needed from the .O version to the no-suffix version. Add information from the .N version to the no-suffix version if you want it.Delete the ID="ch478".O and .N versions of the configuration files. If you want to keep .O and .N files, rename them; otherwise they might be removed automatically during the next installation. When you remove all .O and .N configuration files, no message about configuration files appears when you reboot the system and the startup process is faster. LBL="5"ID="45242"Using Supplementary MenusIn some installation situations, it will be useful or even necessary to modify Inst operating parameters or change conditions on the target system to facilitate installation. This chapter describes how to use selections on the View Commands menu and the Administrative Commands menu to make these modifications. It also explains how to enter commands that are not offered on the active menu.This chapter contains these sections:IDREF="22461" TYPE="TITLE""Giving Commands on Other Menus"IDREF="26852" TYPE="TITLE""Using the View Commands Menu"IDREF="69233" TYPE="TITLE""Using the Administrative Commands Menu"IDREF="55678" TYPE="TITLE""Using the Interrupt Menu"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="22461"Giving Commands on Other MenusFrom the Inst Main menu, you can execute commands on the View Commands menu and the Administrative Commands menu without switching menus. To do this, begin your entry with either the ID="ch51"view or the admin command, followed by the selection from the supplementary menu that you want to execute. For example, Inst> admin date Wed Feb 24 22:58:53 PDT 1993 Inst>When the View or Administrative Commands menu is active, you can enter Main menu commands without switching menus. To enter a Main menu command from either the View or the Administrative Commands menu, begin your entry with the return command, followed by the command from the Main menu that you want to execute. For example, View> return remove ftn.man.relnotes LBL="" HELPID=""ID="26852"Using the View Commands MenuThe View Commands menu allows you to change the default behavior of the list and step commands to adjust their output. By default, ID="ch52"list and ID="ch53"step post an alphabetic display of all software in the distribution. The size column reports a ID="ch54"ID="ch55"delta size, which is the difference in disk space requirements between the installed software and the software on the distribution. Items on the View Commands menu offer alternatives to these defaults.ID="ch56"To display the View Commands menu, enter the ID="ch57"ID="ch58"view command from the Main menu, as shown in IDREF="18358" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 5-1. Inst> view FILE="Fig5-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="5-1"Figure 5-1 ID="18358"The View MenuNoteThe set command is a hidden selection on the View Commands menu; you can use set whenever the View Commands menu is posted to display and change Inst preferences. (See IDREF="25419" TYPE="TITLE""Displaying Hidden Commands" for more information on hidden commands and IDREF="11222" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 8 for information on setting preferences.)For instructions on using commands from other menus while the View Commands menu is active, see IDREF="22461" TYPE="TITLE""Giving Commands on Other Menus".LBL="" HELPID=""ID="49919"The target and distribution CommandsThe ID="ch59"target and ID="ch510"distribution items on the View Commands menu change the view between the distribution inventory and the target. When you change views, a message is displayed to notify you of the new view:ID="ch511"View> target View: target View> distribution View: distributionAny list or step command that you enter after changing the view contains software items from the specified location. IDREF="39122" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-1 illustrates the effects on list output when the view is set to the target. In this example, the installed software on the target does not include patches. LBL="5-1"Example 5-1 ID="39122"A list Display From the Target ViewView> target View> return list View: target Status: I=installed, R=removed, ' '=not installed Selection: i=install, r=remove, k=keep, u=upgrade Subsystem Type(s)[bdrc]: b=reBoot needed, d=Default, r=Required, c=client only u I 4DDN.sw.4DDN [bd] 2854 4DDN Software u I 4Dwm.sw.4Dwm [d] 3 Desktop Window Manager u I ViewKit_eoe.sw.base [d] 0 ViewKit Execution Environment, 1.1IDREF="16848" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-2 illustrates the effects on step output when you reset the view to the distribution. Notice that this distribution contains patches.LBL="5-2"Example 5-2 ID="16848"A step Display From the Distribution ViewView> distribution View> return step View: distribution Status: N=new, U=upgrade, S=same, D=downgrade, P=patch upgrade Patches: A=installable patch, X=uninstallable (missing base product) Selection: i=install, r=remove, k=keep Subsystem Type(s) [bdrpc]: b=reBoot needed, d=Default, r=Required, p=Patch c=Client only Step commands: i,r,k,n,p,... Use ? for more step help. i N 4DDN.man.4DDN [d] 146 4DDN Manual PagesLBL="" HELPID=""The filter CommandBy default, the output of ID="ch512"ID="ch513"list and step contains all subsystems that are available in the distribution inventory; when the view is set to the target, list and step output contains all software that is either installed or recorded in the installation history. The filter command on the View Commands menu alters the output of list and step by toggling a specified subset of the display off and on. You can use any status designation, such as new (on distribution listings) or installed (on target listings), as the filter. You can also use the keywords all, notinstalled, and rejected as filters (see Inst online help for a complete description of filters). For example, this ID="ch514"filter command causes removed subsystems to be omitted from list and step displays of target software:View> filter removed off The command sequence in IDREF="33907" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-3 illustrates a target listing before and after the previous filter command is entered (the list legend is omitted from this example):LBL="5-3"Example 5-3 ID="33907"Effects of Using View FiltersView> .. list 4DLT 818 4DLT software 3.1 R ClearCase 40653 CASEVision/ClearCase 2.0.1 BL1 (IRIX 5.3) R FDDIXPress 1012 FDDIXPress, 3.6 InPerson 8273 InPerson Desktop Conferencing, 1.1 R ViewKit_dev 0 ViewKit Development Environment, Version 1.1 N cosmo 246 Cosmo Compress Execution Environment 1.1 N dba 0 Database Accelerator, 5.3 media_dev 0 IRIS Digital Media Development Environment View> filter removed off View> return list 4DLT 818 4DLT software 3.1 InPerson 8273 InPerson Desktop Conferencing, 1.1 N cosmo 246 Cosmo Compress Execution Environment 1.1 N dba 0 Database Accelerator, 5.3 dmedia_dev 0 IRIS Digital Media Development EnvironmentLBL="" HELPID=""ID="13483"The level CommandBy default, the ID="ch515"ID="ch516"list and step commands display the subsystem components of software on the distribution or target. Using the level command from the View Commands menu, you can change the output to a different component in the product hierarchy. The level command takes ID="ch517"product (or 1), image (or ID="ch518"2), and subsystem (or ID="ch519"3) as arguments.IDREF="31597" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-4 illustrates the effects of a level command on the first two products shown in IDREF="33907" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-3 (the list legend is omitted from this example).LBL="5-4"Example 5-4 ID="31597"Effects of level on a list DisplayView> level image View> return list i N 4DDN.man 146+ 4DDN Documentation i N 4DLT.sw 794+ 4DLT software3.1 i N InPerson.books 0 InPersonBooks i N InPerson.man 2215+ InPersonDocumentation i N InPerson.sw 5294+ InPersonSoftwareLBL="" HELPID=""The sort CommandBy default, ID="ch520"ID="ch521"list and step sort software alphabetically by product, image, or subsystem name. Using sort, you can switch between alphabetic listings of software and listings that are ordered by size.IDREF="45064" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-5 shows how the alphabetical listing in IDREF="31597" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-4 is affected when the sort command is used to arrange by size (the list legend is omitted from this example). LBL="5-5"Example 5-5 ID="45064"Effects of sort on a list DisplayView> sort size View> return Inst> list i N InPerson.sw 5294+ InPersonSoftware i N InPerson.books 2172+ InPersonBooks i N 4DLT.sw 794+ 4DLT software3.1 i N 4DDN.man 146+ 4DDN Documentation i N InPerson.man 43+ InPersonDocumentationNoteWhen the sortsize command is in effect, the ordering of a list is affected by the sizes, deltas, and filesystems command (see IDREF="82763" TYPE="TITLE""The filesystems Command" below).LBL="" HELPID=""The sizes and deltas CommandsBy default, inst runs with the deltas command in effect; that is, list and step commands report the size of a product or its components as the difference (ID="ch522"delta) in space requirements between the installed software on the target and the corresponding software in the distribution. You can display the absolute sizes of software, rather than the delta sizes, by using the sizes command on the View Commands menu. The sizes command remains in effect until you enter a deltas command.Notice in IDREF="45064" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-5 that a plus sign (+) follows each product size. The plus sign indicates that these products, which in this case are new, will require additional disk space on the target. At times, upgrade products contain a minus sign (-), indicating that the distribution version is smaller than the corresponding target version.When the view is set to target software, delta sizes represent the change in disk space that occurs when the software is removed or replaced. In this case, the target contains a larger version of the software than the distribution.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="82763"The filesystems CommandBy default, list and step commands display all writable filesystems that are local to the target; disk space estimates reflect an aggregate of the software that is selected to be installed on all locally mounted filesystems. Using the filesystems command, you can change list and step output to report space requirements on individual filesystems, on read-only filesystems, and on NFS filesystems that are writable.Most arguments to the filesystems command are paired: on, off toggles space estimates to individual or aggregate filesystemslocal, nfs specifies whether space estimates reflect locally mounted filesystems (the default) or writable NFS filesystemsreadonly, allspecifies whether space estimates reflect just read-only filesystems or writable and read-only filesystemsfilesystem_nameany filesystem specificationAny filesystems command entry overrides the previous filesystems entry.IDREF="84252" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-6 illustrates how to display individual filesystems in a list display. Notice that the sort command from IDREF="45064" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-5 is still in effect, so images are sorted by size first on the root filesystem (/), then on /disk_2, and finally on /disk_3. LBL="5-6"Example 5-6 ID="84252"Displaying Individual FilesystemsView> filesystems on View> return list / /disk_2 /disk_3 N InPerson.sw 5294 0 0 N InPerson.books 217 0 0 i N 4DLT.sw 794 0 0 i N 4DDN.man 146 0 0 i N InPerson.man 43 0 0 i N WorkShop.sw 0 46927 0 S c++_dev.sw 0 4173 0 Current free space 94358 487872 169735 - Selections net change 8449+ 51100 0 - Temporary inst overhead 184+ 328 0 = Minimum free during install 85725 436444 169735 Final projected free space 85909 436772 169735IDREF="82401" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-7 shows how you can change the columns that are shown in list and step displays. Notice that /disk_2 software appears before / software, as specified by the order of filesystems command arguments, and that the /disk_3 filesystem does not appear in the listing because it is not specified as an argument. The filesystems command is abbreviated in this example.LBL="5-7"Example 5-7 ID="82401"Changing Column Order in list Displays View> fs /disk2 / View> return list /disk2 / i N WorkShop.sw 46927 0 S c++_dev.sw 4173 0 N InPerson.sw 0 5294 N InPerson.books 0 2172 i N 4DLT.sw 0 794 i N 4DDN.man 0 146 i N InPerson.man 0 43 Current free space 487872 48787 - Selections net change 51100 8449+ - Temporary inst overhead 328 184+ = Minimum free during install 436444 85725 Final projected free space 436772 85909 LBL="" HELPID=""ID="69233"Using the Administrative Commands MenuThe Administrative Commands menu extends your control over the installation process and over conditions on the target system by allowing you to take these actions:ID="ch523"Set the preferences that tailor Inst and Software Manager behaviorExecute specialized installation commandsExecute IRIX commands To display the Administrative Commands menu, shown in IDREF="74446" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 5-2, enter this command from the Main menu: Inst> admin FILE="Fig5-2.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="5-2"Figure 5-2 ID="74446"The Administrative Commands MenuID="ch524"Information on Administrative commands is also available in IDREF="82698" TYPE="TITLE"Appendix A, "Inst Quick Reference," and from the Inst help command.LBL="" HELPID=""The set CommandThe set command controls inst(1M) operating parameters known as preferences. Refer to IDREF="11222" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 8, "Tailoring Installations," for a complete discussion of setting preferences.LBL="" HELPID=""The date CommandThe date command on the Administrative Command menu is identical to date (see the date (1) reference page), which time-stamps system events. The correct date and time of installations is important because portions of the installation process useID="ch525" make (see the date (1) reference page), which relies on dates to determine whether certain commands should be executed. The correct date and time ensure that actions that are sensitive to file dates are performed correctly. Use this command to display the date:Admin> date Use this command to set the date:Admin> date mmddhhmmyy The mmddhhmmyy argument allows two characters each for year (optional), month, day, hour (on the 24-hour clock), and minutes.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="97277"The files CommandWhen you are undecided about installing a subsystem, looking at its contents can help you decide. The ID="ch526"ID="ch527"files command on the Administrative Commands menu displays the names of the files and directories that a subsystem contains. Arguments to the ID="ch528"files command are one or more subsystem, image, or product name. IDREF="44262" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-8 shows the format and output of the files command. LBL="5-8"Example 5-8 ID="44262"Sample files DisplayAdmin> files eoe.sw.quotas i U eoe.sw.quotas 1 f etc/config/quotacheck i U eoe.sw.quotas 1 f etc/config/quotas i U eoe.sw.quotas f etc/init.d/quotas i U eoe.sw.quotas 1 l etc/rc2.d/S10quotas i U eoe.sw.quotas 193 f usr/bsd/quota i U eoe.sw.quotas 145 f usr/etc/edquota i U eoe.sw.quotas 137 f usr/etc/quotThe first, second, and third columns are identical to the first three columns of list output. The installation status in the second column applies to the entire subsystem; it does not indicate whether an individual file is currently installed.The fourth column shows the net change in disk space that the file will require if it is installed (the first column contains the letter i or is blank) or removed (the first column contains the letter r). The ID="ch529"files list does not include the components of a currently installed subsystem that are not included in the new software, because these files are obsolete. For this reason, numbers in this column are not necessarily equivalent to the net disk space change shown by the list command.The fifth column is a single character that tells the type of file:ID="ch530"COLUMNS="2"LEFT="0" WIDTH="36"fLEFT="45" WIDTH="108"plain fileLEFT="0" WIDTH="36"dLEFT="45" WIDTH="108"directoryLEFT="0" WIDTH="36"bLEFT="45" WIDTH="108"block special fileLEFT="0" WIDTH="36"cLEFT="45" WIDTH="108"character special fileLEFT="0" WIDTH="36"lLEFT="45" WIDTH="108"symbolic linkLEFT="0" WIDTH="36"pLEFT="45" WIDTH="108"fifo (named pipe)The sixth column displays the name of every file in every subsystem that matches the arguments specified in the files command.To get a list of the files in an installed subsystem, use the ID="ch531"ID="ch532"view command on the Main menu to set the view to the target system. Then return to the Administrative Commands menu and enter this command:Admin> files names LBL="" HELPID=""The space CommandDisk space summaries are displayed at the end of the output from ID="ch533"list and step commands. You can request a disk space summary at other times in the session by issuing the ID="ch534"space command, as shown in this example:Admin> space Disk space summary (Kbytes): / Current free space 426132 - Selections net change 2853+ - Temporary inst overhead 2+ = Minimum free during install 424867 Final projected free space 424967The space command does not force a recalculation of disk space (see the discussion of recalculate, which follows), so if you enter the space command before space calculations are performed, the net change amount is shown as 0 blocks, even if you have made installation or removal selections.The output of space is affected by the filesystems command on the View Commands menu (see IDREF="82763" TYPE="TITLE""The filesystems Command") and by the delayspacecheck preference (see IDREF="26924" TYPE="TITLE""Delaying Disk Space Checking"). For more information on space checking, see IDREF="89356" TYPE="TITLE""Controlling Disk Space Checks and Reports".LBL="" HELPID=""ID="13282"The recalculate CommandIf you use ID="ch535"sh or shroot from Inst to modify files on the target system, Inst automatically updates disk space calculations. You can also enter the recalculate command from the Administrative Commands menu to request a new space check after making file modifications:ID="ch536"Admin> recalculate This command always performs a detailed space check, even when the detailspacecheckID="ch537" preference is off (see IDREF="28178" TYPE="TITLE""Changing Detailed Space Checking"). The output of the recalculate command is the same as the output of the space command (above). See IDREF="89356" TYPE="TITLE""Controlling Disk Space Checks and Reports" for more information. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="89517"The sh and shroot CommandsDuring an Inst session, it is possible to invoke a shell, enter shell commands, and return to Inst without ending the session. This procedure is useful for removing user files to free disk space. Use either of these commands to invoke a shell from the Administrative Commands menu:ID="ch538"ID="ch539"Admin> ID="ch540"sh Admin> ID="ch541"shroot The sh command invokes a regular shell, and the shroot command invokes a chroot(1M) shell. By default, the shell is specified by the SHELL environment variable and is usually set to ID="ch542"/bin/sh or /bin/csh. To invoke a different shell, use the set command to specify it:Admin> ID="ch543"set shell shell_path NoteWhen you use the sh command during a miniroot installation, remember that the root and user filesystems are mounted as ID="ch544"/root and /root/user. But if you use shroot, the root is changed to /root and pathnames are unnecessary for most commands. For this reason, using shroot is usually preferable to using sh.Miniroot installations impose some limits on what can be done with ID="ch545"sh and shroot. Because the miniroot supports only a subset of IRIX commands, commands in ID="ch546"ID="ch547"/root and /root/usr might be unavailable or incompatible with the miniroot kernel. If you are installing from a local distribution source, you cannot use sh or shroot to access remote systems. If you are using a remote distribution source, you can access the distribution server.ID="ch548"LBL="" HELPID=""The relocate CommandNormally, the installation utility installs software in predesignated directories. The relocate command allows you to install a product in a different directory whose name you specify. The product argument must specify a product-level component (see IDREF="16175" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-1 on IDREF="16175" TYPE="TEXT"page 6). The dir argument can be any IRIX pathname, including the mount point of a disk (/d2, for example). The relocate command is especially useful for installing software on supplementary disks.LBL="" HELPID=""The mount and umount CommandsYou can identify mounted filesystems by entering the ID="ch549"ID="ch550"mount (see the mount (1M) reference page) command with no arguments:Admin> mount If you are performing a miniroot installation, you can mount additional filesystems with this command:Admin> mount filesystem mount_directory Remember that, during a miniroot installation, filesystems are mounted at /root rather than at /.To unmount filesystems, you must be performing a miniroot installation. The ID="ch551"ID="ch552"umount(1M) command has this syntax:Admin> umount filesystem LBL="" HELPID=""The mkfs CommandDuring a miniroot installation, you can use the ID="ch553"mkfs command to create an EFS or XFS filesystem. If you enter mkfs without arguments, the root filesystem (/), and the user filesystem (/usr), if it is present, are erased and re-created. After your entry, you are prompted to choose the filesystem type; if you choose an XFS filesystem, the block size for the new filesystem is set to 4,096 bytes per block. CautionThis command erases the entire contents of these filesystems; do not use it if the target filesystem contains information that must be preserved.Re-creating the root filesystem (and /usr, if it is present) has these effects on an installation:ID="ch554"All local information in configuration files is lost.ID="ch555"All information in the installation history database is lost.ID="ch556"If you are using a remote installation server, you are required to enter the server's IP address when specifying the distribution source.ID="ch557"When you use this command to make filesystems other than root (/) and ID="ch558"/usr, you must specify the device special filename where the filesystem resides. For example, this command creates a filesystem on partition 0 of SCSI disk 2:Admin> mkfs /dev/dsk/dks0d2s0 If you are creating an XFS filesystem, mkfs prompts you to choose the block size (512 or 4096) for the new filesystem. (See the mkfs(1M) and intro(7M) reference pages for more information on specifying devices; see IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystems for detailed information on creating filesystems.)To access the newly created filesystem, device, create a directory mount point and mount the filesystem:Admin> shroot # mkdir mount_directory # exit Admin> mount device mount_directory LBL="" HELPID=""The sethostname and sethostipaddr CommandsThe sethostname (equivalent to hostname) and sethostipaddr (equivalent to hostid) commands set the network name and address of the target system; either of these commands restarts networking. You can only execute sethostname and sethostipaddr during a miniroot installation.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="84585"The save and load CommandsThe save command creates a selections file that contains the distribution location and the selections that are in effect when you enter the save command. In subsequent sessions, you can specify the selections file as an argument to the load command to automate the selections process. It is also possible to use the selections file that you saved to install software on other systems: the argument to a load command can include a remote host specification.By default, selections files are saved in the directory in which you invoked Inst, but you can change the directory location by specifying an alternate directory in the filename specification (see the -F option of inst(1M)).This sample entry creates a selections file in /usr/tmp called select.sav1:Admin> save /usr/tmp/select.sav1 Save selections to file: /usr/tmp/select.sav1Later in the session, or in a subsequent installation session, this command retrieves the file and applies the selections that it contains:Admin> load /usr/tmp/select.sav1This command, issued during an installation on a different target host, retrieves select.sav1 so that it can be used to install software on the target:Admin> load sparkplug:/usr/tmp/select.sav1The format of select.sav1 is illustrated in IDREF="73962" TYPE="TEXT"Example 5-9. The first two lines identify the selections file to the Desktop. When users double-click the selections file icon, Software Manager starts, using the selection file. The remaining lines identify the distribution location and the selections to be made (an internal version number appears at the end of each selection item).LBL="5-9"Example 5-9 ID="73962"Sample Selections File#!/usr/sbin/SoftwareManager -F #Tag 000109B1 from easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/dist k license_eoe.man.license_eoe 1022130500 r license_eoe.man.relnotes 1022130500 i license_eoe.sw.license_eoe 1022130500 r netls_nodelock.man.relnotes 1022130500 i netls_nodelock.sw.netls_nodelock 1022130500 i netls_root.sw.hdr 1022130500 i netls_root.sw.lib 1022130500LBL="" HELPID=""The config CommandThe config command posts a list of configuration files that are present on the target. If there are differences in a newly installed configuration file and the previously installed version, an m is posted to the left of the filename in config output. If the previous version of a configuration was made obsolete by the installation, the obsolete version is listed with a .O suffix. If a newly installed configuration file is available but not required by the new software, the newly installed version file is listed with a .N suffix. (See IDREF="72830" TYPE="TITLE""Managing Configuration Files" for details.) LBL="" HELPID=""The hardware CommandThe hardware command lists information about target system components. This example shows hardware output for an Indy workstation target:Admin> hardware Hardware: CPUARCH=MIPS2 CPUARCH=R4000 IP22 CPUBOARD=IP22 MODE=32bit SUBGR=NG1 GFXBOARD=NEWPORTLBL="" HELPID=""The updatekeepfile CommandThe file $rbase/var/inst/.keepfile is a user-created text file that suppresses automatic product selections during initialization (see IDREF="49349" TYPE="TITLE""Automatic Initialization Functions"). Any new product that you list in the keepfile is not marked for default installation during the automatic selection process. Only new products can be listed in the keepfile; automatic selections of updated products cannot be suppressed with this file.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="55678"Using the Interrupt MenuIt might sometimes be necessary to interrupt Inst during a processing operation, such as reading the distribution or installing software selections. When an interruption is necessary, press Ctrl+C to suspend processing and display the Interrupt menu. ID="ch559"IDREF="42001" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 5-3 illustrates the Interrupt menu.FILE="Fig5-3andB-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="5-3"Figure 5-3 ID="42001"The Interrupt Menu LBL="" HELPID=""Retrying and OperationUnder certain error conditions, Inst displays the Interrupt Menu automatically. When it is displayed automatically, the Interrupt Menu frequently contains a "retry" option (see IDREF="32622" TYPE="TEXT"Example 4-13), which repeats the operation that caused the failure. Because a common source of the failure is a network timeout, the repeat attempt is likely to be successful. If you see a "retry" option, you can safely assume that you can select it without compromising the installation. Check the ERROR line above the Interrupt Menu for insights into the cause of the failure; then take the appropriate corrective action (if any) before proceeding.LBL="" HELPID=""Stopping an InstallationThe ID="ch560"stop command cancels the command in progress and suspends the installation. If you use stop while Inst is reading the installation history or distribution inventory, or while it is calculating dependencies, Inst discards the processing results. For this reason, Inst must repeat the readings or calculations before executing subsequent list commands, selection requests, or the go command.If you use stop while Inst is installing and removing software, it makes a record of pending selections. At the next go command, Inst restarts the installation process on any uncompleted product installations; then it continues processing the selections that were pending. CautionUsing stop during installation can leave software in an inconsistent state that requires removal and reinstallation of the affected product.To resume the installation after issuing a stop command, use the continue command. The continue command resumes processing from the point at which it was interrupted.ID="ch561"ID="ch562"LBL="" HELPID=""Using Other Interrupt Menu CommandsThe set, help, sh, and shroot commands on the Interrupt menu are identical to those on the Administrative Commands menu. See IDREF="81936" TYPE="TITLE""A Closer Look at Preferences" for information on using the set command; see IDREF="33373" TYPE="TABLE"Table A-1 on IDREF="33373" TYPE="TEXT"page 176 for a list of topics covered by the help command; and see IDREF="89517" TYPE="TITLE""The sh and shroot Commands" and IDREF="54923" TYPE="TITLE""Interrupt Menu Commands" in IDREF="82698" TYPE="TITLE"Appendix A on IDREF="54923" TYPE="TEXT"page 186 for details on using the sh and shroot commands. LBL="6"ID="56965"Inst for ExpertsThis chapter provides instructions to users who are already familiar with the basic operation of Inst. It contains cursory installation instructions as an alternative to the detailed instructions in IDREF="45242" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 5 and elaborates options for using Main menu commands. Finally, this chapter explains how to use features on the other Inst menus. This chapter contains these sections:IDREF="44781" TYPE="TEXT"IDREF="44781" TYPE="TITLE""Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution"IDREF="52307" TYPE="TITLE""Installing Software Noninteractively"IDREF="17357" TYPE="TITLE""Using Command Shortcuts"IDREF="81061" TYPE="TITLE""Using step to Make Selections"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="44781"Alternative Ways to Specify a DistributionThe ID="ch61"from command specifies the distribution source for an installation session or portion of the session (see IDREF="24071" TYPE="TITLE""Step 2: Specifying the Source" in Chapter 4 for basic information). This section suggests several alternatives to the specification methods described in IDREF="45242" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 5. IDREF="11227" TYPE="TITLE""Using a Distribution Keyword" contains additional information. LBL="" HELPID=""Using the $dist VariableThe ID="ch62"ID="ch63"$dist variable is a shorthand notation to specify the location of a distribution. The value of $dist is the current value of the dist preference (see IDREF="81936" TYPE="TITLE""A Closer Look at Preferences"). The dist preference is automatically set each time Inst reads product descriptions from a distribution source. When Inst is invoked, the value of dist is set to the last software distribution source that was specified in an Inst session. Use $dist as an argument to from to specify the location of the distribution:Inst> from $dist You can check the value of dist at any time by entering this command:Inst> view set dist LBL="" HELPID=""Specifying One Product as the SourceA distribution specification can contain the name of a specific product to be installed. These sample entries illustrate how to specify a single product as a distribution source:ID="ch64"Inst> from server:/CDROM/dist/product_name Inst> from $dist/product_name When you specify a product name, only the specified product can be installed. However, this method reduces the time required for disk space checking and verification of the installation history.LBL="" HELPID=""Specifying an Alternate User AccountAs a default, Inst uses the ID="ch65"ID="ch66"guest account to connect to an installation server (see IDREF="67681" TYPE="TITLE""Configuring an Installation Account"). To use an alternate account on the server, specify the user account name in your distribution specification:Inst> from user@server:pathname LBL="" HELPID=""ID="72460"Specifying the Source on the Command LineFor a live installation, you can use the Inst command-line argument -f to specify the distribution source. This is equivalent to giving the from command on the Inst Main menu. These examples illustrate ID="ch67"ID="ch68"inst -f command entries: ID="ch69"# inst -f /CDROM/dist # inst -f server:pathname # ID="ch610"inst -f server:pathname/product In your entry, specify the pathname of the software distribution for source (/CDROM/dist, for example); if the distribution is on a remote server, include the server name in your specification (easyboy:/CDROM/dist, for example). If you wish to install an individual product, substitute the shortname of the product for product in your entry (easyboy:/CDROM/dist/InPerson, for example). See IDREF="24071" TYPE="TITLE""Step 2: Specifying the Source" for additional information on specifying a distribution source. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="52307"Installing Software NoninteractivelyIt is possible to install software without using Inst menus; however, only live installations can be performed noninteractively. Noninteractive installations install the subsystems that are preselected by Inst (see ID="ch611"ID="ch612"ID="ch613"IDREF="96877" TYPE="TITLE""Required and Default Subsystems" for information on these selections). In cases where the distribution contains an update to installed software, the older version on the target is replaced by the update. In cases where the distribution contains software that is not installed on the target, the default subsystems are installed (these are marked with ID="ch614"d in list displays). To install software noninteractively, use the -a argument (automatic) on the inst command line. To specify the location of the software distribution in the automatic installation, use the -a argument with the -f argument in your command. If you do not use the -f argument, the default is the software distribution source that you specified when you last used Inst.In IDREF="20692" TYPE="TEXT"Example 6-1, the ftn_dev product is installed noninteractively from a software distribution directory on a remote workstation.LBL="6-1"Example 6-1 ID="20692"Sample of a Noninteractive Installation % /bin/su - Password: # ID="ch615"inst -a -f easyboy:/d/IRIX_5.3/ftn_dev # See also the optional RoboInst software described in IDREF="86143" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 9, "Automating Installations With RoboInst."LBL="" HELPID=""ID="17357"Using Command ShortcutsThe discussions that follow explain how to save keystrokes when using Inst commands. These shortcuts apply to all Inst menus.ID="ch616"ID="ch617"LBL="" HELPID=""Giving Commands by NumberInstead of command names, you can give command numbers at the prompt. For example, this command is the same as entering the ID="ch618"remove command:Inst> 7 LBL="" HELPID=""Abbreviating Command NamesInst recognizes the shortest unique abbreviation of any command, so your command entry can be brief. You can also use command abbreviations in combination with keywords (see ID="ch619"IDREF="33009" TYPE="TITLE""Using Keywords as Arguments"). The sample entry below, which is an abbreviation for the list command used with the keyword downgraded, is the same as entering list downgraded:Inst> l D LBL="" HELPID=""Using Wildcards in Subsystem NamesID="ch620"When you enter subsystem names as arguments to Inst commands, you can use wildcards to shorten your entries. Inst accepts these shell-style wildcards in subsystem names:ID="ch621"ID="ch622"ID="ch623"?Matches one character.*Matches any combination of characters but applies only to the product, image, or subsystem portion of the name in which it is used. In other words, the asterisk (*) does not match characters in the entire subsystem name; it matches only the characters that appear in one segment of a subsystem name (see IDREF="76581" TYPE="TITLE""Using Product and Image Names" for an explanation of name segments). [ ]Matches any enclosed characters or a range of characters separated by a dash.IDREF="89790" TYPE="TABLE"Table 6-1 illustrates the use of wildcards in product names. COLUMNS="2"LBL="6-1"Table 6-1 ID="89790"Subsystem Names Specified With WildcardLEFT="0" WIDTH="121"EntryLEFT="130" WIDTH="266"MeaningLEFT="0" WIDTH="121"eoe.sw.*LEFT="130" WIDTH="266"All sw subsystems in the eoe productLEFT="0" WIDTH="121"*.man.*LEFT="130" WIDTH="266"All man subsystems in the distributionLEFT="0" WIDTH="121"*.manLEFT="130" WIDTH="266"All man images in the distributionLEFT="0" WIDTH="121"eoe*LEFT="130" WIDTH="266"All products whose names begin with eoeLEFT="0" WIDTH="121"[a-c]*.sw.*LEFT="130" WIDTH="266"All sw subsystems in products whose names begin with a, b, or cLBL="" HELPID=""ID="76581"Using Product and Image NamesAny command that accepts subsystems names as arguments also accepts product and image names as arguments. This means that the trailing asterisk wildcards (.* and .*.*) are not necessary to specify all subsystems in an image or product. ID="ch624"ID="ch625"ID="ch626"IDREF="29239" TYPE="TEXT"Example 6-2 illustrates commands that use product and image names as arguments.LBL="6-2"Example 6-2 ID="29239"Commands With Product and Image ArgumentsInst> list eoe Inst> install *.man Inst> keep * You can tell whether you are specifying a subsystem, image, or product name by the number of segments in the name. Product names contain one segment and no dots, image names contain two segments separated by one dot, and subsystem names contain three segments separated by two dots. These rules are true even when you use wildcards.IDREF="49912" TYPE="TEXT"Example 6-3 illustrates the structure of names in the product hierarchy.LBL="6-3"Example 6-3 ID="49912"Sample Product, Image, and Subsystem Namesdmedia_dev dmedia_dev.sw dmedia_dev.sw.audioLBL="" HELPID=""ID="33009"Using Keywords as ArgumentsThe ID="ch627"list, install, remove, keep, and step commands take arguments called ID="ch628"keywords. Keywords are shorthand designations for groups of subsystems, images, or products. Many keywords have a long form and a single-letter abbreviation.ID="ch629"ID="ch630"ID="ch631"IDREF="28295" TYPE="TABLE"Table 6-2 lists each keyword, its abbreviation (if it has one), and a description of the subsystems, images, or products that the keyword designates. COLUMNS="3"LBL="6-2"Table 6-2 (continued) ID="28295"KeywordsLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"KeywordLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"Abbrev.LEFT="120" WIDTH="284"MeaningLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"allLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"aLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems in showprods -a output plus all subsystems in the software distribution.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"clientonlyLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"cLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems to be installed only on NFS client systems.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"conflictingLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"CLEFT="120" WIDTH="284" Subsystems that are generating conflictsLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"defaultLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"dLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems that are recommended for installation by the manufacturer. The letter d appears after the subsystem name in list output.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66":LEFT="75" WIDTH="36"LEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems in all distributions whose name contains the string specified by dist. In the case of a CD, the string specifies the CD title.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"distributionLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"distLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems in the distribution.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"downgradeLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"DLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems for which the version in the distribution is a downgrade of (older than) the installed version on the target. The letter D appears in the second column of list outputLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"hardwareLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"hLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems containing hardware-specific files.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"installLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"iLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems that are selected for installation. The letter i appears in the first column of list outputLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"installableLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"ALEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems in the software distribution except the patches, machine-dependent subsystems, and client-only subsystems that do not apply to the target. LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"installedLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"ILEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems for which the installed target version is the same as the distribution version. The letter I appears in the second column of list output.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"keepLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"kLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All installed subsystems that are not selected for reinstallation, replacement, or removal. LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"newLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"N or nLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems in the distribution that are not installed on the target and are not upgrades or downgrades of an installed subsystem. The letter N appears in the second column of list output.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"notinstalledLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"(none)LEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems that were never installed on or removed from the target. LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"patchesLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"(none)LEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All patches in the distribution. LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"patchupgradeLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"PLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All patches on the distribution that are upgrades to installed patches. The letter P appears in the first column of list output.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"removableLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"LLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All installed subsystems that can be selected for removal.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"removeLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"rLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems that are selected for removal. The letter r appears in the first column of list output.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"removedLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"RLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems that were once installed on the target and later removed. The letter R appears in the first column of list output.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"requiredLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"qLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems that are required for proper operation of the target. The letter r appears after the subsystem name in list output.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"sameLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"S or sLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems for which the version on the distribution and the version in the target are the same. The letter S appears in the second column of list output. LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"staleLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"(none)LEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All installed subsystems that must be reinstalled because of hardware changes.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"standardLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"(none)LEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All upgraded subsystems and any subsystems that are new to the product and designated as default. LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"targetLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"targLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems on the target.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"upgradeLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"ULEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems for which the distribution contains a version that is newer than the installed version on the target. The letter U appears in the second column of list output.LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"upgradedLEFT="75" WIDTH="36"uLEFT="120" WIDTH="284"All subsystems on the target that are being replaced by a distribution version (usually newer) as part of the installation of a related product.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="11227"Using a Distribution KeywordInst interprets any argument to a list or selection command that ends in a colon (:) as a ID="ch632"distribution keyword; that is, the argument is considered a distribution specification. A distribution keyword is useful when multiple distributions are open. You can use distribution keywords with other keywords in your entries. For example, this command installs all default subsystems from an open distribution on server cameo:Inst> install cameo:/6.3/options: d LBL="" HELPID=""ID="81061"Using step to Make SelectionsThe ID="ch633"step command allows you to display the distribution or target inventory, one item at a time, as you make selections. By default, ID="ch634"ID="ch635"step displays subsystems in the distribution inventory, but, like list, the output of step is determined by the current view settings. The step command takes the same keyword arguments and wildcards as ID="ch636"list. The items that step displays are determined by the arguments in your entry. For example, this step command causes only upgraded products to be displayed:Inst> step U After the entry, Inst posts selection information, followed by the first upgraded product in the distribution, as shown in IDREF="24744" TYPE="TEXT"Example 6-4.LBL="6-4"Example 6-4 ID="24744"A step Command Display Current View: Location: distribution Status: N=New,U=Upgrade,P=Patch upgrd,S=Same,D=downgrade,,' '=Not Installed Selection: i=install, r=remove, k=keep Level: subsystem Name: short Subsystem Type(s) [bdrp]: b=reBoot needed, d=Default, r=Required, p=Patch] Step commands: i,r,k,n,p,... Use ? for more step help. i S refind.man.rfind [d] 0 Rfind Man PagesAs each software item is displayed, use the i (install), r (remove), or k (keep) to make selections. If you use a capital I, R, or K, your action applies to all subsystems in the product. To leave an item unchanged, press Enter. After your selection, the next subsystem is displayed for selection:i D U 4dwm [d] 800+ Desktop Window Manager D U cadmin 1831+ Desktop Administration, 5.2Continue until you finish making selections. Type ? at any time for help. You can quit the step process at any time by typing q. LBL="" HELPID=""Using Advanced step FeaturesThe step command allows an interactive operating mode that enables you to make subsystem selections with a special key or key combinations. In some cases, you can request a particular action using several different keys. Some special keys provide searching and listing capabilities. IDREF="19545" TYPE="TABLE"Table 6-3 lists the special keys that you can use during step operations. COLUMNS="3"LBL="6-3"Table 6-3 (continued) Requests in step OperationsID="19545"LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"Level AffectedLEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Requested ActionLEFT="280" WIDTH="119"KeysLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"SubsystemLEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Select this subsystem for installation.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"i or u or LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Select this subsystem for removal.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"rLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Keep the current subsystem version; cancel the current request.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"k or LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Select this subsystem for installation if it is marked with a d.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"dLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"No change to the current request for this subsystem.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119" or n or j or LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"No change to the current request for this subsystem; display the previous subsystem.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"p or or -LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"List all previous subsystems.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"lLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"List the files in this subsystem.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"fLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"ProductsLEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Select the remaining subsystems in this product for installation.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"I or ULEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Select the remaining subsystems in this product for installation if they are marked with a d.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Select the remaining subsystems in this product for removal.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"RLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Keep the current version of this product; cancel the current request for remaining subsystems in the product.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"K or LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Select subsystems in this product for installation if marked with a d.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"DLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Retain the current request for all subsystems in this product and display the first subsystem in the next product.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"N or J or LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Retain the current request for this product and display the first subsystem of the previous product.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"P or LEFT="0" WIDTH="65"All levelsLEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Search for pattern and display the product that contains it.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"/patternLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Display help for step operation.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"hLEFT="0" WIDTH="65"LEFT="70" WIDTH="202"Quit step operation.LEFT="280" WIDTH="119"qLBL="7"ID="38418"Maintenance TipsThis chapter contains procedures that may be necessary to keep the software installation at your site up to date. The chapter contains these sections:IDREF="80856" TYPE="TITLE""Installing Maintenance and Feature Releases"IDREF="93339" TYPE="TITLE""Installing Optional Software Products"IDREF="11751" TYPE="TITLE""Installing Patches"IDREF="46339" TYPE="TITLE""Installing Software for Hardware Upgrades"IDREF="12547" TYPE="TITLE""Installing Reference Pages"IDREF="39683" TYPE="TITLE""Reinstalling an Older Software Release"IDREF="43281" TYPE="TITLE""Avoiding Compatibility Problems"IDREF="50243" TYPE="TITLE""Removing Software"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="80856"Installing Maintenance and Feature Releases The distribution CD for maintenance and feature releases contains two software streams: the maintenance stream contains bug fixes and basic support for new hardware; and the feature stream contains the maintenance stream software as well as new hardware and software features (see ID="ch71"ID="ch72"IDREF="34077" TYPE="TITLE""Software Release Types"). The new files in any maintenance or feature release overwrite the corresponding files in the installed subsystem.At the beginning of an intermediate release installation, Inst prompts you to specify the stream that you wish to install. After you select a stream, Inst makes its installation selections from the appropriate stream. In many cases, you can examine the initial selections with list and enter the go command without making any selection changes.When Inst makes its initial installation selections on maintenance or feature releases, it automatically selects any updates to existing subsystems, provided that the appropriate version of the subsystem is currently installed. If the required version of a subsystem is not installed, you must upgrade to the required version before installing its replacement in the maintenance or feature release.ID="ch73"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="95387"Switching StreamsNormally, only one stream type is installed on a particular base release. However, you can change streams by setting the stream preference (see IDREF="29744" TYPE="TABLE"Table 8-1, IDREF="29744" TYPE="TEXT"page 124). When you switch streams, you must reinstall the portions of the base release that are affected by the maintenance or feature release that you plan to install. You can determine which files are effected by entering the conflicts command.LBL="" HELPID=""Maintenance and Feature Information in list DisplaysIn Inst subsystem listings, maintenance and release components are listed by the name of the subsystem to which they apply. The letter o to the right of the subsystem indicates that it is an overlay to the subsystem.IDREF="14097" TYPE="TEXT"Example 7-1 illustrates the legend and a listing for a maintenance or feature release of product X. Notice that two subsystems are designated as installable upgrades (UA) and one subsystem is listed as an uninstallable upgrade (UX).LBL="7-1"Example 7-1 ID="14097"Sample Listing for Maintenance or Feature SoftwareInst> l View: distribution Status: N=new, U=upgrade, S=same, D=downgrade Status: A=installable patch/overlay, X=uninstallable patch/overlay Selection: i=install, r=remove, k=keep Subsystem Types [bdro]: b=reBoot needed, d=Default, r=Required, o=overlay i UA eoe.man.eoe [o] 8+ manpages - 1008000004 i UA eoe.sw.eoe [o] 0 sw - 1008000004 UX eoe.sw.eoe [o] 4- sw - 1008000004LBL="" HELPID=""Maintenance and Feature Release Installation ProcedureUse the procedure below as a guideline for installing a maintenance or feature release:Determine whether a miniroot installation is required.Read the release notes that accompanied the release to determine whether it requires a miniroot installation. Load the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive.One CD in a maintenance and feature release contains installation utilities; this CD must be loaded first. Even if you are installing a maintenance or feature release and a base release at the same time, the first CD that you load must be the maintenance or feature release CD containing the installation tools.Invoke Inst from the installation CD.If the release requires a miniroot installation, load the miniroot from the installation CD (see IDREF="40576" TYPE="TITLE""Loading From a Local CD" if you need instructions). If the release does not require a miniroot installation, invoke Inst to start the installation (see IDREF="72525" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Live Installation").Load the remaining CDs, if there are others.Load the remaining CDs for the release (see IDREF="87390" TYPE="TITLE""Opening Multiple Distributions").Review the list of subsystems selected for installation.In most cases, the initial Inst selections are correct for a maintenance or feature release. Review the initial selections to verify that you want them install. Or, if you are also installing a base release, use the keep and remove commands to adjust the selections. Resolve any conflicts.Enter the conflicts command to display any conflicts among the subsystems selected for installation. Resolve the conflicts before launching the installation. If you switched streams (see IDREF="95387" TYPE="TITLE""Switching Streams"), the conflicts will include those files in the base release that are affected by the switch.Enter the go command to launch the installation.Exit Inst. Correct your configuration files, if necessary.If you see a message about changed configuration files after the installation is complete, follow the directions in IDREF="71555" TYPE="TITLE""Merging Configuration Files" to merge configuration files. If you do not merge changed configuration files, a message about changed configuration files is posted during the next several system reboots.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="93339"Installing Optional Software ProductsID="ch74"Software optionsID="ch75" are products that you may or may not choose to run on a system. They are usually purchased separately from a computer system but may also be shipped as a complimentary offering with a new system or when a new version of a purchased option is released. When you install a software option, keep these points in mind:The release notes for a software option explain whether a miniroot installation is required. If the option requires a miniroot installation and the distribution CD contains installation tools, use the installation tools on the CD. If the option requires a miniroot installation and the distribution CD does not contain installation tools, use the installation CD from your most recently installed release.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="11751"Installing PatchesA patch release contains replacement files that can be installed to modify a particular software product. The subsystems that are affected by a patch may span several products. For example, a patch for the FDDI product might contain replacement files for ID="ch76"ID="ch77"eoe and fddivis subsystems.The prerequisites for a patch are the software components in the original version of the affected product; occasionally, a previous patch is a prerequisite to a later patch. In some cases, a patch is incompatible with a previous patch and the older patch must be removed before you install the new one. When you install a patch, Inst automatically moves the original files before installing their patch replacements. The original files are copied to a directory that Inst creates specifically to save such files, ID="ch78"/var/inst/patchbase. This makes it possible to remove a patch and replace it with the original version of the product files.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="90074"Interpreting Patch Information in list DisplaysIn Inst subsystem listings, patches are identified by their patch number and product subsystem name. For example, patchSG0000034.bvo_sw.bvo identifies a patch to a subsystem of the Broadcast Video Option product. If patches are present on a distribution, the legend of a ID="ch79"list display and the software components that list posts include patches. ID="ch710"IDREF="71157" TYPE="TEXT"Example 7-2 illustrates the list legend and patch entries in a list display.LBL="7-2"Example 7-2 ID="71157"Sample list Display of PatchesInst> list View: distribution Status: N=New, U=Upgrade, S=Same, D=Downgrade, P=Patch upgrade Patches: A=installable patch, X=uninstallable patch (missing base product) Selection: i=install, r=remove, k=keep Subsystem Type(s) [bdrpc]: b=reBoot needed, d=Default, r=Required, p=Patch, c=client only DA patchSG0000000.eoe1_sw.unix [bp] 0 IRIX Execution Environment SA patchSG0000001.eoe1_sw.unix [bp] 0 IRIX Execution Environment PA patchSG0000002.eoe1_sw.unix [bp] 0 IRIX Execution Environment NA patchSG0000005.4DDN_sw.4DDN [bd] 0 4DDN Software NX patchSG0000011.dwb_sw.aps [p] 0 Autologic APS-5 FontsThe mnemonic tags on patches have these meanings:DA(Downgrade Available) This patch applies to an installed base subsystem; it is a downgrade to another patch that is already installed.NA(New Available) This patch applies to a base subsystem that is installed or available for installation; it does not apply to any installed patch.NX(New Uninstallable) This patch applies to software that is not installed and not available for installation from this distribution.PA(Patch Upgrade) This patch applies to an installed base subsystem; it upgrades a patch that was already installed.SA(Same Available) This patch is already installed.LBL="" HELPID=""Patch Installation ProcedureUse the procedure below as a guideline for installing a patch release:Read the release notes to decide whether to install the patch.Typically, the reported errors that result in a patch occur only under certain operating conditions. For this reason, installing a patch is necessary only if a system or site is experiencing a problem that the patch addresses. Review the online release notes that accompanied the patch release to determine whether to install it or not.Invoke Inst (from the miniroot, if necessary).Check the release notes for installation instructions. Invoke Inst from the miniroot if the patch requires a miniroot installation (see ID="ch711"IDREF="47365" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Miniroot Installation" if you need help); otherwise, invoke Inst from the IRIX command line (see IDREF="72525" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Live Installation" if you need help). NoteFor live installations, you can use inst -f and specify the location of the patch distribution in your command.Select the patch subsystems for installation.Use the install command from the Inst Main menu to select all subsystems in the patch; installing a subset of patch subsystems is not recommended. If the patch release contains a patch set, it is advisable to install the entire set rather than individual patches. Inst> install patchname Resolve any conflicts.Enter the conflicts command to display any conflicts among the subsystems selected for installation. Resolve the conflicts before launching the installation.Enter the go command to launch the installation.Patches contain no known conflicts with standard installed products; however, conflicts might occur with other patches that you have installed. Use the resolution suggested in the conflicts message to determine your course of action.ID="ch712"ID="ch713"Exit Inst. LBL="" HELPID=""Removing PatchesYou can remove a patch after it is installed if you wish. When you remove a patch, the original product files in ID="ch714"ID="ch715"ID="ch716"/var/inst/patchbase are automatically reinstalled on the system. Use this procedure as a guideline for removing patches.Invoke Inst (from the miniroot, if necessary).Check the release notes for the product. If the product requires a miniroot installation, you must invoke Inst from the miniroot to remove the patch (see IDREF="47365" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Miniroot Installation" if you need help); otherwise, invoke Inst from the IRIX command line (see IDREF="72525" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Live Installation" if you need help). Select the patch for removal.Use the remove command from the Inst Main menu to remove the patch: Inst> remove patchname NoteDo not remove portions of patches; to preserve the integrity of the software product, remove the entire patch.Enter the go command to complete the removal.LBL="" HELPID=""Removing Original Product FilesSometimes it may be necessary to remove original product files from ID="ch717"/var/inst/patchbase (to save disk space, for example). A special argument to the versions command removes the files that a patch has replaced. However, there are important reasons why you should create a backup copy of /var/inst/patchbase before removing any of its contents: Original product files are not recoverable after they are removed from /var/inst/patchbase. Original product files are sometimes required for subsequent patches to the product. Use the ID="ch718"versions command with the removehist argument to remove original product files from /var/inst/patchbase.CautionBefore you use this command, make a backup copy of /var/inst/patchbase: # versions removehist patchname LBL="" HELPID=""ID="46339"Installing Software for Hardware UpgradesIn some cases, changes to software are required when you install a hardware upgrade on a system that is already in service. As a general rule, adding memory, bitplanes, and disks requires no change to the software, but other hardware upgrades require changes to the installed software. The documentation that accompanies the upgrade explains whether a software installation is necessary.ID="ch719"ID="ch720"LBL="" HELPID=""Installing Accompanying Product ReleasesSome hardware upgrades are shipped with a software distribution in the form of a software product release. Use the directions in IDREF="93339" TYPE="TITLE""Installing Optional Software Products" to install this type of software distribution. If the software distribution contains installation tools, you must use them.ID="ch721"LBL="" HELPID=""Reinstalling the Same SoftwareSome hardware upgrades are not shipped with a software distribution, but they require that you reinstall some software after the hardware upgrade is completed. For example, upgrades to a CPU board or the graphics subsystem require a software reinstallation. In such cases, the reinstallation is necessary because the hardware-specific files that were installed for the original hardware are not appropriate for the new hardware. ID="ch722"When Inst determines that a system contains new hardware, it notifies you that it has selected a new set of hardware-dependent files for installation:ID="ch723"Your system hardware configuration has changed since you last installed software, and some subsystems will therefore need to be re-installed for proper operation.Use this procedure to reinstall all software:Select all installed software for installation.Because you are reinstalling the same software, Inst automatically marks previously installed subsystems (including the hardware-specific subsystems that require replacing) with a k (keep). For this reason, you must explicitly select subsystems for installation to force Inst to perform the installation. This command selects all previously installed software for reinstallation:ID="ch724"Inst> install S Check the output of list after your entry. Every subsystem in the distribution inventory that is marked with an I (installed) in the second column should also contain an i (install) in the first column. Launch the installation.Inst> go Quit Inst.Inst> quit LBL="" HELPID=""ID="12547"Installing Reference PagesThe reference pages (manual pages) that apply to a product are shipped as a software component of the product. For example, all reference pages and software for Digital Media Development software are shipped in a subsystem of the ID="ch725"ID="ch726"dmedia_dev product. The subsystems containing reference pages consist exclusively of reference pages.The software subsystems in a product usually have a corresponding reference page subsystem. The names of the software and reference page subsystems differ only in the image segment of the name. The name for a reference page subsystem always contains the letters .man in the image segment. For example, dmedia_dev contains the software subsystem dmedia_dev.sw.movie and a reference page subsystem called dmedia_dev.man.movie.When release notes accompany a product, the product contains an additional .man image that contains the release notesname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'dmedia_dev.man.relnotes, in this case. Some reference page subsystems contain reference pages for more than one software subsystem. When you receive your workstation and when you install a software option for the first time, be sure to check the status of reference page subsystems to verify that the reference pages that you want are installed.The commands that follow are useful for checking and installing reference page subsystems.Check to see which reference page subsystems are installed:# ID="ch727"showprods '*.*man*' List all reference page subsystems available for installation:Inst> list *.*man* Select all reference page subsystems, not release notes, for installation:Inst> install *.*man* Inst> keep *.*.relnotes LBL="" HELPID=""ID="39683"Reinstalling an Older Software ReleaseInst is designed to install software products that are new to your workstation or newer than the currently installed version. When you want to install a version of ID="ch728"eoe that is older than the currently installed version, the installation procedure must be modified. If you do not follow this modified procedure (for example, you use ID="ch729"set neweroverride on instead), you may be left with configuration files that do not match the rest of the software. This can inhibit system reboots and make it difficult to diagnose compatibility problems.The steps below describe the procedure for installing an older IRIX release after you have installed the new release. You should perform a complete system backup before performing this procedure. In the procedure, you will back up your new, modified system configuration files, remove your new system software, and then install an older version. The final step is to integrate any modifications you made to your new configuration files into the restored, older configuration files.NoteThis procedure begins from the miniroot.Before beginning this procedure, locate the older software distribution you will be downgrading to. Be sure that you have the installation tools (sa file) that accompanied the older distribution.Load the miniroot from your current distribution.Begin by loading the miniroot from your current distribution. (Refer to IDREF="47365" TYPE="TEXT"IDREF="47365" TYPE="TITLE""Starting a Miniroot Installation" in Chapter 3 for information on how to load the miniroot.)Invoke an IRIX shell.Use the shroot command to escape to a root shell, enter sh to start a Bourne shell, and then use showfiles to create a list of modified configuration files:Inst> shroot # sh # showfiles -s -c -m > /usr/tmp/configlist Edit the configuration files list (optional).If you want to edit the list of configuration files to add additional files or remove unnecessary files, you can do so now by setting your TERM variable and using vi(1):# TERM=vt100; export TERM # vi /usr/tmp/configlist Create backup configuration files.When you are satisfied with /usr/tmp/configlist, create the backup configuration files and then quickly replace the password and hosts files (in case of disaster while performing the rest of the procedure):# sh -c `while read fname; do mv $fname $fname.bak; done' < /usr/tmp/configlist # cp /etc/hosts.bak /etc/hosts # cp /etc/passwd.bak /etc/passwd # exit # exit Inst>NoteThe < /usr/tmp/configlist portion that appears on the second line of this example should be included at the end of the first line in your entry.Remove target software.Remove all currently installed software. At the Inst prompt, enter the commands shown below. It is critical that you not give any other commands at the Inst prompt at this time. Inst> set rulesoverride true Inst> view targ Inst> remove I Inst> go If you receive a device-busy error at this point and receive the Interrupt menu, select continue. When Inst is finished and you quit, you may be asked if you really want to quit. Enter y for yes.Inst> quit Please wait ... Ready to restart the system. Restart? { y(es), (n)o, (sh)ell, (h)elp } sh Enter the sh command to get a shell prompt.Remove installation history files.After escaping to the shell, remove all files that make up what is known as your installation history and then restart the system:# rm -rf /root/var/inst # exit Ready to restart the system. Restart? { y(es), (n)o, (sh)ell, (h)elp } y Load the miniroot from the older distribution. Use the older software distribution that you located at the beginning of this procedure to load the miniroot and invoke Inst; be sure that the installation tools and the software version match. Install the older software version. Remember that Inst no longer has valid software installation information about this system, so its initial selections are the default selections (see IDREF="96877" TYPE="TITLE""Required and Default Subsystems"). Use Inst to specifically select for installation any additional software you wish to install. Reboot your system.Merge configuration files.In IRIX, merge config.bak files (listed in /usr/tmp/configlist) with the restored configuration files. If you created a backup copy of customized configuration files (described in IDREF="78328" TYPE="TITLE""Backing Up the Target Systems") when you were running this release earlier, you should be able to restore the configuration files from that backup and use them. Add any new configuration information that has been added since they were last used.If you have no backup of the current system files, compare the .bak and installed versions of the files in /usr/tmp/configlist, then make the required changes using a process similar to the one for merging configuration files described in IDREF="71555" TYPE="TITLE""Merging Configuration Files". Be careful not to introduce new features from the later release.If you modified any configuration files, you should restart the system now to boot from the desired configuration.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="43281"Avoiding Compatibility ProblemsAlthough some compatibility information is contained in the product descriptions that Inst reads when it accesses a software distribution, Inst allows you to install incompatible software in many situations. The list below contains guidelines for avoiding compatibility problems.ID="ch730"ID="ch731"ID="ch732"Inst tells you about incompatible subsystems when you try to install them. To learn about these incompatibilities earlier, check the release notes for the products that you plan to install. All subsystems of a product should have the same release number. When in doubt, give the showprods command with the ID="ch733"-n argument:% showprods -n names The column that normally contains the installation date contains a number instead. Make sure that all subsystems in each product have the same number. If there are subsystems from different releases in the same product, compatibility problems might result.When you receive a software update, install the new versions of all the products you receive, not just some of them.If any subsystems that you want to install require a miniroot installation, perform all installations during a single miniroot installation session. Performing a single installation prevents incompatibilities that can occur when you switch from one installation to another.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="50243"Removing SoftwareYou can remove software from a target system using the ID="ch734"versions remove command (see the versions reference page). When you use this command, inst is invoked to perform the removal without user intervention. The subsystems, images, or products to be removed are specified as arguments to the command. For example, this command removes the entire 4DDN product and all release notes from the target: # versions remove 4DDN *.man.relnotesTo remove all installed software from the target system, you must perform a miniroot installation; you cannot remove all software during a live install, since the miniroot is needed to supply the functions that sustain the system until critical software is replaced. Because removing all software is not desirable under most circumstances, Inst behavior is overridden to perform this procedure.ID="ch735"ID="ch736"ID="ch737"Follow these instructions to remove all installed software.Override Inst rules:ID="ch738"Inst> set rulesoverride on Select installed subsystems for removal:Inst> remove I Start the removal:Inst> go When you remove software, any configuration files that have been modified are not removed. This preserves any local information that might have been added. To list configuration files, enter the ID="ch739"ID="ch740"showfiles -cCH command from an IRIX shell.LBL="8"ID="11222"Tailoring InstallationsThis chapter explains how to tailor installations using initialization scripts and the set command. Initialization scripts provide a programmatic interface to user-written scripts that execute when Inst or Software Manager receives a distribution specification. The set command assigns values to arguments known as preferences, which control aspects of the Inst and Software Manager interface. A table of available set preferences is included at the end of this chapter (a complete list is also available from Inst online help). This chapter contains the following sections:IDREF="28588" TYPE="TITLE""Using an Initialization Script"IDREF="76882" TYPE="TITLE""Using README Files in a Distribution"IDREF="54475" TYPE="TITLE""Setting Up an HTTP Installation Server"IDREF="11870" TYPE="TITLE""Controlling Menu Displays"IDREF="89356" TYPE="TITLE""Controlling Disk Space Checks and Reports"IDREF="84237" TYPE="TITLE""Controlling the Display of Filenames"IDREF="15359" TYPE="TITLE""Displaying the Current Distribution Source"IDREF="28400" TYPE="TITLE""Turning Off Initial Selection of Subsystems"IDREF="20448" TYPE="TITLE""Changing the Network Time-out Value"IDREF="81936" TYPE="TITLE""A Closer Look at Preferences"NoteThe procedures in this chapter assume that set commands are entered from the Admin menu; however, except where noted, set commands can also be entered from the Main menu and View Commands menu.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="28588"Using an Initialization ScriptThe initialization script ID="ch81"inst.init delays an installation session until the appropriate session parameters are set by the script. The primary function of inst.init is to redirect a distribution specification to a different source or to modify the default selections in a distribution. However, because an inst.init script can also include the use of selections files and set (preferences) commands, you can customize the script to meet a variety of installation requirements. The activation of inst.init is specified by the startup_script variable (see IDREF="29744" TYPE="TABLE"Table 8-1 for a description of this variable).By default, if an inst.init script is located in a distribution directory, users are notified of the pending execution of the script whenever they specify the distribution directory during an installation session. Unless the user specifies otherwise, ID="ch82"inst.init executes after the notification. If the specified distribution directory is a remote directory, inst.init is copied to the target system to execute (any scripts that inst.init calls are not copied to the target system, however).For example, assume that a user on babyface enters one of these commands to install from server easyboy:# inst -f easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/dist Inst> from easyboy:/d1/IRIX_6.3/distIf easyboy's /d1/.IRIX_6.3/dist contains a copy of inst.init, either of the previous commands copies and executes inst.init on babyface before the Inst Main menu is displayed. Similarly, inst.init is executed if it is located in the distribution directory when a Software Manager user uses the Lookup button. LBL="" HELPID=""Syntax of the inst.init ScriptThe inst.init script has this syntax:inst.init [toolname] [pathname] [file descriptor]Arguments have these meanings:toolnamehas the value inst or swmgrpathnameis the specification for the directory that contains inst.initfile descriptoris the file descriptor to which commands can be writtenThe inst.init script can read from stdin and write to stdout (file descriptor 1) using the controlling tty in Inst sessions; use xconfirm(1) for user input and output in Software Manager sessions. The script can also write to stderr (file descriptor 2). Messages to stderr are posted directly to the user by means of the inst pager during an Inst session or in the log pane during a Software Manager session. Messages to stderr are also copied to /var/inst/INSTLOG, the installation log. NoteAvoid using stderr to write prompts for an interactive Inst session. The inst pager might interfere with the session by writing unwanted lines to the screen.LBL="" HELPID=""Writing an inst.init ScriptYou can write inst.init as a shell script, a tcl script, or a binary program. The output of inst.init is a set of commands that Inst or Software Manager executes. These commands are supported as output from inst.init. from [distribution] specifies the location of the distribution. The from command is always executed first. admin load [selections file] specifies a selections file to be used for the installation (see IDREF="84585" TYPE="TITLE""The save and load Commands" in Chapter 5 and the -F option of inst(1M)). You may use multiple selections files; in this case, all commands are buffered and executed in the order that they are read.NoteAny from commands in selections files are ignored. ID="ch83"set [preference] [value] sets preferences for Inst or Software Manager operation. Preferences are always set after the from command is executed.install [software.subsystem]...marks for installation the software products or product components that are specified as arguments.keep [software.subsystem]...maintains the current status of software products or product components that are specified as arguments.remove [software.subsystem]...marks software products or product components for removal.LBL="" HELPID=""Additional inst.init Script RulesKeep these points in mind when creating an inst.init script:The from command executes firstname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'the last from command returned by the script sets the distribution. All other commands are executed in the order in which the script sends them to inst for execution.All from commands in selections files are ignored.Lines written to the command descriptor must not begin with a space or tab character.Abbreviations and wildcards are supported in install, keep, and remove commands.Abbreviations of from, set, and adminload commands are not supported.LBL="" HELPID=""Sample inst.init ScriptsThis sample inst.init script resets the distribution directory and notifies users of the change. Then the script retains all currently installed software in its current state, except InPerson; it installs all Inperson subsystems from the distribution except the reference pages. LBL="8-1"Example 8-1 Sample inst.init Script#!/sbin/sh OLDPATH= $2 NEWPATH= yankee:/usr/dist echo "$OLDPATH is unavailable" echo "installing from $NEWPATH" echo "from $NEWPATH" >&$3 echo "k *" >&$3 echo "i InPerson" >&$3 echo "k InPerson.man" >&$3 exit 0This sample script determines the release and sets the distribution directory accordingly:LBL="8-2"Example 8-2 Sample inst.init Script#!/sbin/sh # # Run uname to determine the release and set the distribution directory REL=`uname -r` case $REL in 6.2*) echo "from $2/dist/6.2" >&$3 ;; 6.3*) echo "from $2/dist/6.3" >&$3 ;; esacLBL="" HELPID=""ID="76882"Using README Files in a DistributionWhen a README file is located in a distribution directory, the content of the file is displayed whenever users specify the distribution directory during an installation session. README contents might be special instructions about the software in this distribution, cautions, or other information that users might need before starting an installation session. If you plan to create a distribution, you can include three types of README files to provide information or instructions to users:swmgr.README.htmlswmgr.READMEinst.READMEWhen a user starts an installation session from Software Manager and the distribution contains a swmgr.README.html file, a built-in ViewKit Web browser is started to display the swmgr.README.html file. If the distribution contains a swmgr.README file but no swmgr.README.html file is present, or if the Web browser is not installed to view swmgr.README.html, the swmgr.README file is displayed at the start of the session. If the distribution contains neither a swmgr.README.html nor a swmgr.README file but it does contain an inst.README file, the inst.README file is displayed at the start of the session. Users who start an installation session with Inst can be shown only an inst.README file. No other type of README file can be displayed at the start of Inst sessions.LBL="" HELPID=""Using a Related Distribution FileA related distributions file contains the names of additional distributions that are to be made available during an installation session. When a filed named .related_dists is located in a directory, the software in the directory is considered the default distribution; the distributions in .related_dists are considered additional distributions that users can access using the open command. The .related_dists file can specify distribution directories on the network or additional CDs. For example, this file specifies two related distributions:sparkplug:/dist/IRIX_6.3/options CDROM/distLBL="" HELPID=""ID="54475"Setting Up an HTTP Installation ServerYou can configure a server so that users are able to install software from it using a Web browser. Such installations use HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to establish the client-server connection and transfer the required files from the server to the client. HTTP installations are suitable for installing one or two products over the Web; they are not recommended for large installations, since HTTP connections do not provide the robustness of the TCP/IP connections normally used to install software across a network.IRIX installation utilities support two methods for installing software over the Web: A selections file that references a ID="ch84"tardist file, a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) file type that Web browsers recognize. With a tardist file, Software Manager performs a local installation, freeing the browser for other uses. For this reason, it is the preferred Web installation method. A Web distribution directory that contains product files and an index file listing the software that can be installed from the directory. Entries in the index file have an HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format. Web distribution directories are best suited to small product installations, because the browser is unavailable for other uses while the installation is in progress.LBL="" HELPID=""Using a Tardist Installation FileWhen you use a tardist file for Web installations, a selections file on the server contains a special entry that references the tardist file. The tardist file is created with the tar utility and contains all the distribution software required to install one or more software products. With this installation method, the URL on the user's Web page references the selections file containing the tardist file URL. (For more information on selections files, see IDREF="84585" TYPE="TITLE""The save and load Commands" and in the inst(1M) reference page.) In tardist file installations, only the selections file is transferred over the HTTP connection. When the Web browser receives a selections file, it passes the file to Software Manager, using information in the MIME-type table. Software Manager opens a new HTTP connection to transfer the tardist file; then it unpacks the file onto a local temporary directory and installs the software from the local source. Because Software Manager uses a new HTTP connection, users are able to continue browsing while the installation is in progress.IDREF="87842" TYPE="TEXT"Example 8-3 illustrates a selections file that references a tardist file on an Web server named piston. LBL="8-3"Example 8-3 ID="87842"HTTP Selections File for a Tardist File Installationfrom http://piston/distributions/dev_options.tardistNoteThe selections file can also include standard selections file entries, although none are shown in IDREF="87842" TYPE="TEXT"Example 8-3. To set up the server for tardist file installations, follow these steps:Create the tardist file and copy it to the server.For example, these commands create a tardist file (viewkit.tardist) from the distribution source (directory /d1/distributions/options/ViewKit) and copy the file to a Web server directory (/var/www/htdocs/):# cd /d1/distributions/options/ViewKit # tar cf viewkit.tardist * # cp viewkit.tardist /var/www/distdir/Create the selections file and copy it to the server.Use your favorite editor to create a selections file like the one shown in IDREF="87842" TYPE="TEXT"Example 8-3. Remember that selections file must end with the .inst suffix. This example illustrates a selections file for the tardist file created in step 2:# vi web_source.inst from http://piston/distdir/viewkit.tardistThis command copies the selections file to a public directory where it can be accessed from a Web browser:# cp web_source.inst /var/www/htdocsWrite a Web page that references the selections file.Create a Web page on the server from which users can install the software specified in the tardist file. The URL for the connection must reference the selections file (/var/www/htdocs/web_source.inst in the example from step 2). LBL="" HELPID=""Using an HTML Distribution DirectoryAn HTML distribution directory contains the software components needed to support one or more products and an index file that lists, in HTML format, the installable software. When installations are performed by this method, each entry in the index file is transferred to the client over the original HTTP connection. User-specified URLs to the directory must resolve to the server's index file.The first line of an HTML installation file is a special entry that identifies the HTML format to Software Manager, ensuring that the file contents will be interpreted correctly. Subsequent entries specify the software components to be installed in HTML format, including the product description (the spec file) and the installation database (the idb file) for each product. (See ID="ch85"ID="ch86"IDREF="16175" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-1 on IDREF="16175" TYPE="TEXT"page 6 and IDREF="59416" TYPE="TITLE""Anatomy of a Software Product" for information on product components.) The directory that contains the HTML installation file must also contain the product components that it references.IDREF="37213" TYPE="TEXT"Example 8-4 illustrates an HTML installation file that installs the ViewKit product. The first entry in this file is identical for all HTML installation files.LBL="8-4"Example 8-4 ID="37213"HTML Installation File@DISTRIBUTION.html Format# 02
To set up the server for tardist file installations, follow these steps:Verify that the server is configured to return an index file.The Web server must return a file to Software Manager. For example, if the URL is http://piston/installs/, the server must return http://piston/installs/index.html). Check server configuration; if it does not specify an index file, reconfigure it to do so.Create the index file that contains the HTML installation entries.Use your favorite editor to create this file. The first line of your file should be identical to the one in IDREF="37213" TYPE="TEXT"Example 8-4 on IDREF="37213" TYPE="TEXT"page 115: type a single space before and after Format#. Remember to include spec and idb file entries in the HTML file. Copy the HTML installation file to the index file on the server.In this example, the installation file viewkit_dist.html is copied to server's index file in the /var/www/htdocs directory:cp index.html /var/www/htdocs/LBL="" HELPID=""ID="62822"Checking the Current Preference SettingsTo see your current preferences settings, enter the ID="ch87"set command with no arguments:Inst> set The output contains a line showing the name, the current setting, and a brief description of each preference.For help on a particular preference, specify the preference in your entry:Inst> set preference The output contains a paragraph description of the preference, its name, type, and current value.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="11870"Controlling Menu DisplaysBy default, Inst displays the Main menu when it is invoked; menus show only a subset of the commands that can be entered at the ID="ch88"ID="ch89"Inst> and Admin> prompts. The following sections tell you how to change this default behavior. LBL="" HELPID=""Turning Off Menu DisplaysTo suppress the menu display when Inst is invoked, enter this command:Admin> set menus off When menus is set off, only the Inst> prompt is displayed when Inst is invoked. To return to the default behavior, enter this command:Admin> set menus on The value of menus is saved in the installation history database; its value is maintained for subsequent Inst sessions. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="25419"Displaying Hidden CommandsAt each menu, several commands are available but not normally displayed. On the Inst Main menu, the hidden commands are ID="ch810"ID="ch811"ID="ch812"set, sh, and shroot. On the Administrative Commands menu, the hidden commands are ID="ch813"help and quit. On the View Commands menu, the hidden commands are ID="ch814"set, help, and quit. The Interrupt menu contains no hidden commands; the retry command appears when Inst displays the Interrupt menu on errors, but retry is not available when you display the Interrupt menu manually.Use this entry to set hidden commands on:ID="ch815"Inst> set fullmenu on The value of fullmenu is saved in the installation history database; its value is maintained for subsequent Inst sessions. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="64702"Redisplaying the MenuBecause Inst does not redisplay the current menu after each command entry, you must request that the menu be redisplayed when you need it. The current menu is displayed if you press Enter (when the menus preference is set on) or if you enter a question mark (?). (The question mark is considered a pseudocommand because it never appears on menus.) LBL="" HELPID=""ID="89356"Controlling Disk Space Checks and ReportsDisk space checking enables Inst to make accurate estimates of whether disk space on a system is sufficient for the software selected for installation. The estimates help you determine which software to install or remove if disk space is limited.ID="ch816"ID="ch817"Space calculations determine the amount of free disk space in all mounted filesystems, the disk space required for each subsystem, the temporary requirement for disk space during the installation process, and the net change in disk space if a subsystem is installed or removed. If a detailed space check is requested, Inst also checks the disk for any deleted files, and for any local modifications to the installed software. You see this message when Inst performs space checking:Calculating sizes:The space checks performed during list and step processing calculate the net amount of space that your selections will require after installation. The space checks performed during go processing calculate the net space requirement and the additional space that will be required during the installation process.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="46205"Estimated and Detailed Space ChecksInst performs two types of disk space calculations: ID="ch818"estimated space checks, which are based on the information in the Inst history file, and ID="ch819"ID="ch820"detailed space checks, in which Inst accesses file size information on the disk to perform its calculations. By default, estimated space checks are performed when you use the ID="ch821"from command to change the distribution source and when you use the list or step command to make selections. Detailed space checking is always performed after you enter the go command to initiate installation. You can change these defaults using set command preferences. NoteYou can disable all space checking with the ID="ch822"space_check preference, but disabling space checking is not advised (see Inst help for details).LBL="" HELPID=""Changing ID="28178"Detailed Space CheckingThere may be times when you need very accurate disk space calculations throughout an installation session (when a target has limited disk space, for example). In this case, you can use the ID="ch823"detailspacecheck preference of the set command to force detailed space checking to be performed during list and step processing as well as during go processing. To force additional detailed space checking, enter this set command before you enter the list or step command in the session:Admin> set detailspacecheck on Inst saves the value of detailspacecheck in the installation history, so it is not necessary to reset this preference if you wish to maintain this level of checking in subsequent sessions. However, increasing the number of detailed space checks also increases the amount of time required for the interactive portion of an installation session (the amount of time required for go processing remains the same, regardless of the detailspacecheck setting). To return to the default space-checking behavior, enter this command:Admin> set detailspacecheck off LBL="" HELPID=""ID="26924"Delaying Disk Space CheckingThe ID="ch824"ID="ch825"delayspacecheck preference of the ID="ch826"set command allows you to postpone disk space checking until after you enter the go command. Delaying space checking reduces the amount of time needed for the interactive portion of an installation session. However, when you delay space checking, disk space information is not displayed in the output of list and step commandsname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'subsystem sizes are listed as zero. ID="ch827"To postpone disk space checking until you enter the go command, enter this command before entering the first list or step command:Admin> set delayspacecheck on Inst saves the value of delayspacecheck in the installation history database, so it is not necessary to reset this preference if you wish to delay space checking in subsequent installations. To return to the default space-checking behavior, enter this command:Admin> set delayspacecheck off LBL="" HELPID=""Minimizing Disk Space-Checking TimeWhen you want to install only one product and the distribution source contains many products, you can reduce the amount of space-checking time by including the product name when specifying the distribution source. When you specify a product in the distribution source, checking is limited to the disk space requirements of the individual product rather than the entire distribution. ID="ch828"These entries illustrate how to specify an individual product as the distribution source:# inst -f source/product Inst> from source/product Inst> from $dist/product The from command must be entered before a list or step command that triggers disk space checking (the source, product, and $dist arguments are described in IDREF="44781" TYPE="TITLE""Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution"). LBL="" HELPID=""ID="84237"Controlling the Display of FilenamesBy default, Inst does not report the names of files as it installs and removes them. The ID="ch829"set preferences described below allow you to modify this behavior and control the way that filenames are displayed.To display filenames as they are installed, enter this command before you enter go:Admin> ID="ch830"set show_files on To suppress filenames as they are installed, enter this command at any prompt:Admin> set show_files off The value of show_files is saved in your installation history database, so it has the same value from one installation session to the next until you change it.By default, when filenames are displayed during installation and removal, each filename replaces the one that was displayed before it. To change the display so that each name is displayed on a new line, enter this command:Admin> ID="ch831"set overprint off To return to the default behavior, enter this command:Inst> set overprint on The value of overprint is saved in the installation history database, so it is not necessary to reset it in subsequent installation sessions.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="15359"Displaying the Current Distribution SourceThe current distribution source is displayed in a message above the Main menu when Inst is invoked. The message has one of these forms:ID="ch832"Default distribution to install from: source Default distribution to install from: source/product Depending on your situation, source includes one or more of these items: a user ID, a remote target name, and a directory or tape device. If you specified a product name when you invoked Inst (inst-f), product is the name of the software product that you specified (for live installations only). The complete syntax of source and source/product is entered in IDREF="24071" TYPE="TITLE""Step 2: Specifying the Source" and IDREF="44781" TYPE="TITLE""Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution".Each time you enter the from command, the current distribution source changes. You can display the current distribution source by entering this command from any menu: Inst> ID="ch833"set dist Preference Type Value ... dist String last_source Inst>The value of dist is last_source, which is a character string (string). The value of last_source is always the same as source (the current distribution), with one exception: After Inst is invoked, but before product descriptors are read for the first time, the value of dist is the distribution source that was specified in the previous installation session. If you use a distribution source of the form source/product, product is not included in the value of dist.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="28400"Turning Off Initial Selection of SubsystemsEach time you invoke Inst or enter a ID="ch834"from command, Inst ignores any installation or removal selections that were not performed; it uses its own algorithms to select subsystems for installation. You can override this selection of subsystems, but any pending installation or removal selection is still erased.To prevent Inst from making selections after you enter the from command, enter this command:Inst> ID="ch835"set autoselect off Turning autoselect off means that the only i characters in the first column of list output are selections that you made. To turn automatic selection back on, use this command:Inst> set autoselect on The value of autoselect is saved in the installation history database; if you set it to off, it remains off in future Inst sessions until you change its value.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="20448"Changing the Network Time-out ValueID="ch836"Inst allows you to specify a network time-out value. This value specifies the length of time that Inst waits for responses from a remote system before giving up.Use the set command to display and set the time-out value:Admin> ID="ch837"set Preference Value Description ... timeout 180 Network timeout, in seconds ... Inst> set timeout 120 A minimum value of 120 seconds is recommended. The value of timeout is saved in the installation history database; when you find a value of timeout that works for your site, you can leave it permanently set (unless network conditions change and time-out errors begin to occur).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="81936"A Closer Look at Preferences Preferences allow you to tailor the installation utility so that it operates suitably for a single user or user group. In most cases, preference settings apply to both Inst and Software Manager (exceptions are ID="ch838"ID="ch839"tty preferences, which apply exclusively to Inst, and gui preferences, which apply exclusively to Software Manager).Preferences are classified on the basis of their duration. ID="ch840"Permanent preferences retain their settings until they are reset; ID="ch841"ID="ch842"transient preferences revert to a default setting at the start of a new installation session. A third group of preferences have the potential to cause installation errors when set arbitrarily; these preferences are classified as ID="ch843"expert. Most preferences are assigned simple Boolean values; that is, you use the set command to turn them on or off. You can also substitute true (for on) and false (for off) when setting these preferences. These examples illustrate equivalent command pairs:Admin> set beep on Admin> set beep true Admin> set short_names off Admin> set short_name falseLBL="" HELPID=""The Preferences FileIn the factory-shipped configuration of ID="ch844"inst, preference settings are stored in the /var/inst/resources file. However, whenever the original setting for a permanent preference is changed, the new setting is recorded in the .swmgrrc file, which is automatically created at the first change. The automatically generated copy is stored in the root directory, ID="ch845"$rbase, for the new software installation at $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc.ID="ch846"Each line of the .swmgrrc file contains the name of a preference and its assigned values. IDREF="23211" TYPE="TEXT"Example 8-5 illustrates the format of .swmgrrc entries. It illustrates settings that are expressed as Boolean, single choice, multivalue, and integer values.LBL="8-5"Example 8-5 ID="23211"Sample .swmgrrc Fileauto_inst_new: true display_size: blocks inst_visible_resources: tty,transient,permanent,beginner,expert network_retries: 4LBL="" HELPID=""Creating Additional Preferences FilesYou can create and store additional copies of .swmgrrc to tailor preferences for a particular system or for individual users. When multiple copies of .swmgrrc exist, the settings that they contain are added to the settings in $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc. If conflicting settings are recorded for a particular preference, the most user-specific setting takes precedence, as explained below.Individual users can create additional .swmgrrc files in these locations, in order of highest to lowest precedence:$HOME/.swmgrrc Contains preference settings for all installation sessions that the user initiates (except miniroot installations) and resides in the user's home directory on the target system. Takes precedence over settings in $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc,/var/inst/.swmgrrc, and $rbase/$HOME/.swmgrrc.$rbase/$HOME/.swmgrrcContains an individual user's preference settings for miniroot installations and resides in a special home directory for the installation (a subdirectory of the root directory for the newly installed software, such as $rbase/var/people/$HOME, for example). Takes precedence over settings in $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc and /var/inst/.swmgrrc./var/inst/.swmgrrcContains preference settings that are used for all installations performed on the target by any user. Whereas the effects of the $rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc file are restricted to the root directory for the new software ($rbase), /var/inst/.swmgrrc affects installations to any filesystem on the target.When Inst or Software Manager is invoked, existing .swmgrrc files are read in this order:/var/inst/.swmgrrc$rbase/var/inst/.swmgrrc$rbase/$HOME/.swmgrrc$HOME/.swmgrrcWhen preference settings are added to .swmgrrc, the new values are recorded in the file that was opened last. As a result, preference settings are recorded in the most localized version of the .swgrrc file that is open during the installation session.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="26914"The Preferences ListThe tables in this section describe the preferences that you can specify with the ID="ch847"set command or from the Customize Installation menus in Software Manager to control the installation process. They list the name of the preference, describe the function that the preference performs, and list the default setting for the preference. Expert preferences are identified in the first column. The fourth column, Value Saved? indicates whether the preference remains in effect for subsequent installation sessions (yes) or reverts to a default value at the start of a new session (no).IDREF="29744" TYPE="TABLE"Table 8-1 contains preferences that affect both Inst and Software Manager.NoteSome preferences in this table contain advisories in the Function column. Be sure to read these advisories carefully before resetting the preference to which they pertain.COLUMNS="4"LBL="8-1"Table 8-1 (continued) ID="29744"Preferences That Affect Inst and Software ManagerLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"Preference NameLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"FunctionLEFT="315" WIDTH="54"Default SettingLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"Value Saved?LEFT="0" WIDTH="102"abort_on_error(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether an automatic installation is aborted if an error occurs. If true (default), an error cancels the installation; if false, the installation continues after the error occurs. Regardless of setting, errors are reported in /var/inst/INSTLOG.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"always_confirm_quit LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether the user is always asked to confirm a quit command. If true, user must confirm a quit; if false (default), no user confirmation is needed after quit.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"autoconfig_overhead(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls the amount of disk space reserved for building the IRIX kernel (also see the kernel_size_32 and kernel_size_64 preferences).LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"179.2 MBLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"autoselect LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether inst does an automatic selection of subsystems during initialization and when a new distribution source is specified. If true (default), inst automatically selects subsystems at these events in the session; if false, no subsystems are automatically selected. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"beep(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether an audible signal is given after go processing is complete. If true (default), audible signal rings when go processing finishes; if false, no signal is given. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"broadcast(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Allows you to specify a port on a remote host where UDP messages will be posted during a miniroot installation so that the installation can be monitored remotely. Specify the IP address of the host and a port number (if different from the default) where the messages will be posted. The format of the specification is host[:port]LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"N/ALEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"checkpoint_restart(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Set during a session recovery when the user selects the action to take after an abnormal exit. If true, the user chose to retry the interrupted installation using the selections made during the session; if false (default), the user chose either to return to the previous session without attempting to install selected software or ignore the previous session completely.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"checkpoint_selections(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether installation and removal selections are saved in the checkpoint file so they can be used in a session recovery. If true, user selections are saved in the file as soon as they are made; if false (default), pending selections are saved when the user enters the go command. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"confirm_quitLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls the confirmation prompt for quit commands when selections are pending. If true (default), users are notified if install or removal selections are pending when they enter quit; if false, users are allowed to quit the session without a reminder of pending selections. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"confirm_nfs_installsLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether user is prompted to confirm installation on NFS mounted filesystems. If on (default), user is prompted for confirmation; if off, files are installed in the NFS filesystem if the user has proper permissions.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"onLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"default_config(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls handling of configuration files. If true, all configuration files in the distribution are installed; if the target version was modified, it is saved in a file with a .O extension. If false (default) and the target version was modified, install the distribution version of the configuration files, appending a .N extension; if the target version was not modified, overwrite it with the new file.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yes LEFT="0" WIDTH="102"default_sharedirs(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"For diskless systems, contains the list of default shared directories used during share-tree and client-tree installations.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"/usrLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"delayspacecheckLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls the timing of disk space calculations. If on, disk space calculations are deferred until the go or space commands are entered and no space information is provided when list or step commands are entered; if off (default), space calculations are performed at the first list, step, or space command, unless disk space checking was done previously.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"offLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"detailspacecheckLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls the source of the data used in space checking. If on, space requirements for files are determined by checking their sizes on the disk; if off (default), file sizes are assumed to be the value that is recorded in the installation history database.Advisory: Set on for slower, more accurate calculations.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"offLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"delay_conflictsLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether messages for delayable conflicts (those caused by incompatible software selections), normally posted before installation is performed, are delayed until Inst or Software Manager exit. Valid settings are ask, on, and off. If ask (default), the user is prompted after the first delayable conflict to specify whether subsequent conflict messages should be delayed; the specification remains in effect for the remainder of the session unless the user changes it. If on, delayable conflicts are always postponed until Inst or Software Manager exits. If off, conflicts are presented before software installation.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"askLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"delay_idb_readLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Delays reading of the installation database (idb) files until after the go or Start (for Software Manager) command is issued, increasing the speed of reading large distributions. If default, reading is delayed unless the distribution medium is a local CD. If on, reading is always delayed until after go or Start, regardless of the distribution medium. If off, idb files are always read as soon as a command is issued that requires idb file information. Advisory: Set to on if users are installing from a single CD or if users are comfortable with multiple CD changes during the session.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"defaultLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"delay_exitopsLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls when exit operations are performed. If true, exit operations are performed after users quit the installation session; if false (the default), exit operations are performed after all software is installed but before control is returned to the user.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"disable_keepfileLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Suppresses processing of $rbase/var/inst/.keepfile, which can be created to alter the initial software selections that inst makes at the beginning of an installation session. If true, .keepfile is disabled; if false (the default), .keepfile remains in effect.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"distLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the value of the current distribution source. For live installations, the default value is the previously specified source. For miniroot installations, dist must be specified.Product names are not saved as part of the value.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"sourceLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"exclusions(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies a list of files on which no action is taken during go or Start (for Software Manager) processing (also see restrictions preference). If a directory is specified, all files that it contains are also excluded from go and Start processing. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"N/ALEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"hide_image_products(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether the image components of each product are displayed when the product list is displayed. If true (default), listings of products do not include their component images. If false, the image components of a product are displayed in product listings. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"true LEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"inst_initial_level(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls the initial setting of the view command. If subsystem (default), the output of list displays the subsystems in each product that appears in the listing; if image, the output of list displays the images for each product that appears in the listing; if product, the output of list displays product names without product components. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"subsystemLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yes LEFT="0" WIDTH="102"install_identical_files(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether files are installed when the distribution version appears identical to the version installed on the target. If true (default), identical distribution files are installed. If false, distribution files are not installed when they appear identical.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"install_sites(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Contains the list of previous distribution sources (also see the install_site_size preference). LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"N/ALEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"install_sites_size(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the number of distribution sources that are maintained in the installation sources list (also see the install_sites preference).LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"10LEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"kernel_size_32(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the amount of disk space that is reserved for building a new kernel on 32-bit systems. See also the autoconfig_overhead and kernel_size_64 preferences.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"393.2 MBLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"kernel_size_64(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the amount of disk space that is reserved for building a new kernel on 64-bit systems. See also the autoconfig_overhead and kernel_size_32 preferences.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"576.7 MBLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"live_install LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls how operating system installations are performed when the session is started with the system in multi-user state. If default, the system is automatically shut down for operating system software installations; when the installer enters go or Start, users receive a warning that the system is shutting down. If on, installing operating system software is permitted in multi-user state. If off, the system always attempts to load the miniroot; if the distribution contains no standalone IRIX file (sa), the installation fails an error message is posted. Advisory: This preference is valid only for installations into the / directory.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"LEFT="375" WIDTH="38"LEFT="0" WIDTH="102"neweroverrideLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether older products can replace newer ones. If on, users can install older products in place of new ones; if off (default), older products cannot be installed when a more recent version exists on the target.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"offLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"override_space_check(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether space checking is performed. If true, no space checking is done during an installation, allowing disk overflows. If false (default), space checking is performed. Advisory: Setting true can cause serious installation problems.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"post_install_dialog(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether a completion notice is posted when an installation is completed. If true (default), a completion notice is posted. If false, the user sees a message only if a reboot is required.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"precious_files(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies a list of files that will not be overwritten or removed by the installation.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"N/ALEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"promptforid(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether user is prompted to specify unknown user IDs (UIDs) and group IDs (GIDs). If true, user is prompted for a UID if one is not found in /etc/passwd and a GID if one is not found in /etc/group. If false (default), inst assigns a UID and GID based on the startid preference and writes them to /usr/adm/SYSLOG. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"restrictions(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies a list of files that are the only ones to be installed or removed during go or Start (for Software Manager) processing (see also the exclusions preference). If a directory is specified, all files that it contains are included in the restricted list. No action is taken on any files that are not specified, regardless of their selection status when the installation is launched. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"N/ALEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"rulesoverrideLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether conflicts can be overwritten. If on, incompatible subsystems and subsystems without prerequisites may be installed on the target. If off (default), incompatibilities and prerequisites must be resolved before installation is done.Advisory: Use on setting with caution. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"offLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"set_path(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the value to use when setting the $PATH variable for exit operations. If default (default), set to a known path; if environment, set path to $PATH environment variable or use the default path if $PATH is not set; if specific, use the value in set_path_specific preference.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"defaultLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"set_path_specific(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the path to use for exit operations. Value is a user-supplied string.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"N/ALEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"shellLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the program to use for the sh and shroot Administrative commands. Usually this value is either /bin/sh or /bin/csh.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"/bin/cshLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"short_namesLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls product names in listings. If true, only the shortname is displayed in listings; if false (default), product descriptions are displayed instead of their shortnames.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"show_absolute_sizesLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Sets list and step displays to provide absolute subsystem sizes rather than relative sizes (a comparison between the size of the distribution subsystem and its corresponding subsystem on the target). If on, the absolute subsystem size is displayed; if off (default) the relative size is displayed.Advisory: Default unit of measure is kilobytes. See also display_size.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"offLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"show_files(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether filenames are displayed during installation. If true, each component file in a product is displayed as it is installed; if false (default), the product name is displayed as it is installed.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yes LEFT="0" WIDTH="102"show_hidden_resources(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether user is shown expert preferences in addition to basic preferences. If set to false (default), user sees only basic preferences; if set to true, user sees expert and basic preferences.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"show_lint(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Determines whether inconsistencies in the distribution are displayed during reading (for debugging). If true, inconsistencies are displayed; if false (default), inconsistencies are not reported.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"space_check(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether space checking is performed. If true (default), space checking is done at various points in the installation (see the delayspacecheck preference). If false, no space checking is performed. Advisory: Setting false can cause serious installation problems.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"startidLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Sets the starting value of UIDs and GIDs when this information is unknown to inst and promptforid preference is set off (also see promptforid preference). The value of startid is assigned to the first unknown UID and GID; subsequent unknown UIDs and GIDs are incremented by one. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"60000LEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"streamLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Switches between the maintenance release stream and the feature release stream This preference is initially set the first time that you make a stream selection.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"N/ALEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"startup_scriptLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls how Inst and Software Manager treat the initialization script file, inst.init. If set to prompt (default), the user is prompted before the script file is executed and the README file is displayed if one exists; for noninteractive installations in which the setting is prompt and the initialization file exists, Inst or Software Manager exits. If set to ignore, inst.init is always ignored. If set to execute, inst.init always executes without prompting the user.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"promptLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"swmgrrc_path(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the search path for the .swmgrrc file. The default path is /var/inst:$rbase/var/inst:$rbase$HOME: $HOMELEFT="315" WIDTH="54"(See Function column.)LEFT="375" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"timeoutLEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that inst allows for a reply from a remote host before retrying the connection. Two retries are done after the initial attempt.Advisory: Set to a value that is suitable for your network.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"120 secondsLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="102"verbose(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Works with verbosity preference to control the number of information messages that appear during installation sessions (see also verbosity). If off (default), messages are set to verbosity level 2; if on, messages are set to verbosity level 4. If both verbose and verbosity settings are changed, the most recent setting takes precedence. LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"offLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yes LEFT="0" WIDTH="102"verbosity(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls the number of informational messages that are displayed during an installation session (see also verbose). Valid settings are 0, silent; 2, verbose off; 4, verbose on; 6, all generated messages. When verbose and verbosity are changed, the most recent setting takes precedence.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"2LEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yes LEFT="0" WIDTH="102"verify_checksum(Expert)LEFT="110" WIDTH="198"Controls whether files are verified by checksum as they are uncompressed or read from the archives. If true (default), checksum verification is performed. If false, no checksum verification is made.LEFT="315" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="375" WIDTH="38"yesIDREF="22971" TYPE="TABLE"Table 8-2 contains preferences that affect Inst only.NoteSome preferences in this table contain advisories in the Function column. Be sure to read these advisories carefully before resetting the preference to which they pertain.COLUMNS="4"LBL="8-2"Table 8-2 ID="22971"(continued) Preferences That Affect Inst OnlyLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"Preference NameLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"FunctionLEFT="310" WIDTH="54"Default SettingLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"Value Saved?LEFT="0" WIDTH="108"always_page_inst LEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls whether requested information, such as progress messages during go processing, are displayed in page segments or scrolled off the screen. If true, requested information is displayed in page segments; if false (default), information that is longer than a page scrolls off the screen.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"clearpromptLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls how throwaway prompts are displayed. If true (default), these prompts are cleared from a line by overwriting with blank spaces; if false, the original prompts remain on the line and a new line is generated to display a new prompt.Advisory: Set to false on terminals that do not perform line clearing.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"display_sizeLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls the unit of measure for subsystem sizes. Valid settings are kbytes (default), kilobytes, bytes, or 512-byte blocks.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"kbytesLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"fullmenuLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls the display of hidden commands (but not their availability) on the Main menu, Administrative Commands menu, and View Commands menu. If on, hidden commands appear on these menus; if off (default), hidden commands do not appear.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"offLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"inst_terse_mode(Expert)LEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Restricts messages that are displayed on the screen. If false (default), user sees standard status messages, warnings, and errors. If true, most status messages are repressed and only warnings, errors, and output requested by the user are posted. True also forces off page_output, show_diskspace, show_legend, show_percent_done, and show_files and sets verbosity to 1. See also verbose preference, admin save and admin load commands, and the inst (1M) option -F .LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"inst_visible_resourcesLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls the list of preferences that are displayed when the set command is entered with no arguments (see also swmgr_visible_resources). This preference takes multiple values: tty (default) specifies that the displayed list should contain all preferences that apply to the Inst interface; permanent (default) specifies that the displayed list should contain all preferences whose value is maintained in subsequent sessions (until the value is reset); transient specifies that the displayed list should contain all preferences whose value reverts to a default at the end of a session; beginner (default) limits the displayed list to all preferences that are not designated expert; expert specifies that the displayed list contain all preferences whose settings have potentially adverse effects on installation.Advisory: In your entry, separate values with a comma; no spaces are allowed.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"tty permanent transient beginnerLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"menusLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls whether menus are displayed automatically. If on (default), Main menu is displayed at startup and all menus are displayed when they are invoked; if off, menus are not displayed at startup or invocation, but users can display them manually by entering ? at the menu prompt.Advisory: Set off for experienced Inst users.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"onLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"miniroot_graphicsLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls whether progress messages sent from the miniroot are displayed as ASCII text or graphics. If default, only miniroot installations launched from Software Manager use graphical displays; if on, all miniroot installations use graphical displays; if off, no miniroot installations use graphical displays.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"defaultLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"overprintLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls the display of the software listing during installation (or removal). If on (default), the same line is used to display the name of each software item as it is installed; the name is overwritten when the next item is installed. If off, a new line is used to display each name; the list scrolls down the screen.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"onLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"page_outputLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls tty device output. If true (default), output is managed by paging that is similar to more (see the more(1M) reference page); if false, output scrolls off the screen. LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"show_diskspaceLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls whether a disk space summary is displayed by the list, step, and recalculate commands. If true (default), the disk space summary is displayed. If false, disk space summaries are suppressed for list, step, and recalculate commands, but can be displayed with the admin space command. See also inst_terse_mode.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"show_legendLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls the legend for ID="ch848"list displays. If true (default), the output of list contains an explanation of the mnemonic tags that appear in the listing; if false, the legend is not posted.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"show_percent_done(Expert)LEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls whether task completion messages are posted. If true (default), Inst posts periodic messages during various processing tasks to report the percentage of the task that is completed. If false, no task completion messages are posted.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"noLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"wrapmodeLEFT="115" WIDTH="187"Controls whether displayed lines will wrap or truncate at the screen width limit. If wrap (default), lines longer than the screen width wrap to the next line; if truncate, lines are truncated at the limit of the screen width.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"wrapLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesIDREF="51347" TYPE="TABLE"Table 8-3 contains preferences that affect Software Manager only.COLUMNS="4"LBL="8-3"Table 8-3 ID="51347"(continued) Preferences That Affect Software Manager OnlyLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"Preference NameLEFT="115" WIDTH="189"FunctionLEFT="310" WIDTH="54"Default Setting LEFT="370" WIDTH="38"Value Saved?LEFT="0" WIDTH="108"background(Expert)LEFT="115" WIDTH="189"Controls whether Software Manager is run as a background or foreground task when invoked from an IRIX shell. If true (default), Software Manager runs as a background task; if false, Software Manager runs as a foreground task.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"custom_startup_mode(Expert)LEFT="115" WIDTH="189"Controls how Software Manager is initially presented. If off (default), Software Manager always starts in Automatic Installation mode (selections are automatically made at initialization). If distribution, it starts in Customize Installation mode (the user makes selections) if a distribution was specified; if no distribution was specified, it starts in Automatic Installation mode. If always, Inst starts in Customize Installation mode if a distribution was specified; if no distribution was specified, it starts in Manage Installed Software mode (actions apply to target software only).LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"offLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"never_resize_pane(Expert)LEFT="115" WIDTH="189"Controls whether pane is resized when switching the selection mode (see custom_startup_mode preference). If true (default), the pane size remains the same for all selection modes. If false, pane size is changed when the selection modes are changed.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"trueLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"space_update_interval(Expert)LEFT="115" WIDTH="189"Specifies in seconds the frequency with which the Disk Space area is automatically updated; these updates are in addition to the updates that occur when product selections are change. Valid settings are integers; updates are disabled if set to 0.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"10LEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"swmgr_initial_level(Expert)LEFT="115" WIDTH="189"Controls the level of the product hierarchy that is displayed when Software Manager is invoked. Valid settings are product (default) and subsystem.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"productLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"swmgr_visible_resourcesLEFT="115" WIDTH="189"Controls the set of preferences that are visible in the Preferences dialog (see also inst_visible_resources). These settings are valid: if none, no preferences are displayed in the dialog; if permanent (default), the dialog contains all preferences whose values are retained for subsequent installation sessions (until the value is changed); if transient, the dialog contains preferences whose settings revert to a default at the end of a session; if beginner (default), the dialog contains all preferences that are not designated expert; if expert, the dialog contains preferences whose settings have potentially adverse effects on installation. LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"beginner permanentLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"use_last_dist(Expert)LEFT="115" WIDTH="189"Controls the contents of the Available Software field. If true, the last distribution source that was used is automatically entered in this field at startup. If false (default), this field is empty at startup.LEFT="310" WIDTH="54"falseLEFT="370" WIDTH="38"yesLBL="9"ID="86143"Automating Installations With RoboInstRoboInst is an extension to the miniroot that automates miniroot installations and performs related tasks, such as disk and filesystem configuration, as an integral part of the installation process. RoboInst also allows a "live-mode" installation as described in ID="ch91"ID="ch92"ID="ch93"IDREF="52443" TYPE="TITLE""Additional RoboInst Command-Line Options". The tasks performed during the installation are user-defined. RoboInst can be launched locally on the target host (RoboInst client) or from a network server (RoboInst server) to install any number of clients located anywhere on an internet. It can also be launched by a scheduler such as cron or from a batch queue.NoteA RoboInst license is purchased separately. Refer to IDREF="27018" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 10, "Licensing," for information on acquiring a license to use RoboInst.This chapter describes RoboInst fundamentals, how to prepare for using RoboInst, and how to customize miniroot installations with RoboInst scripts. The chapter contains these sections:IDREF="33362" TYPE="TITLE""How RoboInst Works"IDREF="58238" TYPE="TITLE""Getting Ready for RoboInst"IDREF="43111" TYPE="TITLE""Customizing Miniroot Installations"IDREF="13162" TYPE="TITLE""Launching RoboInst"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="33362"How RoboInst WorksFunctionally, a RoboInst configuration server can be seen as four servers and any number of clients. The servers are:RoboInst servername='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Runs ID="ch94"roboinst command.software distribution servername='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Contains distribution(s) to be installed.ID="ch95"configuration servername='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Contains RoboInst configuration file(s).ID="ch96"boot servername='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Contains ID="ch97"sash and miniroot files.The installation is initiated from a RoboInst server, which may also be a boot server, distribution server, or client. The distribution to be installed is provided by a software distribution server (also called an installation server) which may or may not also be a boot server and/or configuration server. The clients are any network hosts that receive the installation.The sequence of events in a RoboInst installation are specified by various files that reside in the ID="ch98"configuration directory; the host containing the configuration directory is the configuration server. The configuration directory must contain a master miniroot configuration file, ID="ch99"mrconfig, but it can also contain additional files and scripts that support the installation process. All files and scripts in the configuration directory, including mrconfig, are user-created; they specify actions to be taken before, during, or after the miniroot installation. See IDREF="74911" TYPE="TITLE""Creating a Miniroot Configuration File" for details.Like other remote miniroot installations, RoboInst installations frequently rely on a boot server to load the miniroot from a remote source to the client system (see IDREF="30961" TYPE="TITLE""About Miniroot Installations"). The boot server contains a ID="ch910"sash and IRIX miniroot boot files for all system models to be installed. In a simple RoboInst configuration, the boot server and the configuration server reside on the same host, but they can reside on separate hosts if necessary. IDREF="74393" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 9-1 illustrates a simple RoboInst configuration. FILE="Fig9-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="9-1"Figure 9-1 ID="74393"Simple RoboInst ConfigurationLBL="" HELPID=""Events in a RoboInst Installation To perform an automatic miniroot installation on one or more clients, issue a roboinst command from the RoboInst server. This sequence of events occurs on the client after RoboInst is installed:RoboInst writes the network location of the miniroot (and a new IRIX 6.5 ID="ch911"sash if the client is running an earlier release of IRIX than 6.5) in the disk volume header on the clients. RoboInst reboots the client using the new sash.RoboInst relocates the swap and root partitions on the client disk if a relocation is specified (see IDREF="25242" TYPE="TITLE""Disk Partitions and RoboInst," below).The sash sets an environment variable on the client to signal a RoboInst installation; then it loads the miniroot from its network location to the swap partition on the client. The sash copies the files in the configuration directory to the /custom directory in the miniroot filesystem.Actions specified in the miniroot configuration files (such as fx, inst, and postinst commands) are executed.The client system is returned to multiuser mode.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="25242"Disk Partitions and RoboInstAs IDREF="74393" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 9-1 illustrates, the physical location of the swap and root partitions on IRIX 6.5 systems are reversed from their traditional location in earlier IRIX versions. This relocation of ID="ch912"swap and root permits arbitrary disk repartitioning during miniroot installations. When you upgrade a client system from an earlier IRIX version to IRIX 6.5, you can reverse swap and root automatically with an argument to the RoboInst command or with a configuration script (see IDREF="13162" TYPE="TITLE""Launching RoboInst"). This disk reconfiguration is not necessary unless you plan to do disk partitioning from the miniroot.NoteAlthough the location of swap and root are reversed, their partition numbers remain the same (root remains partition 0 and swap remains partition 1).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="58238"Getting Ready for RoboInstThis list suggests what to do to prepare for using RoboInst for miniroot installations. The subsections that follow the list provide details for each task:Identify the client systems to be installed. See IDREF="49290" TYPE="TITLE""The Client System List".Select and prepare the servers. See IDREF="21657" TYPE="TITLE""Software Distribution Server Setup", IDREF="68247" TYPE="TITLE""Boot Server Setup", and IDREF="67803" TYPE="TITLE""Configuration Server Setup".Create the configuration directory. See IDREF="65561" TYPE="TITLE""Configuration Directory Setup".Configure DHCP if you plan to use it. See IDREF="28001" TYPE="TITLE""DHCP Setup (optional)".LBL="" HELPID=""ID="49290"The Client System ListTo prepare for RoboInst installations, create a list of hostnames of the client systems for which a miniroot installation is needed. These hostnames will be used in the RoboInst command to launch the installations (see IDREF="13162" TYPE="TITLE""Launching RoboInst"). In addition to hostnames, you should also make a list of the different system models of your clients. Use the list to verify that the boot server contains the boot file that is necessary for each system model (see ID="ch913"IDREF="74393" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 9-1). LBL="" HELPID=""ID="21657"Software Distribution Server SetupThe software distribution server (or installation server) makes available the software images that Inst installs on other hosts. The images may be stored in directories on the hard disk or on CDs. If you plan to store the software distribution on a hard disk, plan on allocating approximately 0.5 GB for each CD in the original distribution. If you prefer, you can continue to use CDs as the software distribution source.Instructions for configuring an installation server are given in IDREF="22950" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 2 (see IDREF="81158" TYPE="TITLE""Setting Up an Installation Server" for details). If you follow those instructions to set up the installation server for miniroot installations (this means enabling BOOTP and TFTP on the server), you can use the same host as the installation server, the configuration server, and the boot server. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="68247"Boot Server SetupThe boot server contains ID="ch914"sash and miniroot boot files for each model of client systems that it serves. The total disk space required for miniroot files is approximately 50 to 100 MB, depending on the number of models represented in your client set. If your network contains subnets, installations will require less time if an installation server is located on each subnet where clients are located; and locating the boot server on the same subnet saves additional time.You will find the sash file, sa, in the dist directory of the Installation Tools distributionname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'on CD or provided by a software installation server. Various miniroot kernels are stored in the miniroot subdirectory of the Installation distribution. You can run hinv on the clients to determine their IP number to install the correct kernel on each. You should copy the sa file, and the miniroot subdirectory into a directory on the boot server (see IDREF="40379" TYPE="TITLE""Example Boot and Configuration Server" for an example.)The server must be running BOOTP and TFTP to boot clients remotely. BOOTP is required to respond to client boot requests, and TFTP is required to transfer the boot files after the request is received. If you have not already done so, follow the instructions in ID="ch915"ID="ch916"IDREF="31826" TYPE="TITLE""Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers" and IDREF="45067" TYPE="TITLE""Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server" to set up BOOTP and TFTP.NoteIf you combine the boot server with an installation server that is configured for miniroot installations, BOOTP and TFTP are already configured. See IDREF="81158" TYPE="TITLE""Setting Up an Installation Server".LBL="" HELPID=""ID="67803"Configuration Server SetupThe configuration server contains miniroot configuration files in a special configuration directory. Because they occupy miniroot space during the installation process, the files in this directory are necessarily small; therefore, disk space is seldom a consideration when selecting a configuration server.ID="ch917"If you decide to create the configuration server and boot server on separate hosts (or are launching RoboInst from the PROM monitor as described in ID="ch918"IDREF="14341" TYPE="TITLE""Launching RoboInst From the PROM"), be sure to make a note of the configuration server's IP address. When the configuration server and boot server are on different hosts, you must specify the configuration server's IP address when launching RoboInst (see IDREF="13162" TYPE="TITLE""Launching RoboInst").The configuration server must permit access to files in the configuration directory. To allow this access, you can either enable TFTP on the configuration server if you have not already done so (see ID="ch919"IDREF="45067" TYPE="TITLE""Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server" for instructions); or, if you prefer, you can use an open guest account instead of TFTP (see IDREF="67681" TYPE="TITLE""Configuring an Installation Account" for setup instructions).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="65561"Configuration Directory SetupBy convention, the configuration directory is ID="ch920"/usr/local/boot/roboinst/custom on the configuration server. However, you can use a different directory if you specify the alternative name in RoboInst commands (see IDREF="13162" TYPE="TITLE""Launching RoboInst"). After you create the configuration directories, populate them with an ID="ch921"mrconfig file (see IDREF="74911" TYPE="TITLE""Creating a Miniroot Configuration File"). You can also create and copy additional configuration files to control events before, during, or after the software installation process (see IDREF="50151" TYPE="TITLE""Creating Additional Configuration Files"). After creating configuration files, run the roboinst_config command to generate a .index file.This file is used to confirm that all files are copied successfully to the client.ID="ch922"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="28001"DHCP Setup (optional)Whenever RoboInst loads the miniroot, it broadcasts a request for a hostname, IP address, and netmask for this hardware device from the responding server. If the requesting client is located on a network that offers Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service, the DHCP server responds to this request by returning the hostname, IP address, and netmask, and RoboInst will set these operating parameters. ID="ch923"When a network does not offer the DHCP service, BOOTP handles the request and returns only the IP address. If you prefer, you can create a custom script to set the client's IP address and other operating parameters (see the ID="ch924"nvram(1M) reference page).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="43111"Customizing Miniroot InstallationsTo customize a miniroot installation, prepare a miniroot configuration file and any additional files that you want to execute as part of the installation session. If you use TFTP on the configuration server and the configuration directory contains additional files, it must also contain an index file that lists each file in the configuration directory. ID="ch925"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="74911"Creating a Miniroot Configuration FileThe miniroot configuration file, mrconfig, controls RoboInst installation sessions. This is an ASCII file in the configuration directory that contains keywords that RoboInst interprets to partition disks, install software, and so on, from the miniroot of the client system. Example configuration files that you can study and modify are located in ID="ch926"/usr/share/src/RoboInst (if you have installed the examples from the RoboInst distribution, they are not installed by default). Each significant line of an mrconfig file begins with a keyword; blank lines and comments (lines beginning with the # character) are ignored. Keywords and arguments are described in IDREF="30828" TYPE="TABLE"Table 9-1. COLUMNS="3"LBL="9-1"Table 9-1 ID="30828"(continued) Keywords in an mrconfig FileLEFT="0" WIDTH="62"KeywordLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"ArgumentsLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"DescriptionLEFT="0" WIDTH="62"loghostLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"IP address (or hostname if boot server)LEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Specifies the host where log messages are sent in addition to the client system.LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"partitionID="ch927"LEFT="70" WIDTH="129"device size type name optionsLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Specifies partitions to create and filesystems to mount.LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"setenvLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"variable, valueLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Sets the named variable in the RoboInst environment. This variable is also exported to subcommands, such as those executed before, during, and after the software installation phase.LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"disksetupLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"NoneLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Reverses the location of the swap and root partitions on a disk that was partitioned before IRIX 6.5.CAUTION: Any data contained on the disk is lost when you use this keyword.LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"initLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"/bin/sh commandLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Specifies shell commands to execute during the initialization phase of the installation.LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"fxLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"/bin/sh commandLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Specifies shell commands to execute during the disk partitioning phase (fx) of the installation (see the fx manual page).LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"mkfsLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"/bin/sh commandLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Specifies shell commands to execute during the filesystem creation phase (mkfs) of the installation (see the mkfs manual page).LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"preinstLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"/bin/sh commandLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Specifies shell commands to execute during the phase immediately preceding software installation (inst execution).LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"instLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"inst commandLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Specifies a command recognized by the inst utility. Each inst command must be preceded by this keyword. Commands are collected in the order that they appear in the mrconfig file, copied to a temporary file, and issued to inst with this syntax:inst -r/root -c tempfileLEFT="0" WIDTH="62"onerrorLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"wait, ignoreLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"If set to wait, suspend the installation and display the Inst> prompt if an error occurs during the software installation process. If set to ignore, continue past error (still reported in INSTLOG and SYSLOG).LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"nokernelLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"NoneLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Causes the autoconfiguration phase to be skipped so the IRIX kernel is not generated. If you use this keyword, you must create a script to build the IRIX kernel.LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"postinstLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"/bin/sh commandLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Specifies shell commands to be executed during the phase following software installation (inst execution).LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"if ... endifLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"/bin/sh commandLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Similar to the if syntax in /bin/sh scripts. When an executed command exits with a status of zero, all lines up to the matching endif statement are evaluated. When an executed command exits with a nonzero status, the inclusion lines are ignored completely. Nesting is permitted.LEFT="0" WIDTH="62"if ... else ... endifLEFT="70" WIDTH="129"/bin/sh commandLEFT="205" WIDTH="194"Similar to the if syntax in /bin/sh scripts. When an executed command exits with a status of zero, all lines up to the matching else statement are evaluated. When an executed command exits with a nonzero status, the lines between the else and endif statements are evaluated instead. Nesting is permitted.LBL="" HELPID=""Ordering Commands in an mrconfig FileCommands are parsed based on the keywords in the following order from the mrconfig file: loghostinitpartitionfxmkfspreinstinstnokernelpostinstWhile the convention of placing the commands in the mrconfig file in this order helps make it easy for users to read, it is not necessary for RoboInst.LBL="" HELPID=""Partition KeywordUse the partition keyword to specify disk partitioning, filesystems and mount points. The syntax is as follows:partition device size type name options The device, size, and type arguments are used as input to the fx -s command (see the fx(1M) reference page) to perform the partitioning. Partitions are laid-out in the order specified, unless a start position is given. device is a device name referring to a disk device in the /dev/rdsk directory, for example dks0d1s0. See dks(7M) for a full description of device names. size is one of the following arguments:existingname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'keep the same size.standardname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'use a standard layout for the entire disk. Type root or option arguments must also be specified. When standard is used, it applies to the entire disk (the partition component in the device name is irrelevant). For most partitioning tasks, either standard root or standard option should be specified as the first partition statement for the given disk. If customizations are desired, additional partition statements for that disk may also be specified.allname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'The entire disk.start:sizestart is an integer that specifies the exact start address of the partition, in 512-byte blocks. Alternatively, start can be followspart# where # is the partition-number that this partition should immediately follow on the same disk. Note that the volume header is partition 8, so to use the first usable partition, you would normally use followspart8.size is an integer that specifies the size of the partition in 512-byte blocks or the word remainder to use the entire remainder of the disk after making all of its other partitions. Note that partitions are processed in the order they appear in the file, so remainder should be used only in the last partition statement for a particular disk. type is one of the foloowing arguments:rootname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Valid only when standard is specified. A standard root disk is created, containing a swap partition and a root partition of maximum size containing an XFS filesystem.optionname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Valid only when standard is specified. A standard option disk is created, consisting of a single partition of maximum size, containing an XFS filesystem. xfs or xfs/blocksizeAn XFS filesystem is created with the specified blocksize, and mounted at the directory name with the specified options. The blocksize must be an integer multiple of 512 and cannot exceed 65536. If omitted, a blocksize of 4096 is assumed.efsname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'An EFS filesystem is created and mounted at the directory name with the specified options.NoteEFS filesystems will not be supported in future IRIX releases. Use XFS filesystems in nearly all situations.swapname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'A swap partition of the specified size is created.preservename='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'Any existing filesystem is preserved, and no new one is created.name is ignored when type is swap. For other partition types, its value can be either of these:pathnamename='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'indicating a local directory where the filesystem is to be mounted.nomountname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'If nomount is specified, the filesystem is not mounted.options are options to the mount -o command. This field is optional. Any options specified are to be passed along to the mount command as a single argument. Multiple options should be comma separated with no spaces. Refer to the mount(1M) reference page for more information.For example, use this command to make disk (0,1) a standard system drive:partition dks0d1s0 standard root / For example, use this to make disk (0,2) a standard option drive mounted at /d2:partition dks0d2s0 standard option /d2 LBL="" HELPID=""Hostname ConsiderationsNo name services, such as DNS or UNS, are available from the miniroot. The only source of hostnames is the /etc/hosts file and the hostname of the boot server. For this reason, all other remote host designations in the mrconfig file must be in the form of IP addresses, (unless you enter hostnames in the local /etc/hosts from a script, for example).You can add hostnames to the miniroot's /etc/hosts file individually, for example:init echo " fred1.acme.com fred1" >> /etc/hosts You can also copy in a host file from the configuration directory, for example:init cat /custom/hosts >> /etc/hosts LBL="" HELPID=""Environment VariablesRoboInst software sets the following variables in the environment of all shell commands defined in an mrconfig file:COLUMNS="1"LEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_ABILEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_BOOTDIRLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_BOOTSERVERLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_CAPACITYLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_CAP_dks#d#volLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_CONFIGDIRLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_CONFIGSERVERLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_CPUARCHLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_CPUBOARDLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_CUSTOMLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_GFXBOARDLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_HOSTNAMELEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_IPADDRLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_MACHINELEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_MEMSIZELEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_MODELEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_ROOTLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_SUBGRLEFT="0" WIDTH="108"SGI_SYSIDRefer to the roboinst_config(1M) reference page for details and the latest list of environment variables.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="50151"Creating Additional Configuration FilesIf you use TFTP on the configuration server and the configuration directory contains files in addition to the mrconfig file, the configuration directory must also contain a .index file that lists each additional file. The ID="ch928"/usr/etc/roboinst_config script, which is part of RoboInst software, creates a .index file automatically. When you have finished creating the configuration directory and all necessary files (or have just modified a file), run roboinst_config to create a new .index file (refer to the roboinst_config(1M) reference page for details). The index file that roboinst_config creates lists the name, type, size, and checksum of each file in the configuration directory. RoboInst compares this information to verify that the configuration files copied to the client are identical to the files contained in the configuration server. If the files are not identical, they are not executed and the installation fails. For this reason, you must generate a .index file even if the configuration directory contains only an mrconfig file.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="40379"Example Boot and Configuration ServerIDREF="32191" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 9-2 shows an example of how a setup might look if your boot server and configuration server are the same host. A simple setup is shown in which the only configuration file is mrconfig, and the only boot files are the miniroot kernel, unix.IP22, and the sash, sa.FILE="Fig9-2.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="9-2"Figure 9-2 ID="32191"Sample RoboInst Directory and File SetupLBL="" HELPID=""LID="13162"aunching RoboInst Launch RoboInst from a network host on which you have installed the RoboInst server software (refer to your release notes for client and server installation information). The command to launch RoboInst is roboinst, and basic command syntax is as follows:roboinst [-n|-y] -b bootdir -c configdir -t time client(s)...(Refer to the discussion below and the roboinst(1M) reference page for more command-line options and further details.)LBL="" HELPID=""Launching RoboInst From the ServerYou can launch RoboInst from any supported IRIX server with the roboinst server software installed. You must specify a boot server (-b option) and a configuration server (-c option). You may specify a time (-t option) if at is enabled on the server, or else accept the default time "now." You may also specify automatic installation (-y option), or just check the configuration without initiating installation (-n option). If you specify neither -y or -n you will be prompted before starting the installation.In IDREF="32029" TYPE="TEXT"Example 9-1, a configuration test is made with the -n option, and an error is returned because the mrconfig file is not readable.LBL="9-1"Example 9-1 ID="32029"RoboInst Configuration Testbar1 1# roboinst -n -b fred1:/usr/local/boot \-c fred1:/usr/local/boot/roboinst foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4 roboinst: submitting job on bar1 bar1: Size mismatch for /tmp/d.roboinst.3106/mrconfig 0 (expected 1719) bar1: Try running roboinst_config bar1: Unable to retrieve configuration from bar1 2# In IDREF="75552" TYPE="TEXT"Example 9-2, RoboInst proceeds automatically, stopping at an error if noerror is set to wait (see IDREF="30828" TYPE="TABLE"Table 9-1).LBL="9-2"Example 9-2 ID="75552"RoboInst Configuration Launch With Promptingbar1 1# roboinst -b fred1:/usr/local/boot \-c fred1:/usr/local/boot/roboinst foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4 LBL="" HELPID=""Launching RoboInst from the ClientTo launch RoboInst from a client, install server and client software on the host and then run the roboinst command as with a server. If you are only installing on the client you run the roboinst command from, you do not specify the client name, as shown in IDREF="65820" TYPE="TEXT"Example 9-3.LBL="9-3"Example 9-3 ID="65820"RoboInst Installation From the Clientbar1 1# roboinst -b fred1:/usr/local/boot \-c fred1:/usr/local/boot/roboinst LBL="" HELPID=""ID="14341"Launching RoboInst From the PROMIf the client is not up and running on the network, you can initiate RoboInst from the PROM monitor of the client using a boot command with the argument mrmode=custom, as described in this section.CautionPay special attention to the disksetup keyword. Use the disksetup keyword only if you plan to repartition the disk drive, because it causes all current contents of the root drive to be lost.The final argument, mrconfig=addr:/pathname is used to specify the IP address and pathname of the directory containing your mrconfig file. For example:boot -f bootp()server:/path/sa(sashARCS) mrmode=custom disksetup=true mrconfig= boot -f bootp()server:/path/sa(sashARCS) mrmode=custom mrconfig= boot -f bootp()server:/path/sa(sashARCS) mrmode=custom boot -f bootp()server:/path/sa(sash64) mrmode=custom mrconfig= boot -f bootp()server:/path/sa(sash64) mrmode=customIn the examples above, it is necessary to use an IP address for the configuration server only if it is different from the boot server. If these two servers are the same, then a hostname can be specified: boot -f bootp()server:/path/sa(sashARCS) mrmode=custom mrconfig=server:/var/tmp/roboinst NoteThe boot command may fail if you have not properly set your netaddr variable. Use this PROM command to display the current value: printenv netaddr netaddr= it is not set correctly to the IP address of the host, use the setenv command to set it correctly, for example:>> setenv netaddr Contact your network administrator if you are not sure what the appropriate address is. On some networks, if you have a properly configured bootp server with your machine listed in its /etc/bootptab file, your netaddr variable will be set automatically if you first unset it with this command: unsetenv netaddr Then use the boot command.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="52443"Additional RoboInst Command-Line OptionsA useful command option to know is the roboinst -L "live mode" option. With this option, RoboInst does not bring the client down to the miniroot to perform the automatic installation. Only the preinst, inst and postinst keywords in the mrconfig file are processed with this option, and it is not possible to perform disk reformatting or modify networking parameters in live mode.Another useful command to consider is roboinst -f. With the -f option, you can automatically install the roboinst client software on the clients.Refer to the roboinst(1M) reference page for more information on these and other options.ID="38158"LBL="10"ID="27018"LicensingSilicon Graphics products are licensed by the FLEXlm application. To set up and maintain the licensing scheme for these products at your site, use the FLEXID="ch101"lm End User Manual (available online through IRIS InSight) as your primary source of license administration information. The InSight version of the FLEXlm guide contains icons that identify information that either does not apply to the Silicon Graphics implementation of FLEXlm or requires additional explanation. This chapter of IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing provides the alternative and additional information that is marked by the icons. This chapter contains these sections:IDREF="27640" TYPE="TITLE""About License Manager"IDREF="29426" TYPE="TITLE""The License Request Process Illustrated"IDREF="44218" TYPE="TITLE""FLEXlm Files and Utilities on Silicon Graphics Systems"IDREF="87354" TYPE="TITLE""New FLEXlm Features"IDREF="17243" TYPE="TITLE""Starting and Stopping Licensing Daemons"NoteSome older applications running on Silicon Graphics systems use NetLS licensing; please see the Network License System Administration Guide for information on managing these licenses.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="27640"About License ManagerUsers license their applications with License Manager, a graphical tool that can be accessed from the System toolchest. The License Manager dialog is shown in IDREF="13006" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 10-1. Whenever a user installs, updates, or removes a floating licence with this dialog, License Manager restarts (or stops, for license removals) the local license manager daemon to put the user's change into effect. FILE="Fig10-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="10-1"Figure 10-1 ID="13006"License Manager DialogStarting with IRIX 6.5, the License Manager dialog contains an Options button. This button allows users to manage licenses for Alias/Wavefront applications in addition to the group of applications that are normally licensed on Silicon Graphics systems.See the LicenseManager(1M) reference page for more information on the user interface to licensing.LBL="" HELPID=""License TypesThe FLEXlm implementation on Silicon Graphics systems supports these license types:A node-locked license permits a particular system to run an application. The number of users is not restricted with this type of license. Floating licenses permit a fixed number of users on a network to use an application simultaneously.Incremental licenses permit the number of users on a floating license to be increased. The total number of users permitted to use an application is the sum of users specified on the INCREMENT lines for an application listed in the floating license file (see IDREF="44218" TYPE="TITLE""FLEXlm Files and Utilities on Silicon Graphics Systems").Package licenses permit several applications to use a single license. The license is listed in a PACKAGE line in the floating license file. This line contains a COMPONENTS attribute that identifies the applications that the package licenses (see IDREF="44218" TYPE="TITLE""FLEXlm Files and Utilities on Silicon Graphics Systems"). LBL="" HELPID=""ID="29426"The License Request Process IllustratedIDREF="17578" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 10-2 illustrates the events in the license request process.FILE="Fig10-2.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="10-2"Figure 10-2 ID="17578"License Request ProcessThe license request process consists of this sequence of events:When it starts, the master license daemon (lmgrd) reads the server copy of the license file and starts the vendor daemons listed in the file.When it starts, the user application searches the client copy of the license file for the address of the license server, which includes the port number for lmgrd.The user application requests the vendor daemon's address from the master daemon.The master daemon sends the address of the vendor daemon to the user application.The user application requests a license from the vendor daemon, using the address it received.The vendor daemon checks its memory for available licenses and grants or denies a license.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="44218"FLEXlm Files and Utilities on Silicon Graphics SystemsWhen you install FLEXlm software on Silicon Graphics systems, licensing files and programs are stored in these locations:/usr/etc/lmgrd license manager daemon/usr/etc/sgifd Silicon Graphics vendor daemon/var/flexlm/licensefile.db database of license files for Silicon Graphics applications/var/flexlm/license.dat license file for node-locked licenses/var/flexlm/license_.dat license file for floating licenses on the hostname server/usr/sbin (lmdiag, lmdown, and so on) FLEXlm license administration tools/etc/init.d/flexlm Startup script for the FLEXlm license daemon/etc/config/lmgrd.options Configuration file containing arguments to the lmgrd command/etc/config/flexlm Text file for enabling or disabling automatic startup of the FLEXlm daemonLicenses for Alias/Wavefront applications are stored in separate files:/var/flexlm/aw.datlicense file for node-locked licenses to Alias/Wavefront applications/var/flexlm/aw_.datlicense file for floating licenses to Alias/Wavefront applications on the hostname serverLBL="" HELPID=""The License File Database for Silicon Graphics ApplicationsTo locate their licenses, Silicon Graphics applications search the /var/flexlm/licensefile.db file, which is located on the client system and contains a list of license files and directories. These applications search each file listed in licensefile.db whose name ends in .dat; they also search all .dat files stored in licensefile.db directories. The contents of /var/flexlm/licensefile.db are illustrated in IDREF="80309" TYPE="TEXT"Example 10-1, which contains one license directory and two license files:LBL="10-1"Example 10-1 ID="80309"Database of License Locations /var/flexlm /var/flexlm/license.dat /usr/lib/SoftWindows/FLEXlm/license.datA license file in /var/flexlm/licensefile.db might direct the application to a license server to continue its search for a license (see IDREF="29870" TYPE="TITLE""The USE_SERVER Feature" for details). If you plan to store licenses in a directory or filename that is different from those specified in /var/flexlm/licensefile.db, or if you create new locations for license files, you must modify /var/flexlm/licensefile.db to reflect your changes. NoteThe license daemon does not search /var/flexlm/licensefile.db to determine license file locations; licensefile.db is used only by Silicon Graphics applications. See IDREF="82544" TYPE="TITLE""Specifying License File Locations," which follows.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="82544"Specifying License File LocationsNeither the license manager daemon (lmgrd) nor the vendor daemons use /var/flexlm/licensefile.db to determine license file locations. These daemons locate license files by other methods:On Silicon graphics servers, the master license daemon is started with parameters specified in the /etc/config/lmgrd.options file. The -c argument in this file specifies the location of the license file. If you change the location of the license file, you must modify /etc/config/lmgrd.options to specify the new license file location.Applications whose license files are not listed in /var/flexlm/licensefile.db locate license files by means of the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable (also see IDREF="18672" TYPE="TITLE""The port@host Feature"). To specify the location of license files, enter a line like the sample below in the .cshrc file (.profile or .kcshrc for Bourne or Korn shells) on the client system:LM_LICENSE_FILE=:... LBL="" HELPID=""ID="87354"New FLEXlm FeaturesThe FLEXlm application contains two new features that can be implemented with applications using FLEXlm version 5 (or later): USE_SERVER and an enhancement to the port@host feature.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="29870"The USE_SERVER FeatureVersion 5 of the FLEXlm application offers USE_SERVER, which eliminates the need to copy and maintain the server's license file on client systems. With this feature, only two lines are required in the client's license file: a SERVER line and the USE_SERVER line. When an application reads the USE_SERVER line, it reads the license file on the specified server instead of reading the local file.IDREF="64671" TYPE="TEXT"Example 10-2 illustrates a client license file that implements the USE_SERVER feature. In this example, the application is directed to server sparkplug to read its license file:LBL="10-2"Example 10-2 ID="64671"Client License File With the USE_SERVER FeatureSERVER sparkplug 023456 1701 USE_SERVERNoteThe USE_SERVER feature is valid only for applications built with FLEXlm version 5.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="18672"The port@host FeatureThe version 5 enhancement to the port@host specification provides the same function as the USE_SERVER feature: it directs applications to read their license file from a remote server instead of reading it locally. Like earlier versions of port@host, the enhanced port@host uses the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to specify the server. For example, the specification in IDREF="89434" TYPE="TEXT"Example 10-3 directs applications to read the license from sparkplug by means of a connection to port 1701.LBL="10-3"Example 10-3 ID="89434"Specification for the Enhanced port@host FeatureLM_LICENSE_FILE=1701@sparkplugIt is possible to specify unenhanced port@host processing (FLEXlm version 4) for applications built with FLEXlm version 5. To specify unenhanced port@host processing, prepend a minus sign (­) to the LM_LICENSE specifications (shown in IDREF="23069" TYPE="TEXT"Example 10-4).LBL="10-4"Example 10-4 ID="23069"Specification for Unenhanced Processing of port@hostLM_LICENSE_FILE=-1701@sparkplugLBL="" HELPID=""ID="17243"Starting and Stopping Licensing DaemonsThe installation process installs a startup script, /etc/init.d/flexlm, that starts and stops the FLEXlm license daemon. This script executes the lmgrd command to start the license daemon, using the values in the configuration file /etc/config/lmgrd.options. In its startup sequence, the system reads the file /etc/config/flexlm to determine whether to start the license daemon. By default, this file contains the value off, which prevents the daemon from starting. To enable the lmgrd daemon, change the value in /etc/config/flexlm to on using this commands:# /etc/chkconfig flexlm on To start the FLEXlm license daemon, enter this command as superuser:# /etc/init.d/flexlm start To stop the FLEXlm license daemon when it is running, enter this command:# /etc/init.d/flexlm stop NoteThe FLEXlm daemon is started and stopped automatically when a workstation user installs, updates, or removes a license with the License Manager (see IDREF="27640" TYPE="TITLE""About License Manager").LBL="A"ID="82698"Inst Quick ReferenceThis appendix is a reference for experienced Inst users. It contains an abbreviated installation procedure and a complete glossary of Inst commands. The command glossary includes hidden commands and provides expanded discussions of command features that are partially covered in earlier chapters. Commands on each menu are presented in alphabetic order.ID="appA1"This chapter contains these sections:IDREF="54720" TYPE="TITLE""Main Menu Commands"IDREF="22402" TYPE="TITLE""View Menu Commands"IDREF="60211" TYPE="TITLE""Administrative Menu Commands"IDREF="54923" TYPE="TITLE""Interrupt Menu Commands"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="66475"Condensed Installation InstructionsUse this procedure if you are already familiar with Inst and need only cursory instructions to complete the installation process. The procedure contains references to information in ID="appA2"IDREF="45242" TYPE="TITLE"Chapter 5, in case you need more detail. NoteInst has an extensive online help feature. To see the list of topics on which help is available, give the command help help. Become the superuser.% su ­ Password: Invoke Inst:# inst After your entry, initial messages appear, including the default location of the software distribution that will be used for the installation. If you plan to use this distribution, omit step 3 and go directly to step 4.Specify the software distribution source, if necessary:ID="appA3"Inst> from server:pathname Use the from command to specify the location of the distribution that you wish to use if the default is not acceptable. Substitute a local specification, such as /CDROM/dist, if necessary. (See IDREF="24071" TYPE="TITLE""Step 2: Specifying the Source" for more details.)The initialization is performed after your entry. Inst posts messages about reading the installation history and product descriptions; then it performs space calculations. Note that is you issue the from command, any currently open distribution is closed and any current selections are cleared.Open additional distribution sources, if necessary:Inst> openserver:pathname As of IRIX 6.5, multiple distributions may be opened simultaneeously. The open command is identical to the from command, except that open will open one or more additional software distributions without closing the current distribution, and without clearing the selections you have already made.Display the distribution inventory (optional):Inst> list Use the list command to browse the software on the distribution. After your entry, you see a display of subsystems, their selection status, installation status, and disk space requirements. (See IDREF="99098" TYPE="TITLE""Using the list Command" for details.) If you omitted step 3, you see the initialization messages before the software inventory is posted.Switch to the target view and look at the installed products (optional):Inst> view targ Inst> list To browse the software on the target, use view to change the view to the target and list to display target software. After your entry, you see displayed subsystems that are installed on the target and their removal status. (See IDREF="26852" TYPE="TITLE""Using the View Commands Menu" for details.)Step through the distribution inventory to change selections, as necessary: Inst> view dist Inst> step After your entries, the first subsystem in the distribution is displayed. Type to display succeeding subsystem, checking the selection status in the first column of each subsystem as it is displayed (these selections were made by Inst during initialization). Use the selection commands to change any selections, as needed: Type i to install the subsystem, r to remove it, and k to keep the subsystem in its present condition on the target. (See IDREF="65715" TYPE="TITLE""Step 4: Making Software Selections" and IDREF="81061" TYPE="TITLE""Using step to Make Selections" for more information.)Launch the installation:Inst> go If there are no conflicts or errors in your selections, see messages about images being removed and installed, followed by a completion message, after you enter go. (See IDREF="21621" TYPE="TITLE""Step 5: Launching the Installation" for details.) If you see conflict messages, go on to step 8 of this procedure. If no conflict messages are posted, omit steps 8 and 9 and go directly to step 10.Resolve conflicts, if necessary:Inst> conflicts num num num If you were notified of conflicts, specify the conflict resolution that you prefer from the list of recommendations. (See IDREF="78222" TYPE="TITLE""Step 6: Resolving Conflicts" for details.) If you prefer not to accept the resolutions that are offered in the conflict notice, you can return to step 6 to change your selections. Then repeat the go command to install or remove the software that is affected by the conflict resolutions.Remove some selections if there is insufficient disk space.ID="appA4"If you were notified that your selections required more disk space than Inst can safely use, you must remove some of your selections. Repeat the go command to process your changes. Quit Inst.If there is no more software to install, quit Inst at the quit prompt (see IDREF="34930" TYPE="TITLE""Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session" for details). Otherwise, return to step 3 to change the distribution source or step 4 to display the distribution inventory. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="54720"Main Menu CommandsThe list below describes all commands (including hidden commands) that appear on the Inst Main menu.ID="appA5"adminUse the admin command to display the Administrative Commands menu. This provides a variety of functions that are not needed for most installations.ID="appA6"closeID="appA7"Use the close command to close a software distribution that has been previously opened with the from or open commands. Enter the close command with no arguments to get a list of open distributions and prompting to close them.ID="appA8"conflictsUse the conflicts command with no arguments to display the list of conflicts that Inst has detected in your installation selections. Conflicts occur if you select incompatible software for installation, if you omit required selections, or if you omit subsystems that are prerequisites to other selected subsystems. If a conflict occurs, the go command is not processed; an error message is posted that includes a list of suggested resolutions. Use the conflicts command to specify your choice of conflict resolutions in the conflicts message:Inst> conflicts 1a 2b 3b Inst uses conflict choices to modify your original selections and complete the installation. If you prefer, you can modify your selections with install, remove, and keep commands instead of accepting the suggested conflict resolutions.ID="appA9"fromUse the from command to specify the location of the software distribution that you wish to install. Your specification can include a single product in the distribution. The syntax of the argument to the from command is explained in IDREF="44781" TYPE="TITLE""Alternative Ways to Specify a Distribution".The from command causes four events:A connection with the distribution source is established.The product descriptions are read from the source. Inst displays the list of product descriptions that it reads.ID="appA10"The current selections for installation and removal are discarded. If the ID="appA11"set preference ID="appA12"autoselect is on, Inst uses its algorithms for making initial installation selections. If ID="appA13"ID="appA14"ID="appA15"autoselect is off, nothing is selected for installation (see IDREF="26914" TYPE="TITLE""The Preferences List" for more information).If the ID="appA16"delayspacecheck preference is off, disk space is calculated before the output of a list or step command is displayed (see IDREF="26914" TYPE="TITLE""The Preferences List" for more information).If the distribution is on a remote server, Inst must have access to the IP address of the server. If the server address is not listed in the target's /etc/hosts file (/etc/hosts or /root/etc/hosts), Inst prompts you for the address.When Inst is invoked, it displays a message about the default location of the software distribution. If this location is correct, it is not necessary to enter the ID="appA17"from command. ID="appA18"goUse the go command to start the installation and removal of files that you selected with install, remove, and keep commands. Before the installation begins, Inst does several checks to verify that your selections are valid. If any check fails, no installations or removals are performed and an error message is displayed.ID="appA19"ID="appA20"helpUse the help command to display information on a given topic:Inst> help topic The topic can be almost any word that appears on a menu, letters that appear in the output of list and step, and the special vocabulary of the Inst application. If you are unfamiliar with Inst or feel confused, start with help help.If help output is more than one screenful, a ID="appA21"more? prompt appears. Press the Space Bar when you are ready to display more output.A complete list of topic arguments to help is shown in IDREF="33373" TYPE="TABLE"Table A-1.COLUMNS="6"LBL="A-1"Table A-1 ID="33373"Help TopicsLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"*LEFT="75" WIDTH="66"closeLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"iLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"mountLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"readerrorLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"spaceLEFT="0" WIDTH="66".NLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"configLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"imageLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"nLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"recalculateLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"spaceerrorLEFT="0" WIDTH="66".OLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"conflictingLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"incompatibleLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"namesLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"relocateLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"staleLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"?LEFT="75" WIDTH="66"conflictsLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"instLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"networkerrorLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"removableLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"standardLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"ALEFT="75" WIDTH="66"dLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"installLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"newLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"removeLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"stepLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"CLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"dateLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"installableLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"nfsLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"requestLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"streamLEFT="0" WIDTH="66" DLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"defaultLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"installedLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"notinstalledLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"requiredLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"streamsLEFT="0" WIDTH="66" ILEFT="75" WIDTH="66"deltasLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"kLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"openLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"returnLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"subsystemLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"LLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"devicesLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"keepLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"optionsLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"rqsLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"targLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"NLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"dirLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"keepfileLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"overlayLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"sLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"targetLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"PLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"distLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"kernelerrorLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"overlaysLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"sameLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"timeouterrorLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"RLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"distributionLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"keywordsLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"overviewLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"saveLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"uLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"SLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"downgradeLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"levelLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"patchLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"selectionLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"umountLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"ULEFT="75" WIDTH="66"filesLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"listLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"patchesLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"setLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"unmountLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"aLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"filesystemsLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"loadLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"patchupgradeLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"sethostipaddrLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"updatekeepfileLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"adminLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"filterLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"lverrorLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"preferencesLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"sethostnameLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"upgradeLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"allLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"freshLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"mainLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"prereqsLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"shLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"upgradedLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"argsLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"fromLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"maintLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"prerequisiteLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"showLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"viewLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"bLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"fsnameLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"maintenanceLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"productLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"shrootLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"wildcardLEFT="0" WIDTH="66"baseLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"goLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"minirootLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"qLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"sizesLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"beginnerLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"hardwareLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"mkfsLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"quitLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"sortLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"LEFT="0" WIDTH="66"checkLEFT="75" WIDTH="66"helpLEFT="150" WIDTH="66"moreLEFT="225" WIDTH="66"rLEFT="300" WIDTH="66"sourceLEFT="375" WIDTH="66"ID="appA22"installUse the install command to select products or product components for installation. The ID="appA23"install command queues your request; the installation occurs only after you use the go command. Until you enter the go command, you can change your selections as you wish. Use the keep command to undo an install request. ID="appA24"keepUse the keep command to select products or product components that should be kept as is on the target. Also use the keep command to undo other requestsname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'keep cancels any pending install or remove selections. The existing versions on the target, if any, remain undisturbed.ID="appA25"listUse the list command to show the products or product components that are in the currently available distribution. By default, list displays at the subsystem level. See IDREF="50793" TYPE="TITLE""Interpreting list Output" for a description of the output. Also see IDREF="26852" TYPE="TITLE""Using the View Commands Menu" for information on controlling list output.openID="appA26"Use open to open another distribution without closeing the current distribution. (See the from and close commands as well.)ID="appA27"quitUse quit to exit Inst.If you made installation or removal selections that were not processed by the ID="appA28"go command, Inst reminds you of pending selections and asks you to confirm the quit. If you type yes, the selections are discarded. If you type no, you return to the current menu. You can use list to identify pending selections and go to install or remove them.Usually, auxiliary commands are executed automatically after you use ID="appA29"quit. If you are installing software that requires a system reboot, you will be asked if you are ready to restart the system. If you answer ID="appA30"no, the Inst session resumes. If you answer yes, the system reboots and resumes operation using the new software.ID="appA31"removeUse the ID="appA32"remove command to select installed products or product components that you wish to remove from the target. The removal does not occur until you enter the ID="appA33"go command. Until then, you can change your selections for any or all subsystems. To undo a remove request, use the keep command.Inst automatically removes old versions of software when it installs a upgrade to the software, so it is not necessary to remove old versions explicitly. Typically, software is removed when it is no longer needed or when the target system is short of disk space.ID="appA34"ID="appA35"setUse the set command with no arguments to display a list of preferences that allow you to tailor Inst operation. To change a preference, use set with the preference and its value as arguments:Inst> set delayspacecheck on For a list of preferences, see IDREF="26914" TYPE="TITLE""The Preferences List".ID="appA36"shUse sh with no arguments to invoke an IRIX shell. Use sh with an IRIX command as its argument to execute the IRIX command. This command displays the contents of the /usr/tmp directory on the target:Inst> sh ls /usr/tmp See IDREF="89517" TYPE="TITLE""The sh and shroot Commands" for additional information.ID="appA37"shrootUse shroot with no arguments to invoke an IRIX shell that executes commands relative to a new root (see the chroot(1M) reference page). Use shroot with an IRIX command as an argument; the command is executed relative to the new root. This command displays the contents of /root/usr/tmp:Inst> shroot ls /usr/tmp chrooting to /root See IDREF="89517" TYPE="TITLE""The sh and shroot Commands" for additional information.ID="appA38"stepUse the step command to display and select individual products or product components. The ID="appA39"step command takes keyword arguments. It also takes the name of a product, image, or subsystem as an argument. See IDREF="81061" TYPE="TITLE""Using step to Make Selections" for additional information on step.When you use step, Inst reads single keystrokes. The key that you press as each item is displayed determines the action that is taken. IDREF="51416" TYPE="TABLE"Table A-2 describes the effects of keystrokes during step operations. The items in this table assume that the viewing level is subsystem (see IDREF="13483" TYPE="TITLE""The level Command" for information on setting viewing levels). COLUMNS="2"LBL="A-2"Table A-2 ID="51416"(continued) Keys Used in step ModeLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"KeyLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"ActionLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"dLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Select this subsystem for installation if marked with dLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"fLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"List the files in this subsystemLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"hLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Display help for the step featureLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"iLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Select this subsystem for installationLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"jLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Retain the current request and display the next subsystemLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"kLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Keep the current version and/or cancel the current requestLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"lLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"List all previous subsystemsLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"nLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Retain the current requestLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"pLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Retain the current request and display the previous subsystemLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"qLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Quit step modeLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"rLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Select this subsystem for removalLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"uLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as i)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"DLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Select the remaining subsystems in this product for installation if marked with dLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"ILEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Select the remaining subsystems in this product for installationLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"JLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Retain the current request for all subsystems in this product and display the first subsystem in the next productLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"KLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Keep the current version and/or cancel the current request for the remaining subsystems in this productLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"N LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as J)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"PLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Retain the current request and display the first subsystem of the previous product LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"RLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Select the remaining subsystems in this product for removalLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"ULEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as I)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as j or n)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"+LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as j, n, or )LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"­LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as p)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"/patternLEFT="100" WIDTH="295"Search for pattern specified after the slashLEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as i or u)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as k)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as n, j, +, or )LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as p or -)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as D)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as K)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as J or N)LEFT="0" WIDTH="93"LEFT="100" WIDTH="295"(Same as P)ID="appA40"viewUse the view command without arguments to display the View menu. Use the view command with arguments (View menu items) to control the output of the list and step commands. (See IDREF="26852" TYPE="TITLE""Using the View Commands Menu" for more information on view features.) By default, list and step display all software in the distribution at the subsystem level; subsystems are sorted alphabetically by shortname. You can use view to change these defaults. For example, these commands set the view to the target and reset it to the distribution:Inst> view targ Inst> view dist These commands specify the viewing level:Inst> view level image Inst> view targ These commands change the sorting index to size and filter out downgraded distribution items from displayed lists:Inst> view sort size Inst> view filter downgrade off Also use view commands with the set command to set Inst preferences (see IDREF="81936" TYPE="TITLE""A Closer Look at Preferences" for details). LBL="" HELPID=""ID="22402"View Menu CommandsThe list below describes all commands that appear on the View Commands menu.ID="appA41" deltasUse the deltas command to show the size of subsystems relative to their installed counterparts, rather than showing their absolute sizes (in list output). Also see sizes.ID="appA42"distUse the dist command to set the view to the distribution. When the view is set to dist, the list and step commands display software in the distribution inventory. See also the targ command description in this section.filesystemsID="appA43"Use the filesystems command to display local filesystems separately in list output. Also use the filesystems command to display NFS filesystems and read-only filesystems, and to display individual local filesystems, NFS filesystems, and read-only filesystems.filesystems on filesystems nfs filesystems readonly filesystems allID="appA44"filterUse the filter command with no arguments to display the list of filters that can be used to modify the output of list and step commands. This form of the command also shows the current settings for the filters (on or off). By default, all filters are off.Use the filter command with one of these arguments to modify the output of list and step commands:new upgrade patchupgrade same downgrade notinstalledFor example, this command causes new products to be omitted from list and step displays:View> filter new off ID="appA45"helpUse the help command to display Inst online help. Help is available on all topics listed in IDREF="33373" TYPE="TABLE"Table A-1.ID="appA46"levelUse the level command with no arguments to display the current level of the software hierarchy (see IDREF="16175" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure 1-1 on IDREF="16175" TYPE="TEXT"page 6) that is shown in list and step displays. By default, software is displayed at the subsystem level. Use the level command with one of these arguments to change the level of software shown in list and step displays.product (or 1) image (or 2) subsystem (or 3)ID="appA47"returnUse the return command to return to the Main menu.ID="appA48"setUse the set command to examine and change the settings of variables called preferences. If you provide no arguments, the current settings are displayed. If you provide the name and a value, the preference value is changed.Most preference settings are saved in the installation history when you enter the ID="appA49"ID="appA50"quit command and are restored the next time that you invoke Inst. IDREF="26914" TYPE="TITLE""The Preferences List" describes set preferences in detail.sizesID="appA51"Use the sizes command to show the absolute size of subsystems (the default view) rather than their size relative to an installed counterpart (in list output). Also see deltas.ID="appA52"showUse the show command to display the current view settings. ID="appA53"sortUse the sort command with no arguments to display the current sorting order of list and step displays. By default, software is sorted alphabetically by shortname, but you can use the sort command to change the sort order so that subsystems are shown in ascending order of size. After your entry, the new sort order is displayed:View> sort size Current Sort : size View> sort name Current Sort : shortID="appA54"targUse the targ command to set the view to target software. When the view is set to targ, the list and step commands display software that is either installed on the target or recorded in the installation history. See also the dist command description in this section.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="60211"Administrative Menu CommandsThe list below describes all commands (including hidden commands) that appear on the Administrative Commands menu.ID="appA55"configUse the config command to list the configuration files that are installed on the target. Configuration files are marked with an m in the first column if their size or checksum is different from the originally installed version. Use config changed to list the names of configuration files for which a corresponding .O (older) or .N (newer) version was created. The .O version of a configuration file is the version of the file that was made obsolete by the software installation. The version without the .O suffix contains changes that are required for compatibility with the rest of the newly installed software, for increased functionality, or to correct bugs. Use diff or gdiff to compare the two versions of the files and transfer information that you recognize as machine- or site-specific from the .O version to the no-suffix version (see the diff(1) or gdiff(1) reference page). When a .N version of a configuration file is created, it is a new, recommended version of the file. It contains changes or new features that can be added to the no-suffix version of the file at your option. Use diff or gdiff to compare the two versions of the files and add the .N version changes to the no-suffix version if you want them (see the diff(1) or gdiff(1) reference page).dateUse the date command with no arguments to display the system date. Enter arguments described in the date(1) reference page to change the date.ID="appA56"filesUse the ID="appA57"files command to list the names and other information about the files that make up a subsystem or group of subsystems. The other information includes any pending selection for the file (that is, ID="appA58"install, remove, or keep), the installation state, the subsystem name, disk space delta, and file type. See ID="appA59"ID="appA60"IDREF="97277" TYPE="TITLE""The files Command" for more information.ID="appA61"hardwareUse the hardware command to display information about the internal architecture and components of the target system.ID="appA62"helpUse the help command to display Inst online help. Help is available on all topics listed in IDREF="33373" TYPE="TABLE"Table A-1.ID="appA63"loadUse the load command to open a file that was created with the save command to contain a custom selection of software. See also the discussion of save.ID="appA64"mkfsUse the mkfs command to create a new filesystem (replaces the ID="appA65"clean command found in earlier versions of Inst). You can use mkfs in miniroot installations only.If a disk is new or if the current contents of the disk or filesystem are to be completely removed (cleaned), you can use mkfs to make new, empty filesystems. By default, new filesystems are made on the root (ID="appA66"ID="appA67"/) and user (/usr) filesystems. Partition 0 of a system disk is assumed to be the root filesystem (/); partition 6 (if present) is assumed to be the /usr filesystem. When you use mkfs, specify the name of the disk device to be used for the filesystem. For example, the following commandmkfs /dev/dsk/dks0d1s6 creates an empty filesystem on partition 6.All existing files, including all directories, programs, configuration files, and data, are lost when a new filesystem is made. You will be warned if a filesystem is already on the named device and prompted for a confirmation before any new filesystem is made. ID="appA68"mountUse the mount command without arguments to display mounted filesystems. Use mount with arguments to change the default mounts or add new mount points that are unknown to Inst. The two arguments are the block device name and the mount point. The ID="appA69"mount command with arguments can be used during miniroot installations only.ID="appA70"recalculateUse the recalculate command to initiate a disk space calculation. The ID="appA71"recalculate command identifies the current amount of free disk space, the size of each subsystem, and the amount of disk space that will be consumed if the subsystem is installed or freed if it is removed.If the detailspacecheck preference is off, or if files were created or removed in another shell, use recalculate to resynchronize space information.ID="appA72"relocateUse the relocate command to store the installable image of a product in a non-default directory. To relocate a product, specify the product name (product images and subsystems cannot be specified) and the directory for storing the image (including a disk specification) as arguments to the command. Also use the relocate command without arguments to display a list of products that can be relocated.ID="appA73"returnUse the return command to return control to the Main menu from the Administrative Commands menu. You can also use ID="appA74"return to execute a Main menu command from the Administrative Commands menu, as shown in this example:Admin> return go rqsID="appA75"Use the rqs command to force the requickstart process on executable files and dynamic objects (see the rqs(1) reference page for details on rqs functions). This process is performed automatically during product installation, so this command is rarely required.ID="appA76"saveUse the save command to copy the current custom selections of software to a file that you can later open using the load command (see also the discussion of load).ID="appA77"setUse the set command to examine and change the settings of variables called preferences. If you provide no arguments, the current settings are displayed. If you provide the name and a value, the preference value is changed.Most preference settings are saved in the installation history when you enter the ID="appA78"ID="appA79"quit command and are restored the next time that you invoke Inst. IDREF="26914" TYPE="TITLE""The Preferences List" describes set preferences in detail.ID="appA80"shUse the ID="appA81"sh command with no arguments to invoke an IRIX shell. Include a single IRIX command as an argument to execute the command immediately (see ID="appA82"IDREF="89517" TYPE="TITLE""The sh and shroot Commands" for additional information).ID="appA83"shrootUse the shroot command with no arguments to invoke a "chrooted" IRIX shell (see the chroot(1M) reference page). If you provide arguments, they are taken as a single IRIX command to be executed immediately.ID="appA84"The shroot command uses the chroot(2) system call to invoke the shell as if /root were its root directory; that is, /root becomes / for all references. Thus files can be referred to with their normal pathnames (see IDREF="89517" TYPE="TITLE""The sh and shroot Commands" for additional information).ID="appA85"spaceUse the space command to display a disk space summary; the displayed summary is the same as the list command if the set preference ID="appA86"delayspacecheck is off. If delayspacecheck is on, the space command forces the disk space calculation to be performed and displays the disk space summary. ID="appA87"sethostnameUse the sethostname command to set the hostname of the target system; this command restarts networking using the new hostname. The sethostname command can be used in miniroot installations only.ID="appA88"sethostipaddrUse the sethostipaddr command to set the IP address of the target system; this command restarts networking using the new IP address. The sethostipaddr command can be used in miniroot installations only.ID="appA89"umountUse the umount command to unmount disks that Inst has mounted by default or that have been mounted with the ID="appA90"mount command. The filesystem name remains in the Inst device table even after the filesystem is unmounted. In some cases, filesystems mounted under the specified filesystem must be unmounted first.ID="appA91"updatekeepfileID="appA92"The keepfile file contains a list of new products (N designation in list output) in a distribution that are not designated for default installation. Use the updatekeepfile command to add to the keepfile file any new subsystems that are not currently selected. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="54923"Interrupt Menu CommandsThe list below describes all the commands that appear on the Interrupt menu.ID="appA93"continueUse continue to resume processing from the point at which Inst was interrupted.ID="appA94"helpUse the help command to display Inst online help. Help is available on all topics listed in IDREF="33373" TYPE="TABLE"Table A-1.ID="appA95"retryAppears only if Inst displays the Interrupt menu automatically, which happens if an error occurs during go processing (subsystems are being installed or removed). Use retry after you correct the error (reported in a message above the menu) to repeat the installation and removal process.ID="appA96"set [preferences]Use the set command to examine and change the settings of variables called preferences. If you provide no arguments, the current settings are displayed. If you provide the name and a value, the preference value is changed.Most preference settings are saved in the installation history when you enter the ID="appA97"ID="appA98"quit command and are restored the next time that you invoke Inst. IDREF="26914" TYPE="TITLE""The Preferences List" describes set preferences in detail.ID="appA99"shUse the ID="appA100"sh command with no arguments to invoke an IRIX shell. Include a single IRIX command as an argument to execute the command immediately (see ID="appA101"IDREF="89517" TYPE="TITLE""The sh and shroot Commands" for additional information).ID="appA102"shroot Use the shroot command with no arguments to invoke a "chrooted" IRIX shell (see the chroot(1M) reference page). If you provide arguments, they are taken as a single IRIX command to be executed immediately.The shroot command uses the chroot system call to invoke the shell as if /root were its root directory; that is, /root becomes / for all references. Thus files can be referred to with their normal pathnames (see IDREF="89517" TYPE="TITLE""The sh and shroot Commands" and the chroot(2) reference page for additional information).ID="appA103"stopUse the stop command to cancel the command in progress. If you use stop while Inst is reading the installation history or distribution inventory, or while it is calculating dependencies, Inst discards the information that it has read or calculated. Inst will then reread or recalculate this information before executing subsequent list commands, selection requests, or the go command.If you use stop while Inst is installing software, it makes a record of pending selections. At the next go command, Inst restarts the installation process on any uncompleted product installations, then continues processing the selections that were pending.CautionUsing the stop command during installation can leave software in an inconsistent state that requires a removal and reinstallation of the affected product.LBL="B"ID="38944"Troubleshooting InstallationsThis appendix presents information and procedures that you can use to troubleshoot problems that you might encounter during installation.The appendix begins with a description of the types of error messages that Inst produces and then describes how to set Inst preferences to control the amount of feedback Inst provides. Most of the rest of the appendix discusses specific errors, arranged in groups according to how and when they are generated. Information and instructions are provided to help correct the error condition. A section at the end describes how to contact technical support and what information to have ready.This appendix contains the following sections:IDREF="86943" TYPE="TITLE""Types of Errors"IDREF="40742" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Errors"IDREF="11373" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Conflicts"IDREF="12258" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Network Problems"IDREF="32286" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Problems With CDs"IDREF="87605" TYPE="TITLE""Checking Distribution Directories and CDs"IDREF="64100" TYPE="TITLE""Using fx to Restore the Swap Partition"IDREF="88003" TYPE="TITLE""Calling Your Support Organization"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="86943"Types of ErrorsInst reports three types of errors: fatal, error, and warning. They are described in this section.ID="appB1"LBL="" HELPID=""FatalA fatal message occurs if Inst encounters a severe, unrecoverable error. An example of a fatal error isID="appB2"FATAL: mmap of /dev/zero for 4000 pages failed Inst exits immediately after encountering a fatal error. Fatal errors can be caused by hardware failures or lack of sufficient operating system resources, such as swap space. If a fatal error occurs, you might need to load the miniroot and take corrective action by modifying system configuration files.LBL="" HELPID=""Error An error message indicates that a command or other function was unable to complete successfully. For exampleInst> from /irix5.3 ERROR : The distribution /irix5.3 does not exist.You may want to retry the operation after taking corrective measures.LBL="" HELPID=""WarningA warning indicates an unusual condition that Inst is prepared to handle but that may cause problems later during the installation. For exampleID="appB3"% inst WARNING : Starting up as Read Only (no installs or removals)Inst will start but in read-only mode.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="97566"ID="40742"Resolving ErrorsThis section discusses Inst error messages in detail. Error messages, possible reasons for the error, and possible solutions are provided. Errors are grouped according to how they are generated. Error messages are shown in a typewriter-style font and are followed by indented explanatory text. For exampleExample of an error messageThis text describes the possible causes and solutions to the condition that produced the error.Variables within the text of the error message (for example, hostnames) are shown in italics.This section contains the following subsections:IDREF="43405" TYPE="TITLE""Errors Loading the Miniroot"IDREF="62728" TYPE="TITLE""Errors While Starting an Installation Session"IDREF="65235" TYPE="TITLE""Preinstallation Check Errors"IDREF="18202" TYPE="TITLE""Errors While Installing and Removing Software"IDREF="49640" TYPE="TITLE""Errors Leaving an Installation Session (RQS Errors)"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="43405"Errors Loading the MinirootThis section discusses three types of errors that can occur when you are loading the miniroot. The following types are discussed:ID="appB4"IDREF="73285" TYPE="TITLE""Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CD"IDREF="24887" TYPE="TITLE""Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host"IDREF="33788" TYPE="TITLE""Other Errors Loading the Miniroot From a CD"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="73285"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CDdk error: unrecognized scsi disk drivedksc(0,,8)sash.: Command not foundIf you see one of these errors while you are using a local CD during a miniroot installation, possible causes areID="appB5"ID="appB6"The ID="appB7"dksc command was not typed correctly: --m was entered instead of -m.There is no CD in the CD-ROM caddy.There is no caddy in the CD-ROM drive (for drives that use a caddy).The CD-ROM drive is not ready.A workstation with older PROMs that do not recognize CD-ROM drives is being used. An fx, ide (diagnostics), or sash was started and exited normally. Afterward, the older PROMs did not recognize the CD-ROM drive.A previous installation was terminated abnormally.Perform the following actions to correct the error:Check to make sure a caddy with a CD is in the drive.Press the Reset button on the workstation main unit and begin the installation process again.Follow the procedure in IDREF="99598" TYPE="TITLE""Verifying That a CD-ROM Drive Is Recognized".CD-ROM drive not recognizedIf you see this error while using local CD-ROM during an IRIX Installation, a possible cause is that IRIX does not recognize that the CD-ROM drive is present.Perform these actions to correct the problem:Shut down the workstation, verify that the CD-ROM drive is connected and turned on, and start the installation process over again.If shutting down the workstation does not correct the problem, try turning the CD-ROM drive off and then on again.See the section IDREF="32286" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Problems With CDs".dks0d3s8: Unexpected blank media: ASC=0x64 dks0d3s8: Can't read volume header Error 20 while loading scsi(0)cdrom(3)partition(8)sashARCSIf you see these errors while using a CD distribution source during a miniroot installation, it is possible that the program cdman(1) was terminated, which left the CD-ROM drive in audio mode rather than in data mode.To correct this problem, use the following procedure:Quit Inst. Return to the PROM Monitor.Press the Reset button on the workstation.Begin the installation again.Refer to the section IDREF="32286" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Problems With CDs" if problems persist.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="24887"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote HostID="appB8"In addition to the errors discussed in this section, refer to IDREF="40583" TYPE="TITLE""Network Problem Diagnosis During Miniroot Installations" for a discussion of network problems that may occur during a miniroot installation.ID="appB9"ID="appB10"Cannot load network (0) bootp() server:path --could not connect to serverIf you see this message, the cause is probably a conflict between the target's IP address setting in the PROM and the address listed in the hosts file for the network. To correct this problem, use the following procedure:Quit Inst. Return to the Maintenance menu (see steps 1 through 4 of IDREF="69865" TYPE="TITLE""The Software Installation Procedure").Start the command monitor from the System Maintenance menu. After your entry, the command monitor prompt (>>) is displayed.Enter the ID="appB11"printenv command to display the PROM setting for ID="appB12"ID="appB13"netaddr.Find the value of the ID="appB14"netaddr (network address) variable in the printenv output. If this value is different from the IP address that you obtained in IDREF="16398" TYPE="TITLE""Getting the Target's Name and Address" in Chapter 2, it must be reset. Reset the netddr variable to the value that you obtained from the ping command. Use this command to set the new PROM IP address: >> setenv netaddr ping_IPaddress No server for server:path(sashARCS) Unable to load bootp()server:path(sashARCS):file not foundor No server for server:CDdir/dist(sashARCS) open(bootp)server:CDdir/dist(sashARCS) failed, errno = 6 Unable to load bootp()server:CDdir/dist(sashARCS):file not foundIf you see either of these errors during a miniroot installation, the cause might be an incorrect specification of the remote distribution source. To correct the error, enter the ID="appB15"setenv command again. Specify the full, correct path to the distribution source and be sure to include the /sa at the end of your specification. Then enter the boot command again.TFTP error: I/O error (code 0) Unable to load bootp()server:path>(sashARCS): ''bootp()server:path/sa(sashARCS)'' is not a valid file to boot.or TFTP error: Access violation (code 2) bootp()server:path/sa(sashARCS): invalid Unable to load bootp()server:path/sa(sashARCS): ''bootp()server:path/sa(sashARCS)'' is not a valid file to boot.orbootp()server:path/sa(sashARCS): invalid Unable to load bootp()server:path/sa(sashARCS): ''bootp()server:path/sa(sashARCS)'' is not a valid file to boot.If you see any of these errors after specifying a remote distribution during a miniroot installation, the problem might be one of the following:ID="appB16"You have incorrectly specified server, path, or cpu.There is no physical connection between your workstation and the installation server.The ID="appB17"inetd.conf file on the installation server has not been modified to allow ID="appB18"tftp(1C) access to the CD-ROM mount-point directory or distribution directory. Routers between your workstation and the installation servers have not had bootp(1M) forwarding enabled (located in /usr/etc/inetd.conf on IRIX systems).A remote distribution directory is corrupted.You are trying to use a software distribution that does not include installation tools (the sa file).To correct the problem, take one or more of these actions:Check server (the installation server name), path (the distribution directory), and cpu (the CPU number) to make sure that you have spelled them correctly and that they exist.Try to load the miniroot using the instructions in Chapter 3; you may see additional error messages that help you determine the cause of the problem.Check the inetd.conf file on the installation server. The line containing tftp should be modified, and inetd should be restarted, as explained in IDREF="81158" TYPE="TITLE""Setting Up an Installation Server".Check the inetd.conf file on each router between the target and installation server systems to verify that it has been modified, as explained in IDREF="81158" TYPE="TITLE""Setting Up an Installation Server".Check Ethernet or other network cables and connections on the local and installation servers.Check the ID="appB19"netaddr variable on the target to make sure that it is set correctly (see Step 3 on IDREF="25654" TYPE="TEXT"page 219).If possible, check the network connection to the installation server from a different system on the same network (see IDREF="96033" TYPE="TITLE""Checking Network Connections").If the target system is a router (has multiple network connections), you might need to change its network connections so that the "normal" network device is connected to the same network as the installation server. Booting the miniroot is not supported over FDDI. If necessary, bring up IRIX on the target system and check the network connection (see IDREF="96033" TYPE="TITLE""Checking Network Connections").Check the distribution directory as described in IDREF="87605" TYPE="TITLE""Checking Distribution Directories and CDs".Perform any additional procedures that are necessary to identify the problem. See the section IDREF="12258" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Network Problems".file file not found in server:path/sa; directory contains: ... Unable to load bootp()...orFile CDdir/dist/sa not found on server server Unable to load bootp()server:CDdir/dist/sa(sashARCS): no such file or directoryIf you see either of these errors during a miniroot installation, possible causes are The ID="appB20"ID="appB21"boot command contains a typing error in the sashARCS, sashcpu, or sashARCS portion of the command.The remote installation server name (ID="appB22"server) was mistyped.The netaddr variable is not set correctly to your IP address (ID="appB23"IPaddress).bootp(1M) is not running on the installation server.Perform the following checks to debug this error:Examine the last command that you entered and look for a spelling or capitalization error. Enter the command again with the correct spelling.Check /var/adm/SYSLOG on the installation server to see whether it contains bootp messages. If SYSLOG contains bootp messages, bootp is running. The likely cause of the problem is that netaddr is set incorrectly on the target system. If the installation server has multiple network interfaces, try specifying the hostname for each interface alternately. This sometimes resolves routing problems. To display the hostname for each interface, enter this command:% /usr/etc/netstat -i The Address column in the output contains hostnames.Perform additional checks, as described in IDREF="12258" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Network Problems".Installation tools not found at server:CDdir/distorInstallation tools not found at server:pathIf you see either of these errors during a miniroot installation from a remote distribution source, the CD or distribution directory that you specified might not contain installation tools. To correct this problem, confirm that the distribution source contains the installation tools (the sa file).bootp()server:path/sa/(sashARCS) is not in a.out formatIf you see this error message after you initiate miniroot loading, it may have one of the following causes:There are network problems or network traffic is too heavy to perform the installation.You specified an incorrect distribution directory name.The file ID="appB24"sa in the distribution is damaged.To resolve this problem, check the network using the procedures in IDREF="12258" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Network Problems", or try again later.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="33788"Other Errors Loading the Miniroot From a CDUnable to load dksc(cntlr,unit,8)sashcpu: file not foundordksc(cntlr,unit,8)sashcpu: invalid Unable to load dksc(cntlr,unit,8)sashARCS: file not foundoropen(bootp()server:CDdir/dist/sa(sashARCS)) failed, errno=2 Unable to load bootp()server:CDdir/dist/sa(sashARCS): file not foundIf you see any of these errors during miniroot installation from CD, it may be that you are trying to load the miniroot from a CD that does not contain installation tools.Switch to a CD that includes installation tools to load the miniroot, then switch back to your original CD.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="34594"Questionable Miniroot Image: IRIX 6.3 and EarlierNoteThe following error message occurs only during installations of IRIX 6.3 or earlier. If you are installing IRIX 6.4 or later, refer to IDREF="33080" TYPE="TITLE""Questionable Miniroot Image: IRIX 6.4".root and swap are on the same partition. Either the system is misconfigured or a previous installation failed. If you think the miniroot is still valid, you may continue booting using the current miniroot image. If you are unsure about the current state of the miniroot, you can reload a new miniroot image. Finally, you may abort the installation and return to the PROM; in this case you will need to use the `fx' program to correct the disk label information. See the `Software Installation Guide' chapter on Troubleshooting for more information.Enter `c' to continue booting the currently loaded miniroot. Enter `r' to reload the miniroot. Enter `a' to abort the installation. Enter your selection and press ENTER (c, r, or a)This error occurs on personal workstation (such as O2 and Indy systems) when you try to load the miniroot after a power failure or if a system restart is performed during the installation. If you attempted a system restart instead of loading the miniroot after the interruption occurred, you were automatically placed in the version of Inst that is part of the previously installed miniroot.Take one of the following actions to correct the condition:Enter c if you want to install software with the currently loaded miniroot. Entering c and quitting Inst fixes the boot information. You can then restart the system after Inst is loaded without using the fx utility. Enter r if you want to reload the miniroot. You might want to do this if, for example, the current version of the miniroot is corrupt or if you want to load another version of the miniroot.Enter a to abort the installation and to go back to the command monitor. You can do this, for example, if you are running IRIX 6.2 or earlier and you want to use the fx command. Also use this selection on IRIX 6.3 systems if you want to abort the installation and restart the system.NoteIf you are running IRIX 6.2 or earlier and want to use fx to correct boot information and boot from the root partition, refer to the procedure documented in IDREF="64100" TYPE="TITLE""Using fx to Restore the Swap Partition".LBL="" HELPID=""ID="33080"Questionable Miniroot Image: IRIX 6.4NoteThe following error messages occur only during installations of IRIX 6.4 or later. If the target is running IRIX 6.3 or earlier and you see a similar error, refer to IDREF="34594" TYPE="TITLE""Questionable Miniroot Image: IRIX 6.3 and Earlier".It appears that a miniroot install failed. Either the system is misconfigured or a previous installation failed. If you think the miniroot is still valid, you may continue booting using the current miniroot image. If you are unsure about the current state of the miniroot, you can reload a new miniroot image.You may abort the installation and return to the menu, or you can fix (reset to normal) the miniroot install state. See the `Software Installation Guide' chapter on Troubleshooting for more information. Enter `c' to continue booting the old miniroot with no state fixup. Enter `f' to fix miniroot install state, and try again. Enter `r' to reload the miniroot. Enter `a' to abort (cancel) the installation.Enter your selection and press ENTER (c, f, r, or a)This error is posted when you try to reboot the miniroot after a power failure or a system reset interrupted the miniroot load process, risking the integrity of the miniroot. You can safely choose c if you were using the miniroot normally when the interruption occurred or if you unintentionally exited the miniroot. Do not use c if the interruption occurred while the miniroot copy was in progess and the process did not conclude with a posting of the Inst> prompt. In this case, assume that the miniroot image is compromised and select either f to fix, r to reload the miniroot, or a to abort the installation. The f selection is also appropriate if you deliberately reset the system while using the miniroot and you want the system to boot normally. The r selection performs the entire miniroot load process from the beginning, removing any effects of the previous load attempt. If you need to preserve the load state to demonstrate the error condition to others (such as your support organization), chose a to abort the installation. Unlike f or r, the a choice makes no changes in the system state; it simply returns control to the PROM monitor.It appears that a miniroot install failed. Either the system is misconfigured or a previous installation failed. You may continue booting without fixing the state. You may abort the installation and return to the menu, or you can fix (reset to normal) the miniroot install state. See the `Software Installation Guide' chapter on Troubleshooting for more information.Enter `c' to continue with no state fixup. Enter `f' to fix miniroot install state, and try again. Enter `a' to abort and return to menu.Enter your selection and press ENTER (c, f, or a)This error is posted if you perform a system reset after a power failure or a previous system reset interrupted the miniroot load process, risking the integrity of the miniroot.You can safely choose c if you were using the miniroot normally when the interruption occurred or if you unintentionally exited the miniroot. Do not use c if the interruption occurred while the miniroot copy was in progess and the process did not conclude with a posting of the Inst> prompt. In this case, choose f to fix the miniroot image or a to abort the copy and return to the Inst menu. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="62728"Errors While Starting an Installation SessionThe error discussions in this section are grouped as follows:IDREF="62233" TYPE="TITLE""Wrong Diskless Modes"IDREF="75279" TYPE="TITLE""Errors Starting Live Installations"IDREF="16057" TYPE="TITLE""Inst Library libinst.so Errors"IDREF="71843" TYPE="TITLE""Errors in the Distribution"In general, check what Inst is using as the default distribution. You may have to use the from command to point it at the desired distribution.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="62233"Wrong Diskless ModesERROR : Unable to start inst: The target appears to be a diskless client tree, since the file /root/var/inst/.client is present. Restart in client- mode using client_inst (1M). If you are certain that you want to run in non-diskless mode, remove the client file /root/var/inst/.client and restart inst.FATAl ERROR : Unable to start inst: The target appears to be a share tree for diskless client, since the file /var/inst/.share is present. Restart in share-mode using share_inst(1m). If you are certain that you want to run in non-diskless mode, remove the file /var/inst/.share and restart inst. These messages mean that Inst believes that the target is a diskless client tree because in a previous installation Inst was invoked in "diskless" mode reserved for the diskless installation tools ID="appB25"share_inst and client_inst (see the share_inst(1M) and client_inst(1M) reference pages).If the target has been previously created as a diskless tree, then continuing with a normal (nondiskless) installation would severely corrupt the installed software. You should only attempt diskless installations using share_inst and client_inst (see the share_inst(1M) and client_inst(1M) reference pages).However, if you are certain that the target is not used for diskless installations, remove the files /var/inst/.share and /var/inst/.client (or, if in the miniroot, /root/var/inst/.share and /root/var/inst/.client). Then restart Inst.If you are performing a miniroot installation, Inst will exit abnormally and prompt you to restart the system (y), enter Inst (n), or start a shell (sh). Choose sh:Ready to restart the system? (y, n, sh) sh # rm /root/var/inst/.share # rm /root/var/inst/.client # exit (You use only the /root prefix to the path for miniroot installations.) Then return to Inst:Ready to restart the system? (y, n, sh) n ... Inst> LBL="" HELPID=""ID="75279"Errors Starting Live InstallationsThese errors occur when starting Inst from IRIX.Sorry! The system is not set up for non-miniroot installations of all the selected subsystems, since the configuration file /var/inst/inst_special is missing. Try the installation again from the miniroot.You may not perform a live installation of some subsystems (labeled with ID="appB26"b by the list command) without the inst_special configuration file present. If you are unable to obtain this file from another system, you must perform the installation from the miniroot.Another inst is currently runningYou may not have two copies of Inst running in read/write mode to the same target simultaneously. The second session is run in read-only mode.Inst determines this by looking for a file called $rbase/var/inst/inst.lock. ($rbase is the root directory for the current software installation.) In rare cases, it may be necessary to remove this file by hand.A previous installation session was not completed successfully.This error means a previous version of Inst was interrupted or killed before it completed all the actions requested by the user. Information on the state of the last session has been saved in the file $rbase/var/inst/.checkpoint. For more information on recovering from the checkpoint file, see IDREF="57466" TYPE="TITLE""If Inst Is Interrupted".LBL="" HELPID=""ID="16057"Inst Library libinst.so ErrorsThe Inst productsID="appB27"ID="appB28"name='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'inst, swmgr, showfiles and showprodsname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'all link with the libinst.so dynamic object. If, when starting one of these programs, an rld error appears regarding libinst.so, it is probable that you have an incompatibility between the binary and libinst.so. In this situation, it is best to reinstall eoe.sw.unix from the miniroot to get the latest versions of these products.26379:inst: rld: Fatal Error: cannot map soname 'libinst.so' using any of the filenames /usr/lib/libinst.so:/lib/libinst.so:/lib/cmplrs/cc/libinst.so:/usr/lib/cmplrs/cc/libinst.so: -- either the file does not exist or the file is not mappable (with reason indicated in previous msg)This error message means that the libinst.so file is missing.852:swmgr: rld: Error: unresolvable symbol in swmgr: post__15VkDialogManagerFPCcPFP10_WidgetRecPvT2_vN22PvT1P14VkSimpleWindowThis error message indicates that the libinst.so file is present but not the right version.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="71843"Errors in the DistributionID="appB29"ERROR : No such host: hostThis error can appear after executing a command that requires access to a distribution through the network.The most likely cause is a bad hostname. Check the hostname and use the from command to set the correct distribution location.If the hostname appears correct and there was a delay before the error message appeared, it is possible that your system is experiencing network problems. See the section IDREF="12258" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Network Problems".ERROR : The distribution dist:/pathname does not exist.This error occurs when a command attempts to reference the distribution but the distribution path references a nonexistent directory or a product file. For exampleInst> from dist:/sgi/baddir Connecting to dist ... ERROR : The distribution dist:/sgi/baddir does not exist. Inst> from dist:/sgi/hacks/badprod Connecting to dist ... ERROR : The distribution dist:/sgi/hacks/badprod does not exist. Inst> from /host/dist/sgi/baddir ERROR : The distribution /host/dist/sgi/baddir does not exist.Determine the correct pathname and use the from command to set the correct distribution location.ERROR : The product host:/path/sc is bad.This error occurs if the distribution specified references a file that is not a valid product file. For exampleInst> from /usr/tmp/file ERROR : The product /usr/tmp/file is bad.Note that when referencing an individual product, the product file must be used. In the following error, the product was incorrectly specified using the idb file:Inst> from dist:/sgi/hacks/sc.idb Connecting to dist ... ERROR : The product dist:/sgi/hacks/sc.idb is bad.The product sc should be specified as follows:Inst> from dist:/sgi/hacks/sc Connecting to dist ...ERROR : The distribution host:/path does not contain any products.This error results when the distribution directory specified does not contain any product files. You must specify the correct distribution directory.Missing products in listingIf a product prod appears in a distribution directory along with its idb file (prod.idb) and image files (prod.image ...), but does not appear in the product listing in Inst, then the product files may be corrupt. Use ls to make sure that the product files are in the distribution directory. Make certain that you are viewing all the products in the distribution by executing the following commands:Inst> view dist Current Location : distribution Inst> view filter all Inst> list If the product is still not visible, the product was not read in and the product files are probably corrupt. See the section IDREF="87605" TYPE="TITLE""Checking Distribution Directories and CDs" for more information.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="65235"Preinstallation Check ErrorsWhen you enter the ID="appB30"go command, Inst executes the preinstallation check before installing any files. If any errors are detected during this check, Inst lists the problems and returns to the main menu without installing or removing software.Not enough space on / for the new unix kernel Not enough space on /usr for requickstart overhead (see rqs(1)) Not enough space on /usr for the installation overhead Not enough space on / (additional 85kbytes required)These errors mean that you need to make more disk space available by removing files (in these examples on the / and /usr filesystems), or select fewer subsystems for installation.A live installation usually requires extra temporary disk space. Because some of the files to be upgraded are currently in use, either by the operating system or by running applications, Inst must maintain multiple copies of these files during the installation and, in some cases, it must maintain the files until you reboot the computer.If you are performing a live installation, there might be enough available disk space for all the new software but not enough additional temporary disk space to complete the installation. In this situation, try closing some applications and then entering the go command again. If there is still not enough space, you may have to run the installation in the miniroot.You can save the selections that you have already made by creating a selections file; when you finish removing software, load the file to reapply your selections. Use this sequence of commands during either a live or a miniroot installation: Inst> admin save filenameInst> keep *Inst> removesubsystemsubsystem ... Inst> admin load filenameThe installation request will install or remove files in the following nfs-mounted filesystems: /filesystem Please cancel or confirm the request. 1. Cancel the installation request 2. Continue the installation request Please enter a choice [1]: Inst issues these warnings to protect against accidental installation of files into NFS-mounted directories. Normally software installations are made on the local host. If you really want to install across an NFS mount, choose 2; otherwise cancel the installation (1), return to the Main Menu, and use the keep command to install fewer subsystems.NoteTo disable this confirmation, set the preference confirm_nfs_installs to off.ID="73773"ERROR: Subsystems cannot be installed/removed because they contain files on read-only NFS-mounted filesystems. You may de-select these subsystems for install/remove; or, if you wish to install these subsystems locally, you must first unmount these filesystems, or remove any symbolic links pointing into them (check the pathnames of the Files listed below); or, if you wish to install these subsystems onto the remote filesystems, you must unmount them and then re-mount them as read-write. ID="appB31"Filesystem: /usr/share NFS-mounted, read-only Subsystem File insight.sw.data /usr/share/Insight/lib/addBooklist vino.man.pages /usr/share/catman/a_man/cat7/vino.zInstallations and removals canceledERROR: Subsystems cannot be installed/removed because they contain files in write-protected directories. You may de-select these subsystems for install/remove; or, if you wish to continue with the current selections, you must first change the directory permissions using the chmod(1M) command. Subsystem File ViewKit_dev.sw.demo /usr/share/src/lib/ViewKit/Utilities/list.c++ dwb.sw.dwb /usr/share/lib/tmac/tmac.eInstallations and removals canceledAny of these messages mean that you lack the appropriate permission to install all the files in the selected products.This is usually an indication that you are using NFS to share filesystems on a remote host and that some of the subsystems selected for installation install files into those remote filesystems.Check your selections to make sure you are not installing or removing "shared" software, such as online books or reference pages. Use the keep command to deselect those products.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="18202"Errors While Installing and Removing SoftwareThis section contains the following subsections:IDREF="89652" TYPE="TITLE""Disk Space Errors"IDREF="33290" TYPE="TITLE""Subcommand and Exitop Errors"IDREF="58733" TYPE="TITLE""Network Time-out Errors"IDREF="36498" TYPE="TITLE""Archive Corrupt Errors"IDREF="71952" TYPE="TITLE""Device Busy Errors"These errors cause the Error/Interrupt menu to appear automatically (see ID="appB32"IDREF="28370" TYPE="GRAPHIC"Figure B-1). FILE="Fig5-3andB-1.gif" POSITION="INLINE" SCALE="FALSE"LBL="B-1"Figure B-1 ID="28370"The Interrupt MenuIf the preinstallation check completes without errors, Inst begins installing and removing files. If an error occurs after this point, Inst stops and presents the interrupt menu. First try to correct the cause of the error and then choose retry from the interrupt menu.If this does not work, or you are unable to correct the problem, you can choose stop to cancel the installation immediately and return to the Main menu.If you stop the installation, the current image in progress (such as eoe.sw) will be in an inconsistent state (partially installed/removed). The installation history will not have been updated for these subsystems (eoe.sw.*). You are strongly advised to either reinstall these products (select go at the main menu to restart the installation from the beginning of the partial image) or, for products not marked "required," remove them completely.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="89652"Disk Space ErrorsDespite efforts to accurately predict the required disk space, Inst may occasionally fail during the installation with an error such as this:ID="appB33"ID="appB34"ERROR : An error occurred while Installing new versions of selected product subsystems Write of pathname failed: No space left on deviceThis produces the Error/Interrupt menu (see above). Use the shroot command to enter the shell. Remove or compress unnecessary large files, exit the shell, and retry the operation. If you are unable to locate any expendable files, stop the installation and choose fewer subsystems for installation. The sequence that follows illustrates how to resolve the previous error by removing and compressing files:Interrupt> shroot # df Filesystem Type blocks use avail %use Mounted on /dev/root efs 1939714 1939702 12 100% / # ls -l /usr/tmp/core.* -rw------ 1 guest guest 20971520 Oct 20 01:00 /usr/tmp/core.0 -rw------ 1 guest guest 0 Oct 20 01:00 /usr/tmp/core.1 -rw------ 1 guest guest 3145728 Oct 20 01:01 /usr/tmp/core.3 # rm /usr/tmp/core.0 /usr/tmp/core.1 # compress /usr/tmp/core.3 # df Filesystem Type blocks use avail %use Mounted on /dev/root efs 1939714 1892566 47148 98% / # exit Interrupt> retry Installing new versions of selected pv.man subsystems Installing new versions of selected pv.sw subsystemsIf there is still not enough disk space, consider the possibility that you may not need some large files on your workstation. The list below gives filenames relative to root, but remember that, if you are doing a miniroot installation, /root must be prepended to each of the filenames if you escape to the shell with sh. If you escape to the shell with shroot or are performing a live installation, use the filenames as given. Look for these large files:Kernel core dump files in /var/adm/crash/vmcore* and /var/adm/crash/unix*.Files put into /lost+found and /usr/lost+found by fsck(1M).If you have process accounting enabled, the directories fiscal, nite, and sum in /var/adm/acct may contain large files./var/adm/SYSLOG. If this file is very large, you might want to truncate or remove it. Because it is in use, you must notify the daemon. Use these commands:# rm /var/adm/SYSLOG # killall -HUP syslogd Unnecessary files in /tmp and /usr/tmp. Note that /usr/tmp/inst.a* files are temporary files created by inst and should not be removed.Core files. You can find all core files in the root and user filesystems with these commands if you are performing a miniroot installation:Admin> shroot # /bin/find / /usr -mount -name core -print ID="appB35"Large user files that can be temporarily archived to tape. One way to find large files is to use the sysadm(1) command if it is installed (sysadm is not included in Release 5.0 and later):% /bin/su - Password: # /usr/bin/sysadm filesize Running subcommand `filesize' from menu `filemgmt', FILE MANAGEMENTEnter full pathname of the directory to search [?, q]: /usr/people/joeEnter the number of large files to be included in list (default 10 largest) [q]: 10The largest 10 files in /usr/people/joe: (report)You can also use the find command to find files that are larger than, for example, 2,000 blocks (1 MB):# find / -local -size +2000 -printIf your site uses NFS, you may be able to NFS-mount reference pages installed on another workstation rather than installing them on your workstation when disk space is scarce.Replacing your system disk with a larger disk is sometimes an option when you need more disk space in order to install the software you want. NFS mounting remote filesystems is also an option when you need more disk space because Inst installs software onto NFS-mounted filesystems if those filesystems are exported read write from the remote host and if your permissions (usually those of the superuser) allow write access to the necessary directories on that host.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="33290"Subcommand and Exitop ErrorsAs part of the installation procedure, Inst executes ID="appB36"subcommands. These are UNIX shell commands that perform initialization functions specific to each product. For example, some products use subcommands to install a custom icon in the system Icon Catalog. Some subcommands, called exit commands, or exitops, run at the end of the installation and sometimes originate from more than one subsystem.Stderr: Cannot create pathname: No such file or directory ERROR : An error occurred while Installing new versions of selected product subsystems Command "command"If a subcommand fails during the installation of a specific product, an interrupt menu is also presented. The subcommands that run at the end of the installation, during the "exit-commands" phase, may affect multiple subsystems. Inst displays any errors from these exitops but does not present the Interrupt menu.If an Interrupt menu is presented, try to gauge from the error message the cause and severity of the problem. The error could indicate that the affected product will not function completely or correctly or that the system might fail to boot. Decide whether to ignore the error and continue, to fix the problem and retry, or to stop and return to the Inst Main menu.Consult the release notes of any affected product for further information. For example, the release notes may specify a particular order in which the software subsystems must be installed in order to function properly.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="58733"Network Time-out ErrorsConnecting to host ... host.domain: Interrupted system call Host host is not responding, retrying host.domain: Interrupted system call Host host is not responding, retrying host.domain: Interrupted system call ERROR : Timed-out waiting for host ID="appB37"Inst presents the Error/Interrupt menu. See the section IDREF="12258" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Network Problems" to determine the cause of the network failure. You may need to continue the installation at a later time, depending on the availability of that host.If the network is merely slow, or the server is heavily loaded, use the set command to raise the value of the timeout and/or network_retry preferences.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="36498"Archive Corrupt ErrorsFile filename not in compressed format Compressed input file is corrupt (internal overflow) Unexpected EOF Can't open archive: archive Archive archive is in an unrecognized format Archive archive is corrupt ID="appB38"Inst is unable to properly extract files from the software distribution, which is compressed in a special format. If you are installing over a network, check the system logs for signs of network errors (see IDREF="12258" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Network Problems").If you are performing a live installation, you may need to use a newer version of the installation tools; when the distribution format is upgraded, older versions of Inst cannot always read more recent software distributions (new versions of Inst can read older distributions formats, however). Use Inst from the miniroot, preferably the miniroot that accompanies the software upgrade you are trying to install.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="71952"Device Busy Errorsfilesystem: Device BusyThere may be a file open in the named filesystem if you get this error. Quit Inst and then reinvoke it to force it to close the open file. For example, if you were trying to unmount all filesystems from Inst Admin:Admin> umount -a Admin> return Inst> quit Ready to restart the system. Restart? { (y)es. (n)o, (sh)ell, (h)elp } n Inst> admin Admin> umount -a LBL="" HELPID=""ID="49640"Errors Leaving an Installation Session (RQS Errors)An error has occurred while requickstarting your system. No loss of functionality occurred. ID="appB39"A requickstart failure simply indicates that some files were not requickstarted. The net effect is that the startup time of the failed binary will be slightly slower than had it been successfully requickstarted. The error message will also provide the name of a log file where there is a detailed explanation of the RQS error(s). See rqs(1) for a detailed explanation of requickstart.Sproc of /usr/etc/rqsread failedSproc of /usr/etc/rqsall failed/usr/etc/rqsread terminated abnormally/usr/etc/rqsall terminated abnormallyThese messages indicate that you probably need to upgrade your system to get newer versions of these files./usr/etc/rqsread terminated abnormally due to signal #/usr/etc/rqsall terminated abnormally due to signal #These messages indicate that the named process was killed by a signal. The relevant signal number will be provided so it will be possible to determine the cause of the termination.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="11373"Resolving ConflictsInstallation conflicts occur when there are unsatisfied product dependencies or when incompatible product are selected for installation. If Inst detects conflicts when the user enters the ID="appB40"go command, the conflicts must be resolved before the installation is carried out. See IDREF="78222" TYPE="TITLE""Step 6: Resolving Conflicts" for more information on the procedures used to resolve conflicts.The error you see when a conflict has been detected isInst> go ERROR : Conflicts must be resolved. (conflict description and options)This section is divided into the following subsections:IDREF="44802" TYPE="TITLE""Resolving Different Types of Conflicts"IDREF="19899" TYPE="TITLE""Overriding Conflicts"NoteThe 10-digit number that appears in the conflict message is the product's version number. You can use the showprods -n command to display product version numbers.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="44802"Resolving Different Types of ConflictsThe different types of conflicts discussed here are:IDREF="87189" TYPE="TITLE""Preexisting Conflicts"IDREF="99471" TYPE="TITLE""Required Product Conflict"IDREF="53581" TYPE="TITLE""Prerequisite Conflict"IDREF="73409" TYPE="TITLE""Back Prerequisite Conflict"IDREF="95774" TYPE="TITLE""Incompatible Products Conflict"IDREF="44706" TYPE="TITLE""Downgrade Conflict"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="87189"Preexisting ConflictsUnresolved product dependencies and incompatible installed products may already exists on the target before the current Inst session. These conflicts are known as preexisting conflicts. For example, the following conflict shows an installed product that depends on another product that is not installed.- Existing Conflict - swmgr.sw.eoe is installed but is missing prerequisites: 1a. Also remove swmgr.sw.eoe (1021391900) 1b. Install eoe.sw.unix (1010852020 - 2147483647)Normally, these conflicts are not visible. If they are, you have three options. Resolve the conflicts by using the procedures in IDREF="78222" TYPE="TITLE""Step 6: Resolving Conflicts".Choose to ignore preexisting conflicts by setting the resource show_existing_conflicts to false and marking something for removal or installation to force a recalculation of the installation rules. Because show_existing_conflicts is a permanent resource, this ignores pre-existing conflicts for future installations as well. Inst> set show_existing_conflicts false Inst> remove prod1 Inst> go Choose to ignore conflicts for this installation session. Refer to IDREF="19899" TYPE="TITLE""Overriding Conflicts".LBL="" HELPID=""ID="99471"Required Product ConflictRequired product conflicts occur when a required subsystem is not marked for installation or when a required subsystem is marked for removal. subsystem is required and must be installed 1a. Also install subsystem (xxxxxxxxxx)This type of conflict occurs when the distribution contains a required subsystem that is not installed and not marked for installation. In this case, the only solution is to install the required subsystem.subsystem is required and may not be removed - sorry! 1a. Do not remove subsystem (xxxxxxxxxx)This type of conflict occurs if you mark a required subsystem for removal. In this case, the only solution is to retain the required subsystem.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="53581"Prerequisite ConflictThis type of conflict occurs when a product is marked for installation and it requires a product that is not already installed or marked for installation.product cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites: 1a. Do not install product (xxxxxxxxxx) 1b. Install product (xxxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxx)To resolve the above conflict, you have two options. The first is to not install the product whose requirements are missing. The second is to install the required products. In the above example, the required product is not on the current distribution. You must locate a distribution that contains the required product and install it before continuing with this installation. See IDREF="24071" TYPE="TITLE""Step 2: Specifying the Source" for further instructions.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="73409"Back Prerequisite ConflictThis type of conflict occurs when a product is selected for removal but other products depend on it. product cannot be removed because other products depend on it. 2a. Do not remove product (xxxxxxxxxx) 2b. Also remove product1 (xxxxxxxxxx) product2 (xxxxxxxxxx)There are two options for resolving this type of conflict. You can choose not to remove the product or remove all the products that depend on it.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="95774"Incompatible Products ConflictThis type of conflict occurs when a product is marked for installation and is incompatible with another product that is marked for installation or with one that is already installed.product (xxxxxxxxxx) is incompatible with product1 (xxxxxxxxxx) 2a. Do not install product (xxxxxxxxxx) 2b. Do not install product1 (xxxxxxxxxx)This conflict is the result of selecting two incompatible products for installation. Install only one.product (xxxxxxxxxx) is incompatible with product1 (xxxxxxxxxx) 2a. Do not install product (xxxxxxxxxx) 2b. Also remove product1 (xxxxxxxxxx)This conflict is the result of marking a product for installation that is incompatible with a product that is already installed on the target. To resolve this type of conflict, choose one of the two incompatible products to be on the target.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="44706"Downgrade ConflictThis type of conflict occurs when a product that is marked for installation is an older version of a product that is already installed.You have marked product.old (xxxxxxxxxx), which is an older version of product.new (xxxxxxxxxx) 1a. Replace product.new (xxxxxxxxxx) with product.old (xxxxxxxxxx) 1b. Do not install product.old (xxxxxxxxxx) 1c. Set resource neweroverride to value trueThe first option replaces the newer, installed version of the product with an older one. The second option retains the newer version of the product on the target. The last sets the resource neweroverride, which allows the installation of older products for newer ones without conflict. Unless there is a valid reason, the newer product should be retained on the target.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="19899"Overriding ConflictsIf installation conflicts cannot be resolved but the installation must be done, you can override the conflicts and continue with the installation by setting the rulesoverride preference. Overriding conflicts leaves a preexisting conflict on the target, which can be seen if the show_existing_conflicts preference is set to true. This action is recommended only for extreme cases and for knowledgable users because it can introduce unfulfilled product dependencies or install incompatible products on the system.NoteResolve all conflicts possible before using the rulesoverride feature.In the following example, a conflict is "resolved" by setting rulesoverride to true:product1 cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites: 1a. Do not install product1 (xxxxxxxxxx) 1b. Install product0 (xxxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxx) (not on current distribution)Inst> set rulesoverride true Inst> go Inst> set rulesoverride falseLBL="" HELPID=""ID="12258"Resolving Network ProblemsThis section discusses how to check network connections from IRIX and how to diagnose network problems during an Inst session.ID="appB41"LBL="" HELPID=""ID="96033"Checking Network ConnectionsThe steps below explain several tests and checks that you can perform from IRIX to verify that your workstation is connected to an installation server. (Note that if you are in Inst, you can access IRIX with the ID="appB42"sh command.)Test the connection for Inst user access:% ID="appB43"/usr/bsd/rsh server -l user date In the previous command, server is the name of the installation server and user is the user ID you are using for installation. Normally, user is "guest." If the date is not returned, you have specified the wrong server, there is a network problem, or user is not a valid user ID. (See IDREF="67681" TYPE="TITLE""Configuring an Installation Account" for more information about user.)Test the TCP/IP connection:Connections to installation servers are done over Terminal Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in a manner similar to ID="appB44"rsh (see the rsh(1C) reference page). A simple test of this connection can be done by using ping (see the ping(1M) reference page):% ID="appB45"/usr/etc/ping -q -f -s 2048 -c 100 server PING (): 2048 data bytes ---- PING Statistics---- 100 packets transmitted, 100 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/2/7 %In the previous example, server is the name of the installation server. If you see packet loss, you could have a problem with your network connection. If you receive a message that the host is unknown, verify the name of the host you are trying to contact and be sure you are typing it correctly.This network connection test is not possible if you are performing a miniroot installation; if you are, test the connection before beginning the installation, if possible.ID="25654"Check the setting of the netaddr NVRAM variable.In some situations, you might have network problems if the IP address of your workstation in its nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM) does not match its IP address in ID="appB46"/etc/hosts. A mismatch can occur when you move a workstation, but it does not cause a problem until you attempt to load the miniroot for a software installation. You can check the IP address in the NVRAM on your workstation while you are using IRIX by giving this command:ID="appB47"% /etc/nvram netaddrID="appB48" From the Command Monitor, you can check the IP address in the NVRAM with this command:>> printenv netaddr If the four-part number returned from either command does not match the IP ID="appB49"address in /etc/hostsID="appB50" on your workstation, you may be able to change it from IRIX (not all models of workstations support changing NVRAM from IRIX):# ID="appB51"/etc/nvram netaddr localIPaddress Or change it from the Command Monitor:>> setenv netaddr localIPaddress Verify that the installation server allows tftpd access (required for miniroot installation only).IDREF="45067" TYPE="TITLE""Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server" describes the procedure for verifying that the installation server has been modified to allow tftp access (see the tftpd(1M) reference page). To get more debugging information, add theID="appB52" ­l argument to the tftp line in /etc/inetd.conf and restart inetd (see the inetd(1M) reference page). The line should look like this:tftp dgram udp wait guest /usr/etc/tftpd tftpd -lDebugging information is written to /var/adm/SYSLOG.Verify that routers between your workstation and the installation server forward bootp packets (see the bootp(1M) reference page).IDREF="31826" TYPE="TITLE""Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers" describes the procedure for verifying that routers have been modified to allow bootp access.To get more debugging information, add the ID="appB53"-d argument to the bootp line in /etc/inetd.conf and restart inetd (see the inetd(1M) reference page). The line should look like this:bootp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/bootp bootp -f -dDebugging information is written to /var/adm/SYSLOG.For more information on networking, see the IRIX Admin: Networking and Mail and the NFS Administration Guide.LBL="" HELPID=""Network Problem Diagnosis During an Inst SessionIf the network is slow (usually indicating network problems), Inst may appear to be frozen for long periods (much greater than the time-out time); in reality it may be reading a few bytes at a time, timing out, retrying, then reading a few more bytes. This sort of behavior, as well as any error messages regarding network time-outs or retries, is an indication that it may be desirable to investigate the condition of the network.Here are some of the common error messages that might occur during a remote installation session:-- Host `host' is not responding, retryingThe remote host did not respond in a reasonable amount of time; we will retry a few times before giving up. See the preference "network_retry" for a discussion of how to control the number of retries Inst makes before it gives up.-- Timed-out waiting for `host'The remote host has timed out several times in a row. A serious network problem probably needs to be resolved before we can continue. Either resolve the network problem and continue the installation or cancel the install and try again later.On a slow network, changing the network time-out (by setting the preference "timeout" to the new time-out in seconds) may be necessary, though in general this is not recommended and will probably not cure a real network problem but will only increase the length of time before such a problem is reported to the user.-- Can't set up network connection to host host: reasonYou were unable to establish an initial network connection to the remote host for the reason given. See IDREF="96033" TYPE="TITLE""Checking Network Connections" for a discussion of what to do to test the network.-- Lost connection to hostThe network connection was broken. This probably means that the remote host is down.-- No such host: hostThe host is not listed in the host table. This could mean that the hostname was mistyped, that there is something wrong with the /etc/hosts file, or that the NIS or DNS server is down.-- Couldn't parse ls output from remote host: `ls_output'Running an ls command on the installation server succeeded but gave output different from what was expected. The only immediate solution is to install a different ls program (for example, a POSIX compatible ls program) on the installation server.-- Failed reading remote directory dir: error_msgIt was not possible to perform an ls command on the installation server. The given error string should give some clue as to the likely reasons:Illegal option: The installation server has an ls command that takes a different set of arguments from the ones the local ls command takes. The only immediate solution is to install a different ls program (for example, a POSIX-compatible ls program) on the installation server.Cannot access ... No such file or directory: The remote directory does not existCannot access ... Permission denied: The given user does not have sufficient permissions to access the directory.-- Can't get shell/tcp network port to host host: error_msgThe service "exec" or "shell" was not found on the system. This probably means that there is something wrong with the file /etc/services or the services map on the NIS server.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="40583"Network Problem Diagnosis During Miniroot InstallationsThese messages come from the boot PROM rather than Inst.-- unable to load bootp()machine:/path/sa(sash.IPXX) -- bootp()machine:/path/sa(sash.IPXX) is not a valid file to bootTo find out if the file exists, enter the following command on the installation server:# mkboottape -f /pathname/sa -l |grep sash In the previous example, pathname is the distribution directory; for example, sa may be in dist:/irix/6.3.Chances are that the file does exist and that this is probably a network problemname='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'trying to bootp through too many gateways. Because the bootp protocol is not as robust as it could be, it is sometimes unable to find a file on a server if network traffic is heavy. By installing from an NFS-mounted file system on a local network, NFS is dealing with the gateways and bootp is only going across the local network.This can also occur when the server is a multihomed machine.-- no server for machine:/path/sa(sash.IPXX)-- unable to load bootp()machine:/path/sa(sash.IPXX): file not foundThis could mean that the netaddr variable is set incorrectly. From the command monitor, enter a printenv netaddr command and see if the address returned is set to an address on the local subnet (see step 3 of IDREF="96033" TYPE="TITLE""Checking Network Connections" for more information).-- Error 7 while loading network(0)bootp()mach1:/path/sa(sashARCS)-- UX:csh: ERROR: ./.swindow - Command not foundThe previous message might appear when loading from an automounted distribution (for example, machine:/hosts/...).These errors indicate that you need to modify /etc/inetd.conf (/usr/etc/inetd.conf on pre-5.x systems) on the installation server (mach1 in this example) and remove the "-s /usr/local/boot /usr/etc/boot" from the tftpd entry (or alternatively, add the desired pathname to the end of the list of accessible paths after -s). Then restart inetd:# /etc/killall -HUP inetd -- panic free'ing mbuf while loading minirootThis is a problem in the IP20 prom. Check your Ethernet cablename='mdash' font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=190 descr='[mdash]'make sure that it is connected tightly to your machine. If you still see this problem, you can try to load the miniroot from a local machine via an NFS mount. This problem rarely occurs, and only when there is high network traffic. -- Cannot load network(0)bootp()machine:/path-- Problem reading file magic id, err 0 cnt0This can mean network problems, such as a bad router between the current machine and the installation server.-- Unable to load bootp()machine:/path: `'bootp()machine:/path'' is not a valid file to bootYou are trying to boot from a file that is not a valid sa image.If you are booting from the command monitor, be sure to specify the sa file, not just the distribution directory containing the sa file.-- No remote connectionThis is probably an internal error resulting from trying to access a remote connection that used to be open but is now closed.-- Unable to locate your password information (user-id UID)Your current user ID is not a valid account on the system. This unlikely error probably means there is something wrong with the host table (/etc/hosts) or with the NIS server.-- Can't open network connection: no hostname!No remote hostname was given. You must supply the name of the network host.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="32286"Resolving Problems With CDsLBL="" HELPID=""Checking CD-ROM DrivesTo check CD-ROM drives, you must verify that the system recognizes the drive and that the CD you want to use is mounted. These procedures are described in the following sections.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="99598"Verifying That a CD-ROM Drive Is RecognizedThe procedure to verify that a CD-ROM drive is recognized depends on your situation:If IRIX is running, enter the hinv command:% hinv For each CD-ROM drive, you should see one line of output. For example, CDROM: unit 4 on SCSI controller 0If you do not see a line of output for a CD-ROM drive, it is not recognized.If you are in the miniroot, escape to a shell with the shroot command and enter the hinv command:# hinv For each CD-ROM drive, you should see one line of output. For example,CDROM: unit 4 on SCSI controller 0If you do not see a line of output for a CD-ROM drive, it is not recognized.If you are in the Command Monitor, enter the hinv command:>> hinv For each CD-ROM drive, you should see one line of output. Some examples:SCSI CDROM: dksc(0,4) SCSI CDROM: scsi(0)cdrom(4) SCSI Disk: dksc(0,4)These examples show the CD-ROM drive on an older workstation. The CD-ROM drive is recognized, but it is shown as a disk. If you do not see a line of output for a CD-ROM drive, it is not recognized.When a CD-ROM drive is not recognized, it is usually because the CD-ROM drive was not powered up properly. If it is an external drive, the CD-ROM drive must be powered on before the workstation main unit is powered on.The procedure for making the system recognize the CD-ROM drive depends on whether you are running IRIX or the miniroot:If you are running IRIX, exit Inst if it is running, warn other users, shut the workstation down with shutdown (see the shutdown(1M) reference page), or use System Shutdown on the System menu, then reboot the workstation to bring up IRIX again.If you are in the miniroot, get back to the PROM Monitor, press the Reset button on the workstation main unit and then bring up Inst again. If this does not fix the problem, turn the CD-ROM drive off and then on again.LBL="" HELPID=""Verifying That a CD Is MountedWhen using a CD-ROM drive, the CD that contains the software you want to install must be mounted. Mounting is done automatically by Inst when using a local CD-ROM. The user executing Inst must have root privileges in order for it to be able to mount the CD. When using a remote CD-ROM, the mounting must be done separately on the remote server. To verify that the CD is mounted, use the df command, below (see the df(1) reference page). If you are using a local CD-ROM, escape to a shell. If you are using a remote CD-ROM, enter the command on the installation server.For example,% /bin/df Filesystem Type blocks use avail %use Mounted on /dev/root efs 1939714 1749520 190194 90% / /dev/dsk/dks0d4s7 efs 828672 817805 10867 99% /CDROMLook at the directory name on the right. For a local CD-ROM, you should see /CDROM. For a remote CD-ROM, the name /CDROM is likely but another directory name for the mount point (called CDdir in this document) may have been chosen.If the CD is mounted, list the files it contains to verify that you have the correct CD inserted. LBL="" HELPID=""ID="87605"Checking Distribution Directories and CDsTo verify that a distribution directory or a mounted CD contains the right files, the workstation that contains the distribution must be running IRIX. Change directories to the distribution directory (distdir or CDdir/dist) and list the files with ls. Files in software distributions have these names:mr sa product product.idb product.images The file sa is used for miniroot installations only, so it does not need to be present if you are doing an IRIX installation. The file mr may or may not be present; there is no problem if it is missing. More than one product file, product, may be in the directory. Each product requires a file called product.idb (installation database) and one or more product.image files. Examples of product files are eoe and maint_nfs. Common values of images are man and sw.If a distribution does not have the correct files, the most likely causes are that the distribution directory was not copied correctly or that the files in the distribution directory were modified after it was created. Use distcp -c to compare the original with the copy (see the distcp(1M) reference page) and, if there is a discrepancy, copy the original distribution again.Copy the distribution directory using cp -r (or rcp -r for a remote copy) and then use distcp -c to compare the original with the copy (see the distcp(1M) reference page).If you suspect that the contents of the files in the distribution directory have been corrupted, try installing from the CD that was used to create the distribution directory.An additional check is possible for CDs: change directories to CDdir and list the files with ls. One file and at least two directories should be listed:RELEASE.info dist relnotesRELEASE.info is an ASCII text file that contains release information. dist contains the product files, and relnotes contains the release notes, which describe the exact contents of each CD. Use relnotes to read the release notes (see the relnotes(1) reference page).LBL="" HELPID=""ID="64100"Using fx to Restore the Swap PartitionThe following procedure corrects the condition described in ID="appB54"IDREF="34594" TYPE="TITLE""Questionable Miniroot Image: IRIX 6.3 and Earlier", in which you receive the error message root and swap are on the same partition. Use this procedure on systems running IRIX 6.2 or earlier IRIX versions. The procedure modifies the boot information to cause the system to boot from partition 0 (the root partition) instead of partition 1 (the swap partition) where the miniroot currently resides. (This discussion assumes that you are using the 4D1-4.0 or later version of fx.)CautionThe fx command is intended for advanced users and should not be used unless you have a definite need for it. Refer to the fx(1) reference page for complete information on using fx.Enter the command monitor. Follow steps 1 through 4 of IDREF="40576" TYPE="TITLE""Loading From a Local CD" to display the System Maintenance menu, then select Enter Command Monitor.Invoke fx from the standalone version on your workstation or from a local or remote CD-ROM. See the fx(1M) reference page for complete instructions on invoking fx or use the following procedure. To invoke the standalone copy of fx on your workstation, enter>> boot stand/fx --x To invoke ID="appB55"fx from a CD with installation tools in a CD-ROM drive on your workstation, enter this command: >> boot -f dksc(cntlr,unit,8)sashARCS dksc(cntlr,unit,7)stand/fx.ARCS --x In the previous command, cntlr and unit are the controller and unit numbers of the CD-ROM drive (see IDREF="59588" TYPE="TITLE""Getting CD-ROM Device Numbers").To invoke fx from a CD with installation tools mounted on an installation server named server, enter this command: >> boot -f bootp()server:CDdir/stand/fx.ARCS --x In the previous command, CDdir is the mount point directory for the CD (for example, /CDROM).Run fx to restore the boot file to the root partition. The sample session below shows the fx defaults for system disk device name, controller number, and drive number. Unless your system configuration is not standard, the fx defaults are correct and you can respond with to the prompts.Obtaining /stand/fx from server server n+n+m entry: p fx version 4.0 IP22, Aug 23, 1991 fx "device-name" = (dksc) fx: ctlr# = (0) fx: drive# = (1) ...opening dksc(0,1,) ...controller test...OK Scsi drive type == CDC 94171-9 0184 ----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)----- [exi]t [d]ebug/ [l]abel/ [a]uto [b]adblock/ [exe]rcise/ [r]epartition/ [f]ormat fx> label/create/boot At this point the System Maintenance menu appears, and you can restart your system or restart the installation.LBL="" HELPID=""ID="88003"Calling Your Support OrganizationSilicon Graphics, Inc., provides a comprehensive product support maintenance program for its products. ID="appB56"If you are in the United States or Canada and would like support for your Silicon Graphics supported products, contact the Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-800-4SGI. If you are outside these areas, contact the Silicon Graphics subsidiary or authorized distributor in your country.If you have read the troubleshooting information in this chapter and still need help, have this information available when you call your support organization:the serial number of your workstation (required)the products that you are trying to install and their release numbers (see the CD label)the release numbers of software products that are currently installed (use showprods, described in the showprods(1M) reference page)the type of software distribution you are using (local or remote CD-ROM or distribution directory)the text of any error messages you have seenthe hardware configurations of your workstation and any installation server used for installation (model numbers, the size of your system disk, and so on)ID="appB57"&spaceIDREF="ch93"Automating Installations With RoboInstIDREF="ch924"DHCP Setup (optional)IDREF="ch92"Automating Installations With RoboInstabbreviating commandsIDREF="ch617"Using Command Shortcutsadmin commandIDREF="appA5"Main Menu Commandsadministration, systemdocumentationIDREF="preface1"IRIX Admin Manual SetAdministrative Commands menu commands (illustration)IDREF="ch524"Using the Administrative Commands Menu functionsIDREF="ch523"Using the Administrative Commands Menu hidden commandsIDREF="ch813"Displaying Hidden CommandsreferenceIDREF="appA6"Main Menu Commands archive corrupt errorIDREF="appB38"Archive Corrupt Errorsautomaticselection of subsystemsIDREF="appA13"Main Menu Commandsautomatic initializationIDREF="ch413"Automatic Initialization FunctionsIDREF="ch152"Automatic Initializationautomatic installationIDREF="ch91"Automating Installations With RoboInstIDREF="ch611"Installing Software Noninteractivelyautomatic miniroot installation IDREF="ch92"Automating Installations With RoboInstautomatic selections during initializationIDREF="ch417"Automatic Initialization Functions for hardware changesIDREF="ch724"Reinstalling the Same Software in Inst sessionsIDREF="ch447"Accepting Automatic Selections in noninteractive installationsIDREF="ch613"Installing Software Noninteractively in software upgradesIDREF="ch73"Installing Maintenance and Feature Releases on empty systemsIDREF="ch133"Preliminary Selections turning offIDREF="ch834"Turning Off Initial Selection of Subsystemsautoselect option of setIDREF="appA12"Main Menu Commandsautoselect preference, of set commandIDREF="ch835"Turning Off Initial Selection of Subsystemsauxiliary commandsIDREF="appA29"Main Menu Commandsbacking up targetsIDREF="ch247"Backing Up the Target Systemsbase releaseIDREF="ch17"Software Release Typesboot PROM Monitor commandIDREF="appB21"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostboot serverIDREF="ch33"About Miniroot InstallationsIDREF="ch913"The Client System ListIDREF="ch97"How RoboInst WorksIDREF="ch918"Configuration Server SetupBOOTPIDREF="ch915"Boot Server SetupIDREF="ch26"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on RoutersIDREF="ch924"DHCP Setup (optional)bootp commandIDREF="appB53"Checking Network Connectionsbootp errors IDREF="appB15"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostbootp forwarding default settingIDREF="ch210"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers enablingIDREF="ch27"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on RoutersCD-ROM drive controller and unit numberIDREF="ch231"Creating a Distribution Directory creating a directory forIDREF="ch238"Creating a Distribution Directory device numbersIDREF="ch255"Getting CD-ROM Device Numbers stopping daemonIDREF="ch236"Creating a Distribution DirectoryCDs ejectingIDREF="ch244"Creating a Distribution Directory ejecting IDREF="ch233"Creating a Distribution Directory mountingIDREF="ch239"Creating a Distribution Directory organizing for installationIDREF="ch253"Opening Multiple Distributionscheckpoint restart fileIDREF="ch465"If Inst Is Interrupted handling failures IDREF="ch468"If a Checkpoint Restart Fails session recoveryIDREF="ch466"Completing a Checkpoint Restartchroot commandIDREF="appA84"Administrative Menu Commandsclean command (obsolete)IDREF="appA65"Administrative Menu Commandsclose commandIDREF="appA7"Main Menu Commandscommand referenceIDREF="appA1"Inst Quick Referencecommands abbreviating namesIDREF="ch619"Abbreviating Command Names entering by numberIDREF="ch618"Giving Commands by Number hiddenIDREF="ch815"Displaying Hidden Commands keywords in entriesIDREF="ch627"Using Keywords as Arguments product and image names in entriesIDREF="ch624"Using Product and Image NamesreferenceIDREF="appA1"Inst Quick Reference shortcutsIDREF="ch616"Using Command Shortcuts View menuIDREF="ch58"Using the View Commands Menu wildcardsIDREF="ch620"Using Wildcards in Subsystem Names wildcards in entriesIDREF="ch621"Using Wildcards in Subsystem Namescompact discs See CDs.IDREF="ch11"Understanding Software Installationscompatibility errors, avoidingIDREF="ch730"Avoiding Compatibility Problemsconfig commandIDREF="appA55"Administrative Menu Commandsconfiguration directoryIDREF="ch98"How RoboInst WorksIDREF="ch920"Configuration Directory Setupconfiguration files backing upIDREF="ch248"Backing Up the Target Systems creating .N versionsIDREF="ch473"Managing Configuration Files creating .O versionsIDREF="ch472"Managing Configuration Files effects of mkfs commandIDREF="ch555"The mkfs CommandlistingIDREF="ch476"Merging Configuration Files managingIDREF="ch471"Managing Configuration Files mergingIDREF="ch475"Merging Configuration Filesnot removedIDREF="ch739"Removing Software notice of changesIDREF="ch474"The Configuration File Notice removingIDREF="ch478"Merging Configuration Files retrieving from tapeIDREF="ch250"Backing Up the Target Systemsconfiguration serverIDREF="ch96"How RoboInst WorksIDREF="ch917"Configuration Server Setupconflict command usingIDREF="ch456"Using the conflicts Commandconflicts error messagesIDREF="ch455"Using the conflicts Command in patchesIDREF="ch713"Patch Installation Procedure resolvingIDREF="ch453"Step 6: Resolving ConflictsresolvingIDREF="appB40"Resolving Conflictsconflicts command overviewIDREF="ch168"Handling ConflictsreferenceIDREF="appA8"Main Menu Commandscontinue commandreferenceIDREF="appA93"Interrupt Menu Commandscontinue command, to resume a sessionIDREF="ch561"Stopping an Installation corrupt archive errorIDREF="appB38"Archive Corrupt Errors CPU specification errorIDREF="appB16"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostdate and time, resettingIDREF="ch315"Loading From a Local CDIDREF="ch525"The date CommandIDREF="ch324"Loading From a Remote Distribution Sourcedefault subsystemsdefinedIDREF="ch128"Required and Default Subsystems in noninteractive installationsIDREF="ch614"Installing Software Noninteractively on empty target systemsIDREF="ch135"Preliminary Selectionsdelayspacecheck option of setIDREF="appA16"Main Menu CommandsIDREF="appA86"Administrative Menu Commandsdelayspacecheck preference, of set commandIDREF="ch825"Delaying Disk Space Checkingdelta sizeIDREF="ch522"The sizes and deltas CommandsIDREF="ch55"Using the View Commands Menudeltas commandreferenceIDREF="appA41"View Menu Commandsdetailspacecheck preference, of set commandIDREF="ch823"Changing Detailed Space CheckingIDREF="ch537"The recalculate Commanddevice missing messages (during miniroot loading)IDREF="ch322"Loading From a Remote Distribution SourceIDREF="ch313"Loading From a Local CDdevice namesCDsIDREF="appB55"Using fx to Restore the Swap Partitiondevice numbers in CD mount commandIDREF="ch240"Creating a Distribution Directorydiagnostic procedureschecking network connectionsIDREF="appB44"Checking Network Connectionsdisk partitionsIDREF="ch927"Creating a Miniroot Configuration FileIDREF="ch34"About Miniroot InstallationsIDREF="appA66"Administrative Menu CommandsIDREF="ch912"Disk Partitions and RoboInstdisk space controlling calculationsIDREF="ch816"Controlling Disk Space Checks and Reportsdelaying calculationsIDREF="ch824"Delaying Disk Space Checkingdelta informationIDREF="appA60"Administrative Menu Commands detailed space checksIDREF="ch820"Estimated and Detailed Space Checks disabling calculationsIDREF="ch822"Estimated and Detailed Space Checks displaying summariesIDREF="ch533"The space Command estimated space checksIDREF="ch818"Estimated and Detailed Space Checks forcing recalculationsIDREF="ch535"The recalculate Command freeingIDREF="ch539"The sh and shroot Commands minimizing calculation timeIDREF="ch828"Minimizing Disk Space-Checking Time not enoughIDREF="ch130"Required and Default SubsystemsIDREF="appA4"Condensed Installation Instructionsrecalcule commandIDREF="appA71"Administrative Menu Commands requirements for individual filesIDREF="ch529"The files Command requirements in list outputIDREF="ch433"Interpreting list Outputdisk space errorIDREF="appB33"Disk Space Errorsdiskless client errorIDREF="appB25"Wrong Diskless Modesdisplaying software informationIDREF="ch418"Step 3: Displaying Software Informationdist commandreferenceIDREF="appA42"View Menu Commandsdist preference, of set commandIDREF="ch833"Displaying the Current Distribution Sourcedistribution directory contents ofIDREF="ch242"Creating a Distribution DirectoryIDREF="ch230"Creating a Distribution Directory copying toIDREF="ch241"Creating a Distribution Directory creatingIDREF="ch229"Creating a Distribution Directory definedIDREF="ch143"Sources of Installable Software limiting tftp accessIDREF="ch220"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server structure IDREF="ch243"Creating a Distribution Directorydistribution inventory displayingIDREF="ch421"Using the list Command sample displayIDREF="ch424"Using the list Command viewingIDREF="ch164"Viewing the Software InventoryIDREF="ch510"The target and distribution Commandsdistribution keywordIDREF="ch632"Using a Distribution Keyworddistribution path errorIDREF="appB10"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostdistribution serverIDREF="ch95"How RoboInst Worksdistribution sourcechangingIDREF="appA3"Condensed Installation Instructions defaultIDREF="ch158"Changing the Distribution SourcedefaultIDREF="appA17"Main Menu CommandsdefinedIDREF="ch140"Sources of Installable Software displaying availableIDREF="ch48"Using the from Command displaying currentIDREF="ch832"Displaying the Current Distribution SourceIDREF="ch62"Using the $dist Variable$dist variableIDREF="ch63"Using the $dist Variable opening additionalIDREF="ch412"Using the open Command selectingIDREF="ch21"Selecting a Distribution Source specifyingIDREF="ch61"Alternative Ways to Specify a DistributionIDREF="ch45"Step 2: Specifying the Source specifying for a miniroot loadIDREF="ch319"Loading From a Remote Distribution Source specifying one productIDREF="ch610"Specifying the Source on the Command LineIDREF="ch64"Specifying One Product as the Source specifying with a user accountIDREF="ch65"Specifying an Alternate User Account typesIDREF="ch139"Sources of Installable Software types of (illustration)IDREF="ch144"Sources of Installable Softwaredistribution, definedIDREF="ch13"Understanding Software Installationsdk errorIDREF="appB6"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CDdksc errorIDREF="appB7"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CDDynamic Host Configuration ProtocolIDREF="ch923"DHCP Setup (optional)ejecting CDsIDREF="ch245"Creating a Distribution DirectoryIDREF="ch234"Creating a Distribution Directory errorleaving installationIDREF="appB39"Errors Leaving an Installation Session (RQS Errors)error abnormal session interruptionIDREF="ch467"Completing a Checkpoint Restartarchive corruptIDREF="appB38"Archive Corrupt Errors conflicting selectionsIDREF="ch454"Step 6: Resolving ConflictsCPU specificationIDREF="appB16"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote HostIDREF="appB20"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostdiskless clientIDREF="appB25"Wrong Diskless Modes distributionIDREF="ch469"If a Checkpoint Restart FailsdistributionIDREF="appB29"Errors in the Distributionexit operations (exitop)IDREF="appB36"Subcommand and Exitop ErrorsfatalIDREF="appB2"Fatal installation processingIDREF="ch459"Errors that Display the Interrupt MenuIP addressIDREF="appB23"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host leaving installationIDREF="ch457"Resolving Other Errorslibinst.so IDREF="appB28"Inst Library libinst.so Errorslive installationIDREF="appB26"Errors Starting Live Installationsloading minirootIDREF="appB4"Errors Loading the Minirootlocal CDIDREF="appB5"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Local CDnetwork timeoutIDREF="appB37"Network Time-out Errorsnot enough spaceIDREF="appB34"Disk Space ErrorsIDREF="appB30"Preinstallation Check ErrorspathIDREF="appB10"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostpre-installationIDREF="appB30"Preinstallation Check Errors read-only directoriesIDREF="ch458"Errors Caused by Read-Only Directories IDREF="appB31"Preinstallation Check Errorsremote hostIDREF="appB8"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote HostrldIDREF="appB27"Inst Library libinst.so ErrorsRQSIDREF="appB39"Errors Leaving an Installation Session (RQS Errors) selectionIDREF="ch470"If a Checkpoint Restart FailsserverIDREF="appB9"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host server specificationIDREF="appB22"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host session terminated abruptlyIDREF="ch462"If Inst Is Interrupted software compatibilityIDREF="ch732"Avoiding Compatibility ProblemssubcommandIDREF="appB36"Subcommand and Exitop ErrorstypesIDREF="appB1"Types of Errorswarning messageIDREF="appB3"Warningescaping to the shellIDREF="appA81"Administrative Menu CommandsIDREF="appA100"Interrupt Menu Commands/etc/hosts fileIDREF="appB46"Checking Network ConnectionsIDREF="appB50"Checking Network Connections/etc/inetd.conf file modificationsIDREF="ch211"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers exit operation (exitop) errorIDREF="appB36"Subcommand and Exitop Errorsexiting InstIDREF="appA28"Main Menu Commandsfactory installed softwareIDREF="ch136"Factory-Installed Subsystemsfatal errorIDREF="appB2"Fatalfeature releaseIDREF="ch72"Installing Maintenance and Feature Releases IDREF="ch111"Software Release Typesfiles displayingIDREF="ch526"The files CommandIDREF="ch829"Controlling the Display of Filenames identifying typesIDREF="ch530"The files Commandin a subsystemIDREF="appA58"Administrative Menu Commands target inventoryIDREF="ch532"The files Commandfiles commandIDREF="ch528"The files CommandreferenceIDREF="appA56"Administrative Menu CommandsfilesystemsIDREF="appA91"Administrative Menu Commands creatingIDREF="ch553"The mkfs Command for miniroot installationsIDREF="ch323"Loading From a Remote Distribution SourceIDREF="ch314"Loading From a Local CD for miniroot installationsIDREF="ch544"The sh and shroot Commands mountingIDREF="ch549"The mount and umount Commands unmountingIDREF="ch551"The mount and umount Commandsfilesystems commandreferenceIDREF="appA43"View Menu Commandsfilter (view command argument)IDREF="ch513"The filter Commandfilter command functionsIDREF="ch514"The filter CommandreferenceIDREF="appA44"View Menu Commandsfrom command formatsIDREF="ch47"Using the from Command overviewIDREF="ch159"Changing the Distribution Source purposeIDREF="ch46"Using the from Command referenceIDREF="appA9"Main Menu Commands specifying target softwareIDREF="ch410"Using the from Commandfx commandIDREF="appB54"Using fx to Restore the Swap Partitiongo command effects ofIDREF="ch452"Step 5: Launching the Installation overviewIDREF="ch167"Selecting and Installing Software processingIDREF="ch451"Step 5: Launching the InstallationreferenceIDREF="appA18"Main Menu Commandsguest account. See user account.IDREF="ch224"Configuring an Installation Accounthardware commandIDREF="appA61"Administrative Menu Commandshardware-specific files change noticeIDREF="ch723"Reinstalling the Same Software in software product releasesIDREF="ch117"Anatomy of a Software Product updatingIDREF="ch719"Installing Software for Hardware Upgradeshelp command how to useIDREF="ch171"Getting Help During Installationsreference, Administration menuIDREF="appA62"Administrative Menu Commandsreference, Interrupt menuIDREF="appA94"Interrupt Menu Commandsreference, Main menuIDREF="appA20"Main Menu Commandsreference, View menuIDREF="appA45"View Menu Commandshidden commandsIDREF="ch810"Displaying Hidden Commandshinv command device informationIDREF="ch232"Creating a Distribution DirectoryIDREF="ch254"Getting CD-ROM Device Numbershostname, obtainingIDREF="ch257"Getting the Target's Name and Addressidb fileIDREF="ch123"The Installation DatabaseIDREF="ch86"Using an HTML Distribution Directoryidb filesIDREF="ch122"The Installation Databaseimages definedIDREF="ch124"Images naming conventionIDREF="ch125"Images specifying in commandsIDREF="ch626"Using Product and Image Names specifying with keywordsIDREF="ch630"Using Keywords as Arguments viewing levelIDREF="ch518"The level Command.index file IDREF="ch922"Configuration Directory SetupIDREF="ch928"Creating Additional Configuration Filesinetd.conf file modificationsIDREF="appB17"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostinitialization script IDREF="ch81"Using an Initialization Scriptinitialization. See automatic initialization.IDREF="ch153"Automatic InitializationInst abnormal interruptionIDREF="ch463"If Inst Is Interrupted definedIDREF="ch15"Understanding Software Installations help featureIDREF="ch170"Getting Help During Installations invokingIDREF="ch150"Introduction to InstIDREF="ch67"Specifying the Source on the Command Line invoking in live installationsIDREF="ch328"Starting a Live Installation invoking in miniroot installationsIDREF="ch316"Loading From a Local CDIDREF="ch325"Loading From a Remote Distribution Source quittingIDREF="ch461"Step 7: Quitting the Installation Sessioninst command for automatic installationsIDREF="ch615"Installing Software Noninteractively for live installationsIDREF="ch329"Starting a Live Installation for specifying distribution sourceIDREF="ch69"Specifying the Source on the Command LineInst Main MenuIDREF="appA74"Administrative Menu CommandsInst overview from help commandIDREF="ch172"Getting Help During Installations operational descriptionIDREF="ch149"Introduction to Instinst utilityIDREF="ch12"Understanding Software Installationsinst.init fileIDREF="ch82"Using an Initialization Scriptinstall command argumentsIDREF="ch444"Using Arguments in Selection Commands functionIDREF="ch438"Using the install, remove, and keep CommandsreferenceIDREF="appA22"Main Menu Commands sample entriesIDREF="ch441"Simple Selection Command EntriesinstallationchecksIDREF="appA19"Main Menu Commandshistory databaseIDREF="appA79"Administrative Menu CommandsIDREF="appA98"Interrupt Menu CommandsIDREF="appA50"View Menu Commandsstate of filesIDREF="appA59"Administrative Menu Commandsinstallation database and automatic initializationIDREF="ch414"Automatic Initialization Functions definedIDREF="ch121"The Installation Database effects of mkfs commandIDREF="ch556"The mkfs Commandinstallation methodsIDREF="ch31"Determining the Installation MethodIDREF="ch145"Software Installation Methodsinstallation order, planningIDREF="ch252"Opening Multiple Distributionsinstallation procedure cursory instructionsIDREF="appA2"Condensed Installation Instructions detailed descriptionIDREF="ch42"The Software Installation Procedure illustrated summaryIDREF="ch43"The Software Installation Procedureinstallation processingIDREF="ch450"Step 5: Launching the Installationinstallation serverIDREF="ch95"How RoboInst Works access limitation from the minirootIDREF="ch548"The sh and shroot Commands definedIDREF="ch142"Sources of Installable Software obtaining hostname and addressIDREF="ch260"Getting the Server's Name and Address securityIDREF="ch219"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server selectingIDREF="ch25"Setting Up an Installation Server setting upIDREF="ch22"Setting Up an Installation Serverinstallation server errorIDREF="appB9"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostinstallation user account. See user account.IDREF="ch222"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Serverinteractive modeIDREF="appA39"Main Menu CommandsInterrupt menuIDREF="ch559"Using the Interrupt MenuIDREF="appB32"Errors While Installing and Removing Softwareinventory. See distribution inventory and target inventory.IDREF="ch161"Viewing the Software Inventoryinvoking InstIDREF="ch68"Specifying the Source on the Command Line for live installationsIDREF="ch330"Starting a Live InstallationIP address for making filesystemsIDREF="ch557"The mkfs Command obtainingIDREF="ch259"Getting the Target's Name and AddressIP address in NVRAM and IRIXIDREF="appB49"Checking Network ConnectionsIRIX administrationdocumentationIDREF="preface1"IRIX Admin Manual SetIRIX commands, in the minirootIDREF="ch545"The sh and shroot CommandsIRIX version informationIDREF="ch312"Loading From a Local CDIDREF="ch321"Loading From a Remote Distribution Sourcekeep command argumentsIDREF="ch446"Using Arguments in Selection Commands functionIDREF="ch439"Using the install, remove, and keep CommandsreferenceIDREF="appA24"Main Menu Commands sample entriesIDREF="ch443"Simple Selection Command Entrieskeyword argumentsIDREF="ch636"Using step to Make SelectionskeywordsIDREF="ch628"Using Keywords as Argumentslegend. See list command.IDREF="ch426"Using the list Commandlevel commandIDREF="appA46"View Menu CommandsIDREF="ch516"The level Commandlibinst.so errorIDREF="appB28"Inst Library libinst.so ErrorslicensingIDREF="ch101"Licensinglist command column contents in outputIDREF="ch430"Interpreting list Output controlling with viewIDREF="ch53"Using the View Commands Menu default outputIDREF="ch420"Step 3: Displaying Software Information displaying the distribution inventoryIDREF="ch422"Using the list Command interpreting outputIDREF="ch429"Interpreting list Output legendIDREF="ch848"The Preferences ListIDREF="ch423"Using the list Command legend IDREF="ch425"Using the list Command mnemonic tagsIDREF="ch435"Interpreting list Output overviewIDREF="ch160"Viewing the Software Inventory patch items in outputIDREF="ch710"Interpreting Patch Information in list DisplaysreferenceIDREF="appA25"Main Menu Commandslisting software information. See displaying software information and the list command.IDREF="ch419"Step 3: Displaying Software Informationlive installation definedIDREF="ch146"Software Installation Methods disk space requirementsIDREF="ch326"Starting a Live Installation invoking InstIDREF="ch327"Starting a Live Installationlive installation errorIDREF="appB26"Errors Starting Live Installationsload commandIDREF="appA63"Administrative Menu Commandsloading the miniroot from a remote sourceIDREF="ch317"Loading From a Remote Distribution Sourcefrom local CDIDREF="ch36"Loading From a Local CD informational messagesIDREF="ch320"Loading From a Remote Distribution SourceMain menu featuresIDREF="ch156"The Main Menu hidden commandsIDREF="ch812"Displaying Hidden Commands illustrationIDREF="ch151"Introduction to InstMain menu (illustration)IDREF="ch44"Step 1: Invoking Instmaintenance releaseIDREF="ch110"Software Release Typesmaintenance releaseIDREF="ch71"Installing Maintenance and Feature Releases man pages. See reference pages.IDREF="ch726"Installing Reference Pagesmediad daemon restartingIDREF="ch246"Creating a Distribution Directory stoppingIDREF="ch235"Creating a Distribution Directorymenus controllingIDREF="ch89"Controlling Menu Displays hidden commands, displayingIDREF="ch811"Displaying Hidden CommandsSee also invidual menu names.IDREF="ch157"The Main Menu using commands on inactive menusIDREF="ch51"Giving Commands on Other MenusminirootdefinedIDREF="ch148"Software Installation Methods IRIX command availabilityIDREF="ch547"The sh and shroot Commandsminiroot configuration file IDREF="ch925"Customizing Miniroot Installationsminiroot installation automatic IDREF="ch93"Automating Installations With RoboInst conditions requiringIDREF="ch721"Installing Accompanying Product ReleasesIDREF="ch737"Removing SoftwareIDREF="ch711"Patch Installation Procedure definedIDREF="ch147"Software Installation Methods effects on sh and shroot commandsIDREF="ch546"The sh and shroot Commands local load procedureIDREF="ch37"Loading From a Local CD remote load procedureIDREF="ch318"Loading From a Remote Distribution Sourceminiroot installation fileIDREF="ch99"How RoboInst Worksmkfs command purposeIDREF="ch558"The mkfs CommandreferenceIDREF="appA64"Administrative Menu Commands side effectsIDREF="ch554"The mkfs Commandmnemonic tags, in list output IDREF="ch434"Interpreting list Outputmore? promptIDREF="appA21"Main Menu Commandsmount commandIDREF="appA68"Administrative Menu Commandsmount point directoriesIDREF="appA90"Administrative Menu CommandsIDREF="appA69"Administrative Menu Commandsmounting CDsIDREF="ch237"Creating a Distribution Directorymounting filesystemsIDREF="ch550"The mount and umount Commandsmrconfig fileIDREF="ch921"Configuration Directory Setupmrconfig file. See miniroot configuration file.IDREF="ch926"Creating a Miniroot Configuration Filenetaddr PROM variableIDREF="appB19"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote HostIDREF="appB47"Checking Network ConnectionsIDREF="appB14"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host networktimeout errorIDREF="appB37"Network Time-out Errorsnetworkchecking connectionsIDREF="appB42"Checking Network Connections preparationsIDREF="ch28"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routersproblem resolution IDREF="appB41"Resolving Network Problemsnetwork address displaying IP settingIDREF="ch258"Getting the Target's Name and Address displaying PROM settingIDREF="appB12"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostnetwork timeoutIDREF="ch836"Changing the Network Time-out Valueneweroverride preference, of set commandIDREF="ch729"Reinstalling an Older Software Releasenoninteractive installation IDREF="ch612"Installing Software Noninteractivelynvram commandIDREF="appB51"Checking Network ConnectionsIDREF="appB48"Checking Network Connectionsolder releases, installing IDREF="ch728"Reinstalling an Older Software Releaseopen commandIDREF="appA26"Main Menu CommandsIDREF="ch411"Using the open Commandopening multiple distributionsIDREF="ch251"Opening Multiple Distributionsoptional software, installingIDREF="ch75"Installing Optional Software ProductsoverlaysIDREF="ch18"Software Release Typesoverprint preference, of set commandIDREF="ch831"Controlling the Display of Filenamespartitions, diskIDREF="appA67"Administrative Menu Commandspassword protectionIDREF="ch227"Configuring an Installation Accountpatch release identifying in list outputIDREF="ch79"Interpreting Patch Information in list Displayspatches conflictsIDREF="ch712"Patch Installation Procedure definedIDREF="ch112"Software Release Types installingIDREF="ch76"Installing Patches removingIDREF="ch714"Removing Patchespath specification errorIDREF="appB10"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostpermanent preferencesIDREF="ch841"A Closer Look at Preferences ping commandIDREF="appB45"Checking Network ConnectionsIDREF="ch213"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routerspreferences displaying current settingsIDREF="ch87"Checking the Current Preference Settings file (.swmgrrc)IDREF="ch844"The Preferences File for menu controlIDREF="ch88"Controlling Menu Displays overviewIDREF="ch838"A Closer Look at Preferences permanentIDREF="ch840"A Closer Look at Preferences tablesIDREF="ch847"The Preferences List transientIDREF="ch842"A Closer Look at Preferences preliminary selectionsIDREF="ch155"Automatic InitializationIDREF="ch416"Automatic Initialization FunctionsIDREF="ch448"Accepting Automatic SelectionsIDREF="ch134"Preliminary SelectionsproductSee software products.IDREF="ch114"Anatomy of a Software Product product description fileIDREF="ch119"Product Descriptionsproduct descriptions readingIDREF="ch154"Automatic InitializationIDREF="ch415"Automatic Initialization FunctionsreadingIDREF="appA10"Main Menu CommandsPROM displaying variables settingsIDREF="appB13"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Host network address settingIDREF="appB11"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostquit command overviewIDREF="ch169"Ending a SessionreferenceIDREF="appA27"Main Menu Commandsquitting a sessionIDREF="ch460"Step 7: Quitting the Installation Session$rbase root installation directoryIDREF="ch845"The Preferences Filerecalculate commandIDREF="ch536"The recalculate CommandreferenceIDREF="appA70"Administrative Menu Commandsreference pages, installingIDREF="ch725"Installing Reference Pagesreinstalling softwareIDREF="ch722"Reinstalling the Same Softwarerelease familyIDREF="ch19"Software Release Typesrelease notes how to readIDREF="ch16"Understanding Software Installationsrelocate command referenceIDREF="appA72"Administrative Menu Commandsremove command argumentsIDREF="ch445"Using Arguments in Selection Commands functionIDREF="ch440"Using the install, remove, and keep CommandsreferenceIDREF="appA31"Main Menu Commands sample entriesIDREF="ch442"Simple Selection Command Entriesremoving all softwareIDREF="ch735"Removing SoftwarefilesIDREF="appA33"Main Menu Commandsrequired subsystems, definedIDREF="ch132"Required and Default Subsystemsrestarting workstationIDREF="appA30"Main Menu Commandsresuming an interrupted sessionIDREF="ch562"Stopping an Installationretry commandIDREF="appA95"Interrupt Menu Commandsreturn commandreference, Administration menuIDREF="appA73"Administrative Menu Commandsreference, View menuIDREF="appA47"View Menu Commands.rhosts file modifying for installation IDREF="ch228"Configuring an Installation Account rld errorIDREF="appB27"Inst Library libinst.so ErrorsRoboInst server IDREF="ch94"How RoboInst Worksrouters identifyingIDREF="ch212"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routers unsuitability as installation serversIDREF="ch24"Setting Up an Installation Server use in miniroot installationsIDREF="ch29"Enabling BOOTP Forwarding on Routersrqs commandreferenceIDREF="appA75"Administrative Menu Commandsrsh commandIDREF="appB43"Checking Network Connectionsrulesoverride preference of the set commandIDREF="ch738"Removing Softwaresa file in software distributionsIDREF="appB24"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostsash programIDREF="ch914"Boot Server SetupIDREF="ch32"About Miniroot InstallationsIDREF="ch910"How RoboInst WorksIDREF="ch911"Events in a RoboInst Installation save commandIDREF="appA76"Administrative Menu Commandssecurity on Inst user accountIDREF="ch226"Configuring an Installation AccounttftpIDREF="ch217"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Serverselecting software (for installation)IDREF="ch436"Step 4: Making Software SelectionsIDREF="ch634"Using step to Make Selectionsselectionautomatic after fromIDREF="appA15"Main Menu CommandscurrentIDREF="appA11"Main Menu CommandsinitialIDREF="appA14"Main Menu Commandsof subsystemsIDREF="appA23"Main Menu Commands pendingIDREF="ch464"If Inst Is Interruptedselection commandsinstall, remove and keepIDREF="ch437"Using the install, remove, and keep Commands overviewIDREF="ch166"Selecting and Installing SoftwarestepIDREF="ch633"Using step to Make Selectionsselection processingIDREF="ch449"Step 5: Launching the Installationselections fileIDREF="ch83"Writing an inst.init Script server specification errorIDREF="appB9"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hostserver. See installation server.IDREF="ch23"Setting Up an Installation Serverset commandreference, Administrative menuIDREF="appA77"Administrative Menu Commandsreference, Interrupt menuIDREF="appA96"Interrupt Menu Commandsreference, Main menuIDREF="appA35"Main Menu Commandsreference, View menuIDREF="appA48"View Menu Commandssaved option valuesIDREF="appA49"View Menu CommandsIDREF="appA78"Administrative Menu CommandsIDREF="appA97"Interrupt Menu Commandssethostipaddr commandIDREF="appA88"Administrative Menu Commandssethostname commandIDREF="appA87"Administrative Menu Commandssh commandreference, Administration menuIDREF="appA80"Administrative Menu Commandsreference, Interrupt menuIDREF="appA99"Interrupt Menu Commandsreference, Main menuIDREF="appA36"Main Menu Commandssh command, to invoke an IRIX shellIDREF="ch540"The sh and shroot Commandsshell (argument to set command)IDREF="ch543"The sh and shroot CommandsSHELL environment variableIDREF="ch542"The sh and shroot Commandsshell, IRIXIDREF="appA101"Interrupt Menu CommandsIDREF="appA82"Administrative Menu Commandsshell, IRIX IDREF="ch538"The sh and shroot Commandsshortname definedIDREF="ch116"Anatomy of a Software Product show commandIDREF="appA52"View Menu Commandsshow_files preference, of set commandIDREF="ch830"Controlling the Display of Filenamesshowfiles commandIDREF="ch249"Backing Up the Target Systems for changed configuration filesIDREF="ch477"Merging Configuration Files to list configuration filesIDREF="ch740"Removing Softwareshowprods commandIDREF="appB57"Calling Your Support Organization for displaying release numbersIDREF="ch733"Avoiding Compatibility Problems for new systemsIDREF="ch138"Factory-Installed Subsystems for reference pagesIDREF="ch727"Installing Reference Pagesshroot commandIDREF="appA83"Administrative Menu Commandsreference, Interrupt menuIDREF="appA102"Interrupt Menu Commandsreference, Main menuIDREF="appA37"Main Menu Commandsshroot command, to invoke an IRIX shellIDREF="ch541"The sh and shroot Commandsshutdown commandIDREF="ch39"Loading From a Local CDsize of subsystems in list and step displaysIDREF="ch431"Interpreting list Output in list and step displaysIDREF="ch56"Using the View Commands Menu with delayed space checkingIDREF="ch827"Delaying Disk Space Checkingsizes commandreferenceIDREF="appA51"View Menu Commandssoftwareold versionsIDREF="appA34"Main Menu CommandsremovingIDREF="appA32"Main Menu Commandssoftware inventory. See distribution inventory and target inventory.IDREF="ch163"Viewing the Software InventorySoftware ManagerIDREF="ch839"A Closer Look at Preferences IDREF="ch14"Understanding Software InstallationsIDREF="ch41"Using the Main Menusoftware options, installingIDREF="ch74"Installing Optional Software Productssoftware products components IDREF="ch118"Anatomy of a Software Product definedIDREF="ch113"Anatomy of a Software Product naming conventionIDREF="ch115"Anatomy of a Software Product patchingIDREF="ch77"Installing Patches reinstalling after hardware changesIDREF="ch720"Installing Software for Hardware Upgrades reinstalling files after patchingIDREF="ch715"Removing Patches removingIDREF="ch734"Removing Software removing files after patchingIDREF="ch717"Removing Original Product Files specifying in commandsIDREF="ch625"Using Product and Image Names specifying with keywordsIDREF="ch631"Using Keywords as Arguments viewing levelIDREF="ch517"The level Commandsort commandIDREF="ch520"The sort CommandIDREF="appA53"View Menu Commandsspace checking delayingIDREF="ch826"Delaying Disk Space Checking detailedIDREF="ch821"Estimated and Detailed Space Checks estimatedIDREF="ch819"Estimated and Detailed Space Checks overviewIDREF="ch817"Controlling Disk Space Checks and Reportsspace commandIDREF="ch534"The space CommandreferenceIDREF="appA85"Administrative Menu Commandsspec fileIDREF="ch85"Using an HTML Distribution DirectoryIDREF="ch120"Product Descriptionsstep commandIDREF="ch635"Using step to Make Selections controlling with viewIDREF="ch54"Using the View Commands MenureferenceIDREF="appA38"Main Menu Commandsstop commandreferenceIDREF="appA103"Interrupt Menu Commandsstopping an installationIDREF="ch560"Stopping an InstallationsubsystemsdefaultIDREF="ch129"Required and Default SubsystemsdefinedIDREF="ch126"Subsystems displaying files inIDREF="ch527"The files Commandfiles inIDREF="appA57"Administrative Menu Commands installing incompatibleIDREF="ch731"Avoiding Compatibility Problems naming conventionIDREF="ch127"SubsystemsrequiredIDREF="ch131"Required and Default Subsystems sizes. See size of subsystems.IDREF="ch432"Interpreting list Outputspecifying in commandsIDREF="ch622"Using Wildcards in Subsystem Names specifying with keywordsIDREF="ch629"Using Keywords as Arguments viewing levelIDREF="ch519"The level CommandsupportIDREF="appB56"Calling Your Support Organizationswap partition, in miniroot installationsIDREF="ch35"About Miniroot Installations.swmgrrc file, for preferencesIDREF="ch846"The Preferences Filesysadm commandIDREF="appB35"Disk Space Errorssystem administrationdocumentationIDREF="preface1"IRIX Admin Manual SetSystem Maintenance menu accessingIDREF="ch310"Loading From a Local CD illustrationIDREF="ch311"Loading From a Local CDtardist fileIDREF="ch84"Setting Up an HTTP Installation Servertarg commandIDREF="appA54"View Menu CommandstargetdefinedIDREF="ch141"Sources of Installable Software IP addressIDREF="ch256"Getting the Target's Name and Address shutting downIDREF="ch38"Loading From a Local CDtarget inventory displayingIDREF="ch427"Displaying Software Installed on the Target displaying on new systemsIDREF="ch137"Factory-Installed Subsystems removing IDREF="ch736"Removing Software sample displayIDREF="ch428"Displaying Software Installed on the Target specifying as the sourceIDREF="ch49"Using the from Command viewingIDREF="ch165"Viewing the Software InventoryIDREF="ch59"The target and distribution Commands viewing files inIDREF="ch531"The files CommandTFTPIDREF="ch215"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation ServerIDREF="ch916"Boot Server SetupIDREF="ch919"Configuration Server Setup enabling accessIDREF="ch214"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Serverenabling accessIDREF="appB52"Checking Network Connectionstftp securityIDREF="ch218"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Servertftp, enabling accessIDREF="appB18"Errors Loading the Miniroot From Remote Hosttftpd daemonIDREF="ch216"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Servertimeout preference, of set commandIDREF="ch837"Changing the Network Time-out Valuetransient preferencesIDREF="ch843"A Closer Look at Preferences umount commandIDREF="appA89"Administrative Menu Commandsunmounting filesystemsIDREF="ch552"The mount and umount Commandsupdatekeepfile command referenceIDREF="appA92"Administrative Menu Commandsuser account configuring for Inst accessIDREF="ch223"Configuring an Installation Account non-guestIDREF="ch225"Configuring an Installation Account non-guestIDREF="ch221"Enabling TFTP Access on an Installation Server specifying in from commandsIDREF="ch66"Specifying an Alternate User Account/var/inst/patchbase file functionIDREF="ch78"Installing Patches reinstalling contentsIDREF="ch716"Removing Patches removing contentsIDREF="ch718"Removing Original Product Filesview filtering with keywordsIDREF="ch512"The filter Command setting levelIDREF="ch515"The level Command setting sort orderIDREF="ch521"The sort Command setting to distribution or targetIDREF="ch511"The target and distribution Commandsview command overviewIDREF="ch162"Viewing the Software InventoryreferenceIDREF="appA40"Main Menu CommandsView Commands menu functionsIDREF="ch52"Using the View Commands Menu hidden commandsIDREF="ch814"Displaying Hidden Commands illustrationIDREF="ch57"Using the View Commands MenuwarningIDREF="appB3"Warningwildcards, in commandsIDREF="ch623"Using Wildcards in Subsystem Names