#!/usr/bin/env slsh % -*- slang -*- static variable Confirm_Move = 0; static define get_yn () { variable args = __pop_args (_NARGS); () = fprintf (stdout, __push_args (args)); () = fflush (stdout); variable yn; if (fgets (&yn, stdin) <= 0) return -1; "y" == strlow (strtrim (yn)); } static define move_file (from, to) { if (from == to) { () = fprintf (stderr, "%s: Cannot move a file to itself.\n", __argv[0]); return -1; } variable st = stat_file (to); if (st != NULL) { if (1 != get_yn ("%s exists. Overwrite? [y/n]", to)) { () = fputs ("Not Confirmed\n", stdout); return -1; } () = remove (to); } if (0 == rename (from, to)) { return 0; } ()=fprintf (stderr, "Failed to rename %s to %s: %s\n", from, to, errno_string (errno)); return -1; } define move_files (from_files, to) { variable st = stat_file (to); if (st == NULL) { if (length (from_files) != 1) { () = fprintf (stderr, "%s must be a directory\n", to); exit (1); } if (-1 == move_file (from_files[0], to)) exit (1); exit (0); } !if (stat_is ("dir", st.st_mode)) { if (length (from_files) != 1) { () = fprintf (stderr, "%s must be a directory\n", to); exit (1); } if (-1 == move_file (from_files[0], to)) exit (1); exit (0); } foreach (from_files) { variable old = (); variable new = path_concat (to, path_basename (old)); if (NULL == stat_file (old)) { () = fprintf (stderr, "Unable to access %s\n", old); continue; } if (Confirm_Move) { if (1 != get_yn ("Move %s to %s/? [y/n]", old, to)) { () = fputs ("Not Confirmed\n", stdout); continue; } } () = move_file (old, new); } } static define usage () { () = fprintf (stdout, "Usage: %s [-i] files ... dir\n", __argv[0]); exit (1); } define main (argc, argv) { argc--; argv = argv[[1:]]; while (argc > 1) { if (argv[0] == "-i") { Confirm_Move = 1; argc--; argv = argv[[1:]]; continue; } break; } if (argc < 2) usage (); move_files (argv[[0:argc-2]], argv[argc-1]); } define slsh_main () { main (__argc, __argv); }