#!/usr/bin/wish -f # Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated # You may copy this file according to the terms and conditions of version 2 # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation. frame .h label .h.info -bitmap info -bg pink message .h.message -width 400 -bg pink -text \ {Scsi Disconnect/Reconnect Page configuration.} pack .h.info .h.message -padx 10 -side left pack .h -pady 10 source /usr/lib/scsi/generic frame .f1 frame .f2 frame .f3 # Here we set the bits that depend upon the menu we are in set button_list { } set text_list { bufferfull bufferempty businactivity disconnectyl connecttl maximumburst dtdc } set switch {-D} set text_descriptions {"Buffer Full Ratio " "Buffer Empty Ratio " "Bus Inactivity Limit " "Disconnect Time limit " "Connect Time Limit " "Maximum Burst Size " "DTDC " } set label_width 21 set text_width 10 generate_textboxes label .dummy -text " " pack .bufferfull .bufferempty .businactivity .disconnectyl -in .f1 -pady 10 -anchor w pack .connecttl .maximumburst .dtdc .dummy -in .f2 -pady 10 -anchor w pack .f1 .f2 -in .f3 -side left -padx 3m -pady 3m pack .f3 -padx 3m -pady 3m read_page $argv "-X" read_modifiable $argv