.HEAD 0 + Sample Business Outline .HEAD 1 + Daily Planner .HEAD 2 + today's phone calls .HEAD 3 - George in NY (212)-365-0012 .HEAD 3 - John in Florida (305)-453-8900 .HEAD 3 - Russ in Seattle (206)-564-1111 .HEAD 3 - Steve 948-6767 .HEAD 3 - Henry (408)-973-3030 .HEAD 3 - Paul 321-2000 .HEAD 3 - Kris 456-0000 .HEAD 3 - Patty 454-9213 .HEAD 3 - Tom 854-9219 .HEAD 2 + meetings this week .HEAD 3 + Monday .HEAD 4 - 10 AM: meet with analysts .HEAD 4 - Lunch: Bob at 26-A .HEAD 4 - 3 PM: meet with Joe re: Tandon .HEAD 4 - 6 PM: meet with John at the track .HEAD 3 + Tuesday .HEAD 4 - 6:30 AM: breakfast with staff .HEAD 4 - 11 AM: review research proposal with Kathy .HEAD 4 - lunch: Jim to complete agreement .HEAD 4 - 3 PM: call Andy to set-up appointment .HEAD 4 - 4:30 PM: interview with local business journal .HEAD 3 + Wednesday .HEAD 4 - 8 AM: place orders on AT&T .HEAD 4 - lunch: Patty at Le Tour .HEAD 4 - 1 PM: presentation by Apple .HEAD 3 + Thursday .HEAD 4 - lunch: Tim in San Francisco .HEAD 4 - dinner: 7 PM with Bank of America executives .HEAD 3 + Friday .HEAD 4 - lunch: office staff (the Board Room) .HEAD 4 - 8:30 PM: party at Steve's Restaurant .HEAD 2 + next week .HEAD 3 - Monday .HEAD 3 - Tuesday .HEAD 3 + Wednesday .HEAD 4 - staff reviews due .HEAD 3 + Thursday .HEAD 4 - call New York office in the morning .HEAD 3 + Friday .HEAD 4 - party for Roger at the Circus Club .HEAD 2 + future .HEAD 3 + 1985 .HEAD 4 + February .HEAD 5 - 21: report on technology portfolio, New York .HEAD 4 + March .HEAD 5 + 16: seminar in Florida on commodities .HEAD 6 - call Tim Slater for details .HEAD 5 + 26: Success in Technology conference .HEAD 6 - Rickeys Hyatt/Palo Alto, California .HEAD 4 - April .HEAD 4 + May .HEAD 5 - 15: leaving for vacation .HEAD 4 - June .HEAD 4 + July .HEAD 5 - 6: Dad's birthday .HEAD 4 - August .HEAD 4 + September .HEAD 5 - national sales meeting in Dallas .HEAD 5 - 3-6: US Open in New York .HEAD 4 - October .HEAD 4 + November .HEAD 5 - 22: Mom's birthday .HEAD 4 - December .HEAD 3 + 1986 .HEAD 4 - January .HEAD 4 - February .HEAD 4 - March .HEAD 4 - April .HEAD 4 - May .HEAD 4 - June .HEAD 4 - July .HEAD 4 - August .HEAD 4 - September .HEAD 4 - October .HEAD 4 - November .HEAD 4 - December .HEAD 1 + Correspondence .HEAD 2 - Richard Lewis - Headquarters January 30, 1985 Mr. Richard Lewis Vice-President, Exective Research Lord & James, Inc. 500 Wall Street New York, New York 10010 Dear Richard: I am confirming our meeting for February 21, 1985. The Technology portfolio report is complete now and I will send you a copy next week. The presentation should last 30 minutes but I'll allow about an hour for questions from Jim and the rest of the executive staff. Please ask Steve to reserve a projection screen for that day. I will be bringing my own projection system. Call me when you've had a chance to read the report. Sincerely, Bill Osborne Lord & James, Inc Menlo Park, CA .HEAD 2 - Stan Deford - Z Drive Systems February 1, 1985 Mr. Stan Deford Vice-President, Corporate Communications Z-drive Systems, Inc. 234 Chestnut Drive Portland, Oregon Dear Mr. Deford: On February 21, 1985 I will be making a presentation to the executive staff of Lord & James, Inc. concerning the performance of our technology portfolio in 1984. Additionally, I will be making recommendations for new investments. Z-drive Systems is being strongly considered by my research staff. Please send me a copy of your annual report and a set of materials on the Z-2x2 hard disk drive as well as any other material which you believe would be of help to us. Sincerely, Bill Osborne Regional Manager Lord & James, Inc. Menlo Park, CA 94025 .HEAD 2 - letter to potential investors January 28, 1985 To potential investors in 1985: Lord & James, Inc. is offering another opportunity to get in on the high technology "bull" market of 1985 before it's too late. Our analysts called the market correctly last year and our Technology Portfolio rose 50% which returned better than 22% to our investors! This offer will be limited to the first 500 investors. A minimum of $10,000 is required to participate. In this letter you'll find a copy of last year's report on the portfolio. Lord & James, Inc. is very proud of its performance in this complex industry. Our research staff is represented by some of the finest technical minds in the business today. If you have further questions concerning this investment or any other Lord & James investment products call me or any of our fine executives at the Menlo Park office (415)-854- 9999. Sincerely, Bill Osborne Regional Manager Lord & James, Inc. Menlo Park, CA 94025 .HEAD 2 - Tim Hudson - declining to attend seminar December 15, 1985 Mr. Tim Hudson Financial Planners Seminar - Denver 1985 PO Box 1231 Denver, Colorado Dear Mr. Hudson: I regret that I will be declining your offer to speak before the members of the Colorado Association of Financial Planners. I appreciate the invitation and will be available later this year if needed. Best regards, Bill Osborne Lord & James, Inc. Menlo Park, CA 94025 .HEAD 1 + Projects .HEAD 2 + Presentations & Speeches .HEAD 3 + New York Presentation .HEAD 4 - Opening Slide before presentation begins .pict xPh @4xPxPxP&  ?~??%88p8 x0x%pp880p088%8p00p$8p0p$88 p0$883 <0$8p3 8?0$?3 80$;pa 880$98a 8$9 v8x$8 v88$088p |88p%088p <8`8p%p88p <8p0p88& 88<8p 8x`ppx'!p???p?0 0 0 `|4PPP?|08xpÁ 088p 088|0  088|0 088|008`8`088`Á0?8`08|8`|8|8π8πÁ8πÁǀp88p8x0| ?    0p p0 p p 3< 3? 3 0a4P,P,P, 0a ?x `p8 `p8 `p`8 8pp0 8px` ?? | xp8888p8pppp80pp8p8p8 p8  p8pp8pp8p808pp808pp800888p8pp` xp88` |0|80pp0>pp8p`>8xp>8|ppqpn|ppspnpppvpn8p|88x8w|9s~s4,Ph,Ph,Phqw08ps08pqpp8pxpx?<.HEAD 4 - Title Page (New York Presentation) .pict xPh @4xPxPxP`p;<`1a`01c``18qf ``18qf``1<f``a<8f``7 7``7``a 31 c1131{x{Ǟ c333l3l3<3<3 cnj"{y"ن1c111101c10!00``1` 03 1f!00`` 1` 03 00f!60l` 1` 03 60f!>0|`` 13>0f!60l` 1` ?360f!00`` 1` 03000f!00``1` 0300f!10c111f10 c 0104P,P,P,"x{xǞ`a?0 a6`a?0 a0a?0f a0a0 a1ax4 `0  ` |ao330aa03a`a0aa0xaa0x1a`>3160330ǀa`33x g0333l`a `a ca lca 130p0x<7<>f69f3<0 g0800 0<? 306`c c0>f30`c fgx<矀<=004PPP.HEAD 4 - A List of Portfolio Stocks .pict `P @4```|0p``0`````<x0`1f`flc03 `pax`0g `ap80`0 `ax0`0 `al0`0l1flffc x9<8x<>x   ? 0s3 0afa af af`  afa  s3 ~``<4 1 s <1  f1  1` a1` 1` 011` 01f1 xy<{ǀ p0 x? 3Øg c c | c 6c  c1cg ?   ~ 8 13= qa a  a  a  3 |= `4  xc  3  f  |c  `  `0 f0` ` `00 `0p ax<0 c0f0 a00 a00 a00 a00 a6f0  lS""|q>hS""}q8 UUUUlu"}q8hu"}q-- """"l3"}q--h3"}pA l!"}pAh!"}p4 l"}p4h"}p& l"}p&h"}p f3f3l""}ph""|p 3f̙3flC"|phC"|p lW"|phW"}q D 4 D +ENUMBER OF SHARES =K4>K+]323% 4+F9% 4(4% 4(14% HY4HX(I9% .?4.>(/5% $54$4(%2% +4*(9% F#T:4G#T9(Q$19% +^9o4,^9n(6_5% 48 4' ' 4$8($AAPL  4+9 +9 4,68*APOLLO  4=K =K UUUU4>H8*COMPAQ  4O] O] """"4PZ8*COMS  4ao ao4bl8*DZSY 4s s 4t~8*IBM  4  48*INTEL  4   f3f348*PRIAM  4  3f̙3f48*SMBX  4  48*TANDON.HEAD 4 - Current Price (Column Chart) .pict t .* * * * u*u c*c R*R @*@ /*/ /)">"R"f"z"""""" t"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"u*"u*"c*"c*"R*"R*"@*"@*"/*"/* *"*"*">">"R"R"f"f"z"z"""""""""""" /*4-:8 4AO8 UUUU4Uc8 """"4iw8 4~8 438 48 f3f348 3f̙3f48 48 $ 4$ +0 $4$(20 $4$(40 n|$4o|$(y60 \j$4]j$(g80 KY$4LY$(V100 9G$4:G$(D120 (6$4)6$(3140 k$4k (l CURRENT PRICE k4k* STOCK SYMBOL 4L8 K4 #8  #8 4 8( AAPL K 4( 6B ( 6B 4) 38*APOLLO K 4; IF ; IF UUUU4< F8*COMPAQ K 4N \9 N \9 """"4O Y8*COMS K 4a o6 a o64b l8*DZSY K4t 0 t 0 4u 8*IBM K 4 8  8 4 8*INTEL K 4 =  = f3f34 8*PRIAM K 4 9  9 3f̙3f4 8*SMBX K 4 D  D 4 8*TANDON.HEAD 4 - Table with Actual Stock Values .pict Xx N ( STOCK SYMBOL Y)g CURRENT VALUE }}   N( 5AAPL Y )d $75625.00 N(+APOLLO Y)n $28500.00 $N("'COMPAQ Y$)x$3875.00 $0N(.4COMS $Y0)e $15375.00 0<N(:7DZSY 0Y<)b $32500.00 <HN(F=IBM <YH)\ $67325.00 HTN(R5INTEL HYT)j$7687.50 T`N(^0PRIAM TY`)o$6080.00 `lN(j4SMBX `Yl)e $24160.00 lxN(v)TANDON lYx)v$3125.00 }} UUUU SwS w 0x.HEAD 4 - Current Value of Portfolio (Pie Chart) .pict e d+Vg"nhg"o> d5Jg&"y>hg&"y'5 UUUUl"y'5h"y"9 """"l"y"9h"y C l,"y Ch,"y9 l\"y9h\"x l0 "xh0 "x f3f3l:"xh:"x 3f̙3flB!"xhB!"x lc"xhc"y f 4 f +g CURRENT VALUE d4d(eTotal = $264,252.50 4/8 .4) ) 4&8(&AAPL . 4-;& -;& 4.88*APOLLO . 4?M* ?M* UUUU4@J8*COMPAQ . 4Q_ Q_ """"4R\8*COMS . 4cq cq4dn8*DZSY .4u u 4v8*IBM . 4  48*INTEL . 4! ! f3f348*PRIAM . 4  3f̙3f48*SMBX . 4( ( 48*TANDON.HEAD 4 - Yearly Portfolio Value (Column Chart) .pict @. 5OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF zOzF tOtF nOnF hOhF aOaF [O[F UOUF OOOF HOHF BOBF <O<F 6O6F 6NG g6g 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 -6- F6F !e O6O"O"O"O"O"O"O"O"O"tO"tO"UO"UO"6O"6O OF"O"O"""""""""F"F 6OF4Wx848484 84K=8 Zt 4[t (\1980 4)21981 4)11982 4)11983  :4!:)21984 4 (YEAR |!4|!(}LORD & JAMES, INC. - PORTFOLIO M4M(N $75000.00 {4{(| $100000.00 4( $145000.00 t4u( $175000.00 ;IJ4<II(F $265000.00.HEAD 4 - Yearly Portfolio Trend Line (Combination) .pict ~. .     hh KK // / / &/& :/: M/M a/a u/u / / / / / !e /"""""""""h"h"K"K"/"/ """:":"a"a"""""" / 4384@Z84g84v84B8 !e /"""""""""h"h"K"K"/"/ """:":"a"a"""""" /"&'"M'"u'"i' +ې"*<~~<"*<~~<IQ<~~<IQ<~~<qy<~~<qy<~~<em<~~<em<~~<KS<~~<KS<~~< 3 43 +1980 @Z4AZ)'1981 h4i)(1982 4)'1983 4)'1984 h4h(iYEAR '4 '((LORD & JAMES, INC. - PORTFOLIO A4 @( $75000.00 0k40j(1 $100000.00 wW4xW(X $145000.00 f~t4g~t(q $175000.00 2@43@(= $265000.00 .4.V8 /U47QM 7QM 48B8+X LORD & JAMES,* INC. - PORTFOLIO /U 4ZM ZM"_ [c<~~<[c<~~<*Trend of LORD &* JAMES, INC. -* PORTFOLIO.HEAD 4 - Area Chart View of Yearly Portfolio Value .pict . . Q P P P P t tP R RP / /P /R 0 l0l 0 0 P0P !e 0 " " " " " " " " "t "t "R "R "/ "/ P" " "l"l"""""P"P / Q UUUUt6G P lGPPl  / P" L#L#L#L HOO" 3 /U" 3"lD"c"x GPP - 4- (1980 _y4`y)L1981 4)L1982 4)L1983 C]4D])L1984 !4"(YEAR j4j(kLORD & JAMES, INC. - PORTFOLIO.HEAD 4 - Percentages of Trend in Yearly Values (Combination) .pict d. :1 1 1 1 gg1 ;;1 ;2 ; /;/ L;L h;h ; ; ; ; ; ; 1;1 !e ;"""""""g"g";"; 1"""L"L"""""""1"1 ;14B84U{8484x84^'8 "< 4#< +$1980 [u4\u)91981 4):1982 4)91983 !4!)91984 4( YEAR W&4 Y(ZPercentages of Trend of LORD &4g&+ JAMES, INC. - PORTFOLIO ?4>( 8.03% U{4Uz(V14.01% 4(20.00% hv4iv(s25.99% N\'4O\&(Y31.97%.HEAD 4 - Growth of Portfolio (Combination) .pict . .     tt RR // / 0 (0( =0= S0S h0h ~0~ 0 0 0 0 0 !e 0"""""""""t"t"R"R"/"/ """="="h"h"""""" / 4684Ea84o8484G8 !e 0"""""""""t"t"R"R"/"/ """="="h"h"""""" /"(*"S*"~*"|* +$,<~~<$,<~~<OW<~~<OW<~~<z<~~<z<~~<x<~~<x<~~<JR<~~<JR<~~< 5 45 (1980 F`4G`)+1981 q4r)+1982 4)+1983 4)+1984 q!4q"(rYEAR 040(1LORD & JAMES, INC. - PORTFOLIO B4 A( $75000.00 5p45o(6 $100000.00 `4`(a $145000.00 u4v( $175000.00 7E48E(B $265000.00 .4pd8 qc4tY tY 4u8+S= LORD & JAMES,* INC. - PORTFOLIO qc 4` `" <~~<<~~<*Growth of LORD &* JAMES, INC. -* PORTFOLIO.HEAD 4 - Forecasted Prices for 1985 (Column Chart) .pict ^. 5OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF |O|F wOwF sOsF nOnF iOiF eOeF `O`F [O[F VOVF RORF MOMF HOHF DODF ?O?F :O:F 6O6F 6NG O6O [6[ g6g t6t 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6  6 -6- 969 F6F !e O6O"O"O"O"O"O"O"O"O"O"O"|O"|O"eO"eO"MO"MO"6O"6O OF"O"O"g"g"""""""""""""""-"-"F"F 6OF"["t#" 8!"'""  2KJW_<~~<W_$BB$px<~~<px$BB$<~~<$BB$<~~<$BB$<~~<$BB$4<<~~<4<$BB$<~~<$BB$ <~~< $BB$$<~~<$$BB$5=<~~<5=$BB$ !e F6F"F"F"F"F"F"F"F"F"F"F"kF"kF"PF"PF"6F"6F OF"O"O"g"g"""""""""""""""-"-"F"F 6OF4Sc8 4k|8 UUUU48 """"48 48 4=8 48 f3f348 3f̙3f4)8 41A8 @H 4AH +B0 :H4;H(<20 :H4;H(<40 :H4;H(<60 :H4;H(<80 u4H4v5H(6100 ^4lH4_5lH(i6120 F4TH4G5TH(Q6140 /4=H405=H(:6160 Pf4Qf+AAP4`f+ L i~4j~(kAPO4m~+ LLO 4(COM4+ PAQ 4(COM4+ S 4(DZS4+ Y 4(IBM 4)INTE4+ L 4(PRIA4 + M +4+(SMB4$++ X /D40D(1TAN41D+ DON !4!( STOCK SYMBOL 4 (1985 FORECAST - PRICES.HEAD 4 - Five Important Trends in 1985 Computer Technology .pict 1WG @4WWW%燿0{=#a3Çf09`mc1 #a0Çf`x= c$`6f`x= cÇ$`>g7 ``$`x6{g7  0 `0$`x0{f3  `0$`033 `3 1`0%0緼qy=g<` 4"`000" 80pfp# <>n|>088|07#cfxl60{0ll61163# c0xc030fc311<0# fc>0p030fc3018# fcf0x`030fc3f1<# cff0l6630llf61`f63#o?xx89x`Î0`fp`0 `f>;p|f6;9g8ٳf6a`|c1`33f`cx1`g3f`cl`1`63f`c`f6;3c3ٱf6m`>=p|?84   (<0= 0`0&p0n,&<0Ïn|,&f0f`c00s٘fxl60fg,&10a0f3Ìf10xc0` `,&1>01f1>0p0c+%1f0 1`01f1f0x`0ffc , f0 1f`ac0f1ff0l66ffc,&??x{<Ã`{o?x'`~0>`'`8`a30f` ("~p>a1|pp`|x||x("f3 c1{3a160ٱ0c3)#c1f333a3c1`qa)#c1f333a>c1 a|ax)# c1 f33a0c1c1a )# v; c30a066ٱfo1`)#|>c)# >x?g7 3{c*$ 3x?3c f0<3c*$ 1?3c371*$ 13c `31*$ 3c7 ff`31*$~=Ǐマf=<`<.HEAD 4 - Recommendations to the Executive Staff .pict WG @4WWW!xx`<<{<~ p``f9ff386 p0=`3c فy0=l3c!y17|>c!فoc{17l<71!oc{3 3`61!fc3c f3`f31! xxǞ< y<{<!8`0 08`!`8 a pl6`%>Æ00cp%ffgf6xaq 60c8c0$03cc0af3 c0cc%33cc0af3 c0ca%6c3cc0af3 c0c`0%fgfc1ٍv60m1 0l6o0%|x;Ïxx8q9 ` ` 4 p80`0 06`08a0<|p>Æ0q00f6xaq 300=1cc0af330g1cc0af3f30c1cc0af3cy0g6ٍv60m1<xl<x0ρ3x1 ,&1f8`<0038 1 ,&1f38ffxc8̀+%y?p3ǘ4   < << 6338% >>8xxpÀ<>`a8% {xl `1f{ `ax% 300 ` `31`ax% 300|y`>31`a% 300 `cf31`a% 30l `cf333%x8~xp?π3l33f`; ffcqf0q613 f3f11? c4 G G G1f331`1adž`f!1lf331f`;aff!|8>À  `  ` .HEAD 4 - Questions and Answers .pict WG @4WWW$?<<`$sw89p`s 8qp$8fspp3 810#8ppp8$<px8$p<8%p?%pv8%pv8%p|>py8p$p8>py81p$0pxa< py81p$s9p8xsn 08q$?~<8?߀0`4 `p`8p80$``0#8)#0?|>8)#sp<;;p{w{;8)#s8sqqqqpqpsq8)#;<pqpqyps8)#xpqpq9psp8)#>8pqpq9psp8)#g`` >4   `00<pp vpp8pp~p8ppp8p|p`p<>xppo< p?ppǀpwpqppჀppჀppq{~0 4 G G G% 00p$ppp$p$p8pp.(~x|`~`~<~<~>~>{p88 .HEAD 3 + Quarterly status report .HEAD 4 - technology portfolio .HEAD 4 - government securities and bonds .HEAD 4 - IRA products .HEAD 4 - new accounts .HEAD 4 - sales performance .HEAD 3 - Annual brokerage seminar .HEAD 2 + Client List .HEAD 3 - 3M Corporation .HEAD 3 - Dr. Steven Feldman .HEAD 3 - Mr. Dick Gould .HEAD 3 - Mr. Harry Lawrence .HEAD 3 - Mr. Jack Lorenz .HEAD 3 - Mr. Jim Burger .HEAD 3 - Mr. Steve Schwartz .HEAD 3 - Mrs. K.T. Henderson .HEAD 3 - Palo Alto City, Inc .HEAD 3 - Programmer's Pension Fund of California .HEAD 3 - San Francisco City .HEAD 3 - The Stanford Foundation for Academics .HEAD 3 - Xerox, Inc. .HEAD 2 + New Office Expansion .HEAD 3 - June 1985 construction begins .HEAD 3 + offices needed .HEAD 4 - 10 brokers .HEAD 4 - 3 analysts .HEAD 4 - 4 secretaries .HEAD 3 - telephone system from Northern Telecom .HEAD 3 - investigate Macintosh office system for analysts .HEAD 3 + floor plan ideas from Future Interiors .HEAD 4 + office fixtures from H. Miller or Koll .HEAD 5 - desk .HEAD 5 - computer return .HEAD 5 - lighting .HEAD 5 - file and storage cabinets .HEAD 5 - bookcases .HEAD 5 - plants .HEAD 5 - artwork .HEAD 5 - office supplies and cabinet .HEAD 4 - teleconference room with projection system .HEAD 4 - reception area with furniture .HEAD 4 - kitchen area .HEAD 4 - bathrooms .HEAD 4 - research/library room for reading .HEAD 4 - terminals from Quotron .HEAD 4 - tape printer and telex room .HEAD 4 - quotations display .HEAD 2 + Long-range Planning .HEAD 3 - Lord & James Convention in Palm Springs for 1986 .HEAD 3 - regional TV and radio shows on investment strategies .HEAD 3 - new regional telemarketing campaign .HEAD 3 - focus on INDEX and OPTIONS products .HEAD 3 - new products for clients with personal computers .HEAD 3 - office network system with electronic mail .HEAD 1 + Travel .HEAD 2 + arrangements for NY trip .HEAD 3 - airline tickets/reservations .HEAD 3 - hotel reservation .HEAD 3 - transportation .HEAD 3 - equipment list .HEAD 3 - contact list .HEAD 3 - schedule of events .HEAD 3 - expense account .HEAD 2 + vacation to Hawaii .HEAD 3 - budget: $2500 .HEAD 3 - maybe Mauna Kea Hotel on the big island .HEAD 3 - Hilton on Oahu? .HEAD 3 - tennis courts .HEAD 3 - windsurfing .HEAD 3 - scuba diving .HEAD 3 - sailing .HEAD 3 - package deals .HEAD 3 - car rental .HEAD 3 - best time of the year? .HEAD 2 + Dallas convention .HEAD 3 - September 2 - 6, 1985 .HEAD 3 - L&J National Sales Meeting .HEAD 3 - location: Loews Anatole Hotel .HEAD 3 - theme: L&J - We're Investing in the Future, Today! .HEAD 3 - coordinator: Jennifer Lewis, New York office .HEAD 3 - confirm plans by April .HEAD 3 - call Jamie about the trip .HEAD 1 + Errands .HEAD 2 - groceries .HEAD 2 - dry cleaning .HEAD 2 - car tune-up .HEAD 2 - books to buy .HEAD 2 - bills to pay .HEAD 2 - flowers for Betty .HEAD 2 - Rodney Dangerfield tickets .HEAD 2 - guest list for dinner party .HEAD 1 + Personnel .HEAD 2 + Analysts .HEAD 3 - Susan .HEAD 3 - John .HEAD 3 - Kent .HEAD 3 - Rich .HEAD 2 + Brokers .HEAD 3 - Andy .HEAD 3 - Mark .HEAD 3 - Tim .HEAD 3 - Stan .HEAD 2 + Secretaries .HEAD 3 - Craig .HEAD 3 - Becky