HyperWriter 3.1 Help System This help system is a complete alphabetical reference to all commands in HyperWriter or HyperReader. Each command is fully described and includes a reference to the quick key for that command. Select a command below for information on that command. NOTE: A useful keystroke not made clear in the manual is the ALT+R keystroke. This command redraws the entire HyperWriter screen. Select Here for Information on Using this Help System Select Here for an Index About HyperWriter Activate Link Add/Read Notes Active Checkmark Region Active Related Region Add Author To Doc Add Background Bookmarks Again Another Background (Screen Painter) Append w/Copy Append w/Cut Apply Paragraph Tag Authoring Bring to Front Background Painter Button Collapse to Tag Colors Complete Link Copy Create Paragraph Tag Cut Delete Delete Object Directories Document Properties Edit Background Edit Last Edit Menu Edit Menu Exit Exit Painter Export Background Export Text Fast Link File Menu File Menu Find Format Menu Goto Goto Next Note Guided Tours Help History Home HyperIndexer Import Background Import Picture Import Text Indexed Search Link Info Link Map Link Menu Link Properties Link To Action Link To Picture Link to Next/Previous Link to Text Link with Replacement Text Log-in User Margins Mark Region Mimic Link Move Object Navigate Menu New Next Object Notes Checkmark Object Properties Object Menu Open Options Menu Overlay Mode Palette Page Setup Paste Preferences Picture Previous Object Print Page Setup Print Setup Properties Repeating Character Replace Set Bullet Link Set Tour Point Size Related Icon Related Topics Relationships Return From Link Save Save As Screen Color Search Menu Search Topic Names Send to Back Set Name Show Codes Size Object Spell Check Special Menu Tag Attributes Tag Color Tag Font Tag Font Size Tag Justification Tag Maintenance Tag Spacing Tag Tab Settings Tag Topic Text Text Color Text Style Topic Menu UnLink Use Background Video Overlay View All Linked Files View Clipboard View Saved Searches Word Count Word Link About HyperWriter Quick Key: N.A. The About HyperWriter dialog box displays HyperWriter's copyright status and who the product is registered to. Displaying the About HyperWriter Dialog Box Select the About HyperWriter command from the Help menu to display the About HyperWriter dialog box. Press ENTER to remove the dialog box from the screen. Activate Link Quick Key: F1 or LEFT MOUSE The Activate Link function traverses hypertext links to their destination. Activating or traversing is the process of stepping through a hypertext link and examining its contents or destination. Links can be traversed both forwards and backwards. Traversing a link forward is the process of activating a link and discovering what is inside it. Traversing a link backwards is the process of backing out of a link to return to the link's origin. Traversing a Link Forward To traverse a link forward, put the cursor between the link symbols and press F1. This activates the link and transfers the cursor to the link end. Returning from a Link To return from a link or traverse it backward, simply press ESC. All hypertext links, except the Link with Replacement Text, function in this fashion. Links with Replacement Text are links that expand when activated. These links differ from Jump and Comment links because they are `circular' in nature. There is no true anchor or destination to a Link with Replacement Text as there are with Comment or Jump Links. Instead, whichever side of the Link with Replacement Text is exposed when the document is saved becomes the `anchor' and the unexposed side becomes the link destination. Activating a Link with Replacement Text To activate a Link with Replacement Text, put the cursor onto the Replacement symbol (a large green plus sign) and press F1. This expands the link. Returning from a Link with Replacement Text To traverse a Link with Replacement Text backward, put the cursor onto the Replacement symbol text, and press F1 a second time. This retrieves the original text and repositions the cursor accordingly. DOS links are links to actions that contain DOS batch files to activate other programs. When HyperWriter is in its normal, editing mode, it takes two link activations to activate a DOS link. The first displays the DOS batch file for editing. The second then activates the link. If HyperWriter is in reader mode, or HyperReader is running, then DOS links activate on the first try. Activating a DOS Link Press F1. This displays the DOS link batch file. Select the Test button to run the DOS batch file. Add/Read Notes Quick Key: CTRL+F8 Add/Read Notes adds or displays readers notes for specific topics of a document and places a `check mark' at the top right hand edge of the screen to indicate that a readers note exists. The check mark can be repositioned in the background painter. Adding a Note to a Topic To add a note to a topic, select the Add/Read Notes command from the Navigate menu. A Readers Notes dialog box appears for you to enter the contents of the note. Type the body of the note and select the Save button to complete the readers note. Reading a Readers Note To see the Readers Notes for a topic, click the Readers Notes Check Mark at the top of the screen with LEFT MOUSE or select the Add/Read Notes command from the Navigate menu. Removing a Readers Note Display the readers note with the Add/Read Notes command from the Navigate menu and then select the Remove button. Exporting a Readers Note Display the Readers Note with the Add/Read Notes command from the Navigate menu and then select the Export button. Enter a filename to save the notes to and select the Ok button. Active Checkmark Region Quick Key: N.A. Active Checkmark Region defines the mouseable region where the Readers Notes checkmark can be selected to display Readers Notes. Active Checkmark Region has no object properties, it is simply positioned and sized onscreen. Positioning and Sizing Active Checkmark Region 1. Select Active Checkmark Region from the Special menu. 2. Use ARROWKEY or LEFT MOUSE to position the Active Checkmark Region onscreen. Press ENTER or release LEFT MOUSE when positioned correctly. Press SHIFT+ARROWKEY to size the Active Checkmark Region. Press ENTER when sized correctly. Active Related Region Quick Key: N.A. Active Related Region defines the mouseable region where the Related Icon can be selected to display Related Topics. Active Related Region has no object properties, it is simply positioned and sized onscreen. Positioning and Sizing Active Related Region 1. Select Active Related Region from the Special menu. 2. Use ARROWKEY or LEFT MOUSE to position the Active Related Region onscreen. Press ENTER or release LEFT MOUSE when positioned correctly. Press SHIFT+ARROWKEY to size the Active Related Region. Press ENTER when sized correctly. Add Author To Doc Quick Key: N.A. The Add Author To Doc command adds an author to a document's author list. The author list is used for document security purposes. The order in which authors are added to a document determines their security rating. Adding an Author to a Doc 1. Select the Add Author to Doc command from the Options menu. 2. A dialog box then prompts you for the name of the author. Enter the author's name and press ENTER. 3. A second dialog box prompts you for a password. Enter your password and press ENTER. 4. A third dialog box asks you to verify your password. Enter the password a second time and press ENTER. If the passwords match, then you will be added to the document as an author. Note: After you have been added to a document as an author, you still must log into the document with the Log-in function to edit the document. Caution: Passwords are encrypted within the file so do not forget your password. Add Background Quick Key: N.A. The Add Background command adds a new background to a document. Backgrounds are collections of screen objects that can be applied to one or more topics. Once you enter the screen painter, use the Object menu to create objects and the Object Properties command to set the properties of the objects. Adding a Background Select the Add Background command from the Edit menu. This adds a new background and places you in the screen painter to edit the background. Select the Exit command from the File menu to exit the screen painter. Note: After a background has been added to a document, it must still be assigned to a topic with the Use Background command for it to be displayed. See Also: Edit Background, Edit Last, Use Background. Bookmarks Quick Key: N.A. Bookmarks is a navigational command that adds or views bookmarks to the current document. Bookmarks are named markers that let you return to the marked location instantly. Bookmarks are extremely useful when creating a large hypertext document. By assigning them to the major topics in the document, these topics can be reached almost instantly. This makes the various editing operations that one goes through in document revision very easy to accomplish. Adding a Bookmark 1. Select the Bookmarks command from the Navigate menu. 2. Select the Add button and type the name of the bookmark and press ENTER. This names the bookmark and saves it to the bookmarks file. Once a bookmark has been added to the document, the bookmark can be assigned a quick keystroke in the format of ALT+NUMBERKEY where NUMBERKEY is a number key. Going to a Bookmark 1. Select the Bookmarks command from the Navigate menu. 2. Select the desired bookmark with ARROWKEY or LEFT MOUSE and press ENTER to go to that bookmark. After a bookmark has been created with Add Bookmark, use the Make Quick command to assign the bookmark to a quick key such as ALT+NUMBERKEY. See Also: Add Bookmark. Assigning a Named Bookmark a Quick Keystroke 1. Select the Bookmarks command from the Navigate menu. 2. Select a named bookmark from the bookmark list with ARROWKEY. This is the bookmark to be assigned to a quick key. 3. Select the Make Quick button. 4. Type a number from 1 to 9 and press ENTER. This assigns the ALT key with the entered number to the specified bookmark. Caution: Assigning a Named Bookmark a Quick Keystroke only works with the number keys along the top of the keyboard. It does not work with numbers typed from the numeric keypad. Hint: The Tag Topic command can also be used to `bookmark' a document. See Also: Tag Topic. Again Quick Key: CTRL+A The Again command repeats the last find, boolean search or replace operation. Using Again Select the Again command from the Search menu. This repeats the last find, boolean search or replace operation. If you have not used a Find command before pressing CTRL+A, the normal Find dialog box is displayed. See Also: Find, Indexed Search, Replace. Another Background (Screen Painter) Quick Key: N.A. The Another Background command lets you create a new background or select a different background to be edited in the screen painter. Using Another Background 1. Select the Another Background command from the File menu. 2. Select either Add New or Edit Existing. If Add New is selected, a new background is created and objects can be added and edited as in any other background. 3. If Edit Existing is selected, a dialog box prompts you for the number of the background to edit. Append w/Copy Quick Key: CTRL+F7 Append w/Copy is a block command that copies blocks of text and appends them to the clipboard. This is very useful for moving through a document and gathering blocks of text for use when building hypertext tables of contents. Using Append w/Copy 1. Mark the block of text using SHIFT+ARROWKEY or LEFT MOUSE and select the Append w/Copy command from the Edit menu. This copies the block and appends the block to the clipboard. See Also: Append w/Cut, Cut, Copy, Paste and View Clipboard. Append w/Cut Quick Key: CTRL+F6 Append w/Cut is a block command that cuts blocks of text from the document and appends them to the clipboard. This is very useful for moving through a document and gathering blocks of text such as tables of contents entries. Using Append w/Cut Mark the block of text using SHIFT+ARROWKEY and LEFT MOUSE and select the Append w/Cut command from the Edit menu. This cuts the block and appends the block to the clipboard. See Also: Append with Copy, Cut, Copy, Paste and View Clipboard. Apply Paragraph Tag Quick Key: F5 Apply Paragraph Tag sets the tag used by a paragraph. When used, it displays the name of the current paragraph tag and a scrolling list of all available tags. Tags are listed in alphabetical order. Applying a Paragraph Tag Place the cursor on the paragraph to tag and select the Apply Paragraph Tag command from the Format menu. Choose the desired tag with ARROWKEY and ENTER or LEFT MOUSE. The paragraph is then reformatted with this tag. See Also: Create Paragraph Tag, Tag Maintenance, Tag Font, Tag Font Size, Tag Color, Tag Justification, Tag Spacing, Tag Attributes, Tag Tab Settings. Authoring Quick Key: N.A. The Authoring command displays a dialog box that sets different configuration options that affect how the document is created or authored. The different commands on the Authoring dialog box are: Default Background The Default Background option sets the background screens that are automatically assigned for newly created topics. If, for example, you create a topic and you have Default Background set to 3, 5, and 1, then the First background assigned to the topic would be 3, the Second background assigned to the topic would be 5, and the Third background assigned to the topic would be 1. Default Background can have three settings: a number indicating the First background, a number indicating the Second background and a number indicating the Third background. Link Symbols Visible Link Symbols Visible sets whether link symbols are visible on screen. These link symbols are HyperWriter's default, triangular shaped symbols that surround the link anchor. Link Symbols Visible can be turned only on or off (an "X" indicates that it is on). NOTE: This option overrides the document property even in HyperReader. Link Symbols Colored Link Symbols Colored determines if link symbols are colored. The colors used for the symbols are HyperWriter's default green, blue and red (indicating link to text, link to picture and link to action link types). Link Symbols Colored can be turned only on or off (an "X" indicates that it is on). NOTE: This option overrides the document property even in HyperReader. Query for Topic Names The Query for Topic Names option instructs HyperWriter to automatically ask you for the name of the current topic whenever a new topic is created. This helps to prevent creating topics that are not named. Query for Topic Names can be turned only on or off (an "X" indicates that it is on). Link Anchor as Topic Name Link Anchor as Topic Name sets HyperWriter to accept the text between the link symbols (i.e., the text that you marked as a block before choosing a linking command) as the name of the topic that is created. For most hypertext documents you create, you will want this option turned on. Link Anchor as Topic Name can be turned only on or off (an "X" indicates that it is on). Topic Size Limit The Topic Size Limit option instructs HyperWriter to inform you, when saving your document, if any topics exist that are larger in size than the value this is set to. This option is set in kilobytes or "K". For example, if you set this value to 150 then HyperWriter will tell you what topic is larger than 150K of textual information. Although initially confusing, Topic Size Limit is useful in three fashions. First, it allows you to know if you imported any large text files into your document and then forgot to break them across multiple topics. Second, if you wish to present only a limited amount of information per topic, say 2 pages, then this option can ensure that you don't break this rule. Third, when designing a document where the customers may have a limited amount of memory, you will want to keep the size of individual topics to less than 50K in size. Finally, in networking situations, this option can improve performance by helping to ensure that only small topics are passed across the network. The Topic Size Limit option accepts a number from 5 to 170 indicating the amount of text that you wish to be informed about. To set this value, type a number into the Topic Size Limit field. Replacement Text Symbol The Replacement Text Symbol option sets how HyperWriter displays replacement links. If this option is turned on, two link symbols for every replacement link are displayed. One will be at the beginning of the link anchor and the second will be at the end of the link anchor. If this option is turned off, only a single link symbol at the beginning of the replacement link is displayed. This makes replacement links look similar to an outline. Replacement Text Symbol can be turned only on or off (an "X" indicates that it is on). Use Paths with Linked Files The Use Paths with Linked Files options instructs HyperWriter to automatically store the exact drive and path to each linked file. For example, if this option is turned on and you import the .PCX picture WIDGET.PCX from the directory C:\WINDOWS\PAINT, then this directory will be stored inside your HyperWriter document. This is also the exact location where HyperWriter will expect to find WIDGET.PCX the next time this document is opened. If you copy your HyperWriter document with the file WIDGET.PCX to another computer, then you must replicate this exact drive and directory structure on the new computer. However, for distribution purposes, it is often easier to remove these stored drive and directory settings and allow HyperWriter to find these linked files through the Directories settings (discussed earlier). Use Paths with Linked Files can be turned only on or off (an "X" indicates that it is on). There are two real applications for Use Paths With Linked Files. The first is for the developer who wishes to organize his data files for his own development purposes. The second is for distributing files on a network where the stored drive and directory path names represent the network server where the documents are stored. NOTE: When Use Paths with Linked Files is turned off HyperWriter ignores any path settings in your documents. This is very useful for the developer of multiple HyperWriter applications because it allows developing applications inside a subdirectory structure then distributing an application into only a single directory structure by turning this option off. HyperReader has this option turned on by default. Generate .BAK Files As a backup feature, HyperWriter can maintain a series of .BAK files each time a file is saved. A .BAK file is the last version of the current HyperWriter document file renamed to a new filename with the extension of .BAK. These files are useful both for backup purposes and for maintaining versions of your documents. The Generate .BAK Files option turns on this backup feature. Generate .BAK Files can be turned only on or off (an "X" indicates that it is on). Auto Branches Off Auto Branches Off prevents HyperWriter from executing any automatic branching such as the Goto Topic link or topic properties. As these properties automatically execute by default, it is normally very difficult to edit links or topics with these properties. However, when Auto Branches Off is turned on, then these branches are stopped, allowing you to edit these links or topics as you would any other. Auto Branches Off can be turned only on or off (an "X" indicates that it is on). New Document Style New Document Style determines the type of document style that is to be created either on starting HyperWriter or after choosing the New command from the File menu. There are two possible options for New Document Style: Full Screen or Windowed. When the Document Style is set to Full Screen, HyperWriter documents are assumed to take over the entire PC screen, a 640x480 grid of pixels. If you are running Microsoft Windows in only 640x480 standard VGA mode, then the viewport buttons on the status bar can be used to scroll the HyperWriter viewport around the full 640x480 screen. If you have Microsoft Windows running in a resolution higher than 640x480, when you maximize a Full Screen style document, it will expand only enough to display the full 640x480 viewport region. When the document style is Windowed, HyperWriter documents appear in true scalable windows similar to those of the Windows help system. Windowed style documents can be maximized to the maximum screen size that Microsoft Windows is installed for. New Document Style can be set either to Full Screen or Windowed. Setting Authoring Options 1. Select the Authoring command from the Options menu. 2. Select the desired option with ARROWKEY or TAB and set it as needed. See: Preferences